Study population
Subjects who presented with non-ST elevation myocardial infarction (NSTEMI) at the VieCuri hospital in Venlo, underwent percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) of the culprit vessel, and were diagnosed with multivessel coronary artery disease and subsequently scheduled for a second PCI, were recruited for study participation. NSTEMI was defined as ischemic symptoms with elevated cardiac enzymes (Troponin T/I, creatin kinase-MB), however, in absence of ST-segment elevations in the ECG. Exclusion criteria were conservatively managed patients not scheduled for PCI, ongoing severe ischaemia requiring immediate PCI, hemodynamic instability, severe heart failure (Killip Class ≥ III), chest pain highly suggestive of non-cardiac origin, suspicion or evidence of acute aortic dissection, acute pulmonary embolism, acute pericarditis, life threatening arrhythmias at the cardiac emergency department or before presentation, tachycardia (>100bpm), angina pectoris secondary to anaemia, untreated hyperthyroidism or severe hypertension (>200/110 mmHg), moderate to severe aortic or mitral valve stenosis, pregnancy, breast feeding and contra-indications for MRI, including metal implants, cardiac implantable devices, claustrophobia, renal failure and allergy to gadolinium-containing contrast media. This study was approved by the local ethics committee (METC162043 / NL58752.068.16) and conducted according to the declarations of Helsinki. All subjects were 18 years or older and provided written informed consent.
PET-MR imaging
After the first PCI procedure in the acute setting and within 72 hours of the scheduled second PCI procedure, hybrid PET-MRI imaging was performed on a fully-integrated combined 3 Tesla PET-MRI system (Biograph mMR; Siemens Healthineers, Erlangen, Germany) at the Maastricht University Medical Centre. Subjects were scanned in headfirst supine position using a 6-channel body matrix and the 12-channel spine radiofrequency coils. First, an MRI-based attenuation map (µ-map) was acquired during an end-expiration breath-hold.[18] Relevant parameters of this Dixon-based µ-map include: field-of-view (FOV) = 599 x 271 x 408 mm3, acquired resolution = 2.1 x 2.1 x 2.6 mm3, flip angle = 10°, repetition time (TR) = 3.85 msec, and echo time (TE) =2.46 msec. Following the µ-map acquisition, the 18F-fluorocholine PET tracer (BV Cyclotron VU, Amsterdam, the Netherlands) was intravenously injected with a dose of 4 MBq/kg (up to a maximum dose of 360 MBq). Five minutes after PET tracer injection, a static list-mode PET acquisition was started while the respiratory signal was recorded using the respiratory belt. Previous research in the carotid artery showed stable FCH uptake from 10 minutes until 1 hour after injection in both symptomatic and asymptomatic carotid artery, as well as in vascular background. [15]
Simultaneously during PET acquisition, coronary MR angiography (CMRA) was performed 2 minutes after an intravenous contrast agent injection of 0.2 mmol/kg gadobutrol (Gadovist; Bayer Pharmaceuticals, Berlin, Germany), up to a maximum of 20 mmol. A 3D spoiled gradient-echo sequence with a fully sampled golden-step Cartesian trajectory with spiral profile ordering was used. Relevant sequence parameters include: FOV = 304 × 304 × 104 mm3, acquired resolution = 1.0 × 1.0 × 2.0 mm3, flip angle = 15°, TR = variable based on heart rate, TE = 1.7 msec, acquisition window ranging between 90 to 130 msec. Three-lead ECG registration was performed to allow for cardiac motion gating. Every heartbeat, just before each acquisition window, a 2D image navigator (iNAV) was acquired which provides a low-resolution image of the heart in coronal view to allow for subsequent motion correction. Details of this sequence have been previously described. [19]
OCT imaging
Within 72 hours after the hybrid PET-MRI scan, during the planned second PCI procedure at the VieCuri hospital in Venlo, OCT imaging of the secondary pathological vessel was performed before potential stent placement. Before entry in the coronary artery, an intracoronary injection of 100 to 200 µg nitroglycerine was provided. The tip of the OCT catheter (Dragonfly intravascular imaging catheter, St. Jude Medical, St. Paul, MN, USA) was then placed at least 5 mm distal to the distal edge of the lesion. While obtaining optimal blood clearance by flushing the coronary artery with contrast agent using an automated pump, an automatic pullback through the lesion was initiated, covering at least 5 mm of the proximal and distal parts of the vessel.
