3.1. FTIR analysis
The formation of poly (DVB) was confirmed using FTIR spectra analysis and is presented in Fig. 2. The results exhibit that, the four characteristic bands appear in the range 1447–1697 cm− 1 are due to the aromatic -C = C- bond while the bands in the range 2900–3017 cm− 1 is due to vibration of aliphatic C-H groups. Moreover, the peak at 712 cm− 1 is attributed to ring out of plane deformation. The vibrations of two neighboring H atoms are observed due to symmetric and asymmetric out of plane deformation vibrations at 796 and 834 cm− 1 confirming that the benzene rings are di-substituted. Also, the bands at 901 and 992 cm− 1 are due to vibrations of vinyl groups [58–60].
3.2. Thermal gravimetric analysis
Both Thermal gravimetric analysis (TGA) and derivative thermal gravimetric (DTG) of poly(DVB) are presented in Figs. 3.a. The results from TGA curves showed a diminish in weight loss by low rate started from 340 K to 420 K for poly(DVB). Then the rate of weight loss started to increase by higher rates from 420 to 750 K. Moreover, DTG curve shows two main degradation peaks at temperature equal to 370 and 700 K accompanied with weight loss percentages of 2.57% and 34.38% for the two stages. The first degradation stage with smaller rate is due to loss of residual organic solvents and moisture from the polymer matrices, while the second degradation stage with higher rate is attributed to the degradation of the polymer backbone [61]. In addition, the results indicate that poly(DVB) is chemically stable up to 420 K.
The Coats-Redfern method is used to evaluate the activation energy (E*) of the primary thermal degradation stage in poly(DVB) [62, 63]. Eq. 1 illustrate the mathematical formula for the first order degradation reaction of the sample fraction (α) decomposed at temperature T with heating rate (θ).
where A' and R are Arrhenius constant and general gas constant, respectively. The value of α is determined from initial weight of the sample (Wo), final weight after completion of the degradation (Wf), and weight of the sample at any given temperature (Wt) according to Eq. 2.
Using Eq. (1) on the TGA experimental data and plotting the relationship between \(\:\text{log}\left[\frac{-{log}\left(1-\alpha\:\right)}{{T}^{2}}\right]\) and 1/T, the values of activation energy and Arrhenius constant was determined from the produced straight line (Figs. 3.b).
Thermodynamic parameters (∆S*, ∆H*, and ∆G*) of the thermal degradation process of pol(DVB) was calculated according to equations 3–5. [64, 65].
\(\:\varDelta\:{S}^{\text{*}}=2.303R\left[\text{log}\left(\frac{{A}^{{\prime\:}}h}{{K}_{B}T}\right)\right]\), | (3) |
\(\:\varDelta\:{H}^{\text{*}}=\:{E}^{\text{*}}-RT\), | (4) |
\(\:\varDelta\:{G}^{\text{*}}=\:\varDelta\:{H}^{\text{*}}-T\varDelta\:{S}^{\text{*}}\), | (5) |
where h Planck constant and KB Boltzmann constant. Table 1 summarized the values of thermal activation energy, Arrhenius constant and thermodynamic parameters for poly(DVB). Also, the positive values of both ∆G* and ∆H* indicts that the degradation of poly(DVB) is non-spontaneous and endothermic process.
Table 1
Thermal activation energy and thermodynamic parameters of pol(DVB).
Polymer | E*a (KJ mol-1) | A'a (S-1) | ∆S*b J mol-1 K-1 | ∆H*b (KJ mol-1) | ∆G*b (KJ mol-1) |
Poly(DVB) | 79.42 | 1.49 | -244.49 | 75.92 | 178.60 |
a calculated from the slope and intercept of the relationship between \(\:\text{log}\left[\frac{-{log}\left(1-\alpha\:\right)}{{T}^{2}}\right]\) and 1/T (Fig. 3.b).
b calculated according to equations 3–5.
3.3. Transmission Electron Microscopy
Morphological structure and particle size distributions of Ag/poly(DVB) were investigated with TEM and the results are presented in Fig. 4. The results illustrate that Ag/poly(DVB) are composed of micro-sphere particles with particle size in the range of 2–4 µm of poly(DVB) (Fig. 4a) coated with silver nanoparticles appearing as dark spots on the surface of poly(DVB) (Fig. 4b). Also, Fig. 3b confirms that, silver nanoparticles in the prepared composites are well distributed on the surface of poly(DVB) and no clear aggregation is observed. In addition, electron beam diffraction images for Ag/poly(DVB) are presented in Fig. 4c and appears bright separate spots of silver nanoparticles which confirm that Ag is nano crystals. Moreover, the particle size distribution of silver nanoparticles on the surface of poly(DVB) are presented in Fig. 4d. The results indicates that Ag appears an average particle size equal to 13 nm.
