The Characterization of chemical structure. The chemical structure of NH2-HBPSi had been characterized through FTIR and NMR, as illustrated in Fig S2(a), a novel peak of asymmetric stretching for Si-O-Si at 1125 cm− 3 appeared, attributed to the silsesquioxane groups in NH2-HBPSi. The characteristic peak at 3350 cm− 3 represented the successful functionalization of amino groups in NH2-HBPSi. Additionally, the 1H NMR spectrum in Fig S2(b) represented the aromatic proton (~ 7.6) and terminal amine proton (~ 2.5 pmm) from PhOTSi and APTS, respectively. The 13C spectrum in Fig S2(c) shown the peaks at around 17.3 ppm, 26 ppm and 43 ppm, attributed to aminopropyl group carbon atoms in APTS. The 29Si NMR spectrum in Fig S2(d) indicated the presence of three different silicon atoms in NH2-HBPSi, located to around − 68 ppm, -74.05 ppm and − 81.4 ppm, associated with the silicon atoms from siloxane prepolymers with different degrees of hydrolysis. Thus, the FTIR, 1H NMR, 13C NMR and 29Si NMR spectra proved the successfully synthesized of NH2-HBPSi. Moreover, after verifying the structure of NH2-HBPSi, it was used as an amine-containing cross-linker to prepared PAES, as detailed in Fig. 2(a), the infrared absorption peaks for all PAES were identified at 2956 cm− 1 (CH3), 1718 cm− 1 (O = C-C), 1605 cm− 1 (N-H) and 1240 cm− 1 (C-O-C), indicating successful reactions between diamine and diester dicarboxylate. Moreover, the novel absorption peaks of PAESHBPSi-1, PAESHBPSi-2, PAESHBPSi-3 and PAESHBPSi-4 were observed at 1100 cm− 1 (Si-O-Si), displaying the PAES were modified by organic-silicone. When all PAESs were subjected to high temperature treatment, as illustrated in Fig. 2(b), various of PIFs shown the new absorption peaks at 1778 cm− 1, 1716 cm− 1 (the asymmetric, symmetric stretching vibration of C = O in imide ring) and 1371 cm− 1 (C-N). The 13C SNMR spectra of PIF and PIFHBPSi-4 were depicted in Fig. 2(c), all spectra displayed peaks at 124 ppm (the carbonyl carbon in BTDA), 131 ppm (carbon in benzene ring), 157 ppm (aromatic ether carbon in C-O-C), 166 ppm (imide carbonyl carbon in O = C-N) and 194 ppm (carbonyl carbon in anhydride). In particular, compared to PIF, PIFHBPSi-4 exhibited novel peaks at 5–55 ppm (the saturated carbonyl in NH2-HBPSi). PXRD diffraction analysis was availed to examine the crystal characteristics of PAES and PIFs, as illustrated in Fig. 2(d), one distinctive diffraction peak at 2θ = 22.83° for PAES was observed, belonging to the crystalline structure of precursor powder due to the easily movement of macromolecular[35]. In addition, all hybrid PIFs displayed an ordinary amorphous broad peak at around 17.77° after thermal imidization. Under such condition, the molecular weight of chain segment rose dramatically due to the removal of small molecules like CH3OH, THF and H2O, resulting in the mobility of chain restricted, consequently, the structure of chain segment transformed into amorphous. A novel diffraction peaks at 2θ = 6.84° assigned to hybrid silicon was appeared in PAESHBPSi-1, PAESHBPSi-2, PAESHBPSi-3 and PAESHBPSi-4, shown in Fig. 2(e), affiliating with the long-range order of NH2-HBPSi. As displayed in Fig. 2(f), the XPS spectra of PIF and PIFHBPSi-4 exhibited distinct peaks at 283.17 eV, 399.73 eV, and 531.33 eV, related to the C1s, N1s, and O1s, respectively. However, novel peaks of PIFHBPSi-4 were appeared at 102.08 eV and 153 eV, attributing to Si2p and Si2s in NH2-HBPSi[36]. Furthermore, as displayed in Fig. 2(g) (h), the narrow spectrum of C1s for PIFHBPSi-4 could be spilt to various parts at 283.3 eV, 284.6 eV, 285.1 eV, 286.2 eV and 288.1 eV, corresponding to C-Si, C-C, C-N, C-O and C = O, respectively[37], the high-resolution narrow spectra of Si2p consisted C-Si-O3 (101.8 eV) and C-Si-O2 (101.0 eV)[36], demonstrating the successful synthesis of hybrid PIFs.
