3.1. Interaction of Polyethylene Glycol/Graphene Oxide with FAV
3.1.1. Adsorption Energies
The adsorption energies (Ead) and the adsorption distances (d) of FAV on GO and PEGylated GO nanosheets, were calculated[38] across various phases, viz: gas, aqueous, acidic, and alkaline environments (Equations 1 and 2). The results, summarized in Table 1, shed light on the efficacy of drug delivery in different conditions.
In the given equation, \(\:{{\rm\:E}}_{\text{G}\text{P}\text{F}}\), \(\:{{\rm\:E}}_{\text{F}\text{A}\text{V}\:}\)and \(\:{{\rm\:E}}_{\:\text{G}\text{O}/\text{P}\text{E}\text{G}}\) denote the energies of the drug-excipient system, the drug molecule, and the nanocarrier, respectively. Furthermore, \(\:{{\rm\:E}}_{Disp}\), as proposed by Grimme, denotes the long-range dispersion correction energy.
In the case of the GF interactions, the adsorption energies varied significantly, among the phases, indicating the sensitivity of the system to environmental factors. In the gas phase, a moderate adsorption energy of -3.46 kcal/mol was observed, with an adsorption distance of 1.89 Å. However, in aqueous environments, a considerable enhancement in the adsorption energy was noted, with values dropping to -66.38 kcal/mol, suggesting a more favourable interaction between the drug and the carrier. This trend was consistent with the acidic and alkaline environments, where the adsorption energies further increased, reaching values of -202.61 kcal/mol and − 101.17 kcal/mol, respectively, indicating stronger interactions between FAV and GO.
On the other hand, the incorporation of polyethylene glycol (PEG) onto the GO nanosheets, significantly altered the adsorption behaviour. In the gas phase, the adsorption energy for the GPF complex was notably higher (-27.69 kcal/mol) when compared to the GF interaction, indicating a stronger binding affinity, facilitated by the PEGylation. This trend persisted across all phases, with the most significant enhancement observed in acidic conditions, where the adsorption energy reached − 179.11 kcal/mol, highlighting the effectiveness of the PEGylation in the promotion of drug delivery under varying pH conditions. When examining the gas phase data alongside the available literature, it's evident that PAMAM dendrimers demonstrate a marginally reduced adsorption energy of -27.26 kcal/mol for the FAV in contrast to the PEGylated GO bionanocomposites, which was registered at -27.69 kcal/mol.[9]
The optimized 3D structures of the GF and GPF complexes, depicted in Fig. 3 and S1, illustrate the structural arrangements of the system in different phases. These visualizations provide insights into the spatial orientation of the drug molecules within the nanocomposites, thereby, facilitating a better understanding of the adsorption mechanisms. The enhanced adsorption energies observed in the PEGylated systems, suggest their potential applications in optimizing the drug delivery strategies, particularly in the context of COVID-19 treatment, where efficient drug delivery is paramount for therapeutic efficacy.
Table 1
Summary of the calculated adsorption energies and corresponding distances (d) between FAV and the nanocomposite surfaces, charge transfer and release time of the complexes in the various phases
Species | Phases | Ead (Kcal/mol) | d (Å) | Adsorption site | Q(e) | Chi (298 K) | Emix (298 K) | \(\:\varvec{\tau\:}\) (ms) |
GF | gas | -3.46 | 1.89 | N \(\:\to\:\) O | -0.008 | 57.90 | 34.29 | \(\:3.4\:\times\:{10}^{-14}\) |
water | -66.38 | 1.82 | N \(\:\to\:\) O | 0.036 | 46.87 | 27.76 | \(\:4.12\:\times\:\:{10}^{32}\) |
acidic | -202.61 | 1.50 | N \(\:\to\:\) O | 0.373 | 13.62 | 8.06 | \(\:2.38\:\times\:\:{10}^{132}\) |
alkaline | -101.17 | 2.90 | - | 0.001 | 15.67 | 9.28 | \(\:1.22\:\times\:\:{10}^{58}\) |
GPF | gas | -27.69 | 3.15 | - | 0.008 | 68.03 | 40.28 | \(\:1.9\:\times\:\:{10}^{4}\) |
water | -19.71 | 3.20 | - | -0.009 | 68.64 | 40.65 | \(\:2.71\:\times\:\:{10}^{-2}\) |
acidic | -179.11 | 0.98 | N \(\:\to\:\) O | 0.352 | 16.62 | 9.84 | \(\:1.48\:\times\:\:{10}^{115}\) |
alkaline | -76.54 | 1.45 | O \(\:\to\:\) H | -0.222 | 14.84 | 8.79 | \(\:1.13\:\times\:\:{10}^{40}\) |
3.1.2. Electrostatic Interactions and Charge Transfer Analysis
The investigation into the electrostatic interactions and charge transfer within the FAV (FAV) drug delivery system, elucidated crucial insights into the nature of the intermolecular forces, governing the stability and efficacy of PEGylated bionanocomposites.
