Tables 1, 2 and 3 summarize the analyses of variance and their respective coefficients of variation for the performance of commercial okra genotypes at different salinity levels. For the source of variation in the genotypes, all the variables showed a significant difference according to the F test at 1% probability, which indicates variability between the genotypes. Similar results were found by Oliveira Silva et al. (2023), who, in their assessment of five commercial okra genotypes subjected to different levels of salinity, also found significant differences in all the variables, considering the source of variation in the genotypes.
Table 1
Summary of the analyses of variance (mean square values) and coefficients of variation for the variables measured in the performance of okra genotypes at different salinity levels.
Source of variation | QM |
GL | SD | PH | NL | RL | GMAP |
Genotypes (G) | 11 | 14.93** | 557.90** | 100.13** | 191.72** | 19133.65** |
Salinity levels (SL) | 4 | 9.52** | 248.48** | 37.07** | 49.31** | 3808.66** |
G x SL | 44 | 1.00ns | 24.69ns | 2.80ns | 5.15ns | 262.92ns |
Blocks | 2 | 1.70 | 263.68 | 13.86 | 7.39 | 2052.71 |
Residue | 118 | 1.01 | 47.24 | 3.63 | 8.69 | 316.56 |
CV (%) | | 8.78 | 13.49 | 22.21 | 20.92 | 20.64 |
Note: ns: Not significant at 5% probability according to the F test; **: significant at 1% probability according to the F test; GL: degrees of freedom; CV: coefficient of variation; SD: stem diameter; PH: plant height; NL: number of leaves; RL: root length; GMAP: green mass of the aerial part. |
For the salinity factor, only the fruit diameter and length variables showed no significant difference according to the F test at 5% probability. Furthermore, for all the variables analyzed, there was no significant interaction between the factors under study, indicating that there was no dependence between the factors analyzed (genotype × salinity level), so there was no need to separate them since the genotypes showed the same behavior when subjected to different salinity levels.
The lack of interaction between the factors in this study is different from that found by Oliveira Silva et al. (2023), who observed a relationship of dependence between commercial genotypes and salinity levels only for fruit dry mass. These different results highlight the need for more studies on this subject since changing the genotype and the level of salinity can produce different results. According to Borém et al. (2021), each genotype can respond differently to environmental factors.
Table 2
Summary of the analyses of variance (mean square values) and coefficients of variation for the variables measured in the performance of okra genotypes at different salinity levels.
Source of variation | QM |
Genotypes (G) | 11 | 48.49** | 396.01** | 76.56** | 6377.95** | 109.86** |
Salinity levels (SL) | 4 | 52.75** | 258.75** | 48.65** | 8135.62** | 125.12** |
G x SL | 44 | 3.79ns | 10.01ns | 2.54ns | 239.38ns | 4.04ns |
Blocks | 2 | 20.25 | 228.50 | 18.40 | 2639.62 | 54.39 |
Residue | 118 | 4.10 | 13.77 | 3.91 | 527.25 | 9.04 |
CV (%) | | 22.99 | 27.34 | 24.10 | 36.07 | 37.24 |
Note: ns: Not significant at 5% probability according to the F test; **: significant at 1% probability according to the F test; GL: degrees of freedom; CV: coefficient of variation; GRM: green root mass; APDM: aerial part dry mass; NFP: number of fruits per plant; GFM: green fruit mass; DFM: dry fruit mass. |
For the coefficients of variation, in a general and comprehensive way for agricultural experiments, according to Gomes (1985) and Ferreira (2018), some variables obtained values above 20%; however, this occurrence is understandable and considered normal since some genotypes presented fruit and others did not, causing greater variance. The explanation for some genotypes being more productive in a short time than others is precocity, which is inherent to the genotype (Costa et al 2018). These classifications proposed for the coefficients of variation are still wide-ranging because they do not take into account the particularities of the species studied and because they do not distinguish between the nature of the variables observed (Gurgel 2013). This is because there is no precise coefficient that serves as an evaluation criterion in okra experiments.
Table 3
Summary of the analyses of variance (mean square values) and coefficients of variation for the variables measured in the performance of okra genotypes at different salinity levels.
