This study is the first to characterize the HPV vaccination rates in a large population of young HSCT survivors both before and after transplant. Among HSCT survivors ≥ 11 years of age, only 55.5% initiated HPV vaccination after HSCT. When compared to the general U.S. population of adolescents age 13 to 17 years in 2022, the rate of at least one HPV vaccine dose in the study population (55.5%) was lower than that of the general population (76.0%) [20] despite study vaccination rates equal to or greater than the general population for COVID, DTaP, and influenza vaccines [21] (Table 2). This HPV vaccination rate is greater, however, than the rate of 24 to 48% of HPV vaccination in childhood cancer survivors reported in the literature [22]. Interestingly, receiving the HPV vaccine prior to HSCT was not significantly associated with HPV re-uptake after HSCT, which highlights the need for targeted counseling even for patients who have received the HPV vaccine previously.
Because HPV is a sexually-transmitted virus, vaccination is most effective at preventing HPV-associated malignancy when administered prior to initiation of sexual activity [8]. Sexual activity, including genital-genital, oral-genital, or anal sex, carries risk of HPV transmission due to skin-skin or skin-mucosa contact. In the general population, approximately 20% of 15 year-olds and 65% of 18 year-olds have had sexual intercourse [23]. As such, many adolescent HSCT survivors may initiate sexual activity prior to or within the first few years after HSCT. HPV vaccination soon after HSCT would therefore likely provide the most benefit. However, even delayed vaccination after HPV exposure would likely provide some, albeit decreased, therapeutic benefit. A meta-analysis by Di Donato et al. showed an overall decreased risk of recurrence of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grade 2 or higher (CIN2+) when patients were vaccinated after surgical treatment for the disease as compared to those who were not vaccinated against HPV [24]. While prophylactic HPV vaccination is most effective, catch-up vaccination is also beneficial. This benefit may be even more pronounced in the HSCT population as risk for primary or secondary malignancies. Interestingly, our data also demonstrated that patients with a primary diagnosis of malignancy were not more likely than those with a non-oncologic primary diagnosis to receive the HPV vaccine to prevent a secondary, HPV-related malignancy.
Our study confirms that HPV vaccination in the adolescent HSCT population remains markedly lower than that of other recommended vaccines such as DTaP and influenza vaccines. (55.5% compared to 89.9% and 95.8%, respectively). Not only are rates of HPV vaccine uptake relatively low, but time to first HPV dose after HSCT is often delayed, with a median time to vaccine uptake of 2.0 years after HSCT despite routine recommendation starting at 16 months after HSCT. We hypothesize that patients may decline or deprioritize the HPV vaccine for any of several reasons. Because HPV is a sexually transmitted infection, social stigma may increase vaccine hesitancy or reduce the perceived necessity of vaccination among patients and parents of young children. Cancer survivors and parents of childhood cancer survivors who have declined participation in HPV vaccine trials have previously expressed that their child is too young to need the vaccine or that the vaccine is not necessary in the absence of sexual activity [25]. Alternatively, influenza, COVID, or pertussis may present with cough, fever, or other readily apparent symptoms of illness; in contrast, HPV infections are largely asymptomatic, and even HPV-related disease may be asymptomatic. The absence of symptoms, however, does not reflect the true disease burden. The cumulative proportion of genital HPV infection increases over time to up to 40.9% at 20 years after HSCT [12]. Most female patients who are found to have HPV-related disease are diagnosed during routine annual screening with cervical Papanicolaou smears. For female patients with HSCT before the age of 21 years, screening begins within 1 year of sexual debut or at 21 years, whichever occurs first, and is repeated annually until three consecutive cytology results are normal before returning to routine screening guidelines [26]. Yet due to the natural progression and regression of the disease [27], patients may be unaware of HPV infection if they are not having routine screening performed, are asymptomatic, or have disease regression prior to detection. For male patients, no equivalent routine HPV screening method is currently available [28]. Without clinically apparent symptoms, HPV infection may be less pressing for patients and families who have survived severe disease, such as cancer, or who are experiencing late effects from their disease or treatment.
Despite the CDC’s Federal Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) decade-long recommendation for routine vaccination against HPV in male as well as female adolescents [29], HPV vaccination rates in the general population remains suboptimal. Several studies have shown that the strongest predictor of HPV vaccine non-initiation is lack of provider recommendation [30, 22, 31]. In cancer survivors, other reasons for HPV vaccine refusal include vaccine hesitancy, disinterest in the vaccine, or lack of knowledge of vaccine safety in the context of cancer history [25, 32]. A secondary analysis of vaccine-naïve cancer survivors who refused participation in a clinical trial on the HPV vaccine expressed worry about long-term safety and side-effects, potential cancer relapse, and the desire to avoid additional medical interventions or needles that are not deemed “necessary” [25].
