3.1. Size distribution analysis
AgNPs elicit in the plants a number of responses at the anatomical-morphological as well as biochemical-physiological level. Positive or negative effects of AgNPs activity depend on their concentration, duration of action, size, surface coating, application site as well as species and plant vegetative phase [19]. In most of the AgNPs-plant interaction studies, NPs supplementation was used either in medium or with water, hence the highest concentration of AgNPs in these plants was observed in the roots. At the same time, seed treatment or soil supplementation in AgNPs leads to a significant increase of Ag concentration in the soil which results in toxic effects on rhizosphere microorganisms [20]. On the contrary, application of nanoparticles by spraying allows to obtain monodisperse particles while preventing their agglomeration [21]. In this form NPs retain their dimensions, which determines their effective penetration through stomata [21, 22].
SEM image analysis (see Supplementary material Fig. 1 for exemplary images) for the freshly prepared NPs samples indicates size distribution between 10–20 nm for synthesis with citrate and 15–25 nm with SDS. Samples, after 6 months, tend to agglomerate to a limited extent. In the case of citrate, the size distribution was between 15–30 nm, and 25–60 for SDS capping agent – results standing in good agreement, with each synthetic method desired growth speed [23].
The UV-Vis spectra analysis (Fig. 1a) shows absorption peak at 420 and 435 nm for both types of AgNPs: SDS and citrate, respectively. Such peak values are attributed to the surface plasmon resonance of nanocrystalline silver core [24]. Peak shifts can be attributed not only to particle size distribution but also to surrounding environment and existing surface states [25]. The UV-Vis maxima correspond to diameters below 29 nm and 89 nm [11] for the AgNP_citr and AgNP_SDS respectively, similar to SEM size distribution analysis - mostly influenced by sizes of actual metallic cores.
Plants interiors can be approximated by water solution, meaning, that the dynamic radii, which are bigger than the ones obtained via SEM analysis, will be determining the final mobility of the AgNP inside plant parts. In order to measure them, the DLS methods is used - suitable for spherical particle size distribution. DLS measures hydrodynamic diameter, for both of metal core and capping agent layer. Based on the DLS signal intensity distribution AgNP_citr, the average sizes were 44 nm, 14 nm and 15 nm for different synthetic batches. Similar analysis for AgNP_SDS batches gave average sizes of 66 nm, 54 nm and 126 nm. Sample size distributions by signal intensity are provided in Fig. 1b. Differences between batches are due to particle size polydispersion or non-spherical particles present in the samples.
3.2. Ag distribution in potato shoots and tubers
Since silver ions in excess can pose a potential risk to humans, it is important to examine the distribution of Ag ions in the sprayed plants, especially in the edible parts, and thus assess the nutritional risk. Analysis of silver ion concentrations in different parts of the potato shoots showed that spraying with the highest concentration of AgNPs synthesised with citrate, led to the highest accumulation of silver in young leaves. At the same time silver accumulation in mature leaves and subsequent internodes was several dozen times lower (Fig. 2a-b). Spraying with the highest concentration of AgNPs synthesised with SDS, led to the highest silver accumulation in young leaves. However, in mature leaves, the seventh internode, the fifth and third internodes and the first internode, silver ion accumulation was lower by a factor of approximately 2.5; 7; 5 and 8, respectively (Fig. 2a-b). Spraying with lower concentrations (1 and 0.1 mg·dm− 3) of citrate-synthesised AgNPs led to higher silver ion accumulation in leaves and younger internodes (0.20 to 0.36 mg·kg− 1) and much lower in older (lower) internodes (0.08 to 0.22 mg·kg− 1) (Fig. 2a-b). In contrast, spraying with lower concentrations of SDS-synthesised silver nanoparticles resulted in the highest accumulation of silver ions in mature leaves and the lowest in young leaves (Fig. 2a-b). In potato plant tubers sprayed with silver nanoparticles, silver ion content ranging from 0.01 to 0.74 mg·kg− 1 was recorded, depending on the AgNPs solution used and the part of the tuber (Fig. 2c).