Image reconstruction
PET image reconstruction was performed with e7 Tools (Siemens Healthineers, Erlangen, Germany) using the ordinary Poisson-ordered subset expectation maximization (OP-OSEM) algorithm with 3 iterations and 21 subsets. Images were reconstructed with a voxel size of 2.08 x 2.08 x 2.03 mm3 and a matrix size of 344 x 344 x 127. For PET attenuation correction, MR-based Dixon µ-maps were used that provided separation between air, lung, fat, and soft tissue. To make up for the smaller FOV of MRI with respect to PET, the maximum likelihood reconstruction of attenuation and activity (MLAA) approach was utilized.
For CMRA motion correction,motion in the left-right (LR) and feet-head (FH) direction is estimated for each heartbeat using the apex of the heart in the iNAV images. Based on the amplitude in the FH direction, CMRA data is allocated to four respiratory phases or bins. k-space data inside each bin is corrected to the centre of the bin using the FH and LR position estimates derived from the iNav. Next, each bin is reconstructed. Using the end-expiration bin as a reference, respiratory non-rigid deformation fields are generated which are subsequently applied to transform each bin to the end-expiration position generating the motion-compensated CMRA image.[19]
Three different motion correction strategies were available to correct the PET datasets for respiratory motion: 1) Multiphase respiratory gating motion correction (MRG-MOCO), where motion correction was based solely on the respiratory belt signal as acquired during the entire PET acquisition. Only the PET data acquired during the end-expiration phase were used for image reconstruction. 2) Extended MR-based MOCO (eMR-MOCO), where both the iNav respiratory signal (as described earlier, but only available during ~ 9 minutes of CMRA imaging) and the respiratory belt signal (available entire PET acquisition) are used.[20] The time window for which both the iNav respiratory signal and respiratory belt signal was collected, was used to ensure that the binning of PET data on the iNav signal closely matches the binning on the respiratory belt signal by adjusting binning thresholds. These thresholds are then extended for respiratory motion correction of the complete duration of the PET scan. Each bin was reconstructed and combined with other bins using iNav-based motion fields to a reference position to create a respiratory motion-corrected dataset. 3) Finally, eMR-MOCO-ECG applied the combination of eMR-MOCO (strategy 2) and ECG-based cardiac gating to mitigate cardiac motion as well. Only PET data acquired during the end-diastolic phase, which was derived from CMRA sequence ,was used for eMR-MOCO-ECG reconstruction, other data was discarded.
Image analysis
The OCT data was analysed by an independent core lab (LIMIC Medical, Ridderkerk, the Netherlands) where fibrous cap thickness was determined in all plaques. Plaque vulnerability was defined as a plaque with a thin fibrous cap of ≤ 70 μm.[16] PET imaging was then co-registered with the CMRA images and analysed using MIM Vista (MIMsoftware, Cleveland, OH, USA). The OCT slice position of the vulnerable plaque was located on the 3D MRI, using vessel side branches as landmarks, by a cardiologist (BR) and nuclear medicine physician (JP). A volume of interest (VOI) was defined around the pathological vessel section. In the same vessel, a control lesion with a thick fibrous cap was selected on OCT, pinpointed on the MRI, and analysed using the same approach as described for the target lesion. The maximum standardized uptake value (SUVmax) was measured in both the target and control lesions. Target-to-background ratios (TBR) were calculated, by dividing SUVmax values of the target and control lesions by the mean standardized uptake value (SUVmean) of the blood pool in the left atrium.
Differences in TBR ratios between vulnerable and stable plaques were tested by paired Student’s t-test (normally distributed data) or Wilcoxon signed-rank test (non-normally distributed data). Normality of data was tested using the Shapiro-Wilk test. The correlation between TBRmax and minimal fibrous cap thickness for the combined target and reference lesions was assessed using Spearman’s rho correlation coefficient for each PET reconstruction. All statistical analyses and plot generations were performed using RStudio (Integrated Development Environment for R, version 1.4.1103, Boston MA, USA). Two-tailed values of p < 0.05 were considered significant.