Across the different phases and configurations, the net charge on the FAV drug varied, indicating the influence of the environmental factors and the PEGylation on the charge distribution within the system (Table 1). In the absence of PEGylation, the net charge on FAV was observed to be slightly negative in the gas phase (-0.008 e), while it became increasingly positive in the: aqueous (0.036 e), acidic (0.373 e), and alkaline (0.001 e) environments, when interacting with the GO nanocarriers. This trend suggests a shift in the charge distribution of the FAV molecules, induced by the interactions with the nanocarrier surface and environmental conditions.
Upon the PEGylation of the GO nanosheets, the charge distribution on FAV, exhibited further alterations. Notably, in the gas phase, the net charge on FAV, became slightly positive (0.008 e), indicating a reversal of the charge polarity, facilitated by the PEGylation. In aqueous and alkaline environments, a similar reversal was observed, with FAV exhibiting a slightly negative charge (-0.009 e and − 0.222 e, respectively), suggesting a nuanced interplay between the PEGylation process and the environmental factors in modulating charge transfer dynamics.
The molecular electrostatic potential (MEP) maps, depicted in Figs. 4 and S2, offer visual representations of the electrostatic potential distribution within the optimized GPF and GF complexes across the various phases. These maps reveal the distinct patterns of negative and positive electrostatic potentials, with negative potentials predominantly, localized around the oxygen atoms of the drug and carriers, while the positive potentials are concentrated around the carbon and hydrogen atoms. These observations underscore the significance of electrostatic interactions in mediating the binding affinity and stability of the drug-carrier complexes in different environments.
The variability in the charge distribution and the electrostatic potential maps, across phases and configurations, underscores the dynamic nature of intermolecular interactions within the PEGylated bionanocomposites. These findings provide valuable insights into the mechanisms that govern the drug-carrier interactions and hold implications for the optimization of the drug delivery strategies. By elucidating the role of the electrostatic interactions in mediating the drug adsorption and the release kinetics, the study advances the understanding of FAV delivery by using PEGylated graphene oxide nano-vehicles, thereby paving the way for its potential applications in antiviral treatment, where a precise control over drug delivery, is essential for therapeutic efficacy.
3.1.3. Non-covalent Interaction (NCI) of the FAV drug-GO nanocarrier systems
The investigation into NCI within the FAV drug delivery system, provides crucial insights into the nature of the molecular interactions that govern the stability and efficacy of PEGylated bionanocomposites across different phases and configurations.
Herein, the reduced density gradient (RDG) is calculated by using Eq. 3, providing insights into the electron density (\(\:\rho\:\left(r\right)\)) distribution and the strength of the non-covalent interactions between the FAV molecules and the nanocomposite surfaces.
The RDG isosurface maps and the scattered plots, depicted in Figs. 5, 6, S3, and S4, offer the visual representations of the non-covalent interactions within the optimized GPF and GF complexes in various phases. These visualizations reveal the spatial distribution of the non-covalent interactions and provide insights into the nature and strength of the molecular bonding within the systems.
Table 1 summarizes the key findings regarding the non-covalent interactions between FAV and the nanocarrier surfaces in different phases. The analysis revealed distinct types of interactions, including strong hydrogen bonds and van der Waals forces, influencing the adsorption behaviour of FAV onto the nanocarrier surfaces.
In the absence of PEGylation, GF interactions exhibited strong hydrogen bonds across all phases, with nitrogen atoms of the FAV, forming hydrogen bonds with the oxygen atoms on the nanocarrier surface. This interaction was particularly, prominent in the: gas, aqueous, and acidic environments, thereby, contributing to the significant adsorption energies observed in these phases. Conversely, in alkaline environments, the van der Waals forces dominated the interaction, leading to relatively weaker adsorption energies.
