Breastfeeding & Weaning
Our study demonstrates that δ13CGly effectively tracks breastfeeding and weaning practices. CHIL 1 and 2's profiles (Fig. S8 in Online Resource 1, and Fig. 1a) illustrate glycine's role in detecting the onset of exclusive breastfeeding. Specifically, during exclusive breastfeeding, δ13CGly for CHIL 1 and 2 (averaging –18.5‰ and –22.2‰) closely matched those of their mothers (–18.7‰ and –21.2‰), indicating maternal dietary influence. Postpartum, an increase in MOM 2's δ13CGly corresponded to a 2.7‰ rise in CHIL 2's δ13CGly between 2 and 10 weeks, while other AAs remained stable. However, from 9 to 13 months, CHIL 2's δ13CGly increased significantly by 4.7‰, diverging from MOM 2's stable δ13CGly. At 9 months, CHIL 2's diet comprised half breastmilk and half solid foods, reflecting maternal values. But by 13 months, breastmilk was completely removed from the diet and CHIL 2’s δ13CGly (–17.7‰) became distinct from the mother's (–21.4‰). Substantial changes in δ13CGly after the removal of breastmilk suggests that either this AA began to reflect a post-weaning diet with a different isotopic composition compared to the mother's diet, or it began to be biosynthesized. The former scenario seems probable as CHIL 2's δ13CGly become more akin to reported values for a C3 diet consisting of soybean meal, barley, and alfalfa (–17.3‰) (Hare et al. 1991), or durum wheat (ranging from –17.3 to –15.0‰) (Paolini et al. 2015).
Unlike CHIL 2, MOM-CHIL 3 data present a distinct scenario. Theδ13CGly differences between MOM 3 and CHIL 3 range from 4 to 7‰, notably higher than other pairs in our study. While one interpretation could be endogenous glycine synthesis in the infant, the δ13CGly profile suggests an alternative explanation. From the week of birth to 4 weeks after, the δ13C of phenylalanine, glycine, and glutamate for CHIL 3 remained relatively stable (see Fig. 2b, and Fig. S7 in Online Resource 1), indicating that the overall diet was uniform during the first few weeks of life. This aligns with the fact that CHIL 3 was in neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) and was fed formula alongside breastmilk until approximately 8 weeks Subsequently, a 5.5‰ increase inδ13CGly occurred as CHIL 3 transitioned exclusively to breastmilk by 13 weeks. Additionally, δ13CGly became depleted of 13C at 19 weeks after birth (by 2.8‰), at approximately the time CHIL 3 was introduced to solid foods. This pattern affirms that glycine was incorporated and influenced by breastmilk consumption. Consequently, we propose that the disparity in δ13CGly between CHIL 3 and MOM 3 arises from a change in the biosynthetic pathway of glycine induced by pathological stress (see below).
Glutamate δ13C also provided insights into dietary changes for infants. For example, CHIL 2’s δ13CGlx decreased by 4.6‰ after the cessation of breastmilk consumption. Similarly, CHIL 3’s δ13CGlx increased by 1.4‰ during exclusive breastfeeding and then decreased by 1.5‰, 19 weeks after birth, following the introduction of solid foods. The subtle changes in δ13CGlx in comparison to δ13CGly in CHIL 3 were surprising as NEAAs are expected to demonstrate a greater trophic level effect than EAAs. However, as the biosynthesis of NEAAs requires a large amount of energy, under conditions of high NEAA concentrations in the diet, these AAs can be routed from dietary sources (Ambrose & Norr 1993; Newsome et al. 2014). Considering that breastmilk contains high glutamate concentrations, infants may have directly sourced glutamate from their diet during certain infancy periods (Davis et al. 1994). The combined metabolic pathways (direct routing and biosynthesis) of glutamate may have led to variable changes in δ13CGlx during infancy. In contrast, the distinctive CEAA role of glycine in infants resulted in patterns closely mirroring those of their mothers during exclusive breastfeeding, notably evidenced by the postpartum increases in δ13CGly. The postpartum increase in maternal δ13CGly may be associated with the physiological/caloric burden of breastfeeding as stress can lead to elevated δ13C (further explained below).
