The objective of this study was not only aim to mitigate existing controversies but also to pave the way for standardized, evidence-based integration of EMF therapies into clinical protocols, trying to rank the “best equipment for electromagnetics in biomedical applications.” The criteria definition, in the case of this study, took into account a generic structure of guiding principles and criteria to improve the robustness and efficiency of research on electromagnetics in biomedical. Such a structure was obtained through the actions of WP2, WP3 and WP4. Our interdisciplinary approach, integrating insights from physics, medicine, and psychology, has enabled a comprehensive evaluation of EMF devices, underlining the importance of a multifaceted perspective in biomedical research.
3WP2 actions
Achieving the objective “to know theories involved in understanding therapeutic action” was a complex process due to the interdisciplinary association. It was not just a matter of understanding concepts from Physics and Electromagnetism that generated hypotheses of how therapeutic action occurred. The complexity of the interdisciplinary relationship between professionals in the areas of exact and health increased when knowledge from the theoretical basis of CAM [14] was added, such as the influence of the touch or the biofield of therapist to be associated with a therapeutic potential [15, 16].
This knowledge influence about an individual's biofield, from a more holistic perspective derived from the theory of CAM, increased the identification and understanding of possible research biases associated with the biomedical application of electromagnetism. Such knowledge allowed the valuation of the psychological aspects that can influence the result of a treatment that, in addition to including psychological health, value the placebo effect (which should be stimulated) and the nocebo effect (which should be discouraged) [17].
The difficulty of dialogue between these professionals, from the hard sciences and from health area, on a topic – for example, accepting or not the possibility of one person's biofield influencing another – highlights the aforementioned complexity of establishing an interdisciplinary interaction. This perspective was not valued by researchers in the field of Physics and Engineering who participated as voluntary consultants. Physicians, in turn, with specific training in the area of mental health, on the contrary, defended the importance of including such concepts in understanding the therapeutic action of electromagnetic fields.
Another conflicting topic in the recognition of new theories under an interdisciplinary analysis was the acceptance of theories considered innovative by health professionals and without scientific theoretical support by professionals in the field of exact science. An example is the Water Memory Theory [18], initially proposed by Benveniste, which is commonly accepted by homeopathic doctors [19]. For professionals in the exact area, this theory is not commonly accepted, as there is just an incipient and controversial theoretical support [20].
The analysis of the product in relation to its use has as main objective to detect negative and criticizable points during its use [21, 22]. This extensive analysis was carried out as provided in the methodology and it included three distinct moments of data collection, but interconnected with each other, during the period of carrying out this design experience, which are presented below:
a) Through the professional experience of researchers in Palliative Care using PEMF technology for alternative control of refractory symptoms of patients [23]. Such experience, both in the handling of equipment and in the biomedical application itself, enabled a direct collection of data from direct observation;
b) Through the identification of the modi operanti of this technology, including focusing on clinical studies produced by research centers of Brazilian hospitals [24-27].
Direct observation of an equipment that uses emitting EMF for diagnostic purposes, such as nuclear magnetic resonance, is already part of the routine of medical activities. The use of these equipments for therapeutic purposes requires more specific training and the direct clinical use of these devices involves the practice of each professional specifically.
As a result of the researchers' clinical practice, in order to contribute to direct observation and analysis in relation to the use, the operation of only one of the evaluated equipment is followed, the EMF multioscillator by radio frequency, the PERM-L produced by Resonant Light [28]. This is due to the fact that this equipment is more relevant to the focus of this study, since it allows for different clinical protocols and is based on the patent for the device emitting PEMF [29]. In direct observation it is noticeable that, when the patient is conditioned, by the influence on his positioning, as in an environment previously prepared for application, and with the information that the setting of chosen frequencies involves the specific control of a certain symptom, the applicator directly influences the user's feeling. The operation of the equipment was thoroughly analyzed in WP2.
It is worth mentioning PEMF use has been documented with relative success in coping with cancer [5,8]. This, in itself, justifies the reason for the interest in going deeper into the adjunct use of this technology. However, this possible impulse towards new research to better document this evidence is still far from being an effective conclusion, since this analysis of the product in relation to use does not serve as scientific validation for the use of such technology [30].