Upon the PEGylation of the GO nanosheets, the nature of the non-covalent interactions underwent certain alterations. In gas and aqueous phases, the van der Waals forces became the predominant mode of interaction, resulting in lower adsorption energies when compared to the GF interactions. However, in acidic environments, the strong hydrogen bonds persisted between FAV and the carrier surface, indicating the resilience of these interactions, in modulating the drug adsorption behaviour. Interestingly, in alkaline environments, a shift was observed, with the oxygen atoms of FAV, forming strong hydrogen bonds with the hydrogen atoms of the nanocarrier surfaces, highlighting the nuanced interplay between the environmental conditions and the molecular interactions.
These findings provide valuable insights into the mechanisms underlying FAV delivery by using PEGylated graphene oxide nano-vehicles. By elucidating the role of the non-covalent interactions in mediating the drug-carrier interactions, the study advances the understanding of the factors that influence the drug adsorption and the release kinetics. Moreover, the identification of key interaction sites and types, offers the opportunities for rational a design and optimization of the drug delivery systems, tailored for specific environmental conditions.
The implications of these findings for their potential applications in antiviral treatment, are profound. The ability to modulate the drug adsorption behaviour, through the precise control over the non-covalent interactions, opens-up, the avenues for developing targeted and efficient drug delivery strategies. By leveraging the unique properties, such as enhanced stability and biocompatibility, of PEGylated bionanocomposites, this research lays the groundwork for the development of novel therapeutics with improved efficacy and reduced side effects, thereby addressing the critical challenges associated with antiviral treatment.
3.2. Miscibility Study of the FAV drug-GO nanocarrier systems
The miscibility of the complexes was investigated through a comprehensive analysis of the Chi parameter and the energy of the mixture (Emix) in various environmental conditions. The study provides crucial insights into the interaction dynamics between the FAV drug molecules and the GO nanocarriers, which are essential for the optimization of drug delivery efficacy.
The Chi parameter, indicative of the degree of miscibility between the components in a binary system, was evaluated as a function of temperature for GF and GPF complexes, across different phases, viz the: gas, aqueous, acidic, and alkaline environments. As illustrated in Fig. 7, the Chi parameter exhibited a decreasing trend with increasing temperature in all the phases for both complexes. This temperature-dependent behaviour suggests an enhanced miscibility between FAV drug molecules and the nanocarrier surfaces, as the system transitioned to higher temperatures.
Furthermore, the binding configurations of the GPF complex were examined in the: gas, aqueous, acidic, and alkaline phases to elucidate the spatial arrangement of FAV molecules on the nanocomposite surface. Figures 8 and S5 illustrate the binding configurations of the GPF and GF complexes, which provide valuable insights into the intermolecular interactions that govern the drug-nanocarrier complexation process.
The Emix values, calculated at room temperature (298 K) by using Eq. 4, provide quantitative assessments of the energy contributions from the drug-nanocarrier interactions, in the binary system. Tables 1 and S1 summarize the Chi interaction parameter and the Emix values for the GF and GPF complexes, across the different phases studied.
In all phases, higher Chi parameter values were observed for the GPF complex when compared to the GF counterpart, indicating an enhanced miscibility upon the PEGylation of the nanocarriers. Additionally, the Emix values reflect the energetically favorable interactions between the FAV drug molecules and the nanocomposite surfaces, with higher Emix values indicating strong binding affinity and improved stability of the drug-carrier complexes.
3.3. Release Mechanism of the FAV drug-GO nanocarrier systems
The release mechanism of FAV from GO nanocarriers, with and without PEG modification, was investigated across the various phases, i.e., the: gas, aqueous, acidic, and alkaline environments. The release time of the drug from the nanocarriers was determined, providing insights into the efficacy of the drug delivery systems for its potential applications in COVID-19 treatment.
The adsorption energy (Ead) of the drug on the GO-based nanocarriers, was found to influence the release time (τ), according to Eq. (5), where higher adsorption energies correspond to longer release times. In the case of the GF complexes, the adsorption energies varied significantly, across the different phases, with the highest values observed in acidic environments, followed by alkaline, water, and gas phases (in that order). Conversely, the GPF complexes exhibited lower adsorption energies overall, indicating a potentially faster release kinetics, when compared to their GO-only counterparts.
