Disease incidence is a crucial parameter in assessing mango postharvest quality, shelf life, coating effectiveness, consumer preference, economic impact, food safety, and research validity. It helps evaluate the effectiveness of coatings in preserving mango postharvest quality, ensuring food safety, and minimizing economic losses associated with fungal contamination. Measuring disease incidence helps determine the effectiveness of coatings and their potential applications in the fruit industry. The implementation of a coating derived from polysaccharides exhibits a distinguishing ability to facilitate the transfer of gases, hence establishing its excellent efficacy as a gas barrier[32]. Although it diminishes the process of gas exchange, it does not entirely halt it. This coating allows for slow aerobic respiration while inhibiting anaerobic respiration from produced unwanted compounds. Slower aerobic respiration also delays senescence, extending the shelf life of fruit [32][33]. Despite the fact that coatings based on polysaccharides offer a commendable level of gas barrier properties, their hydrophilic properties lead to a low performance in terms of moisture barrier properties. Enhancing the water barrier capacity and other properties of polysaccharide-based coatings is necessary in order to improve their effectiveness as food coatings. Numerous studies have attempted to explore approaches focused on enhancing the effectiveness of polysaccharide-based coatings. The utilisation of ZnO nanoparticles has emerged as a viable solution for this purpose. The integration of zinc oxide nanoparticles (ZnO NPs) into polysaccharides leads to the formation of a coating that exhibits exceptional mechanical, structural, and barrier characteristics[34]. Table 1 shows the uncoated mango (control) and mangoes coated with nanocomposite ZnO-corn starch at different concentrations (0.5 M, 1.0 M, 1.5 M and 2.0 M). Fungal growth on control mangoes was detected on day 2 with increasing severity compared to coated mangoes after seven days in storage at room temperature. Meanwhile, no black spots were observed on the coated mangoes throughout the storage. The results show ZnO NPs can retard disease progression on mangoes due to the antimicrobial properties.
Table 1. The condition of mangoes with and without ZnO NPs coating throughout the storage period.
Black spot is a fungal disease affecting mangoes and other tropical fruits, caused by Colletotrichum gloeosporioides[35]. It manifests as dark, sunken spots on the fruits skin, leading to mushy texture, internal damage, and spore production[35]. The disease can cause significant economic losses and spread to healthy fruit. Therefore, nanocomposite coating is effective in inhibiting black spot growth on mangoes. In addition, the ZnO NPs have remarkable antimicrobial properties with high stability, non-toxicity. The inhibitory properties of ZnO nanoparticles have been investigated as it relates to their capacity to prevent the development of several pathogens, hence demonstrating their efficacy in reducing the spread of diseases [36]. Hmmam et al. reported the decay percentage of the control treatment was three to four times higher than that of alginate- and Alg–ZnO NP-coated fruits, respectively. The decrease in decay incidence was probably due to the effect of the coating on delaying senescence, which results in lower pathogenic infections [37]. Additionally, ZnO NPs have antimicrobial effects against several postharvest microbial infections [20][38][39]. The presence of ZnO NPs within the coating solution serves as a physical barrier on the surface of mangoes. This barrier effectively hinders the infiltration of microorganisms, including bacteria and fungi, which have the potential to induce various diseases.
Furthermore, ZnO NPs reduce respiration rate, water loss and oxidation dates, ripening activities and inhibit microbial growth. Meanwhile, corn starch acts as a semipermeable barrier against carbon dioxide, moisture, oxygen and solute movement [40]. This material can also increase the bonding between corn starch and ZnO NPs on the fruit surface. The incorporation of high levels of zinc oxide nanoparticles (ZnO NPs) inside a starch coating might result in several advantageous benefits, including improved barrier qualities, enhanced mechanical strength, prolonged shelf life, antibacterial activity, reduced oxygen permeability, improved color and clarity, and cost considerations [23]. These properties enhance the efficacy of the coating in terms of gas and moisture obstruction, safeguarding the underlying substrate, and prolonging the shelf life. Based on Table 2, there is a noticeable inverse trend between the concentration of ZnO in the polysaccharide coating and the percentage of disease incidence seen in mangoes. This demonstrates the direct relationship between the ZnO concentration in the coating and its effectiveness in reducing disease incidence in mangoes. Corn starch possesses moisture barrier qualities, which result in reduced respiration. Consequently, the reduced respiration inhibits fungal growth on the surface of the fruit peel. Zinc oxide (ZnO) also inhibits the growth of fungi on the surface of the peel. Then, the synergy effect is seen in an effort to reduce black spots.
Table 2
Disease incidence of mangoes.