Spraying with the highest concentration of AgNPs synthesised with citrate led to the accumulation of the highest Ag ion concentrations in the tuber pith and the lowest in the core (Fig. 2c). In contrast, spraying with the highest concentration of SDS-synthesised AgNPs resulted in the highest accumulation of silver in the tuber periderm (Fig. 2c). However, spraying with lower concentrations of AgNPs (0.1 and 1 mg·dm− 3) led to accumulation of very low amounts of Ag (less than 0.1 mg·kg− 1) regardless of the part of the tuber, except in the tuber core of plants sprayed with AgNPs_citr_1 (Fig. 2c). When comparing silver ion accumulation in individual organs depending on the applied spray, in young leaves, the most silver was recorded in plants sprayed with the highest concentrations of AgNPs synthesised with citrate (Fig. 2a-b). In mature leaves, the most Ag ions were accumulated in plants sprayed with higher concentrations of AgNPs synthesised with SDS (Fig. 2a-b). Also at individual nodes, the most silver was accumulated after spraying with AgNPs_SDS_10 (Fig. 2a-b). In contrast, in individual parts of the potato tuber, the periderm, core and pith, silver was accumulated in significantly highest concentrations after spraying with citrate-synthesised nanoparticles at concentrations of 10 and 1 mg·dm− 3 (Fig. 2a-b). Absorbed nanoparticles are basipetal transported, depending on their size, by apoplastic pathway, when the NPs size is about 200 nm, or by symplastic pathway, when NPs size is equal or smaller than 50 nm [26]. In the case of potato, nanoparticle size ranged from 15 to 126 nm depending on the synthesis method so they could be transported both apoplastic and symplastic ways. Despite the transport route, the concentration of Ag ions in potato tubers was low, especially in case of spraying with AgNPs synthesized with SDS (Fig. 2c). Considering that the silver ingestion limit is 5 µg·kg− 1·day− 1 (about 350 µg·day− 1 for an average adult weighing about 70 kg) [27], the recorded Ag content in potato tubers does not pose a nutritional risk.
3.3. Elements content in potato tubers
Potato tubers are an excellent source of minerals including potassium, iron, zinc, essential for the proper functioning of the human body [28, 29]. In addition, due to their high content of promoter substances (such as ascorbate, b-carotene, protein cysteine, various organic acids and amino acids) that increase the absorption of essential micronutrients [28] and low content of anti-nutrients (such as phytates and oxalates) [30], they are characterized by high bioavailability of minerals. Therefore, assessing the mineral content of tubers is an important part of determining their consumption values. In the collected potato tubers, the content of macro (K+, Na+) and micro (Fe2+ and Zn2+) elements was examined in different parts depending on the spray applied.
Among macronutrients, potato tubers are considered to be rich in potassium, but they also contain certain amounts of sodium [28, 30]. In plants, potassium and sodium ions are involved among others in osmoregulation, provide cation-anion balance and activate enzymes [30]. In humans, sodium and potassium regulate and control total electrolyte management, participate in the body's acid-alkaline balance, and serve a major role in the stimulus conduction in all nerve cells [31]. The potassium content in tubers from unsprayed plants was highest in the periderm and at the same level in the core and pith (Fig. 3a). A similar distribution of potassium content was recorded in tubers from plants sprayed with the highest concentration of AgNPs synthesised with both SDS and citrate (Fig. 3a). In contrast, spraying with lower concentrations of nanoparticles synthesised with both SDS and citrate led to an increase in potassium content in the tuber pith relative to the core (Fig. 3a). In the present study, potassium content was higher in pulp (total content in core and pith) than in peel (periderm) of potato tubers (Fig. 3a). In contrast, other studies observed about two times higher K+ content in peel than in pulp [29]. The sodium content of unsprayed tubers was the highest in the periderm and the lowest in the pith (Fig. 3b). Spraying with citrate-synthesised nanoparticles (regardless of the concentration used) resulted in a significant increase in sodium accumulation in the tuber core relative to the periderm (Fig. 3b). A similar effect was observed in tubers of plants sprayed with the lowest concentration of nanoparticles synthesised with SDS (Fig. 3b). At higher concentrations of these nanoparticles, an increase in the sodium content