Rheology behavior and foaming process. The complex viscosity(η*) of PAESs as a function of temperature were plotted in Fig. 3(a). The value showed that the η* of all PAESs initiated dropping at approximately 110 ℃, indicating the precursor powder began to melt. Subsequently, the η* of PAES reached rock-bottom, during these two stages, the THF and CH3OH bonded with hydrogen bonds in PAES molecular chain evaporated. As the temperature continued rising, the η* value of PAESs rapidly increased, implying partial imidization occurred during this period. Interestingly, compared to other PAESs, the temperature for PAESHBPSi-4 exhibiting a minimum η* was higher, largely due to the highly crosslinked structure of NH2-HBPSi. Additionally, the relatively lower minimum values of η* was 340 Pa·s, indicating that the pore wall strength for PIF was inadequate to resist the stress during the foaming process. Consequently, the PAES was unable to form an integrated PIF with uniform pore size. Throughout the thermal-foaming process, the pore structure and diameter were significantly influenced by the melt viscosity of different PAESs, indicating that PAESHBPSi-1, PAESHBPSi-2, PAESHBPSi-3 and PAESHBPSi-4 possessed favorable cellular morphology, proved to be advantageous in enhancing the mechanical properties of foams[38]. Furthermore, as depicted in Fig S3, the trends of storage modulus (G') were close to η* for various PAESs, the minimum G' of PAESHBPSi-1, PAESHBPSi-2, PAESHBPSi-3 and PAESHBPSi-4 were 10075, 11961, 11773, 13410 Pa, respectively, showing a consistent upward trend, reconfirming the difference in viscosity of PAES crosslinked by NH2-HBPSi at different temperature.
The stage optical microscope was exploited to investigate the foaming process of diverse PAESs, as shown in Fig. 3, the foam behavior of all PAES precursors were similar, which could be divided into three stages. Firstly, the bubble nucleus formed in PAES-n precursor at 50–110 ℃ which caused by the volatilization of free THF and CH3OH. Subsequently, the bubble grown rapidly at 110–170 ℃, In such stage, the THF and CH3OH undergone a phase change, transforming into a gas phase, consequently causing the bubble to expand. Following this, the thermal imidization of PAES precursors was observed at 250–280 ℃. Moreover, the DSC spectra in Fig. 3(b) displayed three exothermic peaks for PAES precursor. Interestingly, the temperature of peak related to bubble nucleus formation for PAESHBPSi-4 with large molecular weight was higher, compared to PAESHBPSi-3 (90.3 ℃), PAESHBPSi-2 (80.3 ℃), PAESHBPSi-1 (78.3 ℃) and PAES (60.3 ℃). Consequently, the minimal volatilization of the free solvent in PAESHBPSi-4 necessitated an increase in temperature to commence this phase. Additionally, the increased enhancement of molecular chain rigidity regulated by NH2-HBPSi, led to a higher temperature requirement for promoting chain movement, resulting the highest foaming temperature for PAESHBPSi-4 (153℃).
Cell structure. The images of microstructure for various PIFs were illustrated in Fig. 4 and nano measurements were conducted to analyze the average pore size, shown in Fig S4. As displayed in Fig. 4, PIFHBPSi-1, PIFHBPSi-2, PIFHBPSi-3, and PIFHBPSi-4 exhibited a nearly hexagonal honeycomb pore structure with the majority of them displaying a semi-closed configuration. However, the pore structure of PIF appeared disordered, attributing to the low complex viscosity depicted in Fig. 3 (a). The complex viscosity of PAESs with NH2-HBPSi was diverse, leading to the average pore sizes of PIFHBPSi-1, PIFHBPSi-2, PIFHBPSi-3 and PIFHBPSi-4 were 560, 690, 460 and 440 µm, respectively. Additionally, the individual cell walls thickness of PIF, PIFHBPSi-1, PIFHBPSi−2, PIFHBPSi-3, and PIFHBPSi-4 were measured to be 0.18 µm, 0.27 µm, 0.4 µm, 1.41 µm, and 2.17 µm, individually. It was observed that PIFHBPSi-4 containing a higher concentration of NH2-HBPSi, exhibited a reduced pore diameter and a thick cell wall, which resulted by elevated crosslinking density with a low expansion ratio.