Percentage Disease Incidence (%)
0 (Control)
0.5 M
1.0 M
1.5 M
2.0 M
Weight loss is the major factor that affects the shelf life and quality of fresh fruits. During this experiment, weight loss was reduced during storage. The uncoated mango experienced the highest weight loss compared to the coated fruits. In contrast, mangoes coated with different ZnO NPs concentrations (0.5 M-2.0 M) showing 18.63%, 17.67%, 13.53% and 14.25%, respectively (see Fig. 1). The weight loss observed in mangoes with a coating containing ZnO NPs was shown to be considerably lower when compared to mangoes without any treatment. The study findings indicate that the incorporation of ZnO nanoparticles (NPs) in the filler material [41] leads to a reduction in weight loss. The decrease in permeability of oxygen and moisture can be ascribed to the barrier qualities of the filler material [42]. Climacteric mature fruit experiences a sequence of metabolic transformations when detached from the tree, and these metabolic activities ultimately lead to a reduction in fruit weight throughout the postharvest and storage duration [43].
Postharvest water loss can lead to mango shriveling. However, the moisture loss from the coated fruits was slower because the ZnO nano-filler acted as a barrier against moisture diffusion into the stomata of mango skin. Moreover, mangoes coated with 1.5 M ZnO NPs and corn starch showed significantly lower weight loss. The permeability to moisture vapor is an important property of edible coatings since it has a direct impact on the respiration rate and weight loss of fruits during storage [44]. Furthermore, the permeability of moisture vapor in films is also associated with the growth and proliferation of microorganisms [44]. The polysaccharide coating functions as a barrier against moisture [45][46]. The application of a ZnO-starch polysaccharide coating on the mango surface creates a physical barrier that effectively lowers the rate of moisture evaporation from the fruit. The presence of this barrier effect serves to minimise the loss of water vapour, hence facilitating the preservation of the mangos mass. The utilisation of ZnO nanoparticles has been found to possess inhibitory properties against bacteria present on the surface of mangoes, hence reducing the factors that contribute to rotting and decay. The coating assists in preserving the fruits integrity by limiting microbial activity, hence limiting tissue breakdown and moisture loss [46][47]. Earlier, it has been reported that ZnO NPs effectively reduced weight loss in bananas [38], mangoes [48] and strawberries[29] [49]. Additionally, fresh cut kiwi fruit coated with ZnO NPs containing chitosan polymer restricted gas exchange on the fruit surface [50]. The coating material can minimize water loss and reduce these negative consequences; the coating works as a semi-permeable barrier for moisture, oxygen, and carbon dioxide, lowering respiration and water loss and maintaining cell wall turgescence [43] [51]. Wu et al. discovered that adding ZnO NPs to polysaccharide-based biopolymers increased their mechanical characteristics while decreasing water vapor permeability [43][52]. Emamifar and Bavaisi found that ZnO NPs considerably enhanced the moisture barrier of alginate films, minimizing fruit weight loss [43][53]. The findings of the study indicate that edible coatings possess the capability to effectively preserve moisture content [40][54]. This is achieved by the formation of a protective layer that functions as a barrier, impeding the transport of water and thus reducing the rate of transpiration [40][54].
Table 3 shows the ⁰Brix and TSS of coated mango fruits. The changes in TSS observed during storage may be a result of the breakdown of complex carbohydrates by hydrolytic enzymes [43]. TSS should remain consistent with the natural sugar levels, as the coatings primary function is moisture and microbial control. The increment in TSS might be due to the dissociation of some molecules and structural enzymes in soluble compounds. These activities directly influenced the TSS levels in stored fruits due to the increased respiration and metabolic activities[55]. Similarly, an earlier study agreed that higher respiration rates increase due to converting metabolites and carbohydrates into sugar, hence the higher TSS [56]. According to Gol et al., the reason for the low TSS in coated fruits is likely due to the coatings barrier effect against respiration, which slows down the metabolic activities of the fruits [43][57]. The application of an edible coating serves as a protective barrier that effectively mitigates water loss from the mangoes, hence playing a significant role in the preservation of its TSS content.
Table 3
pH, TA, TSS, Ratio of TSS/TA and moisture content of uncoated and coated mangoes during storage.
Moisture Content
0.5 M
1.0 M
1.5 M
2.0 M
Table 4
Concentration of Citric Acid from mango uncoated and coated with ZnO NPs- CS
Concentration of Citric Acid (ppm)
0.5 M
1.0 M
1.5 M
2.0 M
The TA measures the acid levels present in fruits, and this value increases with higher nanocomposite concentrations. At a lower concentration of ZnO, it is possible that the overall acidity of mangoes might not have significant changes. The features intrinsic to the fruit are the primary factors that impact TA, and these factors tend to remain relatively stable. The low ZnO coating is unlikely to have an effect on TSS. It is crucial to maintain consistency with the inherent sugar levels of mangoes. At the end of the storage period, TA increases in the ZnO NPs-treated commodity (strawberries, tomatoes and peaches). In contrast, TA was slowly reduced in other crops, such as mangoes and longan, associated with the loss of eating quality [58]. According to Buluc and Koyuncu, the presence of O3 has been found to induce a delay in the respiration rate, hence contributing to the maintenance of TA [59]. Organic acids play a crucial role in the process of respiration by serving as hydrogen ion donors[59]. Coatings can slow down the rate of respiration and metabolic processes, which helps to limit the intake of organic acids during respiration reactions [5][6][43]. The edible coating has been proven to be effective in reducing the rate of fruit respiration and inhibiting the consumption of titratable acids, compared to uncoated fruit samples[60]. Both total soluble solids (TSS) and organic acids have a significant impact on the flavor and ripening process of fruits.
