Computer Specification
A separate analysis was conducted to determine other factors that affect internet quality, including RAM specifications, CPU, hard disc capacity, and antivirus updates on the hardware used. Based on the study, the most common RAM specification used in Puskesmas was 4 GB RAM (60.7%; 61,390/101,140), followed by 2 GB RAM (17.34%; 17,536/101,140), and 8 GB RAM (16.85%; 17,038/101,140).
Based on regional distribution, the provinces with the largest proportion of 4GB RAM were Bali (71.53%; 1,472/2058), followed by North Maluku (70.61%; 932/1,320) and West Java (66.97%; 9,942/14,072). In addition, East Nusa Tenggara had the highest proportion of Puskesmas with 23GB RAM computer specification (7.66%; 174/2,272), followed by Papua (7.41%; 90/1214), Riau Islands (7.16%; 84/1174) and Bengkulu (6.93%; 70/1010). On the other hand, West Papua Province was the province with a highest proportion of hardware with a low specification less than 2GB RAM (6.49%; 44/678), followed by Bengkulu (2.77%; 28/1010), Papua (2.47%; 30/1214), and North Sulawesi (2.05%; 26/1268) (see Fig. 4).
Based on CPU specifications, nationally, hardware with i3 specifications dominated at 43.7% (44,196/101,140), followed by i5 at 22.63% (22,892/101,140), and Celeron at 13.01% (13,158/101,140) (see Fig. 5B). By region, the provinces with the highest proportion of hardware with CPU type i3 were Central Java (53.34%; 6,860/12,860), followed by Jambi (48.53%; 560/1,154), and East Java 47.29% (6,128/12,958). In addition, provinces with highest CPU specification of i7 type were DKI Jakarta (18.45%; 5,242/ 2,840), Riau Islands (15.5%; 182/1,174) and Banten (14.21%; 390/2,744). In contrast, the provinces that have below average CPU type distribution with Celeron type, were Maluku (39.84%; 816/2,048), followed by North Maluku (28.64%; 378/1,320) and Bangka Belitung (25.43%; 176/692) (see Fig. 5A).
Figure 6B shows that nationally, the most hard disk capacity used in Puskesmas was 512 GB (42.56%; 43,044/101,140), followed by 1 TB (24.64%; 24,924/101,140), 256 GB (20.7%; 20.932/101,140), and 128 GB (12.1%; 12,240/101,140). At the province level, the provinces with highest distribution of 512GB hard disk capacity were West Nusa Tenggara (51.04%; 986/1,932), followed by East Java (48.65%; 6,304/12,958), Central Kalimantan (47.95%; 632/1,318) and Jambi (46.45%; 536/1154). In addition, provinces with highest proportion of highest hard disk capacity of 1 TB was North Kalimantan (45.41%; 890/1,960), followed by DKI Jakarta (43.8%; 1,244/2,840), Banten (32.43%; 890/2,744), and North Maluku (31.67%; 418/1320). In contrasts, province with highest distribution of lowest hard disk specification of 128 GB was Bengkulu (27.13%; 274/1,010), followed by Papua (23.56%; 286/1,214), North Sumatra (22.27%; 866/3,888), and North Maluku (21.36%; 282/1,320). The details can be seen in Fig. 6A.
Based on the study, 33.5% (33.868/101,140) of computers in Puskesmas did not install antivirus. Among the computers with installed Antivirus, the most antivirus used was Smadav (78.44%; 52,768/67,272), followed by Avast (8.03%; 5,402/67,272), and others (10.83%; 7,284/67,272). Furthermore, province with highest proportion computers with installed antivirus was North Kalimantan (92.24%; 1,808/1,960), followed by Gorontalo (83.8%; 538/642), Central Sulawesi (83.18%; 1,286/1,546), and East Nusa Tenggara (82.92%; 1,884/2,272). In contrast, DKI Jakarta with 49.58% (1,408/2,840) of their computers did not installed antivirus, followed by Banten 48.1% (1,320/2,744), West Java 47.85% (6,734/14,072), and North Maluku 47.42% (626/1,320) (Fig. 7A).
Electricity Access
At national level, 91.98% (9,546/10,378) Puskesmas in Indonesia have electricity access for 24 hours, whereas 8.02% (832/10,378) Puskesmas do not have access to 24-hour electricity (See Fig. 8A). In terms of provinces distribution, 100% (120/ 120) Puskesmas in Bali have access to 24-hour electricity, followed by Central Java (99.66%; 877/880), DKI Jakarta (99.37%; 313/315), and Gorontalo (98.92%; 92/93). In contrast, provinces with highest number of Puskesmas that do not have access to 24-hour electricity was West Papua (53.37%; 87/143), followed by Papua (52.86%; 240/454), Maluku (33.92%; 77/227), and North Maluku (19.59%; 29/148).
The provision of electricity backup is also an important point in the operational process of public health centres. Based on the study, 29.09% (3,019/10,378) of Puskesmas did not have electricity backup. Among the Puskesmas who had electricity back up, the most common type of electricity backup owned by Puskesmas was a generator (63.36%; 6,575/10,378), followed by other backups (4.83%; 501/10,378), and UPS (2.73%; 283/10,378) (see Fig. 9B). At provincial levels, the provinces with the highest number of Puskesmas having electricity backup were Central Java (91.02%; 801/880), followed by DI Yogyakarta (90.91%; 110/121), East Java (88.79%; 863/972), and West Nusa Tenggara (84.66%; 149/176). In contrast, 53.08% (241/454) Puskesmas in Papua did not have any electricity backup, followed by South East Sulawesi (50.99%; 154/302), West Papua (48.47%; 79/163), and North Maluku (46.62%; 69/168) (see Fig. 9A).