The discovery of MnNi alloy with admixture of Si and other manganese compounds such as MnNiO3, Mn(SiO3), Mn5C2 and Mn-olivine in Zelenyi Yar microdiamond inclusions was unexpected. So far, Mn-rich inclusions in diamod have been reported from microdiamonds from ophiolite rocks (chromitites and peridotites) and occasionally from eruptions of modern volcanoes (Lian and Yang 2019, Litasov et al 2019, Dobrzhinetskaya et al 2022). Mn-Ni-Co alloys with different composition have been found frequently in ophiolite and basalt microdiamonds (Table 3). However, in contrast to inclusions in ophiolite microdiamonds, this type of inclusions in Zelenyi Yar samples do not contain cobalt. We also emphasize the association of most of these inclusions with a fluid, silica and chlorine, and porosity, which excludes synthetic origin of these diamonds. Manganese carbide (Mn5C2) has not been reported as an inclusion in both mantle diamonds (Shirey et al 2013, Shirey et al 2024, Stachel et al 2022, Nestola et al 2023, Pamato et al 2023) or ophiolitic microdiamonds and among a wide range of minerals in ophiolitic rocks in general (Jang et al 2015, Dobrzhinetskaya et al 2022). We have not found any reliable information about natural manganese carbide, as well as about natural oxide MnNiO3.
Thus, at the moment we do not have a conclusive explanation for the presence of Mn5C2, MnNiО3 and rhodonite in the Zelenyi Yar microdiamonds. Synthetic Mn5C2 is stable at temperatures of 300–1100 K (30-830oC) (Karen et al 1991), and 880-1000oC according to (Gasik, Lyakishev 2008). Regarding the MnNi alloy, Wu with co-authors (Wu et al 2019), taking into account the literature data on the analysis of the Mn–Ni system at different PT parameters (Guo and Du 2005; Gupta 1999), suggests that its melting point can reach ~ 1328°C. This may correspond to mantle depths over than 150–200 km.
But carbides are known as inclusions in diamonds. So, moissanite inclusions are known in lithospheric diamonds (Moore et al 1986a, Moore et al 1986b, Jaques et al 1986, Leung 1990, Stachel et al 2022), while in ultradeep diamonds in addition to moissanite iron and nickel carbides are also found (Wilding e tal 1991, Kaminsky, Wirth 2011, Smith et al 2016, Kaminsky 2017, Smith et al 2018, Tschauner et al 2018, Shirey et al 2024). Moissanite inclusions in diamonds and its associations directly in the rock are reported from ophiolitic peridotites (Yang et al 2021, Liu et al 2021). These findings indicate that silicon and iron carbides are commonly present in deep parts of the mantle. Moissanite is classified as inclusions in diamonds of eclogite association (Stachel et al 2022).
From the observations above we conclude that two Zelenyi Yar microdiamonds with Mn-rich inclusions originated from the upper mantle. Their potential original sources can be serpentinite bodies that occur in the Berdychiv block and its outskirts, to the west-northwest of the Zelenyi Yar placer. Dozens bodies of such ultramafic rocks were there discovered by drill cores. However, they are insufficiently studied. There are no geological signs of the ophiolite rocks to be present in this part of the Ukrainian Shield, as well as there is no ophiolite belt on it in general. Significantly distant from the Zeleny Yar placer are also bodies of Vendian basalts, the powerful manifestations of which are located far to the northwest - in Western Volyn.
The Zelenyi Yar microdiamonds with Mn-rich inclusions (ZY-5, ZY-2) have a flat-faced octahedral and cubo-octahedral shape. The same shape is characteristic to microdiamonds from ophiolites and basalts, and synthetic HPHT diamond crystals. On synthetic diamond crystals, synthesized in the metal-carbon system, not only the face of the octahedron, but also the face of the cube can behave as a smooth surface, which is due to the surface reconstruction of the {100} faces - the transition of the rough face of the cube K into the smooth face F, according to the terminology of P Hartman (Hartman 1965). According to I. Sunagawa (Sunagawa 2005), during diamond crystallization, this surface reconstruction occurs in such an synthetic melt, in which the metal element as a solvent has a small ionic radius, while this does not occur in a natural silicate solvent with a large ionic radius. Therefore, it is possible to predict the determining role of metals in the formation of such a form of the above-mentioned diamond types and the crystallization of similar Zelenyi Yar microdiamonds from a manganese-enriched melt-fluid. It can be assumed that transition metals as Fe, Ni, Mn, Co, Cr are the reason for the layered growth of the cube faces both on microdiamonds from ophiolites and basalts, and on synthetic HPHT diamond crystals. Layer (spiral or two-dimensional nucleation) growth determines the appearance of flat and smooth faces of the cube. Therefore, diamond crystals of these genetic types have almost the same morphology.