The ratio of total soluble solids to titratable acidity (TSS/TA) was noticeably influenced by the application of coatings during the storage period. The TSS/TA ratio is a well-known indicator of fruit quality, as it reflects the balance between sweetness and acidity. A higher TSS/TA ratio is associated with a sweeter taste, which is the result of increased breakdown of polysaccharides (such as starch), reduced acidity, and accumulation of sugars[61]. This leads to a more favorable sugar/acid ratio, which is a key factor in determining fruit quality[62].
After seven days of storage of mango fruit, there was an increase in pH with increasing concentrations of ZnO NPs (see Table 3). Mango acidity varies depending on ripeness and ripening method. Generally, the mango pH ranges from 5.8 to 6.0. In this study, the pH of the coated samples was comparable with the control sample, indicating that the ripening rate was reduced due to the coating barrier. This characteristic is beneficial in overcoming the limitation of long-distance commercial transport of fruits.
The control sample recorded the lowest pH, while the highest was in mangoes treated with 2.0 M coating. The respiration process may contribute to these observations, where acids are converted into sugars. Organic acids are substrates for enzymatic reactions in respiration; thus, the reduced acidity led to an increase in fruit pH [63]. The organic acid in mangoes is citric acid; the increase in pH during ripening and storage due to the metabolic process of fruit resulted in a decrease in organic acids. Similarly, a study on papaya yielded the same findings [64].
Figure 2 shows the FESEM micrograph of dried mango skin coated with different concentrations of ZnO NPs-CS. The strong adhesion of the ZnO nanoparticles (NPs) to the mango skin was seen, likely attributed to the existence of the edible coating composed of corn starch. Furthermore, the FESEM analysis revealed the presence of spherical zinc oxide nanoparticles (ZnO NPs) in the treated samples. The fruit surface was uniformly coated with ZnO nanoparticles (NPs) at a concentration of 1.5 M, which formed agglomerates with corn starch. The phenomenon of agglomeration can be attributed to the interplay of polarity and electrostatic forces among ZnO NPs nanoparticles, which is consistent with the investigations conducted by Fakhari et al. [65] and Umar et al. [66]. In addition, uniform particles of identical size were dispersed across the surface of the mango, which had been coated with ZnO NPs-CS at a concentration of 1.5 M. The mean particle size of the nanocomposites was determined to be 21.59 nm.
EDX analysis could reveal a noticeable increase in the concentration of zinc (Zn) elements in the coating on Fig. 3. The coatings elemental composition may show a more balanced distribution between carbon (C), oxygen (O), and zinc (Zn) elements. Previous studies by Rasha et al. [67], Fakhari et al. [65], and Hasnidawani et al. [68] have also reported similar findings regarding the presence of zinc and oxygen components in EDX analysis [43].
As the concentration of ZnO increases, the FESEM images demonstrate an improved surface roughness and texture, while the EDX analysis may indicate an elevated concentration of zinc (Zn) components within the coating. The utilization of analytical techniques facilitates the evaluation of the coatings structure and content, hence offering valuable insights for quality control purposes and the enhancement of the coatings qualities in related to mango preservation.
3.5 XRD
The XRD patterns of ZnO NPs are shown in Fig. 4. A typical focus diffractometer source Cu target at 30 kV and 15 mA was used with a scan rate of 3˚/min. The X-ray diffraction pattern shows 2θ values at 36.42˚, 42.29˚, 61.36˚ and 77.35˚. All prominent peaks could be indexed as the zinc oxide wurtzite structure (JCPDS Data Card No: 36-1451). The use of X-ray diffraction (XRD) technique in the study of the polysaccharide ZnO-starch coating on mangoes enables the reveal of valuable information related to the crystalline structure and phase composition of the coating. When the concentration of ZnO is low, such as 0.5 M, the XRD an analysis of the coating may exhibit limited or weak diffraction peaks that correspond to the crystalline phases of zinc oxide (ZnO). The observed peaks in the coating suggest the potential existence of ZnO nanoparticles, but at relatively modest levels. With an increase in the concentration of ZnO, X-ray diffraction (XRD) patterns may exhibit enhanced intensity and sharper diffraction peaks, which correspond to the crystalline phases of ZnO. These observations suggest a higher abundance of ZnO nanoparticles and an increased level of crystallinity inside the coating. However, when the sample concentration is increased to 2 M, there is a decrease in peak intensity. This decrease can be attributed to the clumping of particles within the solution.
