2.1 Experimental Area Location and Characterization
During the study, three experiments were conducted, one preliminary in plant beds and two under field conditions. In the preliminary experiment, three abiotic elicitors (salicylic acid, Agro Mos® and Bion®) were applied alone and associated with a biotic elicitor (Compost Aid®). The treatments that promoted the lowest disease severity levels were selected (unpublished data), and the field experiments were conducted on a melon-producing farm (5°0’26.54” South, 37°23’53.16” West).
Before setting up the experiments, single soil samples from the 0–20 cm depth were collected in the experimental area of the farm to obtain a composite sample. The analysis of soil chemical components was performed based on the methodology proposed by Embrapa (Embrapa, 2017). The analysis showed the following values: pH = 7.0; OM = 15.9 g kg− 1; Ca2+= 2.6; Mg2+= 0.9; Na+= 0.13; K+= 0.3; Al3+= 0.0 and H + Al = 0.0 cmolc dm− 3; P = 122.6; Cu = 1.5; Fe = 11.6; Mn = 53.6; Zn = 2.8 and B = 1.1 mg dm− 3.
2.2 Experiment Conduction and Design
The experiments were conducted in an area with history of the disease located on a melon-producing farm in the municipality of Mossoró - RN. The melon hybrid used was ‘Goldmine’. Seedling transplanting and the other management practices were carried out as performed on the farm. Irrigation was applied through a fertigation line using the drip system.
The experimental design was randomized blocks (RBD), with five treatments and four replicates. Each plot was composed of one row with eight plants at spacing of 40 cm. The treatments were: standard, Bion®, Compost Aid®, Bion® + Compost Aid® (associated) and control (without application of products). The treatments were chosen based on the preliminary experiment, conducted in masonry beds, in which Bion® + Compost Aid® and Compost Aid® alone promoted the lowest values of disease severity. The standard treatment refers to the practices adopted by the farm, in addition to fertigation to maintain the appropriate nutritional aspects, based on soil analysis, with consolidated use of the fungus Trichoderma over the years of cultivation, to control root pathogens.
2.3 Preparation and Application of Treatments
Bion® (a product whose active ingredient is acibenzolar-S-methyl) was applied at the concentration of 1.0 g/20 L of water, as recommended by the manufacturer. The first application was performed seven days after transplanting the seedlings, and subsequently, three more applications were performed with intervals of seven days. The first two applications were carried out via soil, due to the use of a non-woven fabric (TNT), which hinders foliar application at the beginning of the cycle. Both foliar applications were carried out using a manual sprayer, and the leaves were sprayed until they were completely wet, a process carried out from 16:00 hours.
Compost Aid® (a product based on Bacillus subtilis, Enterococcus faecium and Lactobacillus plantarum) was applied three times during the experiment, the first application at seven days after transplanting (3 kg/ha), and the other applications at intervals of seven days, at a dose of 2 kg/ha (manufacturer’s recommendation). All applications were carried out via soil, with a graduated cylinder, using 50 mL of the solution per plant.
2.4 Variables Analyzed
At 65 DAT, the roots of the eight plants of each plot were collected and taken to the Laboratory of Phytopathology and Microbiology of UFERSA for epidemiological analysis. To calculate the disease severity index (DSI), the roots of the eight plants of each plot were classified from 0 to 5 using the scale of scores described by Ambrósio et al., 2015. The DSI was normalized for each treatment using the following equation: DSI= [(X1×0) + (X2×1) + (X3×2) + (X4×3) + (X5×4) + (X6×5)]/(X1 + X2 + X3 + X4 + X5), where X1, X2, X3, X4, X5 and X6 are the number of plants with disease severity scores of 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, respectively (Huo et al., 2021).
For the enzymatic analyses, samples of melon leaves (middle third) were collected 12 hours after the last application of the treatments. These samples were placed in a thermal box containing ice and transported to the Plant Biotechnology laboratory of the Federal Rural University of the Semi-Arid Region for weighing and processing, aiming at storage in a freezer (-80°C) for further analysis.
