3.1 Establishing Baseline Performance in Conventional Environments
As the results presented in Fig. 1 show, baseline fatigue performance was assessed in conventional environment of air, without salt, at various humidity levels and while immersed in 0.06 M or 23.1 wt.% (4.62 M) NaCl solutions. These results are also discussed in detail in previous publications by the authors [57, 58]. Below 1 Hz, data collected in 0.06 M NaCl (▲) showed a maximum, f-independent da/dN. Above 1 Hz, da/dN decreased with increasing f. This behavior is consistent with trends for other 7xxx series alloys [41, 43]. Between 0.01–0.03 Hz(data points denoted with a “*” in Fig. 1) specimens likely experienced corrosion product induced crack closure leading to a falsely low da/dN as has been reported for other 7xxx series alloys [41, 43]. The higher salinity environment of 23.1 wt.% NaCl was chosen to have a common chloride concentration with equilibrium NaCl electrolyte droplets at 80% RH. Data collected in this environment (◆ symbols in Fig. 1) exhibited lower da/dN than 0.06 M NaCl when f was above 0.3 Hz. Both full immersion environments tested showed significantly accelerated da/dN over air at any RH.
3.2 Humidity Testing using Constant RH Segments
Two trials (with two separate samples) of humidity testing were conducted where RH was held constant for a period of crack extension and then incrementally changed while holding all other environmental and mechanical parameters constant. The average da/dN measured during each RH segment is plotted as a function of RH for both Trial 1 (■) and Trial 2 (○) in Fig. 2. Arrows are shown to indicate the order of testing. Note that several humidity levels exhibited multiple stable da/dN and are represented by two data points connected by a vertical arrow. Comparison data taken from Fig. 1 for similar conditions with no surface salt applied (× symbols) and fully immersed in 0.06 M NaCl (average denoted by a right arrow) are shown. For both trials, testing began at 45% RH where a da/dN equivalent to air with no salt was measured (≈ 2 × 10− 4 mm/cyc). RH was then increased to 76% RH (near the deliquescence RH for NaCl) and increments of 2% RH thereafter. During this wetting phase both trials showed similar behavior, albeit at slightly different humidity levels. First, da/dN accelerated 1.5× up to ≈ 3.5 × 10− 4 mm/cyc upon increasing humidity between 76–80% RH. Following this initial acceleration, da/dN roughly doubles to ≈ 7 × 10− 4 mm/cyc. Further increases in humidity resulted in da/dN values ranging between ≈ 7 × 10− 4 mm/cyc and ≈ 1 × 10− 3 mm/cyc, which is equivalent to that measured in 0.06 M NaCl (right arrow in Fig. 2). After the wetting phase, humidity was decreased to 76% RH, where da/dN remained high in both trials. For Trial 1 (■) only, RH was then decreased to 60% where da/dN fell over a 9 minute period to a value near that measured at 45% RH as will be discussed further below.
An overview of a–N for all of Trial 1 is shown in Fig. 3a. Vertical dashed lines demarcate where the humidity level changed. While increasing humidity, da/dN did not increase dramatically until 80% RH where da/dN changed from 3.7 × 10− 4 mm/cyc to 7.1 × 10− 4 mm/cyc after 50 minutes at 80% RH without changing any environmental or mechanical parameters. A more detailed view of the 80% RH segment is shown in Fig. 3b. After this increase in da/dN, crack growth stayed relatively consistent for the remainder of the test until dropping to 2.4 × 10− 4 mm/cyc 9 minutes after decreasing RH to 60% as detailed in Fig. 3c.
Trial 2 is plotted similarly in Fig. 4. For this trial, da/dN at 76% RH was only slightly higher than that measured at the previous RH of 45%; and unlike Trial 1, da/dN accelerated to 7.2 × 10− 4 mm/cyc once RH was changed to 78%, as shown in Fig. 4b. Following this, da/dN was relatively stable until reaching 84% RH, where da/dN changed spontaneously without changing experimental parameters from 9.9 × 10− 4 to 7.0 × 10− 4 mm/cyc (an almost 30% decrease) as shown in Fig. 4c.
It is important to note there were some differences in the testing environment between these two trials. First, Trial 1 had longer holds at each individual RH than Trial 2 (during Trial 1, 142 minutes elapsed between 76 and 80% RH, as compared to 80 minutes for Trial 2). However, given that Trial 2 showed a more rapid increase in da/dN, it is unlikely the relatively slow increase in da/dN seen in Trial 1 was due to insufficient hold times at each RH. Additionally, there was a 2–3°C difference in ambient temperature between the two tests. Because Trial 1 was warmer than Trial 2, Trial 1 may have been warmed to a degree that it encouraged partial surface electrolyte drying, preventing an adequate volume of electrolyte wicking into the crack tip until a higher RH. Lastly, the method of salt deposition varied between the two tests, with Trial 1 being printed, and Trial 2 being pipetted; however previous work by the authors has shown no measurable difference in da/dN between salt printing and salt pipetting [57, 58].
3.3 Humidity Testing with Continuously Changing RH
Experiments that continuously varied humidity between 85% and 25% RH were conducted to determine the effects of transient RH exposures, which are more representative of in-service conditions, on CF performance. These experiments used one of two ramp rates with the slower having a 60-minute ramp while the faster used a 15-minute ramp. Both ramp rates used a 25-minute hold time at the minimum and maximum RH before ramping was resumed. Results for each trial with continuously changing RH are shown in Fig. 5 and Fig. 6 for the slow and fast ramp rate, respectively. The corresponding humidity vs. time, da/dN vs. time, and crack extension vs. cycle count behavior are shown. For results using the slower ramp rate (Fig. 5), each cycle was conducted on a separate sample, while the faster ramp rate (Fig. 6) allowed for two cycles to be performed using the same sample.
