The goal of non-invasive liquid biopsy is to identify biomarkers for HGG, which can predict the correct diagnosis of newly identified brain tumours, provide insight into relative survival or prognosis, be obtainable throughout the course of the disease to predict progression and/or response to adjunct therapies, and ultimately provide novel therapeutic targets. We profiled sRNA from Vn96-EVs isolated from HGG patient plasma sampled perioperatively and during post-surgical follow up, and demonstrated a unique, diagnostic sRNA signature for HGG. We analyzed the DE sRNA, mainly miRNA, using in silico tools to both validate and provide additional clinical relevance to our findings. Uniquely, we identified lncRNA RPPH1 as an important plasma EV biomarker for HGG, with expression levels informing on prognosis, extent of HGG resection, and tumour progression.
Comparing across studies for small RNA biomarkers in HGG is complicated by numerous factors including but not limited to: 1) tissue versus liquid biopsy (blood), 2) differences in methods used for EV isolation, 3) library preparation kits that will enrich for specific (total vs small) RNA species. The functional significance of concordance or discordance of small RNA species between HGG tissue and HGG EVs is not yet fully understood as cells are known to selectively sort small RNA into EVs [94]. For example, through oncogenic transformation, HGG cells may retain pro-oncogenic small RNA while selectively sorting tumor suppressor small RNA into EVs for export In practice, for the sole purpose of plasma biomarkers of HGG disease, the end function of the small RNA are not required. Despite these differences, there are advantages to utilizing plasma for HGG biomarkers, as analyzing HGG tissue alone may exclude relevant biomarkers from the immune component of cancer that may also be important, and plasma is much easier to obtain in a longitudinal fashion. The fraction of blood utilized (serum versus plasma) can alter results as serum contains increased levels of platelet-derived particles which can influence profiling, hence our decision to utilize plasma [95]. Choices in library preparation kits also influence the abundance of small RNA species within transcriptomic analysis, for example the choice of oligo-dT reverse transcriptase priming would enrich for poly-adenylated mRNA over small RNA. Despite these challenges, similar biomarkers that are discovered across multiple studies should be considered strong candidates for clinical applications or therapeutic targets.
Abnormal expression of miRNAs in cancer tissue and in tumour-associated EVs has been extensively studied in HGG and found to influence hallmark processes for growth and progression [64–66]. Due to the large volume of functional data on HGG and miRNA in the literature, bioinformatic analysis exists to functionally categorize miRNA data into localizations and disease processes. Utilizing miEAA analysis, our DE miRNAs were over-represented in categories related to localization in EVs, brain cancer, and functional categories of cancer hallmark pathways (miRWalk) involved in HGG proliferation, invasion, and angiogenesis. A significant number (26/34) of our DE miRNA have functional roles in HGG in the literature. The localization of a number of the same miRNA to EVs and their involvement in HGG pathways and disease supports that our sRNA EV biomarkers are indeed coming from the tumour microenvironment. Whether these are directly from HGG cells, or the surrounding supportive cells, will require further analysis. The miEAA analysis of the DE miRNA gives confidence to a true EV signal coming from the HGG tumor microenvironment. A review of the current HGG EV literature links our DE miRNAs to miRNA most commonly found in HGG EV studies. Recent reviews commonly cite the let-7 family, miR-21, miR-106, miR-130, miR-155, miR-185, miR-193, miR-210, miR-222, miR-451, miR-485 miR-486, and miR-574[96, 97] as being found in multiple publications in relation HGG. Twelve of these miRNAs were identified in plasma EVs of HGG in this study, with three (let-7, miR-451, miR-485) being significantly overexpressed in HGG EVs compared to controls. Our analysis of tissue specificity demonstrates the significant enrichment of miR-485 to brain, again supporting the validity of this technique to determine biomarkers in HGG. Despite some discordance to the literature, acknowledging that there are clear technical differences, there are some miRNA biomarkers (let-7, mir 451 and mir-485) that are consistent across studies, and our data support these miRNA as liquid biopsy biomarkers or therapeutic targets in the future.