The leaf samples (0.5 g) were placed in mortar, where 25 mg of polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) and liquid nitrogen were added. Then, they were macerated with pistil and immediately after they received 2.5 mL of 100 mM sodium acetate buffer (pH 5.0) and 0.5 mL of EDTA (1 mM). The homogenate remained under 4 ºC in the centrifuge at 10,000 g for 10 minutes, and the obtained supernatant was considered as enzymatic extract (Bezerra Neto and Barreto, 2011). The enzymes analyzed were peroxidase (POX), polyphenol oxidase (PPO) and catalase (CAT), and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) was quantified.
POX activity was estimated based on the difference in absorbance produced with guaiacol oxidation and together with the reduction of H2O2. For this, 25 µL of guaiacol (0.2 M) was mixed with 250 µL of hydrogen peroxide (0.38 M) and 1 mL of sodium phosphate buffer (0.2 M pH 6.0). The mixture was gently stirred, and the reaction was initiated with the addition of 25 µL of the protein extract. Readings were performed at 470 nm, every 10 seconds, for 1 minute. Enzymatic activity was estimated based on the difference of absorbance per minute and per weight of fresh sample. For the blank, the protein extract was replaced with distilled water (Bezerra Neto and Barreto, 2011).
For the spectrophotometric determination of PPO activity, 1.8 mL of the potassium phosphate buffer (0.05 M pH 6.0) was transferred to cryogenic vials. Then, 50 µL of protein extract and 50 µL of Catecol (0.1 M) were added. The mixture was stirred in vortex for 15 seconds and incubated for 30 minutes at 30 ºC. After incubation, the vials were transferred to ice bath, with addition of 100 µL of perchloric acid (1.4%), and the mixture was stirred again in vortex and left to rest for 10 minutes. For the blank, protein extract was replaced with distilled water. Readings were performed at 396 nm and the results were expressed in enzymatic unit (EU) per gram of fresh sample (Campos et al., 2007).
The spectrophotometric activity of CAT was determined according to the methodology proposed by Havir and Mchale (1987) with modifications by Azevedo et al. (1998). For this, 2.75 mL of potassium phosphate buffer (100 mM pH 7.5) and 100 µL of protein extract were added in cryogenic vials. Then, the reaction was initiated with the addition of 120 µL of H2O2, which was pipetted only at the time of readings. For the blank, potassium phosphate buffer was used. CAT activity was observed for 1 minute, with readings at time 0 and after 60 seconds at 240 nm wavelength, in quartz cuvettes. The results were expressed in µmol/min/mg protein. Protein concentration was analyzed by the Bradford method (Bradford, 1976). The results were expressed in enzymatic units min− 1 mL− 1.
For the quantification of H2O2, 75 µL of protein extract was added to Eppendorf® tubes and mixed with 75 µL of potassium phosphate buffer (10 mM pH 7.0) and 150 µL of potassium iodide (1 M). Then, the mixture was incubated for 30 minutes at ambient temperature and in the dark. For the blank, distilled water was used in place of protein extract. After that, readings were performed in a spectrophotometer at 390 nm (Quadros et al., 2019).
Physiological evaluations were performed at 50 DAT. Gas exchange was determined using an infrared gas analyzer - IRGA (Walz-Gfs-300), with airflow of 300 µmol s− 1 and coupled light source of 1200 µmol m− 2 s− 1, with measurements between 8:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. The following variables were measured: photosynthetic rate (A) (µmol CO2 m− 2 s− 1), stomatal conductance (gs) (mol m− 2 s− 1), internal CO2 concentration (Ci) (µmol CO2 m− 2 s− 1), transpiration (E) (mmol H2O m− 2 s− 1), water use efficiency (WUE-A/E), instantaneous carboxylation efficiency (CEi = A/Ci) and leaf temperature (LT) (ºC). Chlorophyll A index, chlorophyll B index and chlorophyll A/B ratio were determined by the nondestructive method, using a portable chlorophyll meter (ClorofiLOG®, CFL 1030 model, Porto Alegre, RS), and the values were expressed in Falker chlorophyll index (FCI).