of the tuber core to that of the periderm was observed (Fig. 3b). The sodium content of potato tubers in the studies described was very high, ranging from about 200 to 800 mg·kg− 1, depending on the part of the tuber and the spray applied (Fig. 3b). In comparison in the studies of other authors, the values for Na content varied between about 113 and 160 mg·kg− 1, depending on the year and cultivation method [31]. The elemental content of the different parts of the tubers was also compared depending on the spray applied compared to the control (Fig. 3a-b different uppercase letters). In the case of potassium, the highest potassium content in the tuber periderm was recorded in plants sprayed with AgNPs_SDS_10, and significantly less, relative to the control, after spraying with lower concentrations of AgNPs_SDS and citr_1 (Fig. 3a). In contrast, in the tuber core and pith, spraying with AgNPs_citr_10 and _1 led to a decrease in potassium accumulation relative to the control. In the core, spraying AgNPs_SDS_10 and _1 led to a significant increase in K+ ion content relative to the control (Fig. 3a). As for sodium ions, both in the periderm, core and pith, their content decreased after spraying the plants with SDS-synthesized nanoparticles, especially at higher concentrations, relative to the control (Fig. 3b). Spraying AgNPs synthesized with citrate, increased sodium accumulation in the tuber core but decreased in the pith relative to the control (Fig. 3b).
Equally important as macronutrients, in the human diet, are micronutrients, that, performing structural and functional roles, serving as an integral part of many enzymes and regulating metabolism, ensure the proper functioning of the body [29]. Micronutrient deficiencies are common in both developing and developed countries. To give an example, it is estimated that 60% of the current world population suffers from iron deficiencies and 30% from zinc deficiencies [28, 29]. Spraying with nanoparticles generally caused a decrease in iron ion content in all parts of the tubers compared to control plant tubers (Fig. 3c). However, this decrease was greater in tubers (especially core and pith) of plants sprayed with nanoparticles synthesized with citrate than with SDS (Fig. 3c). The iron ion content in tubers of control plants was highest in the periderm and at the same level in the core and pith (Fig. 3c). The Fe2+ content in the periderm of control tubers was about 2.5 times higher than in the pulp (core plus pith). Several times higher content of this element in peels (periderm) compared to pulp was also observed by Vaitkevičienė [29]. Spraying with SDS-synthesised silver nanoparticles changed the level of Fe2+ accumulation in the core and pith of tubers depending on the used AgNPs concentration (Fig. 3c). In the pith, Fe2+ content decreased when plants were sprayed with AgNPs_SDS_0.1, and in the core when plants were sprayed with higher concentrations (1 and 10 mg·dm− 3) (Fig. 3c). In the case of citrate-synthesised nanoparticles, only a concentration of 0.1 mg·dm− 3 resulted in a decrease in iron content in the tuber core (Fig. 3c). However, spraying with SDS-synthesized silver nanoparticles increased the total Fe content in the pulp (core plus pith) relative to the periderm and in some cases even exceeding it (Fig. 3c).
Zinc content in potato tubers is higher in the periderm (peels) than in the pulp [29, 30]. In the described experiments, as well, in the tubers of control plants, the highest zinc content was recorded in the periderm and the lowest in the core (Fig. 3d). Spraying the plants with citrate-synthesised silver nanoparticles did not change the distribution of zinc accumulation in the different parts of the tuber (Fig. 3d). In contrast, spraying with medium and highest concentrations (1 and 10 mg·dm− 3) of SDS-synthesised nanoparticles increased zinc accumulation in the tuber pith to the level as in the periderm (Fig. 3d). However, the total zinc content of the tuber core and pith exceeded that of the periderm. Nevertheless, the zinc content of the periderm constituted on average approximately 40% of the zinc content in the whole tuber. However, spraying with Ag nanoparticles modified the Zn2+ content of different parts of the tuber compared to the control. The zinc content in the periderm and pith of tubers decreased significantly under the spraying of citrate-synthesized nanoparticles compared to the control (Fig. 3d). In contrast, spraying with the highest concentration of AgNPs_SDS resulted in an increase in zinc content in the core and pith of tubers relative to the control (Fig. 3d).