In this equation, T represents the temperature, k denotes Boltzmann's constant (~\(\:1.99\:\times\:{10}^{-3}\) kcal/mol•K), and \(\:{v}_{0}\) stands for the frequency of the attempt. When utilizing the UV light for this application, the value of \(\:{v}_{0}\) at room temperature, was found to be \(\:{10}^{12}\).[39–43]
Table 1 summarizes the release time of FAV from the GO nanocarriers in various phases. Notably, the release times span a wide range, from the orders of magnitude ranging between \(\:{10}^{-14}\:\text{t}\text{o}\:{10}^{132}\) milliseconds. In this study, it is pertinent to note that release times greater than 108 milliseconds indicate a prolonged release, which may not be suitable for drug delivery at the target site.
In the gas phase, both the GF and GPF complexes exhibited relatively short release times, suggesting efficient drug release kinetics in this environment. However, in the aqueous, acidic, and alkaline phases, the release times varied significantly, with the highest release times observed in acidic environments for both complexes. This implies the fact that the acidic environment can hinder the release of FAV from the nanocarriers, potentially impacting on its efficacy in acidic conditions, such as those found in certain physiological environments or diseased states. The observed recovery time for the FAV desorption from PAMAM (9.2 x 103 s) and polyester (4.2 x 103 s), are considerably, longer than that from PEGylated GO bionanocomposites, particularly in the gas and aqueous phases, making the material superior.[9, 25]
Hence, the findings provide valuable insights into the release mechanism of FAV from the GO nanocarriers, highlighting the influence of environmental factors on the drug release kinetics. The shorter the release times observed in the presence of PEGylation suggests the potential of PEGylated graphene oxide nano-vehicles to enhance the drug delivery efficacy, by facilitating faster release kinetics. These insights contribute to a better understanding of FAV delivery by using nanocarrier systems and thus, have tangible implications for the development of more effective treatments for infectious diseases. By optimizing the drug delivery systems, based on GO nanocarriers, researchers can potentially, improve on the therapeutic outcomes of FAV and other antiviral drugs, thereby ultimately, aiding in the fight against infectious diseases.
3.4. Thermodynamics of the FAV drug-GO nanocarrier systems
In the thermodynamic analysis of the FAV drug-GO nanocarrier systems, across different phases, the changes in the Gibbs free energy (ΔG) and the enthalpy (ΔH), provide crucial insights into the stability and feasibility of drug delivery. These parameters were calculated at room temperature for each system, incorporating the finite temperature corrections (Equations 6 and 7). Table 2 summarizes the changes in Gibbs free energy (ΔG, Kcal/mol) and enthalpy (ΔH, Kcal/mol) for the drug-excipient complexes in various environments.
In the gas phase, the ΔG values for both GF and GPF complexes, indicate favorable interactions between the drug and the nanocarriers, with values of 16.95 Kcal/mol and − 10.62 Kcal/mol, respectively, for ΔG and ΔH. These negative ΔH values suggest spontaneous processes, indicating the likelihood of stable complexes formation. However, it is noteworthy that the enthalpy change (ΔH) for the GF complex, is positive (0.55 Kcal/mol), implying an endothermic behavior during the formation process. Conversely, the GPF complex exhibits an exothermic process with a negative ΔH value of -23.59 Kcal/mol, indicating an energy release scenario during the complex formation.
Transitioning to the aqueous phase, both complexes experience a significant decrease in the Gibbs free energy, indicating stronger interactions between the drug and nanocarriers in a water environment. The negative ΔG values (-52.43 Kcal/mol for GF and − 3.93 Kcal/mol for GPF) suggest thermodynamically, favorable conditions for drug delivery. However, the enthalpy change remains negative for GPF (-17.71 Kcal/mol), indicating an exothermic behavior, while GF displayed a highly negative ΔH (-68.83 Kcal/mol), indicating strong exothermic interactions.
In acidic and alkaline environments, the thermodynamic parameters further highlight the stability of the drug-excipient complexes. Both the GF and GPF complexes, demonstrate negative ΔG values across these phases, indicating favorable conditions for drug encapsulation and release. The enthalpy changes also suggest exothermic processes, facilitating a complex formation in acidic (-203.64 Kcal/mol for GF and − 183.68 Kcal/mol for GPF) and in alkaline (-100.19 Kcal/mol for GF and − 68.7522 Kcal/mol for GPF) environments.