3.4. X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis
Crystalline structure of silver nano particles in the prepared Ag/poly(DVB) catalyst was performed using XRD technique and the results are presented in Fig. 5. According to this figure, Ag/poly(DVB) catalyst appears broad peak at 2θ equal to 19.352 o which is associated with amorphous structure of poly(DVB). In addition, XRD pattern exhibits four sharp characteristic diffraction peaks at 2θ equal to 38.019 o, 46.002 o, 64.416 o, 77.328 o which are corresponding to (111), (200), (220), and (311) crystallographic planes, respectively. These four peaks confirm the crystalline structure of silver nanoparticles due to their matching with ICSD reference code 01-087-0720, which indicating the formation of face centered cubic crystals of silver nano particles inside the matrices of poly(DVB). Moreover, the crystallite size of these silver nanoparticles was determined from XRD data using Scherrer Eq. (6) [66, 67].
Where D is crystallite size (nm); K is Scherrer constant (0.89); λ is wavelength of X-ray source (0.15406 nm); β is full width at half maximum (FWHM); θ is peak position. Furthermore, diffraction peak details such as d value, miller indices, net intensity, relative intensity, and crystallite size are presented in Table 2. Also, silver nano crystals exhibit an average crystallite site equal to 1.303 nm.
Table 2
Diffraction peak details of Ag/poly(DVB)
No. | 2θ (o) | d value (oA) | Miller indices | Net intensity (Counts) | Relative intensity (%) | Crystallite size (nm) | Average crystallite size (nm) |
1 | 38.019 | 2.36490 | (111) | 736.257 | 100.0 | 1.450 | 1.303 |
2 | 46.002 | 1.97135 | (200) | 395.973 | 53.8 | 1.489 |
3 | 64.416 | 1.44523 | (220) | 181.279 | 24.6 | 0.517 |
4 | 77.328 | 1.23297 | (311) | 188.893 | 25.7 | 1.756 |
3.5. Brunauer Emmett-Teller (BET) analysis
The specific surface area and pore volume of Ag/poly(DVB) catalyst were estimated by Brunauer Emmett-Teller (BET) surface area analysis by the aid of N2 adsorption/desorption measurements at 77 K and the adsorption/desorption isotherm is illustrated in Fig. 6. The BET results appear that, Ag/poly(DVB) has specific surface area equal to 127.428 m²/g. In addition, both BJH pore volume and BJH pore radius obtained at a saturated pressure were found to be 0.317 cm3/g and 2.043 nm, respectively. According to the IUPAC classification of porous materials, macro-porous materials have pore radius higher than 50 nm, meso-porous materials have pore radius in the range 2–50 nm, and micro-porous materials have pore radius lower than 2 nm [68]. Therefore, we can conclude that, Ag/poly(DVB) is a meso-porous catalyst.
3.6. Catalytic reduction of 4-nitrophenol
3.6.1 Experimental investigation
Catalytic reduction of 4-nitrophenol to 4-aminophenol in aqueous medium can be easily monitored by using UV–visible spectrophotometry because both reactant and products have the ability to appear significant two different absorption peaks in UV–visible region. Therefore, this reaction was chosen as a model one to investigate the catalytic activity of the prepared Ag/poly(DVB) composite in the presence of NaBH4 as a reductant [28]. Initially we tried to conduct the reduction of 4-nitrophenol in aqueous medium by only NaBH4 as a reductant without any Ag/poly(DVB) as catalyst, but we observed the yellow color of the reaction mixture does not change and the absorption peak intensity at 400 nm for 4-nitrophenolate ions also does not change. On the other hand, upon adding Ag/poly(DVB) as catalyst, the color of the reaction mixture was changed from yellow (4-nitrophenol color) to colorless (4-aminophenol color) within 19 minute, indicating the reaction cannot be occurred in the absence of catalyst. In addition, the UV-vis spectra of the catalytic reduction of 4-nitrophenol to 4-aminophenol is presented in Fig. 7.a. From this figure, it is clear that the absorption peak intensity of 4-nitrophenol at 400 nm is gradually decrease with increasing the reaction time while a new absorption peak at 300 nm started to appear, indicating the rapid reduction of 4-nitrophenol to 4-aminophenol.
Furthermore, our study was extended to investigate the kinetics of the catalytic reduction of 4-nitrophenol to 4-aminophenol. It is reported that this model reaction is pseudo first-order reaction and is monitored by measuring the absorption peak of 4-nitrophenol at 400 nm [28, 31, 45]. the mathematical formula of pseudo first‐order kinetics is given by the following Eq. (7).
where Ct is concentration of 4-nitrophenol at any time t, C0 is the initial concentration of 4-nitrophenol, and K is the apparent rate constant. The ratio of (Ct/C0) is determined by the ratio of absorption peak intensity of 4-nitrophenol (At/A0) at 400 nm. Appling Eq. (7) on the experimental data of the catalytic reduction of 4-nitrophenol to 4-aminophenol gives a straight line as shown in Fig. 7.b. The value of apparent rate constant (K) was determined from the slope of straight line in Fig. 7.b and was found to be 0.102 min− 1. In addition, the value of half-life time (t1/2) was calculated from the value of K and was found to equal 6.79 min.