Mineral nutrients are taken up by plants mainly from the soil solution through the roots. Their redistribution into the tuber, happens through the phloem from the aboveground parts of the plant [30]. The translocation of mineral nutrients and their accumulation in the underground organs of the plant are influenced by both environmental and genetic factors, including the availability of nutrients in the soil, the anatomy of the tuber, the mechanisms responsible for: transport and sequestration within the organ, loading and unloading of phloem and xylem, or transfer through the periderm [28, 30]. Our research indicates that spraying with silver nanoparticles modifies the distribution and storage patterns of some macro- and microelements in the potato tuber.
3.4. Composition of potato tubers
L-ascorbic acid (LAA, vitamin C) plays a very important role in human nutrition and health, which includes preventing scurvy. For humans, with no ability to synthesize vitamin C, the main sources of this vitamin are vegetables and fruits [32]. One of the most widely consumed vegetables, nowadays worldwide, is potato. Vitamin C is the most abundant vitamin in potatoes, with an average content ranging from 8 to 30 mg·100 g− 1 fresh weight [32, 33]. In addition, L-ascorbic acid is very important because it increases the bioavailability of iron, due to its properties that reduce the chelating effect of phytic acid [33]. Previous studies show that the vitamin C content of potatoes is influenced by genotype and growing conditions (soil, climate, etc.) [32, 33]. L-ascorbic acid content in tubers of control plants was highest in the cortex. Meanwhile, spraying the plants with silver nanoparticles increased the LAA content in the tuber pith relative to the periderm, while spraying AgNPs_citr_1 and _10 resulted in a decrease in the core relative to the pith (Fig. 4a). On the other hand, comparing the LAA content in different parts of the tubers depending on the spray applied, the application of higher concentrations of AgNPs_citr led to a significant decrease in LAA content in the tuber periderm and core compared to unsprayed plant tubers (Fig. 4a). In contrast, spraying with SDS-synthesized Ag nanoparticles led to a decrease in LAA in the core, while the highest concentration of Ag nanoparticles led to an increase in LAA content in the pith (Fig. 4a).
The content of soluble sugars in the tubers of unsprayed (control) plants was lower in the periderm, and higher and at the same level in the core and pith (Fig. 4b). Spraying with silver nanoparticles caused changes in such content distribution. The highest concentrations of AgNPs, both synthesized with SDS and citrate, led to a decrease in sugar content in the pith relative to the core (Fig. 4b). Spraying with the other AgNPs_citr concentrations (1 and 0.1 mg·dm− 3), on the other hand, led to a decrease in sugars in the core compared to the pith of the tubers (Fig. 4b). In general, spraying plants with Ag nanoparticles synthesized with citrate resulted in an increase in sugar content in all parts of the tubers relative to the control (Fig. 4b). In contrast, spraying the plants with AgNPs_SDS, at most of the concentrations used, did not change the sugar content of the various tuber parts, with a few exceptions (Fig. 4b). High content of soluble sugars is not desirable in potato tubers. It is due to their properties, which lead to non-enzymatic browning, resulting in a reduction of tuber quality [34]. The average content of soluble sugars in potato tubers ranges from 0.6 to 0.8g/100g f.w. [35]. It was recorded between 0.6 and 3.2 g·100− 1 g f.w. of soluble sugars in the tubers of the tested potato variety. The recorded amount of sugars disqualifies these tubers as intended for frying, for which the sugar content is required to remain within the range of 0.2–0.3 g/100 g f.w. [34].
3.5. Antioxidant properties of potato tubers
Studies comparing the antioxidant activity of various vegetables revealed that the potato has rather low antioxidant activity [36, 37]. However, the high consumption of potatoes, compared to other vegetables, causes that even a slight increase in the content of phenolic compounds and antioxidant activity in potato tubers increases the intake of bioactive compounds in the diet [36, 37]. Phenolic content and antioxidant activity are influenced primarily by genotype [36], but also by environment and growing conditions [37]. Furthermore, studies conducted on in vitro potato explants treated with silver nanoparticles demonstrated an increase in the level of lipid peroxidation, indicating an increase of oxidative stress [38]. Increased oxidative stress will lead to the activation of antioxidant mechanisms in the plant and increase, among others, the content of phenolic compounds. Consequently, it was reasonable to test whether spraying with silver nanoparticles would affect the degree of lipid peroxidation, content of phenolic compounds and antioxidant activity in the tubers of tested potato cultivar.
