This study revealed an overall prevalence of 9.11% bovine trypanosomosis in the study area, which was comparable with results reported in the northwestern part of the country by Kebede and Animut [39], Dagnachew et al. [35], and Bishaw et al. [32], who reported overall prevalence of 10.1%, 11.33% and 7.81%, respectively. The significant similarities among the findings may be due to the presence of almost similar agroecological conditions and husbandry systems [25]. Also, it was in agreement with reports of Kassian et al. [54] conducted by using similar diagnostic technique in the Kilwa district of southern Tanzania as 9.3%. However, despite the similar agroecological conditions and the husbandry systems, [36, 43] reported a slightly greater prevalence of disease in the area, accounting for 12.4% and 12.1%, respectively; this difference may be due to inconsistent tsetse and trypanosomosis control practices in different parts of Ethiopia [19].
However, the overall prevalence obtained in the present study was higher than that reported by Seyoum and Desta [55], who reported an overall prevalence of 5.47 in the Chilga district of northwest Ethiopia. The lower overall prevalence in the Chilga district could be attributed to better veterinary services and the absence of tsetse flies in the Chilga district since tsetse flies are the main agents of trypanosomosis. Additionally, the overall prevalence obtained in the present study was not in agreement with that in previous reports by Sheferaw et al. [19], who reported an overall prevalence of 1.93 in the Gamo Gofa zone. The relatively the higher overall prevalence of bovine trypanosomosis in the present study may be due to inconsistent and juvenile tsetse and trypanosomosis control interventions in the present study area compared with those in the Gamo Gofa zone [15, 56].
Generally, however, the results of this study would have been greater than they are because of the presence of uncontrolled use of trypanocidal drugs by farmers in the study area [15], and low the sensitivity of parasitological diagnostic methods [48]. The low sensitivity of the parasitological diagnostic methods was indicated by Shifaw et al. [29], who compared the Woo test with polymerase chain reaction (PCR), and reported that the overall prevalence of bovine trypanosomosis was 1.4% and 43.3%, respectively.
Trypanosome congolense was the dominant species of the genus Trypanosma in the study area, accounting for 57.14%. This predominance of T. congolense in terms of prevalence may be due to the exposure of cattle to major cyclical vectors of Glossina tachinoides, which are more efficient transmitters of T. congolense than T. vivax in East Africa [9]. The predominance might also arise from the thought that T. congolense, apart from the initial site of inoculation, is restricted to the bloodstream, whereas T. vivax and especially T. brucei are not restricted to the blood; rather they can also invade other tissues [4]. The results of the present study in terms of trypanosome species agreed with the proportional trends reported by Morrison et al. [4] and Dagnachew et al. [41] in northwestern parts of the country. Similar findings were also previously reported for Kenya and Tanzania by Karanja [57] and Kassian et al. [54], respectively. It is tempting to speculate that the transmission in the present study area is more mechanical since the absence of major habitats for tsetse flies as result of massive sugarcane (Saccharum officnarum) cultivation, which foists farmers to keep their cattle in limited pastures, could facilitate the mechanical transmission of T vivax by biting flies at this particular site.
In terms of the association between the prevalence of bovine trypanosomosis and body condition score, there was statistically difference across the good, medium and poor body condition score (P < 0.05). Cattle in good and medium body condition were 0.39 and 0.31 times less likely to harbor the parasites, respectively, than those in good body condition. This might be rooted from the nature of the disease, as it is a wasting disease resulting in a progressive loss of body condition [58], although the effect of other wasting factors such as parasitism and malnutrition could play a role in the development of poor body condition [59]. In cattle, the poorer body condition the animal is, the greater the probability that it will harbor the parasite trypanosome. On the other hand, poor body condition can also be a risk factor for trypanosomosis, as animals in poor condition can have concurrent disease and thus are at higher risk of infection by trypanosomes. As reviewed by Bishaw et al. [29], it is therefore difficult to conclude that either poor body condition predisposes animals to trypanosome infection or trypanosome infection causes a loss of body condition based on a cross-sectional study, so it should be verified by using a longitudinal study design. Generally, however, the findings of the present study are in agreement with the previous findings reported by Hunduma and Abebe [40], Sheferaw et al. [19] and Mekuria and Gadissa [36].
A significant difference was observed in the prevalence of trypanosomosis between the different sex groups of cattle during the study period. Similar finding were reported by Mekuria and Gadissa [36] in the northwestern part of the country. The higher prevalence of bovine trypanosomosis observed in male animals might be because of male animals were more subjected to travel long distances for draught power purpose in areas where the tsetse challenge is higher. However, there was no significant difference (P > 0.05) between cattle of different age groups, although the highest prevalence of the disease was observed in old animals while young animals were found to be least infected. The highest rate of occurrence in old cattle could be associated with chronic nature of the disease for; and the lowest prevalence of trypanosomosis in young animals might be due to the effect of maternal immunity on trypanosomosis [34, 60]. Similar findings were also reported by Dagnachew et al., [15].