AA Biosynthetic Pathways & Stress
Before delving into how pathological or physiological conditions can change the δ13C of AAs, it is crucial to grasp the intricacies of AA biosynthetic pathways. Typically, NEAAs are synthesized during glycolysis, a process where glycolytic precursors (i.e., glucose arising from carbohydrates) are transformed to form lipids. Carbon in glycine is directly linked to carbohydrate digestion, while glutamic acid is synthesized from the pool of carbon from all macronutrients including protein (Soncin et al. 2021). Various stressors, whether nutritional, physiological, or pathological, can induce a reversal in metabolic pathways, prompting the breakdown of glycogen (the stored form of carbohydrates) and lipids to produce glucose for energy. This process, known as gluconeogenesis, also involves the simultaneous synthesis of NEAAs, which exhibit higher δ13C (Kaleta et al. 2011; Newsome et al. 2014). In addition to glycolysis and gluconeogenesis, normal mammalian metabolism includes extensive turnover and degradation of AAs (Adeniyi-Jones et al. 1981; Berg et al. 2012). Most AA catabolism occurs through transamination, a chemical reaction transferring an amino group from one AA (donor) to a ketoacid (acceptor) to form new AAs, and thus influencing δ15N (McMahon & McCarthy, 2016). Conversely, decarboxylation, which removes a carboxyl group and releases carbon dioxide, is associated with significant effects on δ13C (Fry & Carter, 2019). This process enriches the residual AA pool in 13C, leading to the enrichment of 13C in keratin formed from this pool (DeNiro et al. 1977).
Two mothers in our study experienced physiological or pathological stress. MOM 1, who had COVID-19, showed elevated δ13C for glycine and glutamate, likely due to catabolic breakdown. MOM 3 saw a significant decline in δ13CGly (by 4.3‰) during her second trimester, possibly linked to increased AA synthesis or glycolysis from maternal and fetal growth. In her third trimester, MOM 3's δ13CGly increased substantially (by 5.1‰) alongside multiple health issues. These trends suggest that breastfeeding-related stress may elevate postpartum δ13CGly in mothers and infants, given glycine's role as a CEAA during infancy.
These interpretations are supported by Fry and Carter’s (2019) investigation of δ13C of carboxyl groups (δ13CCARBOXYL) in AAs of keratin samples from humpback whales, which proposes that AA uptake from diet and new AA synthesis lower δ13CCARBOXYL while catabolic effects (gluconeogenesis or decarboxylation) increase δ13CCARBOXYL. Carboxyl carbon represents one quarter of the carbon comprising an AA and is related to CSIA results that measure the average isotopic composition for non-carboxyl carbon (NCC) as well as carboxyl carbon. Fry and Carter’s (2019) results for humpback whales demonstrate 13C-enrichment in δ13CCARBOXYL of both EAAs and NEAAs relative to bulk tissue δ13C due to extended fasting (>9 months). Fry and Carter (2019) further note a greater 13C-enrichment in EAAs than NEAAs. They suggest that these processes may exert a more pronounced influence on EAAs, as they are not replenished from the diet during fasting, leading to a decreasing supply as they become catabolized. In contrast, NEAAs are continuously synthesized, representing a partially replenished reservoir, and consequently exhibiting less overall 13C enrichment than EAAs (Fry & Carter 2019).
With this is mind, the substantial difference between mother and infant δ13CGly (4 – 7‰) in MOM-CHIL 3 is most likely caused by the combined effects of gluconeogenesis, catabolism, and increasing demand for AA synthesis. CHIL 3’s in utero δ13CGly (–26.8‰) was the most 13C depleted compared to all other AAs for the mother and child, except for valine (mother’s δ13CVal : –26.8‰; child’s δ13CVal : –28.9‰). Although CHIL 3’s δ13CGly eventually rose over time in response to breastmilk consumption, they remained depleted of 13C in comparison with the mother’s δ13CGly. Given the health complications of MOM 3 during pregnancy and CHIL 3 in the first 6 months of life, it is conceivable that, in addition to insufficient body reserves, new AA synthesis, and pathological stress, glycine metabolic pathways may have been altered to support the growing infant's needs.
In another study, Zignego et al. (2015) investigated human chondrocytes’ response to moderate compression. Based on changes in the concentrations of threonine, homoserine, and allothreonine, Zignego et al. (2015) suggested that rates of glycine, serine, and threonine metabolism were increased after mechanical loading. Similarly, Mickiewicz et al.’s (2015) analysis of metabolites in synovial fluid indicated that an anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction injury resulted in altered pathways for the metabolism firstly of glycine, serine, and threonine, then other AAs such as proline, alanine and glutamate.