Examination of lipid peroxidation levels showed no differences between different parts of tubers in control plants (Fig. 5c). In contrast, spraying with silver nanoparticles led to significant changes in lipid peroxidation levels, both between different parts of the tubers and between solutions relative to the control. Spraying with all concentrations of AgNPs_citr increased lipid peroxidation in the tuber pith relative to the other parts, while spraying with higher concentrations also increased lipid peroxidation in the core or periderm, depending on the concentration (Fig. 5c). It also caused an increase in lipid peroxidation relative to unsprayed plants, especially in the core and pith (Fig. 5c). Whereas spraying with AgNPs_SDS reduced lipid peroxidation in the core relative to the pith, and lower concentrations also reduced lipid peroxidation relative to the periderm. The highest concentration of AgNPs_SDS also reduced lipid peroxidation in the periderm relative to the core and pith (Fig. 5c). In contrast, spraying with these nanoparticles did not change the level of lipid peroxidation relative to the control in the core, but increased it in the pith and periderm, with a few exceptions (Fig. 5c).
The content of phenolic compounds in the control plant tubers was the highest in the periderm and the lowest in the core. Spraying plants with citrate-synthesized silver nanoparticles increased phenolic content in the core relative to the tuber pith (Fig. 5a). In contrast, when plants were sprayed with AgNPs_SDS, only the lower concentrations caused a change in phenolic accumulation in tubers. The lowest concentration applied (AgNPs_SDS_0.1) increased phenolic content in both the core and the pith to a level as in the periderm. Meanwhile, the intermediate concentration (AgNPs_SDS_1) increased phenolic content in the core relative to the pith and periderm, and decreased in the pith relative to the core (Fig. 5a). On the other hand, comparing the effect of the solutions in the different parts of the tubers against the control, a decrease in the phenolic content in the periderm was noted after the spraying of nanoparticles regardless of the synthesis method. However, the decrease was greater after spraying AgNPs synthesized with citrate than with SDS (Fig. 5a). A decrease in phenolic content was also observed in the core and pith of plant tubers sprayed with nanoparticles (Fig. 5a). The exception was a core and pith of plant tubers sprayed with lower concentrations of AgNPs_SDS, where the content of phenolic compounds increased compared to the control (Fig. 5a).
In turn, the ability (activity) to scavenge free radicals, determined by the method using DPPH, in control tubers was highest in the periderm, lower in the core and the lowest in the pith (Fig. 5b). The application of citrate-synthesized silver nanoparticle spraying did not change the distribution of free radical scavenging capacity among the different parts of the tubers, but led to its decrease relative to the control in all parts of the tuber (Fig. 5b). For spraying with AgNPs_SDS it was recorded similar changes as for phenolic content (Fig. 5b).
It is important to note that high antioxidant activity, in addition to increasing the health-promoting properties of potato tubers, can increase protection against pathogenic microorganisms during cultivation and tuber storage.
The results presented in current study indicate that foliar spraying of silver nanoparticles has the potential of affecting the nutritional properties of potato tubers. The synthetic method for nanoparticles determined the final distribution and accumulation of silver ions in the plant. Lower amounts of silver ions were transported to the underground parts of the potato (tubers) when synthesized with incorporation with SDS as capping agent, rather than with citrate. This method of synthesis was also more favourable in terms of nutritional properties of potato tubers. Spraying with the highest tested concentration of AgNPs_SDS had a favourable effect on the nutritional parameters of potato tubers including a variety of macro- and micronutrients, ascorbic acid and soluble sugars. On the other hand, lower concentrations of AgNPs_SDS improved the antioxidant properties of tubers, increasing the content of phenolic compounds and free radical scavenging efficiency. Based on these results further research is needed to verify if and how spraying with silver nanoparticles will affect the resistance of potato plants to pathogens and pests during cultivation, as well as affect tubers upon prolonged storage conditions.