These findings contribute significantly to the understanding of the behavior of FAV delivery by using PEGylated graphene oxide nano-vehicles across various phases. The positive ΔG values in the gas phase for GF, suggest the fact that without PEGylation, the interaction between the drug and the carrier may not be thermodynamically favorable. However, the incorporation of PEG, led to negative ΔG values across all phases, indicating an improved feasibility and a stability of the drug delivery system, especially in aqueous environments.
In the context of its potential applications for antiviral treatment, these results underscore the importance of PEGylation in enhancing the efficacy of FAV delivery. By improving the thermodynamic parameters and thereby improving the stability of the drug-carrier complex, PEGylated graphene oxide nano-vehicles offer promising prospects for efficient drug delivery systems, particularly in aqueous environments that are relevant to biological systems. This enhanced stability and efficiency could potentially translate into improved therapeutic outcomes and efficacy in combating infectious diseases.
Table 2
Thermodynamics energy parameters for various drug-excipient species in different phases
Species | Etot (Ha) | \(\:{\varvec{H}}_{\begin{array}{c}TCorr\\\:\:\end{array}}^{298.15}\) (Ha) | \(\:{\varvec{G}}_{\begin{array}{c}TCorr\\\:\:\end{array}}^{298.15}\) (Ha) | \(\:{\varDelta\:\varvec{H}}^{298.15\varvec{K}}\) (Kcal/mol) | \(\:{\varDelta\:\varvec{G}}^{298.15\varvec{K}}\) (Kcal/mol) |
Gas |
FAV | -642.12 | -642.00 | -642.05 | - | - |
GO | -1538.75 | -1538.39 | -1538.47 | - | - |
GO/PEG | -1865.58 | -1865.07 | -1865.16 | - | - |
GF | -2180.87 | -2180.40 | -2180.50 | 0.55 | 16.95 |
GPF | -2507.74 | -2507.11 | -2507.23 | -23.59 | -10.62 |
Aqueous |
FAV | -642.15 | -642.04 | -642.08 | - | - |
GO | -1538.78 | -1538.42 | -1538.50 | - | - |
GO/PEG | -1865.62 | -1865.11 | -1865.20 | - | - |
GF | -2181.04 | -2180.57 | -2180.66 | -68.83 | -52.43 |
GPF | -2507.80 | -2507.18 | -2507.29 | -17.71 | -3.93 |
Acidic |
FAV | -642.45 | -642.33 | -642.37 | - | - |
GF | -2181.52 | -2181.04 | -2181.13 | -203.64 | -183.34 |
GPF | -2508.32 | -2507.69 | -2507.79 | -183.68 | -164.08 |
Alkaline |
FAV | -641.12 | -641.03 | -641.07 | - | - |
GF | -2180.03 | -2179.57 | -2179.67 | -100.19 | -84.05 |
GPF | -2506.82 | -2506.20 | -2506.31 | -68.7522 | -53.21 |
3.5. Electronic and Quantum Chemical Descriptors of the FAV drug-GO nanocarrier systems
The electronic and quantum chemical descriptors provide crucial insights into the molecular interactions and properties of the FAV drug-GO nanocarrier systems across various phases, shedding light on their potential for drug delivery applications.
The frontier molecular orbitals, as depicted in Figs. 9 and S6, offer a visual representation of the electronic structure and the reactivity of the complexes in different environments. These orbitals play a vital role in determining the interactions between the drug and the nanocarrier, thereby, influencing their stability and efficacy in drug delivery applications.
In the gas and water phases, the HOMO and LUMO energies, predominantly, reside on the GO nanocarrier for both the GF and GPF complexes, indicating strong interactions between the drug and nano-vehicles. This suggests that GO serves as an effective carrier for FAV delivery, with the PEGylation process not significantly altering the electronic properties of these systems, in these environments.
Meanwhile, in acidic environments, a shift in the electronic structure is observed, particularly for the GF complex, where the LUMO is found on both the FAV drug and the GO molecules. This suggests a re-distribution of the electron density, due to the acid-induced changes in the nanocarrier's surface properties. Conversely, the GPF complex exhibits a different electronic configuration, with the LUMO, primarily residing on the FAV drug, indicating a distinct mode of interaction that was facilitated by the PEGylation.
In alkaline environments, a further alteration in the electronic structure is evident, with the HOMO and LUMO energies, predominantly residing on the FAV drug for both the GF and GPF complexes. This suggests a shift in electron density towards the drug molecule, possibly due to alkaline-induced changes in the nanocarrier's surface charge or conformation.