The final results of the analysis of the product in relation to the use are:
a) That the users' emotional state influenced the sensation produced by exposure to predefined frequencies;
b) That the users' emotional state improved due to a sense of increased daily well-being, autonomy, pain relief and the expectation of survival;
c) That in those moments where the users were prepared by the researcher to receive the electromagnetic fields, they seem to feel the effects more clearly than when they used the equipment freely and unassisted, showing the real influence of the researcher;
d) That in those moments where users were in an organized environment for the operationalization of the process, they also seemed to feel the effects more clearly than when they used the equipment freely and unassisted, showing the influence of the environment;
e) That the convenience in the environment associated with the use of technology, in places that offered greater comfort and well-being provided by the customization of the environment, facilitated the use of pre-defined frequencies.
To ensure the reliability of our findings, we meticulously combined direct observations with in-depth interviews, enriching our dataset with both quantitative and qualitative insights that reflect the multifunctionality and applicability of EMF devices.
WP2 – an overview
The current scenario of clinical research of electromagnetics in biomedical applications can be presented through a quick bibliographic survey carried out on one of the data sources on clinical research, specifically the website of US National Institutes of Health [31]. The descriptors used were "electromagnetic" and "fields" that generated 80 clinical researches as result. This selection determines as appropriate clinical research the ones associated with studies on EMF and produced in the aforementioned repository. Out of the total studies, 72 were considered clinical trials in humans to assess the biomedical application of EMFs (Table 1).
[Table 1]
In addition to the profile of these studies, it is possible to identify the heterogeneity of its sponsors (Table 2). It is possible to identify that the researchers' interest, whether they are the owner or not of the device's patent, can generate scientific bias in the interpretation of the results, since the scientific field is a place of competitive disputes, in which the main objective is the conquest of scientific authority [32]. Therefore, it is possible to affirm that the scientific field is able to originate several forms of interests. Considering that scientific practices, in addition to being concerned with the advancement of science, also focus on gaining scientific authority (prestige, recognition, success), commonly known as interest, it is possible to say that what drives scientific activities always has more than one type of intention, as well as the strategies used to guarantee the satisfaction of this interest. From this perspective, it is possible to detect that 48% of clinical research are sponsored by the interested party, and there may be scientific questions about the neutrality of its results.
[Table 2]
Other important topic to be highlighted is that not all of these studies have generated scientific publications as results. Some were recently started and several were considered inconclusive because they did not generate scientific publications, because they were interrupted or because they had unknown status (Table 3).
[Table 3]
It is possible to observe the heterogeneity of the studies and the complexity that exists at the moment when the results are compared. In this sense, in these studies, the number of different indications (focus of the study – condition or disease) for the use of electromagnetic technology, the great difference between clinical protocols (including in some studies being omitted) and the diversity of equipment emitting different EMF are not properly identified (Table 4).
[Table 4]
In view of the existing diversity of study focuses (condition or disease) of clinical research of electromagnetics in biomedical applications, it is also possible to highlight the great difference that exists between the patients to be studied. Thus, to select the patients who will be participating in the research, there will be a great divergence between the selection criteria for those who will undergo cancer treatments in relation to those who will undergo aesthetic treatment, for example. The baseline health of an individual can differ greatly in these different clinical conditions. In view of this, there is more difficulty in comparing these studies due to different divergences in clinical conditions and selection criteria, in addition to the variation between devices, protocols, methods, among other aspects.
Other striking topic is the great diversity among the devices found in clinical studies registered [31]. It is important to emphasize that these models do not exhaust the variety of existing devices, but illustrate it. Such conceptual variation in the design of these products aims to clarify the importance of analysis, through a tool, to assist in the decision process over which equipment to choose touse in research and/or clinical for a given application. In this perspective, the scientific controversy which involves the biomedical application of EMFdescribed is due to the complexity of clinical research in the area [9], often protected by patent rights, industrial secrets or by the variation of device models [33, 34]. In clinical studies, the choice of frequency and intensity of the magnetic field to be used tends to be personalized and not standardized [5]. In addition, the internal and external validity of studies can often be open to criticism [5, 34] because there are numerous confounding variables such as the variety of possible EMF sources – pulsating, generated by AC, generated by DC, static, magnetic fluids, etc. [5, 33, 34]. Environmental variables are other possible complicating biases, since everyday human exposure to electric and magnetic fields is significant [33, 35]. This context increases the difficulty of systematic reviews and replication of studies in this area. It is important to emphasize the need for efforts to adopt standardized research models with better quality in order to have a greater exchange of information on this area in the scientific community [36].
Further, one more aspect often ignored, but potentially relevant and capable of influencing clinical research of electromagnetics in biomedical applications is the reflection on the impact of emotional reactions on humans, generating the placebo and nocebo effects [37, 38]. It has been described that it is possible to have a number of individual variables in relation to the equilibrium point of a human body. Physical and mental vitality, age, physical conditioning and the presence of clinical disease seem to be able to alter an individual's sensitivity to being influenced by EMF [11 ,17].