Source of variation | QM |
GL | AFM | FD | FL | PROD |
Genotypes (G) | 11 | 54.59** | 69.79** | 11.46** | 6228471.45** |
Salinity levels (SL) | 4 | 9.77** | 5.52ns | 4.20ns | 7944941.96** |
G x SL | 44 | 3.28ns | 4.67ns | 2.30ns | 233775.39ns |
Blocks | 2 | 3.22 | 0.24 | 3.09 | 2577760.96 |
Residue | 118 | 3.16 | 4.23 | 2.14 | 514892.82 |
CV (%) | | 16.12 | 14.08 | 13.82 | 20.46 |
Note: ns: Not significant at 5% probability according to the F test; **: significant at 1% probability according to the F test; GL: degrees of freedom; CV: coefficient of variation; AFM: average fruit mass; FD: fruit diameter; FL: fruit length; PROD: productivity. |
Tables 4 and 5 show the averages and the Scott Knott grouping test at 5% probability for the performance of commercial okra genotypes at different salinity levels. For the SD variable, there were significant differences at 5% probability according to the Scott–Knott grouping test, indicating the formation of four groups. The group with the best performance included the IAC Midori and Santa Cruz varieties, with an average of 13.35 mm, while the group with the worst performance was composed of the Apuim, Canindé, Guará and Quiabel hybrids, with a group average of 10.65 mm.
Table 4
Means and the Scott Knott grouping test at 5% probability for the performance of commercial okra genotypes at different salinity levels.
Genotypes | SD (mm) | PH (cm) | NL (un.) | RL (cm) | GMAP (g) | GRM (g) | APDM (g) |
Apuim | 10.71d | 43.30d | 6.60d | 14.92a | 52.74f | 7.38d | 8.40e |
Canindé | 10.82d | 46.16d | 7.80c | 5.88d | 56.36f | 5.92d | 9.25e |
Carcará | 11.65c | 57.26b | 6.66d | 15.94a | 92.93c | 10.65b | 14.62c |
Cariri | 12.13b | 49.57c | 8.86c | 15.26a | 92.87c | 9.92b | 15.12c |
C. Americano 80 | 11.14c | 52.12c | 7.33d | 17.78a | 81.91d | 9.85b | 13.91c |
Estrela | 11.15c | 48.38d | 7.20d | 16.63a | 73.36e | 8.84c | 11.41d |
Guará | 10.90d | 66.50a | 8.26c | 11.16b | 69.79e | 6.76d | 11.55d |
IAC Midori | 13.35a | 53.31c | 12.73b | 15.34a | 140.01b | 12.00a | 20.45b |
Quiabel | 10.18d | 48.44d | 7.73c | 16.88a | 55.64f | 7.11d | 9.11e |
Santa Cruz-47 | 13.36a | 51.10c | 14.92a | 14.45a | 171.37a | 10.25b | 25.69a |
Speedy | 11.29c | 46.76d | 8.00c | 8.96c | 67.18e | 8.46c | 9.29e |
Valença | 11.14c | 48.33d | 6.86d | 15.94a | 80.33d | 8.62c | 14.02c |
Note: Averages followed by the same letters in the same column do not differ according to the Scott–Knott test at 5% probability. C: Clemson; SD: Stem diameter; PH: Plant height; NL: Number of leaves; RL: Root length; GMAP: Green mass of the aerial part; GRM: Green root mass; APDM: Aerial part dry mass. |
Four groups were also formed for the pH variable, where the Guará hybrid differed significantly from the other genetic materials, showing the best performance (66.50 cm). The genotypes belonging to the group with the worst performance were Apuim, Canindé, Estrela, and Quiabel. Speedy and Valença did not differ significantly from each other.
With regard to NL, four groups were formed, where the Santa Cruz-47 variety had the highest number of leaves (14.92 pcs), differing significantly from the other groups, while the Apuim, Carcará, C. Americano 80, Estrela and Valença genotypes made up the group with the lowest performance for this variable, with an average of 6.93 pcs. For the RL, four groups were formed, with the Canindé hybrid composing the worst performing group (5.88 cm), while two intermediate groups were also formed, each composed of the Speedy hybrid and the Guará hybrid, with averages of 8.96 cm and 11.16 cm, respectively. The other genotypes made up the group with the best performance and did not differ significantly from each other.
