For model development and qualification, a data set from the literature was compiled and digitized via computer digitization (WebPlotDigitizer, version 4.6). The data was extracted as mean values, so the estimated model parameters should be regarded as approximate and suitable for their intended purpose. For characterization on distribution, uptake and elimination, data on GalNAc-siRNAs targeting anti thrombin (ALN-AT3 (Fitusiran)[7, 13] and SIAT-2 [14]), transthyretin protein (SITTR-1/SITTR-2) [14], factor IX (siF9-1 and siF9-2)[3] and factor VII (siF7-1, siF7-2 and siF7-3) were used. Besides different target specificity, the GalNAc-siRNAs possessed two different stabilization designs, ESC and advanced ESC, allowing determination of compound specific PBPK-PD parameters. The data further comprised liver mRNA levels for each compound included as well as time course data of the downstream effect on target protein for ALN-AT3 and SITTR1. A liver tissue density of 1 mg/ml was assumed for converting the concentrations of Ago2 loaded sense strand and liver mRNA from weight-based to volume-based measurements An overview of compounds and data included in this study together with relevant information is summarized in Table 1.
Table 1
Summary of the published data on the GalNAc-siRNAs and their measurements included in the model development of the presented WB-PBPK-PD model.
Compound | Target | Design | Administration/Dose | Measurement | Reference |
ALN-AT3 (Fitusiran Phase III) | Anti Thrombin | ESCa | SCb 1–5 mg/kg | Plasma, Liver, Liver mRNA, Serum Anti Thrombin | Sehgal et al., 2015; Nair et al. 2017 |
SIAT-2 (Investigational) | Anti Thrombin | Assumed ESCa | SCb 2.5–25 mg/kg | Plasma, Liver, Liver mRNA, RISCd | Nair et al. 2017 |
siF7-1 (Investigational) | Coagulation Factor VII | ESCa | SCb 2.5 mg/kg | Liver, Liver mRNA, RISCd | Brown et al. 2020 |
siF7-2/siF7-3 (Investigational) | Coagulation Factor VII | Advanced ESCa | SCb 0.75, 1 mg/kg | Liver, Liver mRNA, RISCd | Brown et al. 2020 |
siF9-1 (Investigational) | Coagulation Factor IX | ESCa | SCb 2.5 mg/kg | Liver, Liver mRNA, RISCd | Brown et al. 2020 |
siF9-2 (Investigational) | Coagulation Factor IX | Advanced ESCa | SCb 0.75 mg/kg | Liver, Liver mRNA, RISCd | Brown et al. 2020 |
SITTR-1/SITTR-2 (Investigational) | Transthyretin Protein | ESCa | SCb 0.5, 1.5 mg/kg SCb, IVc 10 mg/kg | Plasma, Liver, liver, mRNA (SC), Serum Transthyretin Protein, | Nair et al. 2017 ; Brown et al. 2020 |
a: Enhanced Stabilization Chemistry; b: Subcutaneous; c: Intra Venous; d: RNA Indiced Silencing Complex |
Model Development and Software
The presented WB-PBPK-PD model was developed and validated as an extension to the generic model for proteins and large molecules implemented in the open source platform Open Systems Pharmacology Suite, PK-Sim®/MoBi®, Version 11.2 (‐systems‐[12]. The implementation involves the two-pore-formalism for extravasation and elimination from vascular endothelial endosomes. In brief, this WB-PBPK model includes individually represented 15 individually represented tissue compartments connected by blood flows. Each tissue compartment is further subdivided into compartments representing the vascular space, interstitial space, endothelial endosomes, and the intracellular space. Lymphatic drainage from the interstitial space as well as endosomal uptake was included as per the default implementation while passive intracellular uptake was set to zero. Renal elimination was included as passive glomerular filtration parameterized according to the default implementation and the physiological database. Model parameter optimization was accomplished using the Levenberg-Marquardt or the Monte Carlo algorithm included in software.
Extravasation model
The exchange of GalNAc-siRNA between the plasma and the interstitial compartment in each organ represented in the model was described as an organ specific flux rate, \(\:{J}_{vi},org\) (amount per time) according to the two-pore formalism theory (Eq. 1) [12].
