This study revealed that the DLR method could maintain the quality and reduce the noise of LDCT images compared with HRCT HIR in early ILD patients.
The clinical importance of early ILD had been increasing recognized in recent years, and ILA was considered as possible signs of it based on systematic evaluation of large cohorts. ILA was defined as incidental finding of nondependent abnormalities affecting more than 5% of any lung zone at CT, including ground-glass or reticular abnormalities, lung distortion, traction bronchiectasis or bronchiolectasis, honeycombing, and nonemphysematous cysts. Until now, the relation between ILA and clinical outcomes and pathology of ILD was under discussion, and no consensus on the report of ILA had been reached.4 25Therefore, we only chose several representative features in this study to evaluate the image quality between different image series.
Besides, to eliminate the influence of gravitation-dependent density, prone position scanning was designed for better recognition of ILA in this study. The survey performed by European Society of Thoracic Imaging had reported that 59% of responders indicated that additional prone position scanning would be performed on demand in clinical practice9. The high radiation exposure of prone position scanning may be the main cause that restricts its clinical use. In this study, the SSDE of prone HRCT was 7.57 ± 1.33 mGy, which was much greater than the 5.24 ± 0.87 mGy of supine RDCT in ILD reported by Xu et al. 22 and similar to the 7.29 ± 1.45 mGy in supine HRCT reported in our previous study26. After combination with DLR, the radiation dose was reduced to 64.1% in prone LDCT scans, which is much lower than that in chest RDCT.
DLR is a newly developed reconstruction method based on artificial intelligence. It reduces image noise and improves spatial resolution simultaneously13 27, setting it apart from the HIR, which trades off image noise and spatial resolution at different radiation doses.28 29 Several studies performed on coronary CTA, CTPA and abdominal ultrahigh-resolution CT revealed a concurrently significant reduction in the radiation dose and maintenance of image quality with DLR30–32. This study applied DLR to prone chest LDCT scans, and the results confirmed that DLR image quality was maintained at a lower dose than that of HRCT HIR.
To date, studies comparing images reconstructed with DLR and HIR in chest CT have been limited. Singh et al. compared standard-dose CT HIR and LDCT DLR images from 22 patients and found no significant differences in image quality or lung nodule detection between these image series32. Lenfant et al. applied DLR and HIR (AIDR3D) reconstruction techniques to 45 and 48 CTPA images, respectively, and reported significantly greater image quality scores with DLR than with HIR. Nevertheless, the PE diagnostic confidence level showed no significant difference12. Similarly, our study of prone chest LDCT in early ILD patients revealed no significant difference in the overall image quality of the whole lung or lobar level between LDCT DLR and HRCT HIR.
Six DLR reconstruction algorithms (lung/bone, mild/standard/strong) were applied in this study. The objective assessment indicated that DLR significantly reduced image noise and increased the SNR of LDCT, which was consistent with the subjective evaluation of image noise. Interestingly, the LDCT DLR (lung, mild) had significantly greater image noise and a lower SNR than did the HRCT HIR. Nevertheless, no significant difference was found in the evaluation of normal or abnormal lung features between the two series of images. The LDCT DLR (bone, strong) showed significantly less image noise and greater SNR than did the HRCT HIR, but the former was weaker for identifying in bronchiectasis and/or bronchiolectasis. According to previous studies, the bone kernel was recognized as a sharper, higher frequency kernel, as it was trained with high- and low-quality bone image pairs to produce an image quality similar to that of high-dose MBIR images. Several phantom studies have applied the bone kernel to small airway assessment and parenchymal density measurements and have shown improved spatial resolution and measurement accuracy. 33 34 Additionally, small group tests in diffuse lung disease patients revealed that sharper images are helpful for clinical evaluation.35 A phantom study by Greffier J. et al. demonstrated that image smoothness and feature detectability improved as the DLR levels increased36. Thus, the lung and bone kernels at the strong level were expected to produce the best image quality. However, our results were inconsistent with this expectation. Another DLR phantom study reported a difference in the behavior of the DLR strong level when comparing “body” and “body sharp” kernels. The researchers found that the mild and standard levels of the “body sharp” kernel better detected two different simulated lesions. In contrast, the strong level led to opposite changes in spatial resolution between high- and low-contrast lesions. The different spatial resolution results highlighted the potential uncertainty of “body sharp” kernels, and the authors conjectured that the training database of MBIR images might transfer nonlinear spatial resolution and noise characteristics to the DLR algorithm15. This finding might explain the opposite effects of “lung” and “bone” kernels in our study. Moreover, future studies with larger sample sizes and comparisons of multiple lesions should help clarify these findings.
This study has several limitations. First, as early ILD was usually occasional findings during the clinical practice, this study only enrolled a small number of patients, and more patients are needed to verify the results. Second, the scanning protocol was derived from a small-sample pretest in the supine position and was designed for equal image quality for diagnosis and a relatively lower radiation dose. Therefore, the maximal radiation dose reduction may not have been achieved, and further exploration of prone position scanning protocols is necessary. Third, the lack of unified clinical standards for prone position chest scans have led to selection bias, and a larger sample size and multicenter study may help reduce bias. The last but not least, the definition of ILA was subjective at present stage, and the relationship of ILA and clinical outcomes was still under study. Further studies could focus more on the features highly related to disease progression and clinical management.