Other DE species of sRNA sequenced when comparing HGG to controls included snoRNA, which function as guide RNAs for ribosomal RNA (rRNA) maturation and processing in the nucleolus [98, 99], with additional roles in chromatin structure regulation, RNA splicing, and protein signaling [100–103]. Recent worked has highlighted the role of snoRNA in cancer by modulating anti-tumour immunity [104]. We identified 17 DE snoRNAs between HGG plasma-EVs and controls. Similar to other studies in cancer, the SNORD3 family, SNORD89, and SNORD42A were found to be upregulated in HGG [48, 105–107]. Relatively little is published directly about snoRNA plasma-EV expression in HGG, as most studies target miRNA or mRNA. SNORD44/47/76 have been identified as HGG tumour suppressors in tissue [108–110]. SNORD44 contained within the GAS5 transcript has been found to be decreased in this study, which has not been documented previously. However, GAS5 has shown a pro-tumourigenic role in HGG which raises the question if the whole transcript is relevant or just one or more of the snoRNA contained within GAS5[111, 112] Interestingly, we show SNORD32A to be significantly depleted in HGG plasma-EVs. Loss of SNORD32A in mammalian cells was found to be protective against oxidative stress [113], which would be critical in HGG, as it is known to be a highly hypoxic microenvironment. Further studies to screen snoRNA expression in HGG tissues and in vitro studies to manipulate expression of relevant snoRNA in HGG cell lines and EVs could improve our understanding of their functions in tumorigenesis. Importantly, our work and others demonstrate the peril of utilizing snoRNA as normalization factors in quantitative polymerase chain reaction in HGG and cancer.
Comparing pre- and post-surgery plasma EV small RNA is complex and influenced by individual patient factors such as degree of resection, extent of residual tumour volume, post-surgical inflammation and kinetics of the tumour/EVs. Samples in this study were taken before surgery and two weeks post-surgery. Two weeks post-surgery was selected to allow EVs released during ultrasonic tumour resection and surgery to be depleted, and this timepoint is prior to induction to radiation and chemotherapy. However, whether this is the correct time to serve as a new baseline in long-term studies is not known. Although post-surgical changes in plasma small RNA EVs signatures were variable across samples, the data supports a thresholding effect of surgical resection on alterations in EV signatures. This occurs at 10 cm3 where EV small RNA plasma signatures did not alter with greater residual volumes. This concept aligns with HGG survival data that suggests a similar thresholding effect of residual disease and HGG survival [114, 115]. Interestingly, in a pediatric grade 4 brain tumour, medulloblastoma, 1.5 cm3 is left on axial imaging is consistent with poor survival [116]. Researchers need to be aware of these potential thresholding effects when analyzing longitudinal changes in circulating biomarkers.
We analyzed the changes in the specific DE miRNA found enriched in HGG vs controls after surgical debulking; although none reached significance with FDR, trends were observed (Fig. 4A&B). miR-320d was depleted in HGG EVs presurgically and a trend toward increasing in EVs post-surgery. HGG tissue has demonstrated reduced expression of miR-320d in HGG in response to temozolomide (TMZ), suggesting a possible role for miR-320d in chemosensitivity [117]. In our comparison of pre- and post-surgical HGG plasma-EVs, we see an interesting trend of miR-320d upregulation post-surgery, which may signify a release of miR-320d inhibition upon sufficient resection of tumour and an overall anti-tumorigenic profile of plasma-EVs. Conversely, we see the opposite trend in pre- and post-surgical comparison of miR-3648, which was enriched in HGG plasma-EVs and showed a predominantly downward trend of expression following surgical resection. While miR-3648 has been characterized in numerous other cancers such as prostate, bladder, gastric, lung, and esophageal [118–122], it has not been previously found to be significant in HGG. In most cancers, miR-3648 has been shown to be a pro-oncogenic miRNA important in tumorigenesis and higher expression of miR-3648 in tissues have been linked with worse survival [123].