\(\:{J}_{vi},org=fu\:·\left(\begin{array}{c}{J}_{L,\:\:org}·\left(1-{\sigma\:}_{Lorg}\right)·{C}_{vorg}+P{S}_{Lorg}·\left({C}_{vorg}-\frac{{C}_{iorg}}{{K}_{ivorg}}\right)·\frac{{{P}_{e}}_{Lorg}}{{e}^{{{P}_{e}}_{Lorg}}-1}+\:\:\\\:{J}_{S,\:\:org}·\left(1-{\sigma\:}_{Sorg}\right)·{C}_{vorg}+P{S}_{Sorg}·\left({C}_{vorg}-\frac{{C}_{iorg}}{{K}_{ivorg}}\right)·\frac{{{P}_{e}}_{Sorg}}{{e}^{{{P}_{e}}_{Sorg}}-1}\end{array}\right)\) | Eq. 1 |
In brief, Jvi depends on the plasma and interstitial concentration (Cv and Ci), the transcapillary fluid flow rate (J), the fraction of unbound drug in plasma (fu), partition coefficient between interstitial space and plasma (Kiv), the reflection coefficients (σ), Peclet number (Pe) and product of permeability and surface area (PS) for the large (L) and small (S) pores for in each organ (org). The pore permeability is calculated from the free diffusion coefficient of the solute, the ratios of the effective pore areas available for restricted diffusion through circular holes, the total cross sectional pore areas, the effective thickness of the endothelial membrane and the capillary surface area. Further details on the implementation of large molecule disposition in PK-Sim® see Niederalt et al. 2018 [12].
ASGPR Mediated Uptake by TMDD Model
Specification of siRNA and ASGPR/RISC dynamics, e.g., binding, internalization, recycling, as well as downstream translation was further implemented in MoBi by a target mediated drug disposition (TMDD) model approach. The TMDD model was originally developed by Kzryzanski et al including a receptor turnover on the cell surface, complex binding/dissociation, and internalization of the bound complex [15]. The model was further modified by Ayyar et al. 2018 by partitioning GalNAc dissociation from the receptor in the endosome, recycling of the free receptor from the endosome to cell surface, endosomal receptor degradation and escape of siRNA loading into Ago2 and form RISC [7]. In the current model Equations 2–4 were used to calculate the kinetics in free total receptor concentration in the interstitial compartment (Afree) accounting for the recycle of the receptor to the cell surface membrane (Eq. 2), the concentration of the free GalNAc-siRNA in the interstitial compartment (Dfree) (Eq. 3) and the endosomal concentration of the ASGPR-GalNAc-siRNA complex (DA) (Eq. 4),
\(\:\frac{d{A}_{free}}{dt}={k}_{syn}-{k}_{deg}\:·{A}_{free}-{k}_{on}\:·{D}_{free}\:\times\:R+{k}_{off}\:·DR+{k}_{recycle}·{A}_{endosme}\) | Eq. 2 |
\(\:\frac{d{D}_{free}}{dt}=\:-{k}_{on}\:·{D}_{free}\:·{R}_{free}+{k}_{off}\:·DA\) | Eq. 3 |
\(\:\frac{dDA}{dt}=\:{k}_{on}\:·{D}_{free}\:·{A}_{free}-{k}_{off}\:·DA-{k}_{int}·DA\) | Eq. 4 |
where ksyn is the zero-order synthesis rate constant of the ASGPR, kdeg is the first-order elimination rate constant of ASGPR, kon is the first-order binding rate constant, koff is the first-order dissociation rate constant of the GalNAc-siRNA, kint is the first-order internalization rate constant (elimination of the drug-receptor complex) and krecycle is the first order recycle rate constant of the free receptor concentration in the endosome (Aendosome) that recycles back to the cell membrane. ASGPR mediated uptake parameters were based on values reported from Ayyar et al. 2018 and were fixed prior to simulation or estimated during simulation as depicted in Table 2. For full TMDD model description see supplementary 1 and for full model see attached model file WB-PBPK-PD_ALN-AT3_1mg_kg_Case_Example.