The study revealed that 10.94% of the study animals were found anaemic, 69% were parasitemic and 31% were aparasitemic, and the difference was highly statistically significant at P < 0.05. This findings were in line with the general understanding of anaemia and other bovine trypanosomosis studies in different parts of the country [19, 35, and 41]. On the other hand, the detection of anemia in 3l% aparasitaemic animals might suggest that other factors like malnutrition, hemoparasites and helminthes could also cause anemia in the study area [59]. Thus, the presence of individual animals infected despite of having normal PCV measurements and vice versa may help to conclude that PCV measurement alone cannot be used as a diagnostic tool for trypanosomosis in cattle [61].
The entomological findings of the present study revealed that apparent density of tsetse flies was about 0.61 flies/ trap/day, and a total of 110 G. tachinoides were identified. There was variation in apparent tsetse density between the two study sites, 0.76 FTD in Bambluk and 0.47 FTD in Cymida kebeles, which might be due to the difference in the intensity of tsetse and trypanosomosis control interventions in the kebeles. It might also pertain to the reason that as altitude decreases, apparent density of tsetse fly increases. This finding supports earlier works by Dagnachew et al. [41] who indicated that climate, which is largely influenced by altitude has an impact on tsetse populations.
The species G. tachinoides identified in the present study corroborated the findings of Mekuria and Gadissa [36] in the district. However, the overall apparent tsetse density was not in agreement with the reports of aforementioned investigators, which might be due to tsetse and trypanosomosis control interventions actively has been actively, though inconsistently, implemented in the district for five years [62]. Additionally, the overall apparent tsetse density in the present study did not agree with previous studies in other parts of the country. For instance, Regassa and Abebe [63] reported the overall apparent tsetse density to be 10.68 F/T/D in the Limu Shay tsetse infested area of the upper Didessa valley and Meharenet et al. [64] reported it to be 3.98 F/T/D in six districts along the Didessa River Basin in the Oromia region. The variation in apparent tsetse density between these previous studies and the present study might be due to differences in agro-ecological conditions, season of study and/ or onset of tsetse and trypanosomiasis control interventions in the study districts [36].
In the present study, the economic losses due to bovine trypanosomosis were assessed in households whose cattle were included in the parasitological study. It comprises four major economic variables: losses from milk yield reduction, draft power loss, mortality, and treatment cost. And, the assessment was applied in terms of the effect of disease on the final output of milk yield reduction and draft power loss as well as on mortality. Accordingly, mortality and output data were collected via a questionnaire survey based on farmers’ awareness of bovine trypanosomosis. All of the respondents were able to know the symptoms of bovine trypanosomosis and were considered knowledgeable about trypanosome infection, which is in agreement with the findings of some other previous studies, such as those of Seyoum et al. [42], Tesfaye et al. [43] and Grace et al. [65], who reported that 95.2%, 98% and 96% of the respondents were familiar with the disease in selected districts in the Baro-Akobo and Gojeb River Basins in Southwest Ethiopia, in three villages of the Metekel Zone of Northwest Ethiopia and in the cotton zone of West Africa, respectively.
Mortality losses were estimated as a function of the value of cattle as described in [51] by applying the price by age/sex category to the percentage mortality in each category, and by assuming that there was no salvage value after the death of cattle in the area (personal communication). The results revealed that the mean total economic loss due to cattle mortality per household was estimated to be US$ 432.20 (Std. Dev. =702.12; 95% CI = 292.89–571.51) (Table 6), of which about 68.9% was due to the death of oxen and lactating cows only (Table 5), which might be attributed to stress resulting from draught in oxen and lactation in the lactating cows [66]. A previous study conducted in Ethiopia by the NTTICC [67] reported an annual death of 20,000 heads of cattle out of 14.8 million heads of cattle at risk of contracting trypanosome infection, costing US$ 236 million a year. In Africa, the FAO [68] estimated direct losses of US$ 1-1.2 billion a year, in which the share of mortality was high.
In the present study, the economic losses due to treatment costs, which include curative and prophylactic treatment costs, were also estimated. The losses due to curative and prophylactic treatment per household were US$ 149.44 and US$ 83.36, respectively. Thus, the overall drug expenditure to purchase trypanocidal drugs per household in the present study was US$ 232.8 (Std. Dev. = 141.64; 95% CI = 204.7–260.9) (Table 6). The estimated economic loss due to treatment cost in the present study was higher than reported by Seyoum et al. [42] who estimated the annual average money expenditure per household per year to purchase trypanocidal drugs to be US$13 in the Gimbo and Guraferda districts of southwestern Ethiopia. The mean frequency of treatment was 8.2 times, which was estimated from the mean frequency of illness in lactating cows (8.21 times) and draft oxen (8.16 times) based on the trend that farmers gave at least a single treatment to each affected animal during each episode of illness. This finding was also generally in agreement with that of Seyoum et al. [42], who reported the mean number of treatments per individual cattle per year to be 7.4 times in the Guraferda district of southwestern Ethiopia.