WP3 actions – Final criteria
For the development of the guiding principles and criteria of this study, the parameters of physical and biological factors determining the bioelectromagnetic response were used. In order to clarify their definitions, Table 5 presents the association between the criteria found in the literature on the topic and the criteria adopted to expand the greater scientific methodological robustness.
[Table 5]
Currently, there are efforts in several areas of scientific research in the organization of pre-existing data and in the search for standards in data collection in order to generate a database of comparable information that would optimize future research, including reducing costs. One such example is the European Commission's project 777364 [39] and the European Quality in Preclinical Data (EQIPD), which aims to increase the quality of data collected in preclinical studies. The EQIPD's main objective is to establish a quality management system suitable for pre-clinical research and develop standardized processes to guarantee the quality of the data, leading to a reduction in the research bias. For this new trend, the ideal would be to have a device capable of having a multi-use profile, but keeping the basic settings the same in order to generate comparable data in both collection and analysis. This justifies the purpose of this study.
The criteria considered important to be compared in the available equipment were:
a) Criterion 1 (related to the researcher): avoid the influence of the researcher or his team's biocampus;
b) Criteria 2 and 3 (related to the environment): (2) avoid exposure to other sources of EMF from electrical equipment or motors; and (3) avoid the influence of natural geomagnetism;
c) Criterion 4 (related to the research participant): that the equipment stimulates the individual's relaxation and well-being. These findings underscore the significance of the patient's emotional state and treatment environment in the efficacy of EMF therapies, suggesting a paradigm shift towards more holistic and patient-centered clinical practices.
d) Criteria 5 to 8 (related to the device itself): (5) that the equipment can be multifunctional, allowing the researcher to choose the source of EMF of their preference and, if there is interest, compare it them together; (6) have broad clinical applicability; (7) allow the active mode and “sham” without the research participant being able to identify; (8) the presence of simultaneous use of water or aqueous colloidal solution; and (9) have the lowest possible cost.
By aligning our criteria with real-world clinical needs, our study paves the way for the development of more effective and user-friendly EMF devices, potentially revolutionizing the approach to non-invasive treatments. These results not only corroborate previous studies highlighting the therapeutic potential of EMF but also advance the conversation by identifying key factors that contribute to the variability in treatment outcomes."
WP4 Actions – Weight assigned to each selected criterion
The choice of criteria, as well as their assessments attributed to the fictitious NEW model, came from the consensus arising from the actions of WP2, WP3 and WP4, which included, among other actions, an integrative bibliographic review, empirical observations about products, brainstorming among experts, and research on opinion of users. So, credibility in exploring the weight attributed to each criterion and on the ranking of the decision-making process was increased, resulting in a more consistent and effective decision model. Despite the satisfactory result, it was observed that, among the existing models, the ranking result generated some coincident or close values, as some projects received the same evaluations coincidentally, demonstrating possible similar solutions in the resolution of those projects at the time of their elaboration.
In the development of WP4, the direct attribution technique was used to assign values to factors using the Saaty scale as if it were a 9-point Likert Scale for attribution. Thus, 9 values (from 1 up to 9) were defined in order to contemplate the justification of choice. Table 6 presents the weight attributed in an exploratory way for each criterion by the authors and their justifications according to the relevance based on the results obtained in this selection phase. Table 7 presents the evaluation for each criterion [40] in each device attributed by the authors. The NEW option is the score considered minimum for the ideal device in each of these criteria. It is important to note that the result of the devices already existing in several criteria is very low, showing how much they devalue the importance of such parameters. Besides, the application of the AHP in our study has not only facilitated a systematic comparison of EMF devices but also established a replicable framework for future evaluations, enhancing the objectivity of device selection for clinical trials.
[Table 6]
[Table 7]
WP5 actions – Comparison of matrices by each criterion
Figure 1 summarizes the proposal for the application of AHP for this study and Table 8 shows the comparison for each criterion according to the AHP.
[Figure 1]
[Table 8]
WP5 actions – Final decision matrix
The comparison matrix of the AHP indicates the representative percentage of each device according to the evaluation criteria. In order to define the classification of the devices, it requires a matrix that gathers the results of the comparisons and establishes a rank. Table 9 shows the results of the final decision matrix. The Final Decision value is presented in Table 10, whose decision vectors are organized in order of the most representative to the least representative for biomedical application of electromagnetism.
[Table 10]