2.1 Participants
In 2023, from October 1 to February, a cross-sectional study was conducted. A convenience sampling method was used to select clinical nurses from the First Hospital of Jinzhou Medical University in Liaoning Province. Criteria for inclusion:①Licensed Nurse Practitioner with at least 6 months of experience as a hospital nurse.②Voluntary participation in research on this topic. Criteria for exclusion:①Nurses who left their clinical posts due to study abroad, vacation, maternity leave and other reasons during the investigation.②No nurses working with illness in the last month.③Nurses in internships or advanced training at the surveyed hospitals.
Estimate the sample size based on Kendall's estimation method at 5-10 times the number of questionnaire entries, taking into account a sample attrition rate of 10 to 20% , preliminary calculations of the sample size for this study ranged from 116 to 252 cases, Meanwhile, in order to meet the requirements of sample data of not less than 100 cases in exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and sample size of at least 200 cases in validation factor analysis (CFA)[21]. Ultimately, the plan is to recruit 550 study participants.
2.2 Translation and Cross-cultural adaptation
In this study, the original author was contacted by email for authorization, and then the SPS-N scale was translated into Chinese version according to Brislin translation model[22]:
The SPS-N was developed by the team of Professor Veysel Karani Baris based on a multidisciplinary theory, including work performance (items 1-4), patient safety (items 6-12), team relationship (items 13-15) and emotion (items 16-21), a total of 21 items, using the Likert 5-level scoring method, with responses ranging from 1 "strongly disagree" to 5 "strongly agree". The total score is 21-105, with higher scores indicating higher sickness presenteeism among nurses. The original scale has good reliability and validity, and it tested the reliability and validity of 619 nurses living in 55 different cities in Turkey. The total Cronbach's α value was calculated as 0.928, the Cronbach's α value of the sub-dimension was calculated as 0.815~0.903, and the composite reliability value was calculated as 0.804~0.903[19].
-Step 1-The English version of the SPS-N was independently translated into the Chinese versions S1 and S2 by two students pursuing graduate nursing education and were native Chinese speakers with English proficiency up to level 6. The first author integrated the Chinese version of the scales S1 and S2, and fully discussed and modified them to form the Chinese version of the scale S.
-Step 2-The Chinese version of Scale S was independently back-translated by a Doctor of Nursing Science and a Master's Degree in English (Medical English direction) who had never been in contact with the initial scale, resulting in the English versions of Scale SS1 and SS2.
-Step 3-A professor in nursing management and an associate professor in clinical nursing integrate the back-translated version so that the semantic consistency rate reaches more than 95% to form the Chinese version to form the back-translated version of SS.
-Step 4-According to the cultural adaptation guidelines, a total of six experts were invited to conduct two rounds of evaluation of the Chinese version of the SPS-N by e-mail and on-site consultation,achieving a balance between idiom conceptual equivalency and cultural adaptation in order to align language expressions with continental linguistic norms.
2.3 Measurement and instruments
After reviewing the literature, the researcher designed a questionnaire to investigate the general demographic data of nurses, including: gender, age, department, working years, marriage and childbirth, etc.
Chinese version of the Sickness Presenteeism Scale-Nurse, including 21 items in four dimensions: general performance (items 1-4), patient safety (items 6-12), team relationship (items 13-15) and emotion (items 16-21), The answers ranged from 1 for "strongly disagree" to 5 for "strongly agree," using Likert's 5-level scale. The final result was 21-105, with higher scores indicating higher sickness presenteeism by nurses.
2.4 Data collection
2.4.1 Pre-survey
In October 2023, thirty clinical nurses from the First Hospital Affiliated to Jinzhou Medical University in Liaoning Province were chosen as the pre-survey responders using a convenience sample method[23]. All participants gave their informed consent after being informed about the goal and significance of the study by the investigator. 30 pre-survey respondents indicated that the scale had clear themes, complete structure, logical coherence, and no difficulty in semantic comprehension. Therefore, no modification was made, and the Chinese version of the SPS-N scale was finally formed.
2.4.2 Formal investigation
Before the investigation, informed consent was obtained from the nursing department of the hospital. At the same time, contact the head nurses of all subjects to communicate the purpose of the study and the instructions for filling out the questionnaire.
The survey's instructions made it clear that it was intended solely for use in scientific study at the outset. In addition, participants ensured that data collection was anonymous and voluntary.
Distribution of questionnaires by trained members. Data collection through a combination of offline and online methods, excluding questionnaires with a response time of less than 3 min and those with a clear pattern of responses. Eventually, 503 valid surveys were received, that produces a 91.4% effective return rate. After 2 weeks, 40 nurses randomly selected from the initial participants were retested using the same questionnaire and retest reliability was analyzed.
2.5 Data analysis
In this study, statistical data analysis tool used was AMOS 28.0 and SPSS 26.0. The counting data are defined by frequency and percentage, while the measurement data are described by mean and standard deviation.
2.5.1 Item analysis
The critical ratio method and correlation coefficient method were used to screen the items on the scale. (1) Critical ratio method: An independent sample t-test was used to determine whether the difference between the high group (the first 27%) and the low group (the last 27%) was statistically significant. The 503 questionnaires were sorted from high to low based on the total score. Items that were found to be statistically significant will be kept. (2) Method of correlation coefficient: The correlation coefficient between 21 items and the total amount table was determined using the Pearson correlation coefficient method. Items that had a very poor association (r < 0.3) with the scale's overall score were eliminated.
2.5.2 Validity analysis
(1) Content validity: Six nursing experts were asked to assess the Chinese version of SPS-N content validity using the Delphi approach., which was calculated using a Likert 4-point scale. Each item was given a score of "not relevant = 1, weakly relevant = 2, more relevant = 3, strongly relevant = 4" based on its relevance to the topic. I-CVI is the ratio of the number of experts who rated each entry 3 or 4 to the total number of experts. S-CVI is the average of I-CVI of all items[24].
(2) Construct validity: Examining the translated scale's latent factor structure with exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), The valid data of 503 cases were randomly divided into two parts, one part (n=161) was used for EFA and the other part (n=342) was used for CFA. For EFA, orthogonal rotation variance maximization and principal component analysis were chosen. AMOS was used for CFA to analyze whether the fitting index of the model was appropriate.
(3) Convergent and discriminant validity: Based on the outcomes of CFA, correlation coefficients between observed variables, Average Variance Extracted (AVE), and Combined Reliability (CR) were measured.
2.5.3 Reliability analysis
Retest reliability and internal consistency were applied in this study's reliability testing. To assess the internal consistency of the scale, Cronbach's α were measured for each dimension and the Chinese version of the scale. The translated scale was used for the retest reliability, and 40 nurses were chosen based on the inclusion and exclusion criteria. There was a 2-week interval between the two assessments. In order to evaluate the stability and consistency of the scale over time, the retest reliability of the two measurement scores was assessed using the Intraclass Correlation Coefficient (ICC). The scale items were then divided into two sections, and the correlation between the outcomes of each half was calculated to determine the split-half reliability.
2.5.4 Ethical consideration
The Jinzhou Medical University Ethics Committee (JZMULL2023133) agreed to the study, and the research procedure complied with the committee's ethical regulations. Every person gave their informed consent prior to the data collection.