Y-RNA are a highly conserved and emerging class of non-coding small RNA that are biologically active found in EVs and involved in cancer [124]. Both RNY4 and RNY5 were elevated in HGG EVs compared to controls although interestingly these Y-RNA are processed differently. The 5’ (31nt) RNY5 fragment from EVs of cancer cells was found to trigger cell death preferentially in non-cancer cells, when compared to cancer cells. This suggested a role for the 5’ RNY5 fragment from cancer EVs in modulating the TME to selectively kill non-cancerous cells, while promoting tumour survival [91]. Previous work in HGG CSF demonstrated that both RNY4 and RNY5 were found as biomarkers in CSF and the exosomes of cultured glioma stem cells [47]. Given that plasma is easier to obtain, we can confirm both RNY4/5 to be biomarkers for HGG. Additive to this we can confirm further processing of these RNY5 into a smaller 5’fragment is the important biomarker. Our data demonstrates that it is this 5’ functional suicide fragment of RNY5 to be enriched in HGG plasma-EVs. This is in contrast to RNY4, where enrichment of the full-length Y-RNA occurs in HGG plasma-EVs. Additionally, the finding of RNY4, RNY5 and RPPH1 enriched and localized in HGG plasma-EVs could implicate a functional relationship between these non-coding RNA, which are all transcribed by RNA polymerase III (Pol III) [125]. RPPH1, as the catalytic RNA component of Ribonuclease P (RNAse P), plays an important role in RNA cleavage and processing and it has been hypothesized by other authors to potentially have a role in cleavage of RNY5, although studies are ongoing [126, 127]. Further work demonstrating similar suicidality of the 5’ RNY5 fragment in non-HGG brain cells versus HGG is ongoing in our laboratory.
In our study, RPPH1 was enriched in plasma-EVs in HGG samples relative to healthy controls and showed a drop in expression following tumour resection in all samples (p = 0.006). RPPH1 levels increased again at time of clinical progression (as determined by the treating oncologist and MRI imaging). Our study is limited in determining the source of EVs containing RPPH1 in our plasma samples, albeit previous literature has suggested the majority of EVs in HGG are from the tumor cells of the TME [33]. However, we analyzed the TCGA tissue expression of RPPH1 in HGG using XENA [81]. We show that RPPH1 is significantly enriched in HGG tissue as compared to normal brain and that higher expression of RPPH1 in HGG is associated with a worse prognosis. This provides supporting evidence that RPPH1 expression is associated with the TME. This expression pattern of RPPH1 is similar to studies in colorectal cancer (CRC), where RPPH1 was found to be enriched in both plasma-derived exosomes from CRC patients and tumour tissues, and higher tissue expression was associated with worse overall survival [49]. In non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) and gastric cancer, higher RPPH1 expression was likewise associated with worse overall survival [50, 128]. Interestingly, RPPH1 exists in alternate forms based on the pattern of splicing, including lnc-RPPH1 and circ-RPPH1. Xue and colleagues analyzed the Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO) for circular RNA (circRNA) expression in GBM and demonstrated circ-RPPH1 was more highly expressed in HGG compared to normal tissue and predicted survival [129]. Our sequencing strategy would not allow for the sequencing of circRNA, however it warrants further investigation to explore the relationship between lnc- and circ-RPPH1 in HGG. RPPH1 has been shown to be involved in multiple cancer promoting pathways including: 1) as a miRNA sponge for miR-122 and miR-326, 2) promoting M2 polarization of tumor-associated macrophages, 3) WNT1/Beta-catenin signaling, and 4) cleavage of precursor tRNA [49, 50, 125, 130, 131]. It will be important in future experiments to determine the functional role of RPPH1 in HGG.
Like other liquid biopsy studies in HGG, we identify DE miRNA, snoRNA, sdRNA, Y-RNA, and lncRNA isolated from EVs that distinguish HGG from control samples and are involved in HGG pathogenesis. We are aware of a few studies [33, 68, 132–134] including ours that have sampled EVs from patients in a longitudinal manner (i.e., pre- and post-surgery, pre- or post-chemoradiotherapy, or routine surveillance), but to the best of our knowledge we are the first to profile the breadth of sRNA sequenced from EVs from matched pre-, post-surgery, and during clinical progression. Although other studies report on sRNA, the library preparation kit selection did not allow for sequencing of the entirety of sRNA. We also acknowledge that isolated EVs were not exclusive to those excreted by HGG tumour cells (as with 5-ALA based EV isolation; [34]) but reflect all plasma-EVs. We would argue that this may not necessarily be a disadvantage, as our sRNA signature would reflect the different sRNA cargoes of EVs derived from HGG microenvironment and not the HGG alone. With biomarkers we are more concerned with the message that a HGG exists and less concerned at this point on which cells send the message.