Many previous studies on HRV were mainly focused on diabetes and heart diseases. The HRV of the diabetic patients was worse than that of normal people. Long-term poor glycemic control may lead to a decrease or even loss of autonomic regulation (Guo, 2016).
Low HRV has been reported in patients with severe coronary artery disease, heart failure, angina pectoris, and sudden cardiac arrest (Binkley, 2017). Five-minute (short-term) HRV analysis may be used to predict such heart diseases and may be clinically applied in patients with a higher risk of death (Bonaduce et al., 1999). In cardiology, HRV is considered to be a useful tool for the assessment of pre-admission and post-discharge risks to the patients. A study by Lombardi showed that HRV was an important indicator of the physiological status of patients with heart diseases (Lombardi et al., 2001). Several studies have shown that single surgical procedures such as mitral valve surgery (Lakusic et al., 2008) and coronary artery bypass surgery (Mironova et al., 2017) may lead to a short-term reduction in HRV, and that the HRV analysis may also be used to predict the onset of surgical complications (Nenna et al., 2017).
Many studies have discussed the impact of interventional therapy on HRV, such as cardiac catheterisation, deep breathing relaxation, meditation, and exercise. For example, cognitive behavioural therapy can improve the quality of life and overall HRV in patients who undergo cardiac surgeries (Beresnevaitė et al., 2016). In recent years, there have also been studies on the association between HRV and the quality of life. For example, a decline in the quality of life would increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases. Moreover, a significant reduction in HRV was observed in healthy adults with a low quality of life (Lu et al., 2016). Salmoirago-Blotcher et al. (2019) mentioned that although optimism was not associated with coronary artery disease, a decreases in HRV was observed in patients who were less optimistic, and that these patients had an increased risk of coronary artery disease. Depression significantly contributed to autonomic dysfunction (Bassett, 2016). Moreover, depression may increase the risk of cardiovascular morbidities after cardiac surgeries (Tully, 2012). In patients with acute coronary heart disease, reduced HRV was found to be directly related to negative emotions such as stress, anxiety, and depression (Harris, 2014). In addition to changes in physical conditions, such as pain, the disease itself, and incomplete symptom resolution, patients undergoing cardiac surgeries often experience anxiety. Their worries about physical health and stress may develop into depression, resulting in decreased HRV. In addition, the onset of depression after cardiac surgery may be associated with decreased parasympathetic regulation (Patron, 2012).
However, the following questions arise: How is the quality of life of patients after cardiac surgery? Can the HRV of patients after cardiac surgery be used to reflect the patient's quality of life? The QOL would affect not only the postoperative recovery of patients but also their overall health status. The health status of patients (including physical and mental health as well as social well-being) and the quality of life of patients who undergo cardiac surgery are the concerns of not only cardiologists but also the entire care team and even medical staff at all levels.
Two methods were used for HRV analysis: (1) Time domain analysis and (2) frequency domain analysis. In the time domain analysis, the level of dispersion of the heartbeat intervals was calculated using the continuous ECG waveform obtained through the measurements. This was done to detect the interval between each QRS complex in the continuous ECG; the interval between adjacent R waves indicated the heartbeat cycle, namely the R-R interval, which was expressed in milliseconds (ms). The time change of the continuous R-R interval represented the HRV, and relevant statistical methods were applied to quantify the variability. In the frequency domain analysis, Fourier transform was used to convert the time series of heartbeat intervals into a frequency series, which was expressed as power spectral density or spectral distribution. A five-minute stable heartbeat recording was generally used for the frequency domain analysis of HRV (approximately 200–500 beats). The data were mainly divided into an HF range (0.15–0.40 Hz) and an LF range (0.04–0.15 Hz), with frequencies less than 0.04 Hz classified as extremely LF. The HF range usually reflected the activity of the parasympathetic nervous system, while the LF range was regulated by both the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems.
