Our previous MRI studies showed decreased white matter (WM) volume in adult AS model mice. To investigate whether this finding extends to children with AS and to explore its developmental trajectory, we conducted MRIs on children with AS compared to NT controls (Fig. 1). Representative MRIs from an AS and NT individual are depicted in Fig. 1A-B, with total brain volume (TBV) segmented into WM and GM volumes. As hypothesized, AS children had significantly smaller TBV from 0.5–12 years compared to NT children (F1,234 = 28.82, p < .0001, covarying for age, sex, scanner, group x age; Fig. 1C). This smaller TBV in AS was comprised of significantly smaller WM volumes from 1–12 years compared to NT controls (F1,103 = 24.46, p < .0001, covarying for age, sex, scanner, group x age; Fig. 1D) and GM volumes (F1,99 = 34.98, p < .0001; Fig. 1E). The lack of group x age interaction in WM trajectories (p = 0.42) indicated that the AS group had significantly smaller WM volumes at all ages from 1 to 12 years (Fig. 1D).
The neurotypical trajectory of TBV shows rapid growth from 6 months to around 6 years of age, at a rate of more than 10% per year (Fig. 1C). After 6 years of age, TBV growth continues but at a slower rate of ~ 4% per year. During this period between 6–12 years of age, when the rate of brain growth has slowed and is more stable (i.e., the dotted rectangles in Fig. 1D-E), we calculated the magnitude of difference between the AS and NT groups in WM and GM volumes (controlling for covariates). The decreased TBV in AS was driven by a 26.5% decrease in WM volume (Fig. 1F) and a 21.6% decrease in GM volume (Fig. 1G) compared to NT controls.
Given the correlation between WM deficits and the severity of behavioral issues [15, 16, 17], we focused on understanding WM reductions using our AS mouse model. Since myelination plays a critical role in the increase of WM volume during postnatal development, we compared the degree of myelination in WT and AS mouse brains at two crucial developmental stages: P14, which is a peak period of active myelination, and P45, by which time myelination is mainly complete. We used MBP as a marker to gauge myelination levels. Western blot analysis at P14 revealed approximately 20% less MBP in the forebrains of AS mice than in WT controls (Fig. 2A, B). This reduction in overall MBP was primarily due to the decreased levels of the two exon-II-containing isoforms, 21.5 kDa and 17.22 kDa, which are known to play a role in early, active myelination [31, 32, 33, 34].
Interestingly, this lower level of MBP was not seen in mice that lacked the paternal Ube3a allele (Fig. 2C, D). Paternal Ube3a-null mice (Ube3am+/p−), in contrast to AS model mice (Ube3am−/p+), retain UBE3A protein expression in neurons, while oligodendrocytes in both the maternal- and paternal-null models express only one functional Ube3a copy. This finding suggests that the MBP expression deficit seen in AS arises from the loss of UBE3A in neurons rather than haploinsufficiency of Ube3a within oligodendrocytes. Surprisingly, the MBP differences between groups at P45 did not reach statistical significance (p = 0.41, Fig. 2E, F), suggesting that AS mice experience a delay in myelination rather than a permanent deficit.
To better understand myelination patterns in AS model mice, we used immunohistochemistry to compare regional MBP distribution in WT and AS postnatal brains (Fig. 3). In both WT and AS brains, the developmental distribution of MBP, indicative of myelination, follows the well-established caudo-rostral myelination pattern. MBP staining begins in the spinal cord and progresses systematically through the brainstem regions (medulla, pons, mesencephalon) and finally into the telencephalon. However, AS mice show a consistent delay of several days in the appearance and intensity of MBP staining compared to their age-matched WT littermates. This delay is especially clear during the initial stages of myelination, with the timing varying across different brain regions.
For example, in the superior olivary complex at P8, AS mice displayed a reduced density of MBP-positive fibers compared to WT mice (Fig. 4). However, by P10, this difference in staining density was no longer noticeable. In the WT cerebellum at P8, the granule cell layer displayed abundant MBP-positive premyelinating oligodendrocytes, characterized by many delicate, radiating processes resembling a spider's web. A few MBP-positive fibers were also visible in the lower part of the granule cell layer. In sharp contrast, the AS cerebellar cortex at this stage completely lacked MBP staining (Fig. 5). By P12, the granule cell layer in the WT brain showed a progression in myelination, with increased MBP-positive fibers and longer processes reaching toward the Purkinje cell layer, but this progression was less pronounced in the cerebellar cortex of AS mice, which exhibited fewer fibers and shorter processes. This delay in myelination persisted at P28 but was unnoticeable by P45.
The late onset of myelination in AS mice was clearest in the motor-related part of the superior colliculus at P8 (Fig. 6). In WT mice, MBP staining at P8 indicated the onset of myelination (Fig. 6 inset in P8 WT micrograph). In contrast, in AS mice at the same age, MBP staining was localized to cells displaying morphological features of premyelinating oligodendrocytes (Fig. 6 inset in P8 AS micrograph). MBP staining in the colliculi of the AS brains continued to exhibit reduced density at both P16 and P28, although this difference was normalized by P60.
Myelination in the hippocampal area also experienced delays; while in the dentate gyrus the delay normalized by P60, in the CA1 region, AS littermates still showed reduced MBP signal, albeit modestly (Fig. 7, 8). WM pathways in AS mice also showed myelination delays, including fibers penetrating the globus pallidus (Fig. 9) and the corpus callosum (Fig. 10). At P5, MBP staining in the globus pallidus of WT mice showed early-stage myelination, while, in AS mice, it was predominantly localized to premyelinating oligodendrocytes (Fig. 9). This delay persisted until P10 but was resolved by P12. In the body and genu of the corpus callosum, AS mice showed a reduced density of MBP-positive fibers compared to WT mice at P16 (Fig. 10). While the MBP signal in the body region normalized by P30, the genu did not normalize until P60.
Immunohistological data confirmed the Western blot findings, revealing a delay in the onset of myelination across all brain regions examined, but that was ultimately normalized. This raises the question of whether this delay is associated with ultrastructural anomalies. To investigate this, we employed transmission electron microscopy, focusing on the body of the corpus callosum (Figs. 11, 12). We examined two-time points: P16, when immunohistochemistry in the body of the corpus callosum revealed a clear myelin deficit, and P30, when the deficit appeared normalized. Ultrastructural analysis showed no evidence of axonopathy in either genotype at any age (Fig. 11). At P16, both genotypes exhibited a typical range of myelination stages: initial myelin extension, ongoing wrapping and compaction, and axons with fully compacted myelin. By P30, while axons still presented early and intermediate stages of myelination, there was a notable shift towards more mature myelin. Quantitative analysis revealed a significant delay in myelination in AS model mice at P16, with about 35% fewer myelinated axons than their WT littermates (Fig. 12). However, by P30, this difference was no longer significant. The average diameter of both unmyelinated and myelinated axons in WT and AS mice did not differ significantly at either age. Additionally, we did not see differences in the relative thickness of the myelin sheath (g-ratio) between WT and AS groups at any age.
Taken together, our data support a model of delayed myelination onset in AS mice rather than a fundamental defect in the myelination process itself.