For the GMAP variable, six groups were formed, where the Santa Cruz variety was the group with the best performance (171.37 g), while the Apuim, Canindé and Quiabel genotypes made up the group with the lowest green mass of the aerial part, with an average of 54.91 g, which did not differ significantly from each other. For the GRM variable, groups were formed in which the IAC Midori genotype made up the best performing group, with an average of 12 g, while the Apuim, Canindé, Guará and Quiabel genotypes made up the lowest performing group, which did not differ significantly from each other and had an average of 6.79 g. With regard to APDM, five groups were formed, where the Santa Cruz variety had the highest dry mass of the aerial part, with an average of 25.69 g, while the Apuim, Canindé, Quiabel and Speedy genotypes had the lowest performance for this variable, not differing significantly from each other, with an average of 9.01 g.
Four groups were formed for the NFP variable, where the Apuim, Canindé, Estrela, Quiabel, Speedy and Valença genotypes had the best performance, not differing significantly from each other, with an average of 7.70 units. The lowest number of fruits per plant (1.53 units) was produced by the Santa Cruz variety, which made up the worst performing group.
Table 5
Means and the Scott Knott grouping test at 5% probability for the performance of commercial okra genotypes at different salinity levels.
Genotypes | NFP (un.) | GFM (g) | DFM (g) | AFM (g) | FD (mm) | FL (cm) | PROD (kg ha− 1) |
Apuim | 6.86a | 65.79b | 8.19b | 9.61d | 13.67c | 10.87a | 2.055,92a |
Canindé | 7.46a | 85.86a | 10.68a | 11.51c | 15.95b | 10.64a | 2.683,36a |
Carcará | 5.33b | 61.53b | 7.77b | 11.55c | 15.30b | 10.72a | 1.922,50b |
Cariri | 5.20b | 60.76c | 8.17b | 11.70c | 15.10b | 10.63a | 1.899,00b |
C. Americano 80 | 4.00c | 61.45b | 7.18b | 15.40a | 19.60a | 10.38a | 1.920,33b |
Estrela | 9.06a | 89.78a | 11.37a | 9.87d | 13.51c | 10.97a | 2.805,77a |
Guará | 3.53c | 45.36c | 11.16b | 13.06b | 15.99b | 11.14a | 1.417,58c |
IAC Midori | 3.80c | 43.43c | 5.47c | 11.28c | 14.58c | 10.87a | 1.357,42c |
Quiabel | 7.13a | 72.97b | 9.29b | 10.05d | 13.66c | 10.95a | 2.280,48a |
Santa Cruz | 1.53d | 17.65d | 2.22d | 8.07e | 10.57d | 7.90b | 551.63d |
Speedy | 8.06a | 76.69a | 10.16a | 9.39d | 13.08c | 11.16a | 2.396,79a |
Valença | 7.66a | 82.68a | 10.94a | 10.75c | 14.25c | 10.82a | 2.583,88a |
Note: Averages followed by the same letters in the same column do not differ according to the Scott–Knott test at 5% probability. C: Clemson; NFP: Number of fruits per plant; GFM: Green fruit mass; DFM: Dry fruit mass; AFM: Average fruit mass; FD: Fruit diameter; FL: Fruit length; PROD: Productivity. |
With regard to the GFM variable, four groups were established, where the Canindé, Estrela, Speedy and Valença genotypes had the highest green fruit mass values, which did not differ significantly from each other, with an average of 83.75 g; the Santa Cruz genotype had the worst performance for the variable (17.65 g). For DFM, the behavior was similar to that of the previous variable, with the formation of four groups in which the Canindé, Estrela, Speedy and Valença genotypes obtained the best results, with a group average of 10.78 g, which was not significantly different from each other; the Santa Cruz genotype showed the worst performance for the variable (2.22 g).
With regard to MFA, five groups were formed, where the group with the highest average fruit mass was formed by the C. americana 80 genotype. For Americano 80, with an average of 15.40 g, the Santa Cruz genotype was part of the group with the lowest value for the variable (8.07 g). For the DF variable, four groups were formed, where the highest value obtained for this trait was from the C. americana 80 genotype, with an average of 19.07 g. The average length of the Americano 80 genotype was 19.60 mm. With regard to FL, two groups were formed, where the Santa Cruz genotype was the group with the lowest value for the variable (7.90 cm) and the other genotypes had higher values for fruit length, which did not differ significantly from each other, with an average of 10.83 cm. This proximity of averages was because the size criterion for harvesting the fruit at the commercial stage was preestablished, which, for most varieties, is 10 to 14 centimeters (Lana et al. 2020).