The following HRV indices were analyzed: (1) Standard deviation of normal to normal (SDNN), i.e., the square root of variability, where a higher standard deviation indicated greater HRV. SDNN was expressed in milliseconds (ms) and was used in the time domain analysis. (2) Low frequency (LF): the amplitude of the low frequency range of normal heartbeat intervals reflected the joint regulation of sympathetic nerves and parasympathetic nerves. LF was expressed in millisecond square (ms²) and was used in frequency domain analysis. (3) High frequency (HF): the amplitude of the high frequency range of normal heartbeat intervals was expressed in millisecond square (ms²) and was regulated by the parasympathetic nerves (representing parasympathetic nerve activity). HF was used in the frequency domain analysis. (4). Normalized low frequency (LF%): LF%, i.e., low frequency/(total power - very low frequency) × 100, reflected the sympathetic nerve activity and was used in frequency domain analysis. (5) LF/HF: This ratio indicates the balance of sympathetic and parasympathetic nerve activities as well as sympathetic nerve regulation. LF/HF was used in frequency domain analysis.
Among these indicators, the natural logarithms of LF, HF, and LF/HF were used since these three indicators were not normally distributed (Kuo, 1999). While no action was performed for SDNN and LF%.
In this study, a significant decrease in all parameters of HRV was observed from measurement 2 to measurement 1, indicating that cardiac surgery had a significant effect on both sympathetic and parasympathetic nerve activities, a result that was similar to studies from other researchers (Lakusic et al., 2008; Mironova et al., 2017). However, no significant difference in HRV was observed between measurement 3 and measurement 1, indicating that the HRV of patients who received cardiac surgery recovered slightly 1 month postoperatively. This indicated a decline in all HRV indicators after cardiac surgeries. However, after 1 month of recovery, despite the fact that the overall HRV had not fully recovered, the median LF% and LF/HF were higher than the preoperative values, but the recovery of sympathetic nerves was found to be higher than that of parasympathetic nerves. The activity of the parasympathetic system may need to be followed for a long period of time, such as more than 6 months postoperatively, before drawing conclusions.
HRV may change with stress, and the HRV analysis may be used as an objective assessment for the mental health status and the level of stress in general adults (Kim et al., 2017). Mischke et al. (2018) found an association between HRV and psychological stress in healthy adults, where those with high HRV experienced reduced psychological stress. In our study, the median HF of patients 1 month after cardiac surgery was still lower than the preoperative levels, indicating the incomplete recovery of the parasympathetic nerves. Furthermore, the decrease in the psychology category scores indicated that the patients still experienced immense psychological pressure at this time.
The following conclusions regarding HRV may be drawn based on the results of previous studies: (1) HRV decreased after cardiac surgery; (2) the quality of life of patients declined after cardiac surgery; (3) quality of life was positively correlated with HRV and negatively correlated with the risk of heart diseases; and (4) quality of life and HRV can be improved by interventional therapies/measures. The main findings of this study were as follows: (1) HRV significantly decreased in patients after cardiac surgery; (2) HRV slightly recovered at more than 1 month postoperatively, mainly due to the recovery of the sympathetic system; and (3) patients who underwent cardiac surgeries scored the lowest in the psychological category on the QOL questionnaire 1 month postoperatively. Moreover, a significant positive correlation was identified between HRV and the psychological score, which may be related to the fact that the parasympathetic nerve activity had not yet recovered after cardiac surgery.
According to the results of this study, the patients’ psychological scores were the lowest at 1 month after cardiac surgery, indicating the presence of high psychological stress postoperatively. Therefore, the clinical staff should pay attention to the psychological status of the patients after open heart surgery and implement early intervention and prevention measures to improve the quality of care of these patients.
We attempted to link the objective HRV and subjective questionnaire responses to assess patients' subjective feelings. Our data can help physicians gauge the mental health status of patients even before consultation through HRV analysis and thus determine whether the psychological support provided to the patients was sufficient. Furthermore, HRV analysis is even more important for patients who cannot fully express their subjective feelings. HRV analysis can be used to assess the mental health status and stress level of patients after cardiac surgery and convert subjective feelings into objective data for improved follow-up management.