Mechanical properties. The curves of compress stress versus compress strain for different PIFs were plotted in Fig. 5. All PIFs exhibited three typical compressive process, linear elastic region, planar plastic yield zone, and densification zone[39]. The linear elastic zone corresponded to elastic deformation was typically observed at compress strain less than 10% and exhibited reversible recovery. When the compressive strain surpassed 10%, the PIFs displayed a planar plastic yield zoom, with the cell structure bending and unable to restore original state. Moreover, in densification zoom, further compaction and irreversible damage occurred when strain exceed 30%. As illustrated in Fig S5(a)-(d) and Fig. 5(b), all PIFs could maintain over 80% of maximum compress stress at 10% compression and exhibited virtually no volume shrinkage during cycles of successive compression-release tests, lay in all foams processed exceptional flexibility. The apparent density, water content angle, thermal conductivity, compressive strength and compressive modulus were summarized in Table 1. The compressive strength of PIF, PIFHBPSi-1, PIFHBPSi-2, PIFHBPSi-3, and PIFHBPSi-4 were 8.11 kPa, 14.59 kPa, 20.66 kPa, 42.71 kPa, and 149.08 kPa at strain of 10%, which was proved that the amended molecular design with NH2-HBPSi entailed an enhancement in crosslink density and foam rigidity. As expected, the compressive strain of various PIFs at 200 ℃ were lower than those at ambient temperature, attributed to the easily movement of molecular chain. As shown in Fig. 5(c), the compression strength at 200 ℃ for PIF, PIFHBPSi-1, PIFHBPSi-2, PIFHBPSi-3, and PIFHBPSi-4 were 5.403 kPa, 9.802 kPa, 20.663 kPa, 42.71 kPa, and 128.36 kPa, respectively. However, it was noteworthy that the compression strength and modulus at 200 ℃ exhibited minimal decline approximately 13.90% and 35.6%, respectively, compared to others, indicating the excellent compressive performance in the realm of flexible high-temperature resistance.
Table 1
The characteristic properties of various PIFs
Sample | Density (kg·m− 3) | Water contact angle(°) | Thermal conductivity (mW/(m·k)) | Compressive strength (kPa) | Compressive modulus (kPa) |
RT | 200℃ | RT | 200℃ |
PIF | 24± 1.2 | 98.3± 1.4 | 38± 13 | 8.11± 1.23 | 5.4± 1.36 | 14.86± 2.10 | 9.63± 2.2 |
PIFHBPSi-1 | 31.1± 1.0 | 102.3± 1.2 | 34± 9 | 14.59± 1.45 | 9.8± 1.81 | 36.56± 4.53 | 21.36± 3.78 |
PIFHBPSi-2 | 34.6± 1.5 | 127.4± 1 | 36.7± 12 | 20.66± 2.36 | 16.94± 3.82 | 72.6± 5.8 | 68.3± 6.3 |
PIFHBPSi-3 | 35.4± 2 | 126.2± 0.9 | 32.5± 2 | 42.71± 2.57 | 24.63± 4.58 | 149.94 ± 5.24 | 118.46± 5.8 |
PIFHBPSi-4 | 43± 4 | 120.3± 0.8 | 30± 2 | 149.08 ± 5.23 | 128.36± 6.81 | 1085.8 ± 8.4 | 698.42± 7.2 |
Thermal stability properties. The thermal stability properties of PIFs were illustrated in Fig. 6, the initial decomposition temperature(T5%), highest thermal degradation temperature (Tmax) and char residual at 1000 ℃ (R1000) were summarized in Table S2. Figure 6 showed that the absence of substantial mass loss of PIFs was prior to 500 ℃ in both N2 and air atmospheres, indicating the excellent thermal stability of all PIFs. PIFHBPSi-4 contained more NH2-HBPSi, exhibited the lowest T5% (521.08 ℃), as illustrated in Table 4, attributing to the large amount of aminopropyl in NH2-HBPSi. As demonstrated in Fig S6, the Tmax of all PIFs was in range of 577–595 ℃, relating to the decomposition of imide rings, phenyl, carbonyl and so on. However, the Tmax of different PIFs with NH2-HBPSi were superior than that of PIF (577 ℃), on account of the formation of dense oxide layer by NH2-HBPSi at elevated temperature, blocking the further heat entry[40]. As displayed in Fig. 6(b), the T5% range in air atmosphere was 477.2-501.16 ℃, slightly lower than in N2 atmosphere. Furthermore, the R1000 in air atmosphere increased with the content of NH2-HBPSi for various PIFs, PIFHBPSi-4 displayed the highest R1000, 12.24%, surpassing other PIFs reported in literatures[4, 19], which was related to the formation of SiO2 in air atmosphere at high temperature. These results suggested that construction of silicon/PIF hybrid system cloud enhance the char formation and maximal decomposition temperature of foams.