For the yield obtained 30 days after harvest for each genetic material, there were significant differences at 5% probability according to the Scott–Knott grouping test, indicating the formation of four groups. The best performing group included the Apuim, Canindé, Estrela, Quiabel, Speedy and Valença genotypes, with a group average of 2.467,69 kg ha− 1. The group with the worst performance was composed of the Santa Cruz-47 variety, which had an average yield of 551.626 kg ha− 1.
In relation to the salinity levels, as previously mentioned, all the variables showed a significant difference according to the F test at 1% probability, with the exception of fruit diameter and fruit length. Figure 1 shows the quadratic regression equation corresponding to the SD response pattern as a function of salinity for the genotypes studied; according to the results obtained, it can be inferred that the stem diameter decreased as the salinity of the irrigation water increased, with the highest value (12.36 mm) occurring in the plots where water without salinity was applied and the lowest value (11.05 mm) occurring at a salinity level of 10 dS m− 1.
In the work by Unlûkara et al. (2008), the diameter of the okra stem decreased significantly from an electrical conductivity of 5 dS m− 1, as did that in the work by Nascimento et al. (2017), where it was observed that the treatment with the highest level of irrigation water salinity (5 dS m− 1) had a significantly lower diameter than the other treatments throughout the experimental period for the Santa Cruz-47 variety.
For the PH source, the behavior of the genotypes was similar to that of the variables discussed above, where there is an indication of a decreasing quadratic regression with salinity levels, i.e., as salinity levels increase, plant height decreases. In their study, Ferreira et al. (2012) observed greater okra plant height at low salinity levels, which is related to the nondeleterious effect that low-salinity water provides. Nascimento et al. (2017) also showed that okra plants irrigated with water (0.26 dS m− 1) grew significantly more than those in other treatments with increasing salinity.
For the NL variable, there is a negative linear regression equation with salinity levels, where NL decreases with increasing salinity, with a reduction of approximately 25% between the minimum and maximum levels of electrical conductivity of the irrigation water. Kamaluldeen et al. (2014) showed that in okra, the number of leaves was one of the most affected variables when the crop was grown in both soil and saline water. An analysis of the variables related to the roots revealed that LR was the only characteristic of the varieties that increased with increasing salinity.
The opposite result was found in the work of Sousa et al. (2020), who studied the morphophysiological characteristics of okra plants subjected to saline stress in soil with organic fertilizer, where root growth decreased linearly with increasing salinity from 1.0 to 5.0 dS m− 1, showing a decrease of 5.9 cm (25.76%). For GRM, there was a decrease in this variable as the salt concentration increased. In a study by Sousa (2007), a decrease in root mass from 7 g to 3 g was observed when cowpeas were subjected to irrigation levels of 0.5 dS m− 1 and 4.5 dS m− 1, respectively.
In relation to the GMAP and APDM variables, there were quadratic regression equations as a function of the salinity of the irrigation water. The results indicate a decreasing quadratic regression for both variables, i.e., as the salt levels increase, the green and dry mass of the aerial part decreases. Abid et al. (2002) reported differences in the green and dry mass of okra plants; the greatest amount of green matter (61.82 g) was detected in the control group, which did not receive saline treatment, while the lowest amount (12.99 g) was detected in the treatment group that received water at the highest salinity concentration (6 dS m− 1). The values for the dry mass of the aerial part followed the same trend (decrease with increasing levels of salinity).
For the NFP and average fruit mass AFM variables, there was a negative linear regression, while for GFM and DFM, there was a decreasing quadratic regression, i.e., all the fruit-related variables studied decreased as the salinity levels increased. For the PROD variable, according to the results obtained, it can be inferred that productivity decreased as the salinity of the irrigation water increased, with the highest value (2,700.14 kg ha− 1) occurring in the plots where no saline treatment was applied and the lowest value (1,535.29 kg ha− 1) occurring at a salinity level of 10 dS m− 1. These behaviors are similar to those found by Pereira (2016) when studying melon fruit productivity under water salinity, where the plants showed a decreasing linear response with increasing water salinity levels up to 2.4 dS m− 1, resulting in a 25.9% reduction in the number of fruits per plant.