Furthermore, the energy band gap (\(\:{E}_{g}\)) serves as a measure of the sensitivity of the nanostructure to chemical agents.[43, 44] The percentage change in the \(\:{E}_{g}\) (%∆\(\:{E}_{g}\)) before and after the FAV adsorption, indicates the extent of the electronic restructuring upon drug loading. Across all the phases studied, a decrease in the \(\:{E}_{g}\), was observed after the drug adsorption, suggesting enhanced electrical conductivity and sensitivity of the nanocarriers to chemical agents. This phenomenon was more pronounced in the acidic and alkaline environments, where significant %∆\(\:{E}_{g}\) values were observed, indicating a substantial electronic restructuring, upon FAV loading.
The calculated quantum descriptors (Table 3), i.e., electron affinity (χ), chemical hardness (η), electronegativity (µ), and softness (s), provide additional insights into the reactivity and stability of the complexes.[45] These descriptors help to elucidate the nature of intermolecular interactions, such as: charge transfer and non-covalent bonding, and hence, contributing to the overall understanding of the drug-nanocarrier interactions and their implications for drug delivery applications.
Comparatively, in the gas phase, both the GF and GPF complexes, exhibit similar values for the: electron affinity (χ), chemical hardness (η), and electronegativity (µ), indicating comparable stability and reactivity of the systems/complexes.[21] However, the GPF exhibited a slightly higher softness (s) value when compared to GF, suggesting an increased susceptibility to electronic perturbations. In water, acidic, and alkaline environments, notable differences emerged, particularly in the chemical hardness (η) and the softness (s). In these environments, the GPF complex consistently, exhibited higher η and lower s values when compared to the GF complex, indicating enhanced stability and resistance to electron transfer. Moreover, the significant increase in η for the GPF complex in acidic and alkaline phases, suggests a greater resistance to chemical changes, and therefore, potentially enhancing its suitability for drug delivery applications in varying physiological conditions.
In all, these findings contribute to the understanding of FAV delivery by using PEGylated graphene oxide nano-vehicles across various phases, which was achieved by the elucidation of the electronic interactions and structural changes, induced by different environmental conditions. The ability to predict and optimize the electronic properties of drug-nanocarrier complexes, offers significant insights into their stability and efficacy, and hence, facilitating the development of targeted drug delivery systems for COVID-19 treatment and other infectious diseases. Moreover, the significant %∆\(\:{E}_{g}\) values obtained, underscore the potential of these nanocomposites for sensor and detection applications, highlighting their versatility far beyond drug delivery applications.
Table 3
Quantum descriptors of FAV Drug-GO nanocarrier complexes in different phases
Structure configuration | EHOMO (eV) | ELUMO (eV) | Eg (eV) | ΔEg (%) | \(\:\varvec{\eta\:}\) (eV) | µ (eV) | s (eV) | \(\:\varvec{\omega\:}\) (eV) | ECT |
Gas |
FAV | -6.83 | -2.91 | 3.92 | - | 1.96 | -4.87 | 0.51 | 6.05 | - |
GO | -4.67 | -4.02 | 0.65 | - | 0.33 | -4.34 | 3.06 | 28.83 | - |
GO/PEG | -4.51 | -3.86 | 0.65 | - | 0.32 | -4.19 | 3.09 | 27.12 | - |
GF | -4.46 | -3.88 | 0.58 | -10.93 | 0.29 | -4.17 | 3.43 | 29.87 | 10.79 |
GPF | -4.47 | -3.86 | 0.61 | -5.43 | 0.31 | -4.17 | 3.27 | 28.42 | 10.47 |
Water |
FAV | -6.77 | -2.86 | 3.91 | - | 1.95 | -4.81 | 0.51 | 5.93 | - |
GO | -4.60 | -3.95 | 0.65 | - | 0.33 | -4.28 | 3.06 | 27.96 | - |
GO/PEG | -4.51 | -3.87 | 0.64 | - | 0.32 | -4.19 | 3.13 | 27.50 | - |
GF | -4.51 | -3.90 | 0.61 | -6.33 | 0.31 | -4.21 | 3.27 | 28.88 | 10.62 |
GPF | -4.51 | -3.90 | 0.61 | -4.13 | 0.31 | -4.21 | 3.27 | 28.88 | 10.66 |
Acidic |
FAV | -11.17 | -7.86 | 3.31 | - | 1.66 | -9.51 | 0.60 | 27.34 | - |