Thermal insulation properties. The superior thermal insulation behavior of various PIFs was linked to the unique pore structure and micro/nano multiscale architectures. As illustrated in Table 1, the thermal conductivity of PIF, PIFHBPSi-1, PIFHBPSi-2, PIFHBPSi-3, and PIFHBPSi-4 was 38, 34, 36.7, 32.5, 30 mW/(m·K), respectively. The thickness of cell wall and the closed-cell ratio could affect the heat transfer path and gas flow within the foam[41]. The PIFHBPSi-4, characterized by its thick cell wall and high closed-cell content, diminished the thermal conduction path length and curtails the likelihood of gas movement, thereby enhancing its thermal insulation properties[42]. Furthermore, the thermal insulation properties were observed by the infrared camera in Fig. 7, the temperature on the upper surface of various PIFs placed on a hotplate for 30 min were 93.4, 76, 84, 74.9, 62 ℃, respectively. The slight fluctuation in temperature of different foams was caused by the experimental environment. Curiously, the PIFHBPSi-4 displayed the lowest temperature indicating the excellent thermal insulation behavior, consistent with the thermal conductivity value listed in Table 1.
Combustion behavior. The flame retardancy of PIFs was investigated by the LOI tests, with the result listed in Table S3. The value showed that with addition of NH2-HBPSi, the LOI of PIFHBPSi-4 increased to 45.9%, demonstrating the flame-retardant function of NH2-HBPSi. Moreover, the cone calorimeter was exploited to discuss the effect of NH2-HBPSi for PIFs in flame retardancy, results shown in Fig. 8 and Table S3. Compared with the PIF, the THR and PHRR of PIFHBPSi-3 exhibited a reduction of 35.71% and 9%, however, these values increased by 41.72% and 24.10% for PIFHBPSi-4. These results demonstrated that the appropriate introduction of NH2-HBPSi could improve the flame resistance performance of PIFs. As displayed in Fig. 8 (a), the normalized weight loss of PIFHBPSi-4 was 21.2%, far lower than that of other PIFs. Additionally, the overall integrity after ablation in indicative of the material’s high-temperature oxidation resistance performance, the morphology after ablation were illustrated in Fig. 8(e). The PIFHBPSi-4 with high content of NH2-HBPSi exhibited the minimum volume shrinkage, and the surface of product after ablation appeared white, resulting by the NH2-HBPSi generating silica at high temperature. SEM and EDS of the surface for PIFs which measured after cone calorimeter were illustrated in Fig S7. The porous char morphology of all sample appeared, due to the volatile components generated during the combustion process. Moreover, with an increased addition of NH2-HBPSi, the surface pore count of the residual carbon decreased, which could effectively block the external heat flow and isolate oxygen leading to exceptional flame retardant. In contrast, the EDS of the surface for residual char revealed that PIFHBPSi-4 had a higher Si content than other PIFs, indicating the NH2-HBPSi could accelerate the densification of the ceramic on surface for PIFHBPSi-4.
Acoustical properties of various PIFs. The impedance tubes were employed to ascertain the acoustic properties of various PIFs. The resulting data on the acoustic absorption coefficient across different frequencies were depicted in Fig. 9 (a). In the range of 100 and 1000 Hz, the acoustical absorption coefficient of all PIFs were lower than 0.2, notably, these coefficients exhibited a rapid increase in the frequency band extending from 1000 to 6500 Hz. The acoustical property could be further evaluated by noise reduction coefficient at four frequencies at 250, 500, 1000, and 2000 Hz[1]. The NRC of different PIFs were 0.215, 0.282, 0.337, 0.28 and 0.378, respectively in Fig. 9 (c). In general, the NRC of material higher than 0.2 could be used for acoustical absorption[43], thus, the PIFs prepared by this work presented excellent sound absorption properties, rendering them as potential candidates for use as sound-absorbing materials. Interestingly, the NRC of PIFHBPSi-4 with reduced average cell size was higher than that of other modified PIFs in literature[44] [1, 28, 45–50](Fig. 9(d)), as the sound waves encountered the surface of the smaller pores, the increased absorption and reflection, which in turn converted the sound energy into heat or dissipates it through viscous action. Furthermore, when PIFHBPSi-4 was subjected to 200 ℃ for 6 h, interestingly, the NRC managed to maintain its value at exactly 0.370 in Fig. 9 (c), suggesting that PIFHBPSi-4 could absorb sound efficiently without degradation under such thermal conditions, making it a potentially reliable choice for applications requiring both thermal resilience and effective noise reduction.