Based on these studies, we can conclude that unexpected patterns may be observed, particularly for glycine, and not necessarily for other AAs. We emphasize that carbon for glycine is directly linked to carbohydrate digestion, and any factors affecting this glycolysis would directly affect δ13CGly. During periods of stress, such as extended fasting, glycogen, the stored form of glucose, is the first to be broken down by the body to obtain energy, followed by lipids and protein (Fry & Carter 2019). As such, δ13CGly would be one of the first AAs to be changed by these processes. In contrast, since glutamic acid is synthesized from all macronutrients, changes in δ13CGlx may be less pronounced unless lipids and proteins are also being broken down.
Overall Diet
Phenylalanine is known for its minimal enrichment (1-2‰) from diet to tissue (Corr et al. 2005), making it a reliable indicator of the isotopic composition of terrestrial or marine plants at the base of the food web (e.g., Choy et al. 2010; Larsen et al. 2013; McMahon et al. 2010). The average δ13CPhe for MOM 1, 2, and 3 (–24.0‰, –26.1‰, and –23.4‰, respectively) suggest a diet primarily composed of C3 plants and terrestrial livestock fed on a C3 diet (McCullagh et al. 2005) (Table S3). This observation is supported by the bulk δ13C averages (–19.1‰, –21.4‰, and –18.7‰, respectively), which also indicate a C3 plant-dominated diet (Burt & Amin, 2014). Human collagen δ13C typically exhibits a positive offset of 3–5‰ from diet (Ambrose & Norr 1993). Subtracting 5‰ from the δ13Cbulk averages approximates theδ13CPhe, providing further evidence of limited enrichment in δ13C of phenylalanine.
Application of Δ13CGly-Phe
Based on our findings, Δ13CGly-Phe proved unreliable for distinguishing diets heavily reliant on terrestrial versus aquatic resources due to significant intra-individual variability among participants. This challenge was also noted in Korean archaeological sites (Tongsamdong and Nukdo) by Choy et al. (2010), who found that Δ13CGly-Phe was not definitive without considering threonine δ13C. Threonine, an EAA, exhibited distinct δ13C between marine and terrestrial protein consumers (Choy et al. 2010). Their study indicated there is no universal Δ13CGly-Phe threshold for distinguishing C3, C4, or marine diets. Choy et al. (2010) examined bone samples from humans (n = 9) and animals (n = 27), and while the ages and sex of most samples were not provided, one human sample was noted as coming from a 7.5-month-old; this infant exhibited the lowest Δ13CGly-Phe among the human samples. Cheung et al. (2022), studying weaning practices at two Middle Neolithic communities in the Paris Basin region, Balloy and Vignely, similarly found difficulty in interpreting Δ13CGly-Phe, particularly in cases where individuals consumed significant freshwater protein. They suggested low Δ13CGly-Phe could be due to unusually low baseline δ13CGly in the rivers or exploitation of lower trophic resources. Based on our study's δ13CGly results, we propose an alternative explanation: variability in glycine biosynthesis influenced by physiological factors rather than baseline conditions or specific dietary choices.
Our results also indicated that infants had smaller Δ13CGly-Phe compared to their mothers. Cheung et al. (2022) also observed that Δ13CGly-Phe were smaller for most infants (< 3 years, n = 6) compared to the adults (n = 4). In one group from Vignely in France, there were no overlapping Δ13CGly-Phe between adults (n = 2, range 15.2 to 15.7‰) and infants (n = 4, range 10.2 to 13.8‰). To explain why adults had larger Δ13CGly-Phe than the nonadults, Cheung et al. (2022) proposed that foodstuffs with lower δ13CGly and δ13CPhe were consumed by both adults and infants, with the latter consuming a higher portion of such foods. Our data do not support the idea that children consumed greater quantities of lower trophic level food or foods with lower δ13CGly and δ13CPhe in comparison to mothers, given that smaller Δ13CGly-Phe in children were also present during the prenatal period and exclusive breastfeeding, when they relied heavily on their mother's diet. In Cheung et al.’s (2022) study, the age range of Vignely infants spanned from 0 to 2.8 years, encompassing both the fetal stage and exclusive breastfeeding period as determined through their Bayesian statistical analysis (Tsutaya 2019). Therefore, we propose that metabolic processing of glycine during fetal and infant stages primarily contributed to the observed smaller Δ13CGly-Phe.