Table 2
Summary of the ASGPR TMDD model parameters and global WB-PBPK-PD parameter values and their references
ASGPR TMDD Parameters |
Parameter (Unit) | Description | Value | Reference |
Rtot (µmol/l) | Total ASGPR density | 11.7 | Estimated |
kon (l/nmol/h) | Association rate constant between GalNAc-siRNA and ASGPR | 0.09 | Estimated |
koff (1/h) | Dissociation rate constant between GalNAc-siRNA and ASGPR | 11.0 | Esimated |
kdegA (1/h) | Degradation rate constant of ASGPR in cytoplasm | 1.53 | Schwartz et al., 1982 [17] |
kdeg (1/h) | Degradation rate constant of ASGPR on hepatocyte | 2.08 | Estimated |
ksyn (1/h) | Synthesis rate constant of ASGPR | 24.3 | ksyn =Rtot · kdeg |
kint (1/h) | Internalization rate constant of GalNAc-siRNA-ASGPR complex | 4.30 | Estimated |
kcle (1/h) | Cleavage rate constant of GalNAc-siRNA in endosome | 1.32 | Prakash et al., 2014 [18] |
krec (1/h) | Recycling rate constant of ASGPR | 13.8 | Schwartz et al., 1982 [17] |
kdegC (1/h) | siRNA degradation rate constant in cytoplasm | 0.10a | Fixed |
RISCtot (moly/l) | Total RISC concentration | 0.0003 | Wang et al., 2012 [19] |
kon.RISC (l/nmol/h) | Association rate constant of siRNA antisense strand and RISC | 1.55 | Estimated |
Koff.RISC (1/h) | Dissociation rate constant of siRNA antisense strand and RISC | 1·10− 7 | Barlett and Davis 2006. [20] |
kDR (1/h) | Degradation rate constant of RISC complex | 0.0036 | Estimated |
Global PBPK Parameters |
Parameter (Unit) | Description | Value | Reference |
Radius Solute (nm) | Hydrodynamic radius of GalNAc-siRNA | 1.85·10− 3 | Estimated |
ka (1/h) | Absorption rate constant | 0.63 | Estimated |
fu | Fraction of free GalNAc-siRNA in plasma | 0.96 | Estimated |
kuptake (1/min) | Global endosomal uptake rate in remaining tissue | 61.7 | Estimated |
krecycling (1/min) | Global endosomal recycling rate constant in remaining tissue | 2.24 | Estimated |
kkiduptake (1/min) | Kidney endosomal uptake rate constant in remaining tissue | 68.0 | Estimated |
kkidrecycling (1/min) | Kidney endosomal recycling rate constant in remaining tissue | 12.01 | Estimated |
kRNase (1(h) | RNase degradation rate constant | 0.012 | Estimated |
RNase (µmol/l) | Ribonuclease concentration in remaining tissue | 0.04 | Estimated |
a: Fixed to literature value to avoid overparameterization, Ayyar et al., 2018. |
The pharmacodynamics of RISC induced mRNA silencing and target protein knockdown was described as relative change from base line (mRNA0 and Protein0). The rate of RISC induced mRNA silencing was modelled with an indirect stimulatory response model (IDR) (Eq. 5).
\(\:\frac{dmRNA}{dt}={k}_{deg.mRNA}\:·\:\left(mRN{A}_{0}\:-\left(1+\frac{{S}_{max}*CRISC}{S{C}_{50}+CRISC}\right)·mRNA\right)\) | Eq. 5 |
Where kdeg.mRNA represents the degradation rate constant of the target mRNA; mRNA0 is the baseline value of mRNA equal to 1; CRISC is the concentration of the siRNA induced RISC formation; Smax describes the maximum effect induced and SC50 is the concentration required to produce half the maximum effect. The knockdown of target protein was regulated in response to the mRNA level relative to mRNA baseline (mRNA0) (Eq. 6).
\(\:\frac{dProtein}{dt}={k}_{deg.protein}·\:{\left(\frac{mRNA}{mRN{A}_{0}}\right)}^{y}·Protein\) | Eq. 6 |
where kdeg.protein represents the degradation rate constant of the target protein and γ is the Hill coefficient describing the slope of the drug response concentration curve.
The endogenous homeostasis of the drug response variables, mRNA and target protein, was described by a turnover model characterized by a zero-order synthesis rate constant ksyn and a first order degradation rate constant kdeg. Thus, the following initial condition for the IDR describing mRNA and target protein at baseline would be:
As the pharmacodynamics were described as relative change to baseline the absolute value for mRNA0 and Protein0 was set to 100%. As a consequence, ksyn and kdeg correlated with a fixed factor of 100.