Two cycles with the slower ramp rate were completed, the first of which is show in Figs. 5a-c. RH vs. time is plotted in Fig. 5a with shaded regions showing when RH was changed. Humidity was decreased from 85% and 25% RH over the course of 60 minutes, resulting in a large decrease in the instantaneous da/dN plotted in Fig. 5b. The decrease in da/dN is also evident in the crack size vs. cycle count (a-N) data plotted in Fig. 5c where linear regression was taken to find the average da/dN over several regions that showed relatively constant crack growth. During the drying phase for the first trial, da/dN averaged 9.26 × 10− 4 mm/cyc before dropping rapidly to 1.88 × 10− 4 mm/cyc as shown in Fig. 5c. The inflection point in the a-N data occurred at ≈ 50% RH, suggesting that was the RH needed to cause a significant slowing in crack growth. After the drying stage, humidity was held constant at 25% RH for 25 minutes and no large changes in da/dN were observed. Subsequently, humidity was increased back to 85% RH over the course of 60 minutes. Starting at the end of the ramping/wetting phase (the 2nd shaded region in Fig. 5b), increases in da/dN were recorded until reaching a da/dN in the range expected for a high RH environment with surface salt deposits. The a-N data recorded in Fig. 5c shows the average da/dN increased to 6.81 × 10− 4 mm/cyc and the inflection point where this increase occurred corresponded to ≈ 85% RH. Another cycle of slower ramp rate testing was completed using a different sample as shown Figs. 5d-f which yielded similar results to the first cycle. For all of the fitted lines shown in Fig. 5c and f, \(\:{R}^{2}\) values were 0.97 or better.
Resutls for the fast ramp rate (15-minute ramp, and 25-minute hold) are shown in Fig. 6. Overall, there was good agreement seen between the two back-to-back humidity cycles using the fast ramp rate. While this test showed similar trends to the slow ramp rate experiments, there were a few key differences. First, the drop in da/dN associated with drying occurred at a lower RH. Examination of the a—N data shown in Fig. 6c shows the inflection point associated with drying occurs near the end of the drying stage, as compared to midway through the drying stage for the slower ram rate (Fig. 5c and f). The RH associated with the sharp decrease in crack growth rate was ≈ 35% RH for the fast ramp rate and ≈ 50% RH for the slow ramp rate. A similar delay was seen during the wetting phase of the humidity cycle, as return to rapid crack growth was not seen until after the end of the RH increasing stage and the RH had been held at 85% RH for ~ 10 minutes.
To better compare the two ramp rates, da/dN is shown plotted as a function of RH in Fig. 7 for all trials shown in Fig. 5 and Fig. 6. Arrows show the direction of testing starting at the top right of the plot. As shown, da/dN initially remains high (≈ 1 × 10− 3 mm/cyc) as humidity decreases toward 50% RH. Following this, the RH at which da/dN begins to decrease is clearly dependent on the ramp rate. When RH is ramped quickly, a decrease in da/dN likely associated with drying of the crack electrolyte was not observed until ≈ 25% RH. By contrast, when RH is ramped slowly, da/dN began decreasing at ≈ 50% RH and dropped to the level expected in dry air before the end of the ramp down. When increasing RH to re-wet the sample, differences between the two ramp rate were more subtle—with both ramp rates showing some small increases in da/dN during the wetting stage, but larger increases to ≈ 8 × 10− 4 mm/cyc did not occur until the start of the 85% RH hold. Note that because Fig. 7 is not plotted as a function of time, crack growth rate as a function of time during the low and high RH holds is not apparent. Plots in Figs. 5 and 6 show those parts of the experiment more clearly.
3.4 SEM Fractography
Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) showed that changes in humidity correlate with a change in fracture mode as well as changes in da/dN. Figure 8 shows a composite fractograph taken from the segmented humidity test in Fig. 4. Vertical lines are drawn showing the approximate locations where humidity was changed. As can be seen, 45% RH exposure yielded flat transgranular cracking, which is similar in appearance to that reported in previous work for low RH testing with a similarly low da/dN [57]. On the other extreme, 80% RH yielded a more faceted morphology similar to that found previously when testing in 80% RH with salt applied to the surface or fully immersed in 0.06 M NaCl. Due to the similarity in size of these facets to the typical grain size, this faceted morphology was attributed to either intergranular cracking or cracking along preferential planes. At 76% RH, the portions of the sample closest to the surface and bulk environment exhibited the faceted cracking morphology associated with higher RH, while the center exhibited the flat transgranular mode associated with a lower RH. The boundary between these two regions is indicated by the yellow line in Fig. 8. The center flat transgranular region narrows as the crack advances, and eventually converts completely to faceted cracking during the 78% RH segment. Changes in cracking mode were also observed when ramping humidity. An example of this is shown in Fig. 9, which shows the wet-dry-wet transition from Fig. 5c. In this case, the faceted morphology is again observed at higher RH, which was at the beginning and the end of the segment, while the lower RH from the dry phase resulted in flat transgranular cracking.