Most of the Zelenyi Yar microdiamonds – with exception of those two containing Mn-rich nanoinclusions - with multiphase mineral inclusions are comparable with diamonds from kimberlites, lamproites, and lamprophyres. The set of mineral inclusions in the Zelenyi Yar microdiamonds (dolomite, ilmenite, magnetite, apatite, phlogopite, chlorite) is characteristic for lithospheric diamonds (Stachel et al 2022). Previously, we recorded the same polyphase mineral inclusions in samples from the Neogene Samotkan placer on the Ukrainian Shield (Kvasnytsya, Wirth 2013). According to (Stachel et al 2022), inclusions of ilmenite, magnetite, phlogopite and dolomite belong to an eclogite association. Therefore, the association of mineral inclusions in the Zelenyi Yar microdiamonds corresponds to the eclogite mantle environment during crystallization. If we also take into account the wide range of δ13C carbon isotopic values (from − 26.74 to − 3.55‰), the high nitrogen content (average is 224 ppm) and the widespread cubic shape of the crystals, then we can conclude an eclogite association. It was shown statistically that kimberlite diamonds of the eclogite association, compared to peridotite ones, have a wider range of carbon isotopic composition values and increased nitrogen content (Stachel et al 2009, Shirey et al 2013). In addition, cubic diamond crystals were not observed in xenoliths of peridotites from kimberlites, but only in diamond-bearing xenoliths of various types of eclogites. In other words, the microdiamonds of the Zelenyi Yar placer are more comparable to kimberlite diamonds of an eclogite association than of peridotite association. Multiphase nanoinclusions reflect the composition of the fluid from which these diamonds have originated. They testify that the crystallization environment of the Zelenyi Yar microdiamonds contained carbonate, alkali ions, and chlorine. Therefore, based on the composition of these multiphase assemblages, it can be assumed that the Zelenyi Yar microdiamonds have grown from carbonate to low-silicon fluid melts enriched in alkaline and volatile components.
To the group of crystals with multiphase inclusions we also include the Zelenyi Yar microdiamonds with dislocations, nitrogen and carbon platelets. The latter were first directly observed using a transmission electron microscopy (Evans, Phaal 1962) and an EELS method (Berger, Pennycook 1982) in diamond of Ia spectral type. Carbon platelets are long or short planar defects that occur in the (100) planes of diamond crystals, containing aggregated forms of nitrogen and are one of the most common defects in mantle diamonds (Harris 2018). In addition to TEM studies, the presence of carbon platelets in many of the Zelenyi Yar microdiamonds is indicated by FTIR spectra (the so-called B2 center, lines 1358–1380 cm–1, 1430 and 330 cm–1). The content of B2 center in the Zelenyi Yar microdiamonds is quite significant - from 0.04 to 3.18 relative units with an average of 0.54 (Kvasnytsya 2021). The relationship between platelet size and the B` infrared peak has been studied in detail in a recent paper by Speich et al. (Speich et al., 2017).
Platelets in diamond are extended planar defects that are thought to be generated during the nitrogen aggregation process in type Ia diamonds (Speich et al., 2017). According to (Woods, 1986), platelets are defects in the structure of a diamond crystal several atom layers thick, which are formed during the deposition of interstitial carbon during the growth of B1 centers. In other words, these are lamella of an interstitial character, which are caused by displacements of the diamond lattice and are mainly represented by carbon with a certain amount of nitrogen atoms. They arise during the formation of B1 nitrogen centers and testify the annealing of diamonds during their residence in the mantle. This influence is also clearly indicated by curved dislocations that are characteristic for microdiamonds of the Zelenyi Yar. Curved dislocation lines indicate dislocation climb, which reqires annealing of the diamond at elevated temperatures because dislocation climb is a thermally activated process. Therefore, it can be concluded that the Zelenyi Yar microdiamonds were significantly annealed during their long-term residence in the mantle. Calculated from FTIR spectroscopy data, the possible annealing temperatures in the mantle for the Zelenyi Yar microdiamonds are 1090–1190 ºС for 2 billion years.
Therefore, we conclude that the Neogene Zelenyi Yar placer diamonds can have originated from at least three genetically different primary sources: a) kimberlites or lamproites or lamprophyres; b) ultrabasic rocks - serpentinites; c) impactites. The location of these potential source rocks is predicted to the west — northwest of the Zelenyi Yar placer — on the Berdychiv block of the Podilsky domain. One of the clearest indicators of exactly this direction of terrigenous material transportation to the Neogene deposits of the Zelenyi Yar placer is impact diamond (Fig. 13). It can be predicted that they trace this path of transportation into the placer for mantle diamond as well. Potential original sources for the Zelenyi Yar impact diamond are the Illintsi and Bilylivka meteorite structures, which are located to the southwest up to 38 km and northwest up to 65 km from the Zelenyi Yar placer, respectively. The most likely source for the Zelenyi Yar impact diamond is the Illintsi crater. The age of the latter is 310 to 370 million years, approximately close to the Silurian-Devonian boundary (Valter et al 1998). Its present diameter is about 3.2 km (its initial size was 6.5 km), so the crater is strongly eroded. The diamond content of these crater impactites was estimated by A.A. Walter to 104-105 carats. Palaeographic conditions in the Neogene, obtained lithofacial and mineralogical data for this area of the USh (Pavlyuk, Dovgan 2004, Tsymbal 2014) also indicate that the main primary sources of terrigenous material for the formation of the Zelenyi Yar placer were Precambrian rocks and their weathered crusts on the Berdychiv block and its surroundings.
Thus, various minerals of solid and multiphase fluid inclusions were identified in the Zelenyi Yar microdiamonds, and the number of defects in the crystals was determined. This allows us to i) reconstruct the environment of diamond crystallysation; ii) establish their belonging predominantly to the eclogite association; iii) estimate PT-conditions of diamond crystallization and thermal history of their assumed residence in the mantle; iv) potential geological and genetic type of their parent rocks. As a result of that research, there are new perspectives for the search for primary sources of diamonds on the Berdychiv block of the Ukrainian Shield. The finding of microdiamonds with inclusions characteristic to ophiolitic microdiamonds on the Precambrian crystalline shield raises the question of the existence of new primary sources of such diamonds within ancient stable platform structures.