In a world where coronary artery disease (CAD) diagnosis claim millions of lives each year [1], early detection and treatment are of paramount importance [2]. The health of the heart is heavily dependent on the patency of the coronary arteries, which feed blood to its muscles. The deposition of cholesterol and fats in these arteries can cause plaque development, resulting in coronary artery stenosis and limiting blood flow, compromising myocardial oxygenation [2]. As a result, accurate CAD diagnosis and risk assessment are critical to minimize its impact.
Coronary computed tomography angiography (CCTA) plays a crucial role in this effort as it is a non-invasive technique that offers complex imaging capabilities and allows for reliable analysis and prognostic insights for diagnosing CAD. Particularly in the case of coronary artery disease (CAD) diagnosis, CCTA is a reference modality. It allows the assessment of the arteries and the identification of abnormalities through segmentation [3].
Coronary artery segmentation in CCTA images is a particularly challenging task [4]. Firstly, there are several branches in the coronary circulation that vary in thickness, and some of these branches are too thin to be precisely segmented due to their complex structure. Individual differences may also be observed in the coronary artery tree morphology. Secondly, there are other kinds of vascular structures that resemble the coronary arteries around the heart and are sometimes misidentified as such. Thirdly, the segmentation techniques must take into consideration the fact that the coronary arteries represent a very small portion of the heart's overall tissue [5]. Furthermore, the gray information of the coronary artery in the CCTA image is similar to that of the bone and heart region, although it differs significantly from the background. The clarity of CCTA images varies significantly due to a number of factors, including varying patients’ anatomy, unequal contrast agents, complicated coronary vascular architecture, similar morphology between different types of arteries. Last but not least, the heart rate, and data reconstruction method affect the quality of the images, resulting in low-quality images [4]. To address these issues, segmentation and feature extraction algorithms for CCTA images have to satisfy specific requirements. First, vascular plaque characteristics must be extracted in a rich and accurate manner that can detect small changes. Second, the algorithms must exhibit the ability to deal with any challenges caused by a variety of adverse circumstances and challenging situations. Finally, given the time limits in practical applications, these algorithms must be simple to implement, fast to compute, and have a low calculation complexity.
The semantic segmentation of coronary arteries is extremely important for clinical interventional cardiology practice. Determining the percent stenosis of coronary artery accurately requires real-time guidance for CAD clinical decisions [6]. Radiologists typically examine the entire vascular tree based on its morphology and position. In light of these requirements, this study concentrates on CCTA images, examining semantic segmentation techniques in medical image processing, which it forms a key part of the process of image segmentation. The objective is to find an algorithm to align with clinical application needs and deal with different data parameters, with a particular focus on image semantic segmentation based on a 3D U-net model.
Each year, a large variety of advanced techniques are developed for coronary artery segmentation of various medical images, including CCTA, X-ray angiography (CAG) and fluoroscopy angiography. These methods fall into two categories: segmentation approaches and semantic segmentation approaches. The semantic segmentation algorithms have demonstrated cutting-edge performance in coronary artery segmentation in fluoroscopic images [7]. The main step to segmenting the coronary artery in this approach is to extract the vascular tree and the major vessel, then classify each individual coronary artery according to various classes by extracting underlying features of the vessel segments (arterial topology, position, and pixel features). In our knowledge, this is the only work [7] in semantic segmentation in this field, and it is based on classifying the vessels according to some parameters, not on annotated data using fluoroscopy angiography.
In this paper, we aim to develop a precise method for the semantic segmentation of coronary arteries and aorta, designed to be effective across acquisition devices and institutions. To this end, we develop and validate a deep learning-based approach using, three diverse datasets sourced from three different centers countries and three continents. This allows us to capture interinstitutional variability, which is influenced significantly by the machines used, acquisition protocols, and patient characteristics.
Moreover, we prepared annotations for these datasets, which accurate annotations by medical experts can be rare and costly in terms of time. This is the first study that focuses on coronary artery semantic segmentation in CCTA images using multi-continent, multi-center and multi-vendor, providing a relevant multi-country, multi-continent dataset. The primary contributions of this work are:
- Annotation of three multi-center, multi-continent data sets for sematic segmentation models
- Patches based segmentation approaches to improve semantic segmentation accuracy
- Sematic segmentation using 3D Unet for multi-center and multi-vendor datasets
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows: Section two devoted to related work. Section three to the materials and methods used in this paper. In section four, we present the obtained results. Section five we present the discusses of the results, and the paper concludes with section six, which offers the main conclusions.