A. Slip-Inducing System and Perturbation Intensities
The slip-inducing system’s hardware and software were refined and implemented based on our previous fall-inducing developments26,27,32,33. Fig.1 shows the hardware’s components, consisting of (1) an instrumented split-belt treadmill equipped with two force plates beneath each belt (Bertec Corporation, Columbus, OH, USA) and (2) a load cell (LCCD-250, Omega Engineering Inc., CT, USA) attached between a safety harness and a stationary walking rail.
The custom software was developed and implemented using C++ based on our previous studies26,27,32,33. Fig.2 shows the custom software’s flowchart. In real time, the custom software sampled the vertical ground reaction forces (GRFs), speeds of the treadmill’s belts, and loading forces from a load cell at a rate of 100 Hz. The raw GRFs were low-pass filtered with a 10 Hz cut-off frequency to eliminate high-frequency noise26,27,32,33. Using filtered GRFs, a gait recognition algorithm detected heel strike and toe-off events based on a pre-specified threshold (i.e., 2% of GRFs normalized to each participant’s weight)44. Slip perturbation occurred at a randomly selected foot (either left or right foot) and step using one of six perturbation intensities.
The six perturbation intensities were determined by combining three speeds and two durations. These parameters were chosen considering the possible effects of participant’s preferred walking speed (PWS) on recovery from slips45 and the range of foot speed and duration during overground slips34,35,37. In particular, previous overground studies have shown that individuals can successfully recover from induced falls when the foot’s slipping speed is less than or equivalent to their PWS, whereas falls occur when they slip at a speed that approximately reaches 2×PWS34,35,37. Therefore, we chose three speeds of 0.5×PWS (slow), 1×PWS (moderate), and 2×PWS (fast).
Although previous overground studies have identified recovery or falls based on individual parameters (e.g., slipping speed, duration, or distance)34–37, they have not investigated the combined effects of these parameters. In this study, we examined six perturbation intensities, combining three speeds (0.5×PWS, 1×PWS, and 2×PWS) and two durations (300 ms and 500 ms). For all perturbation intensities, one belt for the selected foot was accelerated anteriorly, causing backward loss of balance.
The acceleration of one belt was automatically calculated and applied based on the three speeds (i.e., 0.5×PWS, 1×PWS, and 2×PWS). We used different values of acceleration to achieve the intended belt speed at the heel strike of the selected foot, even with the non-zero response time of the system and the short time window between the toe-off and heel strike. Resultantly, the average accelerations were 4.54 m/s2 for 0.5×PWS, 5.87 m/s2 for 1×PWS, and 7.75 m/s2 for 2×PWS, as confirmed by the recorded speed profiles.
Fig.3 shows a representative belt speed profile. Considering the response time of the treadmill’s control system and motor characteristics when abruptly changing the direction of the belt’s speed, we accelerated the belt providing the slip perturbation immediately after the perturbed foot’s toe-off just before the perturbation step, and the perturbation persisted for 300 ms or 500 ms after the perturbed foot’s heel strike. After the perturbation, the two belts stopped when the loading force recorded by the load cell exceeded 30% of body weight46, which indicated a fall; otherwise, the belt providing the slip perturbation returned to pre-perturbation speed, which indicated a non-fall. For data analysis, the custom software stored GRFs, belts’ speeds, loading forces at a rate of 100 Hz, fall and non-fall events in a binary manner (1 or 0), foot selection (left or right), perturbed step (number), and perturbation intensity (from 1 to 6).
B. Participants
Twenty-four healthy young adults (12 females and 12 males; age: 23.25 ± 2.47 years; height: 170.17 ± 6.78 cm; weight:
65.82 ± 10.50 kg) participated. Potential participants were excluded if they had musculoskeletal dysfunctions, peripheral sensory diseases, neurological disorders, or surgical histories that impaired balance or gait performance. The recruited participants were right-footed, as identified by their self-reported foot dominance, and naïve to the purpose of the study. All participants read and signed the informed consent form for both study participation and publication of identifying information and images in an online open-access publication. The Seoul National University Institutional Review Boards approved the study protocol (IRB No. 2307/001-001), which was in accordance with the Helsinki Declaration.
C. Experimental Protocols
There were no practice trials with the slip perturbation. All participants received no information about slip intensity, perturbation foot, perturbation onset, and recovery. Before an experiment session began, each participant’s PWS was determined by the conventional protocol47,48. Then, each participant wore noise-cancelling headphones (QC45, Boss, USA) to mask the noise from the treadmill motors, which might possibly enable the participant to anticipate the onset of the perturbation. Each participant also wore safety harness (Fig.1). To minimize the impact of the wearing safety harness and ensure the validity of the load cell criteria, the vertical hip height in a seated position while wearing the safety harness was set to 37% of the participant’s height46.
The experiment session included 16 randomized trials, consisting of 12 perturbation trials (six perturbation intensities applied to both the left and right foot) and four false trials without any perturbation applied to either foot. The false trials were added to reduce any potential learning effects27,32. During 12 perturbation trials, the slip perturbation was randomly applied between the 26th and 50th steps to minimize the possibility of anticipating a slip occurrence.
During all the experimental trials, each participant was instructed to walk as normally as possible while keeping their gaze fixed on an “X” mark positioned 3 m ahead at eye level and not to hold onto the safety harness. White noise was played through the noise-cancelling headphones to remove ambient noise, such as belt running sounds. If a participant fell according to the load cell criteria (i.e., 30% of body weight46), both belts were immediately stopped for safety, and the trial was terminated. Otherwise, a participant continued walking for 20 steps at the pre-perturbation speed (i.e., PWS) after the perturbation, to ensure enough steps for successful recovery and a return to normal walking26,27,32,33. Each trial lasted less than 90 s. Consecutive trials were separated by 30 s of rest.
D. Data and Statistical Analyses
The outcome measures (number of falls and non-falls and rates for the 12 trials, and maximal loading force for perturbation trials involving falls) were analyzed using SPSS (IBM Corp., Armonk, NY, USA). The preliminary statistical analysis for fall occurrence (i.e., fall (1) or non-fall (0)) and maximum loading forces indicated no significant effects of gender, perturbation foot (i.e., left or right), or perturbation trials (i.e., learning). Therefore, chi-square tests were performed to evaluate the association between fall occurrence and six perturbation intensities. Associations between fall occurrence and perturbation intensities were also assessed using odds ratios (OR) with 95% confidence intervals (CI) and relative risk (RR). After confirming the normal distributions of the maximum loading forces using the Shapiro-Wilk test, a two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was performed to assess the main effects of the three speeds and two durations and their interactions. Post hoc analysis using the Šídák method was performed to determine the factors influencing the main and interaction effects on the maximum loading forces. The significance levels were set at a 2-sided p < 0.05.