In this study, we demonstrate the potential advantage of multi-omics approach, including genomics, proteomics, and transcriptomics, of joint fluid in the diagnosis of suspected septic arthritis. Our preliminary data favorably show a proof-of-concept that multiomics method is promising for greater discriminatory capability and improved characterization of culture-negative acute arthritis, as occurred in 6 of 12 (50%) children studied. This multi-omics approach identified: two cases of potential Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis (JIA) and one children with Post-Streptococcal reactive arthritis (PSRA). While less than perfect, the improved diagnostic confidence for 9 of 12 (75%) children is a substantial advancement over existing capability.
The joint fluid samples with bacteria exhibited significantly higher expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines, including IL-1b, IL-6, IL-4, IL-2Ra, and GRO-a consistent with published literature (13) (14, 15). One of the most strongly elevated cytokines was GRO-alpha, which is also known as CXCL1, a chemoattractant that recruits neutrophils to the site of infection (16). Interestingly, it was exclusively expressed in joint fluids with confirmed bacterial presence. Among elevated cytokines, IP-10, IL-1B, IL-18 and IL-6 are several well-established markers of pathogenic S. pyogenes induced early innate immune response (17, 18). Interestingly, IL-15 and IL-16, which is implicated in Staphylococcus aureus induced arthritis (19), was significantly elevated in Staphylococcus aureus positive joint fluid (JF-3 & JF-10) as compared to samples positive for Streptococcus pyogenes. Overall, the cytokine data clearly distinguished between children with and without bacterial infection. The observed poor joint-fluid culture-positivity in septic arthritis cohort (6/12 or 50%) is consistent with previous reports (20, 21). The mNGS findings were 100% concordant with hospital PCR testing.
Six children with no bacterial identification by any standard of care testing methods or mNGS (JF5, JF6, JF8, JF9, JF11, JF12), left us with a common diagnostic dilemma. The normal level of cytokines in this subset was consistent with negative mNGS results and indicated potential non-infectious conditions consistent with literature (22). Autoantibodies are established biomarkers of rheumatic and autoimmune diseases, such as systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE)(23). The observed autoantibody signatures in infection negative group suggest possibility of an autoimmune pathology in this subset as published literature report association such antibodies with established autoimmune and rheumatic conditions i.e. SLE (SmD, U1-snRNPs, dsDNA Albumin) (24), arthritis (Albumin)(25), myositis (Nup62)(26) and collagen-induced arthritis (Collagen II, Collagen III & IV)(27). In this context, sample JF8, JF9 and JF12 showed highest levels of these autoantibodies suggesting increased possibility of potential autoimmune pathology in these three subjects. It is known that a person can exhibit autoantibodies several years prior to the onset of a clinical autoimmune disease (28). Consistent with this, antibody data was corroborated in three children during their follow up. Two of these subjects (JF8 & JF12) of these confirmed to be JIA by rheumatology. One subject (JF11) was confirmed as PSRA as evidenced by elevated Anti-Streptolysin O and Anti-DNAse B titers. The strong autoantibody signatures in JF8 and JF12 were further supported by single cell RNA sequencing data showing abundance of autoreactive T and B cells in these subjects. Observed enrichment of CD8 + CCR7 + T cells in JF8 and JF12 joint fluid is consistent with the literature that suggest role of CD8 + T cells in induction, progression and pathogenesis of autoimmune diseases(29).
Altogether these findings suggest increased probability of adaptive immune system related abnormalities driving the clinical process among the infection negative subset of the children. Given that the multi-omics tests utilized in this study have the potential for rapid turnaround (within 48 hours of specimen procurement), this approach may offer considerable improvement over current method (30). For the child with JIA (JF8 & JF12) with single cell sequencing analysis consistent with a strong antibody profile, antibiotics would not have been administered, and the child would have had an expedited rheumatology consultation. Similarly, JF11 would have undergone testing for Anti-Streptolysin O and Anti-DNAse B titer. This capacity is particularly important in young children with acute mono-arthritis as clinical and laboratory parameters do not reliably differentiate between infectious, inflammatory, or reactive arthritis, which necessitates ongoing follow-up and presumptive antibiotic therapy while observing for resolution or evolution toward alternative diagnostic considerations (31).
Present study is limited by small sample size and heterogeneity of demographic variables. Despite this, it clearly demonstrates the potential benefit of multi-omics approach, especially autoantibody assay in culture negative cases to immediately discern between groups of children with bacterial presence in the joint fluid and those with potential autoimmune conditions. This ability to rapidly characterize the joint fluid of children beyond routinely used parameters has tremendous potential for clinical application. The small sample size and missing clinical data may have contributed to the lack of statistical significance of some known biomarkers of acute bacterial arthritis. Another limitation is previous antibiotic administration prior to treatment, which may have impact on clinical read outs as well as immune profile. We were not able to profile cytokine and antibody assays in serum and compare the data to joint-fluid, due to unavailability of blood specimens in most of these cases. An ongoing follow up in the subset of patients with autoimmune phenotypes is underway. Our current clinical impression of this subset is that it represents variations of presumed primary septic arthritis. JF-5 is suspected to be infection from Kingella kingae given the young age of the child, male sex, indolent presentation with minimally elevated inflammatory markers, and history of antibiotic pre-treatment with amoxicillin. He had a rapid clinical response to treatment with clindamycin and ceftriaxone intravenously followed by oral trimethoprim sulfamethoxazole and has had no recurrence. Similarly, JF-6 and JF-9 are thought to be presumed primary septic arthritis as they had clinical and laboratory improvement to normalcy within the course of treatment with antibiotics and no recurrence in the period of follow-up. They were also within the age range in which Kingella is commonly seen so their antibiotic regimen was like that of JF-5. The infection negative samples showed small number of 16s sequencing reads mapping to non-pathogenic organisms such as Phyllobacterium, Rhizobiaceae and Micrococcus, which may be sequencing artifacts or contaminants, so need further investigation.
In summary, our preliminary analysis support the idea that cytokine and antibody signatures in joint fluid combined with 16S sequencing and single cell analysis have a promising role in the quick evaluation and management of suspected primary septic arthritis and AHO. Beyond rapidly confirming or eliminating infectious etiologies, a multi-omics approach may reveal potential developing inflammatory or reactive conditions. Given the current availability and rapid results turnaround of this technology, there is value in sharing these results with the clinical and scientific community to allow for early adoption and dissemination. Further studies with larger cohorts of children are needed to confirm and expand upon our findings.