3.6.2 Theoretical investigations:
Following the computational methods described above, a total of seven intermediates formed throughout the reduction of nitrophenol have been fully characterized for the six main steps and provided in Fig. 8. Initially, the reactive complex (RC) for the 4-nitrophenol loaded on Ag cluster displayed an interaction through the oxygen atoms of the nitro group with a bond distance of 2.25 Å for Ag….O. The first step was triggered by a proton transfer to one of the ligated oxygens resulting in the formation of the first intermediate complex (IC1). This intermediate complex witnesses an elongation and thus a weakening of the Ag….O interacting distances to 2.37 and 2.53 Å for the unprotonated and protonated oxygens, respectively. The catalytic reduction further proceeds by a second proton transfer to the newly protonated oxygen leading to the release of the first water molecule, IC2. In this new intermediate, the organic compound is ligated to the Ag cluster through both an oxygen and nitrogen atoms with 2.23 and 2.22 Å for Ag….O and Ag….N, respectively.
Then, both third and fourth steps take place in a similar manner to the first two steps and produce a double consecutive reduction of the remaining ligated oxygen resulting in the elaboration of the second water molecule, which has been monitored in IC3, IC4 and IC5. In the last intermediate, IC5, the reduced aromatic compound is ligated to the Ag cluster only through its nitrogen, through a distance of 2.17 Å, and it is now negatively charged and missing a hydrogen atom to be neutralized. The last step of the reduction reaction indicates the termination of the reduction process by the formation of the product complex, PC. In this complex, it is noted that the reduced aromatic compound forms a weak interaction with the Ag evident by a quite long distance of 2.48 Å for Ag….N interaction. This observation demonstrates the tendency of the reduced form of the molecule to depart from the metal surface to the solution.
We have also displayed HOMO over RC, IC2 and PC to enrich our understanding of the chemical interaction that takes place between the aromatic compound and the Ag cluster, Fig. 9. In the case of the initial complex where the nitrophenol molecule is ligated to the Ag(I) through their nitro oxygens, it is noted that the HOMO is delocalized over both the entire molecule including the atoms involved in the interaction. With the progress of the reduction reaction where one of the oxygens has been liberated in the form of a water molecule and the aromatic molecule is now coordinating through both an oxygen and nitrogen atoms, IC2, we observe that the distribution of the HOMO has been slightly delocalized in comparison to RC. Upon the termination of the reduction mechanism and forming PC, it is interesting to highlight that the HOMO is now delocalized over the Ag cluster while a very minimal contribution from the formed aminophenol molecule has been obtained. Overall, the electron deficiency has been shifted from the Ag cluster at the beginning of the reaction into the aromatic compound upon the termination of the mechanism.
3.7. Catalyst reusability
Once the catalytic reduction of 4-nitrophenol to 4-aminophenol had completed, Ag/poly(DVB) was separated from the reaction mixture using centrifuge, followed by washed with methanol, dried, and finally reused for subsequent cycles without any further pretreatment. The results of the reusability experiment are presented in Fig. 10. The results exhibit that Ag/poly(DVB) was able to catalyze 4-nitrophenpl for successive four times with a slight decrease in conversion percentage from 88.76–87.2%, 86.29%, and 83.56% for each cycle, respectively. These results confirm that Ag/poly(DVB) catalyst is durable and stable enough under the current reaction conditions.
Also, Table 3 illustrates a comparison between the catalytic activities of Ag/poly(DVB) catalyst in the present study and the other catalyst reported in the literature. Although the direct comparison with the reported catalysts is difficult due to the variety of the reaction conditions such as concentration of 4-NP, NaBH4 and the catalyst dose, Ag/poly(DVB) catalyst regards as one of the most active catalyst that exhibits an advantage over the other catalysts showing similar activities in the aspects that it can be more readily prepared than the competitors and that it works at the lowest concentration of NaBH4.
Table 3
Comparison of catalytic activities of silver nanoparticles catalysts for the reduction of nitrophenol (NP)
No. | Catalyst | Reaction condition | Reaction rate (min− 1) | reference |
[NP], (mM) | [NaBH4], (mM) | WtCat., (mg) |
1 | Carbon nanofibers/AgNPs | 0.06 | 2.5 | 1 | 0.372 | [69] |
2 | GO-DAP-AgNPs | 0.05 | 50 | 1 | 0.045 | [70] |
3 | GO-EDA-AgNPs | 0.05 | 50 | 1 | 0.020 | [70] |
4 | Ag/PAN CFN | 0.065 | 44 | 10 | 0.038–0.085 | [71] |
5 | PS-PVIm-AgNPs | 0.1 | 50 | 25 | 0.007–0.030 | [72] |
6 | Ag-PPy nanoparticles | 0.108 | 300 | – | 0.066 | [73] |
7 | Ag/poly(DVB) | 0.1 | 1 | 20 | 0.102 | Present study |