Once HPV vaccination was initiated, the majority (46/66, 69.6%) of patients received at least two doses; however, less than a third (18/66, 27%) of those who initiated the vaccine completed the recommended full three-dose series. Recent data suggests that two doses alone may be sufficient to provide protection against high-risk HPV. The World Health Organization (WHO) in December 2022 updated vaccination guidelines to recommend a one or two-dose schedule, with at least two doses for immunocompromised individuals [33]. A prospective cohort study of almost 18,000 adolescent females found that the immune response to HPV after two doses of the vaccine was non-inferior to that after three doses at 18 months after vaccination [34]. However, this evidence for the safety and comparability of a two-dose vaccine schedule is for an otherwise healthy population and may not apply to an immunocompromised population. Dobson et al. conducted a randomized controlled trial in 674 girls examining immunogenicity after 2 versus 3 doses of the HPV vaccine and found decreased immunogenicity to high-risk HPV-19 by 24 months after vaccination [35]. Immunocompromised individuals who received all three doses demonstrate persistent immunogenicity at 5 years post-vaccination [36]. Though incomplete HPV vaccine dosing is better than none, a full three-dose series continues to be recommended in populations at high risk for persistent or severe HPV-related disease.
Our study compromises a large, high-quality dataset of post-HSCT immunization practices from one of the largest pediatric HSCT centers in the United States. The majority (75%) of included patients lived within the tri-state area, which keeps an up-to-date statewide vaccine registry reported to a centralized database synced with the EMR. The data collected was therefore accurate, reliable, and up to date at the time of data collection. However, our data was collected from a single institution with limited generalizability. National surveys of providers from the Pediatric Blood and Marrow Transplant Consortium have demonstrated a wide variety of clinical immunization practices after HSCT [37]. Our study is also limited by its retrospective nature. We were unable to directly explore the reasons for lack of HPV vaccination after HSCT.
Our study demonstrates that the initiation of HPV vaccine is lower than the initiation of other recommended vaccines in adolescent HSCT survivors and lower than in the general population of individuals of similar age, despite being immunocompromised and therefore at high risk for secondary malignancy, and even fewer complete all three recommended doses. Early and complete vaccination should therefore be a targeted goal for improvement in this at-risk population. Future qualitative studies exploring reasons for vaccine refusal after HSCT could help inform these targeted practices and for improving HPV vaccination in this at-risk population.
Table 1. Patient Demographics and Clinical Characteristics of HSCT survivors
Received HPV Vaccination After HSCT
(N = 53)
(N = 66)
(N = 119)*
Age at Analysis (years)
Mean (SD)
18.1 (5.97)
19.5 (6.31)
18.9 (6.17)
Median [Min, Max]
18.0 [11.0, 36.0]
18.0 [11.0, 43.0]
18.0 [11.0, 43.0]
22 (41.5%)
31 (47.0%)
53 (44.5%)
31 (58.5%)
35 (53.0%)
66 (55.5%)
State of Residence
40 (75.5%)
50 (75.8%)
90 (75.6%)
Outside OH/KY/IN
13 (24.5%)
16 (24.2%)
29 (24.4%)
4 (7.5%)
3 (4.5%)
7 (5.9%)
3 (5.7%)
6 (9.1%)
9 (7.6%)
Middle Eastern
0 (0%)
3 (4.5%)
3 (2.5%)
45 (84.9%)
52 (78.8%)
97 (81.5%)
1 (1.9%)
2 (3.0%)
3 (2.5%)
Primary Language
0 (0%)
3 (4.5%)
3 (2.5%)
51 (96.2%)
63 (95.5%)
114 (95.8%)
2 (3.8%)
0 (0%)
2 (1.7%)
Bone Marrow Failurea
18 (34.0%)
23 (34.8%)
41 (34.5%)
2 (3.8%)
3 (4.5%)
5 (4.2%)
Immune deficiencies
2 (3.8%)
4 (6.1%)
6 (5.0%)
22 (41.5%)
24 (36.4%)
46 (38.7%)
2 (3.8%)
1 (1.5%)
3 (2.5%)
Solid tumor
7 (13.2%)
11 (16.7%)
18 (15.1%)
Type of HSCT
42 (79.2%)
51 (77.3%)
93 (78.2%)
11 (20.8%)
15 (22.7%)
26 (21.8%)
Other age-based vaccines received AFTER HSCT
5 (9.4%)
0 (0%)
5 (4.2%)
Unsure/Not specified in chart
5 (9.4%)
1 (1.5%)
6 (5.0%)
43 (81.1%)
64 (97.0%)
107 (89.9%)
0 (0%)
1 (1.5%)
1 (0.8%)
COVID vaccine
21 (39.6%)
19 (28.8%)
40 (33.6%)
32 (60.4%)
47 (71.2%)
79 (66.4%)
Flu vaccine
3 (5.7%)
2 (3.0%)
5 (4.2%)
50 (94.3%)
64 (97.0%)
114 (95.8%)
a Myelodysplastic syndrome, Diamond Blackfan anemia, Dyskeratosis congenita, Fanconi anemia, Severe congenital neutropenia, Schwachman Diamond syndrome |
b Thalassemia, sickle cell disease |
* All P > 0.05 |
Table 2. Select vaccination rates in study population as compared to general population*
*General population data for ages 13 to 17 in 2022 available from Centers for Disease Control VaxView [38, 39, 21]
Table 3
Rates of HPV vaccination pre- and post-HSCT
Total Eligible
(n = 69)
Received HPV before HSCT
Yes (n = 36)
No (n = 33)
Received HPV after HSCT
33 (48%)
19 (53%)
14 (42%)
Did not receive HPV after HSCT
36 (52%)
17 (47%)
19 (58%)
P > 0.05