Model Strategy and Assumptions
The general model strategy was to leverage the previously described WB-PBPK model for large molecules and the ASGPR TMDD model to establish a WB-PBPK-PD model[7]. First, PK-Sim® was used to establish the generic structure for the WB-PBPK model for a GalNAc-siRNA molecule. The “Model for proteins and large molecules” was selected to include the size dependent two-pore formalism for extravasation and endothelial endosomal clearance. A first-order input function to central venous plasma was included to simulate systemic drug appearance after intravenous (IV) and subcutaneous (SC) drug administration. The PBPK model was exported to MoBi® where additional elements were added to accommodate for investigation of general disposition processes, ASGPR mediated liver uptake and downstream PD effects. The generic implementation for endosomal clearance in PK-Sim® was disabled and replaced with a first-order metabolic reaction in all organs except the liver. The ASGPR system was added to the endosomal sub-compartment in the liver compartment (liver zonation was not included) with uptake from the interstitial compartment and endosomal escape to the intracellular compartment. Finally, a first-order metabolic reaction was included in plasma compartments to allow for investigation of potential siRNA plasma degradation. Initial parameter values were informed by compound characteristics, the default settings in PK-Sim® and as reported in the ASGPR studies [16–20]. In accordance with previous investigations, the influence of plasma protein binding (PPB) on disposition processes was assumed to be negligible [21]. An iterative model development strategy was then applied comparing simulation output to compiled reference data. The approach adopted an iterative increase in deviation from the legacy models and flexibility in terms of compound specific parameter estimation. Due to model differences in structure and parameterization deviations from legacy implementations were expected. Similarly, compound differences were also expected. For example, the degradation rate may differ between GalNAc-siRNA sequence and chemical stabilization method which also may influence effective bioavailability after SC administration [22]. Likewise, endosomal degradation and endosomal release into the cytoplasm are believed to be sequence/formulation specific [3, 23].
Uptake into cells was assumed to be mediated by ASGPR and was hence restricted to the liver [16]. It was anticipated that when ASGPR is cleaved from the siRNA in the endosome, ASGPR is recycled quickly to the cell surface membrane and only a small fraction of free ASGPR is degraded in the cell cytosol. The ASGPR PK parameters were adopted from Ayyar et al. 2018 or optimized when appropriate, see Table 1. Equally, it was assumed that the receptor kinetics is mainly driven by the GalNAc ligand except for the internalization rate of the ASGPR-GalNAc-siRNA complex that was assumed to be dependent on the physio chemical properties of the siRNA [24]. We anticipated that 1% or less of the unconjugated siRNA would escape into the cytoplasm to induce RISC formation and exhibit mRNA cleavage [22]. Further, it was anticipated that the duration of mRNA cleavage would depend on the RISC formation and the dissociation from the RISC will not influence the PK-PD relationship. We assumed that the intracellular stability affected the duration of effect [3, 14].
Because of incomplete data, certain processes had to rely on a subset of compounds, assuming their similarity across all. Systemic, kidney and liver disposition processes as well as the link between these were established by compounds with plasma, kidney, and liver tissue data. The fraction escaping endosomal degradation and siRNA-RISC complex kinetics was informed by compounds with liver tissue and siRNA-RISC complex measurements. Compounds with siRNA-RISC, mRNA and downstream protein expression were used to inform PD. The Pharmacodynamics were characterized after establishment of the siRNA disposition and siRNA-RISC complex dynamics. Investigated compounds with respective available data is summarized in Table 1.
Model Evaluation
The model was subject to a sensitivity analysis to identify PBPK-specific sensitive parameters impacting the PK and PD. The sensitivity analysis was conducted according to PK-Sim® [25] and performed in R (, R studio [26]. The sensitivity analysis calculates the relative impact for a given PK parameter to changes in different input parameters with a variation of 10%. The sensitivity of a PK parameter was calculated as the ratio of the relative change of the PK parameter and the relative variation of the input parameter as in Eq. 7:
\(\:{S}_{ij}=\frac{\varDelta\:P{K}_{j}}{\varDelta\:{p}_{i}}·\frac{{p}_{i}}{P{K}_{j}}\) | Eq. 7 |
Where \(\:\varDelta\:P{K}_{j}\); is the change of the PK parameter, \(\:\varDelta\:{p}_{i}\); is the change of the input parameter, \(\:P{K}_{j}\); is the value of the PK parameter and \(\:{p}_{i}\); is the value of the input parameter. According to WHO guidelines sensitivities were evaluated as being high (absolute value ≥ 0.5), medium (absolute value ≥ 0.2 but less than 0.5) or low (absolute value ≥ 0.1 but < 0.2 [27]. Parameters with a sensitivity < 0.1 were considered to have insignificant influence on the evaluated PK parameter. The PK parameter evaluated was exposure calculated as area under the curve simulated from time 0h to 1000h (AUC0 − 1000h).