However, the findings of the present study were higher than those of Tadesse et al. [30], who reported that the mean frequency of treatment for each affected cattle was 3 times per year in the Womberma district of Northwest Ethiopia; the difference in mean frequencies of treatment might be due to the difference in the burden of bovine trypanosomiasis in the present study area and the Womberma district, where prevalence of the disease was 9.11% and 2.86%, respectively. In tsetse infected areas of Africa, about 35 million curative and prophylactic treatments are given to the livestock each year, costing about US$30 million annually, from which a large majority of those treatments are likely given to cattle [12, 69].
The present study further revealed that the mean total economic loss per household was US$ 1,204.34 (Std. Dev. = 936.85; 95% CI = 1018.45-1390.24). According to the estimated mean total economic loss, mortality loss was found to be responsible for the greatest economic loss at the household level (35.89%), followed by the draft power loss (23.22%) (Table 6). The greatest share of economic loss from mortality agrees with the disease’s complication of causing cattle death in the area, where antitrypanocidal drug misuse is prevalent [15]. The total economic loss per household was variable and positively skewed (skewness = 3.8), which might indicate that few households with the largest losses played a great role in the total economic loss estimation in the area. Therefore, taking the mean total economic loss per household and per head of cattle into account, it was estimated that each household and each cattle lost about US$ 1,204.34 and US$ 79.55 per year, respectively, due to the direct losses considered in the present study as result of trypanosomosis in cattle, respectively. On tsetse-infested lands in Africa, the annual direct and indirect economic impacts of livestock trypanosomiasis have been estimated to be US$ 4.5 billion [68].
In the present study, the mean daily milk loss per milch cow was estimated to be 0.58 liter, ranging from 1 to 3 liter. Using the estimated mean frequency and duration of illness of 8.21 times and 11.01days in lactating cows, respectively, the annual estimate of 166 liter of milk per affected cow and 512.94 liter per household was lost in the present study. Given the estimated mean price of milk per unit of liter (i.e., 1 of L milk purchased by US$ 0.51) in the present study area, the annual mean economic loss accrued due to reduction in milk yield as result of the disease was estimated to an average of US$259.67 (Std. Err.=24.19; 95% CI = $US211.6–$US 307.67) per household (Table 6), ranging from US$14.7 to 1,176; the wider range pertained to the variation in yield level of the lactating cows/number of affected cows per household, the severity of milk reduction and/ or the duration of the illness. The annual mean economic loss due to milk loss per affected lactating cow as a result of trypanosomiasis was estimated to be US$84.04, which was higher than reported by Agyemang et al. [70], who reported an estimated of annual mean financial loss of US$ 16.56 per trypanosome infected N'Dama lactating cow due to reduction in milk yield in Gambia; this difference might be attributed to resistance to trypanosome infection by N'Dama cattle, albeit this is less severe under high tsetse challenge or due to lactation [71]. In the present study, it was assumed that normal amount of milk yield was returned back to the amount trypanosomosis–noninfected status after recovery [72].
In the present study, the economic loss due to draft power loss per household was estimated to be about US$279.67 (Std. Dev. = 214.00; 95% CI = $US 237.21–$US322.13) (Table 6). The mean duration and frequency of illness in an ox per year were estimated to be 10.26 days, ranging from 4 to 20.14 days, and 8.16 times, ranging from 1 to 12 times, respectively. The mean cost of renting a replacement animal for the lost draft power per day was US$10, ranging from US$7.5 to 12.5. The annual mean number of effective working days for draft oxen in the present study was estimated to be 54.63 days, ranging from 36 to 72 days, which is comparable to that reported by Goe [73] who estimated the mean number of effective working days for draft oxen in mixed farming system in Ethiopia to be 65 days a year. The mean number of days lost for draft power was estimated to be 8.16 days, ranging from 1.16 to 27.62 days; a relatively long duration of illness and a wide range might suggest the chronic nature of the disease [58], pathogenicity variability of the parasite in different individuals of cattle [74] and the number of draft oxen in each household (i.e., if excess draft oxen were present, farmers tended to wait for full recovery of their ill oxen, extending the duration of illness [75]. Thus, the mean number of days lost was obtained by multiplying of the product of the mean duration of illness and the adjustment factor by the mean frequency of illness.
The present study on economic survey also indicated that bovine trypanosomosis could cause significant annualized cattle deaths, with the mortality rate of 7.7%, which was generally in agreement with [42], who recorded a mortality rate of 6.4% in southwestern Ethiopia. The result obtained from this study was also in line with the general report of a mortality rate of 6% in Africa, where out of the 60 million cattle population at risk, 3 million cattle died each year [6, 12]. However, a lower mortality rate in cattle was recorded in Northwest Ethiopia by Tesfaye et al. [43], who reported a 4.4% mortality rate. The higher mortality rate in the present study might be pertained to the anti trypanocidal resistance prevailed now a days in the area [15].