3.6 FTIR
The FTIR spectra of uncoated and coated samples are shown in Fig. 5. The broad band range (3072.39–3515.18 cm− 1) was attributed to the hydrogen bonding between different O-H groups in the starch. Meanwhile, the band at 2792.23–2913.39 cm− 1 represented the C-H stretching. The band from 1421.92–1468.60 cm− 1 indicated the - COOH stretching, and the 1014.42–1088.27 cm− 1 was the stretching of the C-N bond, which is in agreement with previous reports [69]. Besides, ZnO NPs bands were not clearly observed because of the low concentration. Nevertheless, some studies reported ZnO stretching at 482, 527, 600, 681 and 1050 cm− 1 [69]. The chemical interactions among substances are indicated by changes in the peaks of characteristic spectra. Current findings indicated that the spectrum of ZnO NPs coating has a slight shift of the bands corresponding to hydroxyl, amino and amide groups towards lower spectral ranges. At 0.5M, the broad absorption peak was at 3320 cm− 1 due to the presence of water molecules on the nanoparticles surface. The FTIR spectrum's appearance and strength of ZnO-related peaks are variable on the concentration of ZnO nanoparticles inside the polysaccharide ZnO-starch coating. As the concentration of ZnO increases, the intensity and distinguishability of the Zn-O stretching vibration peaks also increase, providing confirmation of the existence of ZnO within the coating. The FTIR results play a crucial role in evaluating the chemical composition of the coating and gaining information about its qualities related to mango preservation.
3.7 HPLC
The sensitivity of organic acids in mangoes to alteration during processing and storage is relatively low. This characteristic makes them valuable for assessing the authenticity index by means of identification and quantitative analysis. [70]. Citric acid is classified as an organic acid and is naturally occurring in several fruits, such as mangoes. The quantification of citric acid level in mango juice or puree holds significance due to its ability to provide insights into the fruits acidity and offer suggestions regarding mango maturity. RP-HPLC is a widely used analytical technique for determining citric acid levels in food products, demonstrating high efficacy in accurately detecting and quantifying organic acids, particularly citric acid.
Citric acid is the primary organic acid in mango; the HPLC was utilised for acid content analysis after the fruits were treated with ZnO-Corn starch coating. The separation of citric acid was identified and quantified using photodiode array detection (DAD), indicating the retention time (Refer Fig. 6). Furthermore, optimal chromatographic conditions (i.e., flow rate of the mobile phase, wavelength and temperature of column) were obtained from the design separation and peak shape of citric acids. The standard citric acid concentration was also analysed (500, 750, 1000 and 2000 ppm), and the calibration graph was evaluated according to the area of response. Later, the linearity was plotted over the concentration ranges. The correlation coefficient was 0.8267 in 500–3000 mAU per injection. Figure 6 illustrates the chromatographic separation of citric acids in mango juice.
The amounts of citric acid found in uncoated and coated mangoes are shown in Fig. 7. The concentration of citric acid in mangoes coated with 2.0 M ZnO-CS NPs was greater than the uncoated mango. This finding aligned with the TA results where the values were higher in 2.0 M ZnO-CS NPs than in uncoated and other treated fruit samples. The variation in mango quality can be attributed to several factors, including the level of fruit maturity, the specific variety of mango, and environmental conditions such as climate, cultivation practises, and growth environment [71]. The corn starch coating, in combination with ZnO nanocomposite, acts as the matrix on mango skin that helps maintain the fruit citric acid content for a certain period. Similarly, it has been claimed by Liu et al. that the postharvest phase has a negligible impact on the starch content of mangoes, in contrast to sugars and organic acids which are susceptible to degradation [72]. Starch is the main carbohydrate accumulated in pre-climacteric mature mango fruit, which reduces gradually during ripening due to hydrolysis. During the process of fruit ripening, the hydrolysis of complex carbohydrates, such as starch, results in the formation of soluble sugars [73]. These sugars mostly comprise glucose, fructose, and sucrose[73]. The application of a coating on the fruits hinders this physiological process, hence preventing the conversion of complex carbs into simpler forms of sugar[74]. The control treatment exhibited a notable increase in overall sugar content, which can be attributed to the mango fruit's respiratory burst. This phenomenon is characterized by significant changes in the biochemical activity of the fruit, hence facilitating the process of fruit ripening [43]. The application of coatings on fruits serves to decelerate the ripening process and degradation that occurs during storage, hence leading to a notable enhancement in the quality and retention of the bioactive components [46].