GF | -4.33 | -3.81 | 0.52 | -20.50 | 0.26 | -4.07 | 3.85 | 31.89 | 7.53 |
GPF | -4.09 | -3.11 | 0.98 | 51.37 | 0.49 | -3.60 | 2.04 | 13.24 | 7.21 |
Alkaline |
FAV | -12.24 | -10.61 | 1.63 | - | 0.81 | -11.42 | 1.23 | 80.28 | - |
GF | -8.56 | -7.61 | 0.95 | 45.85 | 0.48 | -8.08 | 2.10 | 68.50 | -0.78 |
GPF | -7.65 | -7.42 | 0.23 | -64.38 | 0.12 | -7.54 | 8.69 | 246.77 | -1.10 |
3.6. Theoretical IR and UV Spectra Analysis of the FAV drug-GO nanocarrier systems
Theoretical spectroscopic analyses, including the IR and UV spectra (Figs. 10 and 11), were conducted to characterize the interactions between FAV and PEGylated GO nanocarriers across different environments. The spectra obtained provide valuable insights into the structural changes and vibrational modes of the drug-nanocarrier complexes, shedding light on their potential for drug delivery applications, particularly in the context of COVID-19 treatment.
The IR spectra of the PEG/GF complexes reveal significant shifts and intensity variations in the vibrational bands, indicating strong interactions between the drug and nanocarriers across different phases. In the gas phase, prominent peaks at wavenumbers of ~ 3356.63 cm⁻¹ and ~ 1176 cm⁻¹, correspond to the stretching and bending vibrations of the O-H bonds in PEG, respectively, suggesting hydrogen bonding interactions with the FAV and GO molecules. In the aqueous phase, new peaks emerge at ~ 3107.70 cm⁻¹ and ~ 1767.20 cm⁻¹, corresponding to the O-H stretching vibrations in water and the C = O stretching vibrations in FAV, indicating hydration and solvation effects. In acidic and alkaline environments, distinct peaks appear at ~ 3425.41 cm⁻¹ and ~ 1806 cm⁻¹, respectively, suggesting the protonation and de-protonation of the functional groups, which further corroborate the pH-dependent behavior of the drug-nanocarrier complexes.
The UV spectra of the GF and GPF complexes provide useful insights into the electronic transitions and energy levels of the drug-nanocarrier systems (Table 4). In the gas phase, characteristic peaks at wavelengths 281.31 nm and 531.31 nm for GF, and 287.45 nm and 555.45 nm for GPF, indicating a π-π* transitions within the aromatic rings of the FAV and GO/PEG, respectively. In the aqueous phase, redshifts in the absorption peaks are observed, suggesting solvation effects and electronic restructuring upon interaction with water molecules. These spectral changes reflect the environmental dependence of the electronic transitions and energy levels in the drug-nanocarrier complexes, highlighting their potential for responsive drug delivery in physiological conditions.
The theoretical spectroscopic analyses offer valuable insights into the structural and electronic properties of the FAV-loaded PEGylated graphene oxide nanocarriers, across different phases. Understanding of vibrational modes and electronic transitions, provides crucial information for optimizing drug delivery efficacy and stability. Moreover, the pH-dependent behavior observed in the IR spectra suggests its potential applications in targeted drug release in acidic tumor micro-environments or alkaline bacterial infections. The UV spectra reveal the environmental influences on the electronic transitions, facilitating the design of responsive drug delivery systems for COVID-19 treatment and other infectious diseases. Hence, these findings are significant enough to contribute to the development of effective and tailored drug delivery strategies, with implications for enhancing therapeutic outcomes and minimizing side effects in clinical applications.
Table 4
UV Parameters for GF and GPF in gas and aqueous phases
Species | Phases | Level Energy (eV) | Excitation (λmax) | Oscillator strength (f) |
GF | gas | 4.44 | 281.31 | 1.09 |
2.33 | 531.31 | 0.22 |
1.59 | 778.31 | 0.08 |
water | 4.75 | 260.82 | 0.90 |
2.80 | 426.82 | 0.11 |
GPF | gas | 4.30 | 287.45 | 1.20 |
2.23 | 555.45 | 0.27 |
water | 4.37 | 283.32 | 1.17 |
2.30 | 543.82 | 0.24 |