The objective of the quantitative study was to analyse training in the approach to major depression, as well as the alignment with CPG or procedures in the screening, diagnosis, treatment or follow-up phases. The results have shown that most professionals do not feel well trained and do not feel aligned with any CPG. The aim of the qualitative study was to analyse the importance given by professionals to the approach to depression in PC, to respond to the results observed in the survey, and to detect how clinical practice could be standardised. The results of the focus groups have shown that PC professionals and the population are aware of the need to address depression, although an increase in both personal and economic resources is necessary to meet the real demand. However, the need for practical training and collaborative care in order to improve the approach to these consultations has been recurrent.
CPG can be considered as a tool for translating complex scientific results into recommendations for clinical practice and, therefore, improving clinical decision making. CPG have been defined as "statements that include recommendations intended to optimise patient care that are informed by a systematic review of evidence and an assessment of the benefits and harms of alternative care options" (35). However, it must be kept in mind that CPG must be adapted to the context in which they are to be applied. In this sense, the results may cause some concern related to the poor alignment of PC professionals with CPG for the management of major depression, since despite the existence of CPG adapted to the context of the Catalan health system, it has been observed that they are still not used. On the other hand, as shown by Gené-Badia et al. (36), not only is adaptation to the context where the CPG is implemented necessary, but also specific implementation strategies to reduce professional resistance.
Taking into account all of the above, properly adapted and implemented CPG have the potential to contribute to the quality of health care, as they can reduce interprofessional variability. According to the Fòrum Català d'Atenció Primària (Catalan Primary Care Forum), variability is directly related to training, care practice orientation and the awareness of each professional (14). In this context, the detailed analysis of the low use of CPG due to the high volume and low practical training, the relationship between training and age, the relationship between training and professional category, as well as the awareness of the mental health approach in PC and collaborative care can provide an answer to an improvement in the homogenisation of clinical practice.
While the quantitative results showed poor alignment with CPG, the qualitative study provided an answer to this poor alignment. Professionals in the focus groups expressed the need for CPG, although they considered it necessary to turn them into actual practice (14). They considered that the professionals generally had attained theoretical knowledge and were attuned to the approach to depression. However, it was stated that the large volume of CPG, the lack of homogenisation of guidelines by the institution, and the mostly pharmacological orientation led to heterogeneity in practice, especially among categories without pharmacological competence. Therefore, a general need for unification of CPG was detected, as well as practical training focused on PC professionals. One of the solutions identified to reduce variability in clinical practice was collaborative care. The objective of collaborative care models is the pursuit of patient-centred, personalised and individualised care, in which the roles and levels of responsibility of the different professionals are determined. In this way, the shared approach is a tool that helps to make decisions in a homogeneous way, based on the available evidence and putting the patient at the centre of care. Several studies have shown over the years that collaborative care models from PC delivered by multidisciplinary teams of professionals improve depression outcomes (37–40).
Regarding the relationship between age and training, it was found that younger professionals were those who perceived themselves to be less trained. In the National Program for the specialties of nursing and family and community medicine, mental health training during residency is expected to be 3 months and 1.5 months respectively (41, 42). In this regard, some studies suggest that although PC professionals have reasonable knowledge about mental health, it is sometimes not enough to be able to approach the consultation comfortably (43, 44). The qualitative study reinforced these results, since the professionals expressed the low applicability of the knowledge acquired during the specialty to specialised mental health services in PC. However, reference was also made to the focus of university medical and nursing degrees on traditional, organ-centred medicine that cures diseases, probably without taking into account the approach to mental health.
Regarding the relationship between training and professional category, it was detected through the surveys that the nursing professional category felt significantly less trained and less aligned with CPG. The qualitative study provided an answer, detecting that the approach to depression in PC is mostly based on pharmacological management, often in order to make a correct pharmacological prescription or to ensure a correct referral. This mostly pharmacological management indicated in the focus groups was also reinforced by the results of the surveys, as the majority of professionals who said they were aligned with CPG indicated that they used the 2018 Therapeutic Guide of the Catalan Institute of Health, only with guidelines for pharmacological treatment (27). Furthermore, it was also detected that the closer relationship between nurses and patients possibly led to underreporting, highlighting the lack of recording codes related to social and psychosocial factors that influence health status. Rodoreda-Pallàs et al. (45) developed a guide to social determinants of health in the context of the Catalan health system. The professionals stated that the coding of Z codes in PC was an added value in the comprehensive care of the person.
Finally, although the Catalan health system is in the midst of a digital transformation and this is contemplated in its 2021–2025 Health Plan (19), the qualitative study detected a lack of awareness of the concept of "digital health" and a certain scepticism as to how technology could help them in the approach to mild/moderate depression. The results of a previous study in Catalonia showed that consultations made through virtual channels (eConsultation, telephone consultation and video-consultation) increased the chances of prescribing antidepressant drugs (46). The results of the study, together with the reluctance observed among professionals, emphasise the need to develop strategies focused on the implementation of technology in the healthcare system in order to reduce resistance on the part of stakeholders, as well as to ensure consistency in clinical practice.
Strengths and limitations
The main strength of the study is the mixed-design methodology, which has made it possible to obtain a thorough quantitative analysis of the perceptions of the use of CPG and of training in the approach to depression in PC, while the qualitative study has made it possible to respond to the quantitative results by collecting those aspects that are not reflected in the quantitative data, such as the concerns, perceptions and points of view of active PC professionals.
The main limitation of the study has been the low response rate obtained in the surveys, since although the necessary sample size has been reached, more collaboration was expected from the professionals.
In addition, the study is a detailed analysis of the approach to major depression in PC in Catalonia and, therefore, the results cannot be extrapolated to contexts other than the public health system in Catalonia.