The patients undergoing allo-HSCT with previous IFD can effectively reduce IFD recurrence and mortality by SAP [10].The reported incidence of IFD after SAP was 38.6% [11]. Broad-spectrum antifungal agents, including voriconazole, itraconazole, liposomal amphotericin B, and caspofungin, have shown efficacy in patients with previous IFD. Due to the limited availability of large prospective studies, in patients with previous IFD undergoing allo-HSCT, two retrospective studies have reported the incidence of IFD as follows: 42.9% with itraconazole as SAP, 31.3% with voriconazole, 0–55.5% with liposomal amphotericin B, and 13.8–16.7% with caspofungin[11, 12]. There were limited data to assess the efficacy and tolerability of posaconazole enteric-coated tablet as SAP in patients undergoing allo-HSCT. Our study showed the incidence of IFD after SAP was 4.35% at 100 days and 10.86% at 6 months,which is lower than that reported in previous studies. This finding suggests that posaconazole enteric-coated tablet is relatively effective in IFD prophylaxis. The primary cause of prophylaxis failure, accounting for nearly half of the cases, was gastrointestinal intolerance. However, posaconazole enteric-coated tablet was discontinued in only two patients. In our study, the 3-year OS and PFS of the 46 patients with IFD history was 79.5% and 69.4% respectively. A prospective randomized trial [13] shown that the combination of CsA and MMF prophylactic regimens resulted in the incidence of II–IV acute GHVD and chronic GVHD were 48% and 63%. Our study showed the similar incidence of aGVHD and a lower cGVHD compared to the above study. Most deaths were attributed to primary disease relapse and grade III–IV GVHD. This indicates that posaconazole enteric-coated tabletprophylaxis can be safely utilized for allo-HSCT patients with previous IFD.
However, there are well-defined DDI between antifungal durgs and immunosuppressants. The secondary objective of this study is to explore the dosage adjustments when combining the CsA and MMF with posaconazole enteric-coated tablet. The systematic review indicate[14] that the dosage of CsA should be reduced when initiating posaconazole suspension therapy, and plasma levels of the immunosuppressant should be monitored throughout the course of posaconazole suspension therapy so that dose adjustments appropriately. Other studies[15, 16] found a significant elevation in CsA levels within one week of initiating posaconazole suspension therapy, and the highest C/D ratio was observed 9 to 12 days after posaconazole suspension initiation. Compared with posaconazole suspension, the absorption of posaconazole enteric-coated tablets is not affected by gastrointestinal conditions.Our study also found that after one week of administering posaconazole enteric-coated tablets, CsA concentration of 43.48% patients increased significantly, approximately 56.52% of patients required dose adjustment.
MMF is commonly used in combination with a calcineurin inhibitor, as a maintenance immunosuppressive regimen. HSCT patients has many factors may disturb the pharmacokinetics of MPA, leading to fluctuations in plasma MPA exposures [17]. During the early post-transplantation phase, HCT patients commonly experience diarrhea, which decreased the reabsorption of MPA in the gastrointestinal tract and consequently lower the MPA concentration [18]. CsA inhibits MRP2-mediated enterohepatic circulation of MPAG, and causes a decrease in plasma MPA exposures. Literature data[19] has shown that the concomitant use of CsA and MMF in kidney transplant recipients, cyclosporine-induced inhibition of the enterohepatic recirculation of mycophenolate, the MPA area under the curve is significantly lower (40%).MPA AUC cotreated with cyclosporine is often below the therapeutic window, and that this results in a higher incidence of rejection. Another important clinical implication of the interaction is that, after discontinuation of cyclosporine, the MPA concentrations will increase and can cause MPA-related adverse effects, such as leukopenia, so the dosage of MMF needs to be readjusted and reduced.A Phase I/II Study [20] investigating MMF combination with CsA for GVHD had shown that dose escalation of MMF to achieve the target concentration. MPA is a substrate of P-glycoprotein (P-gp), posaconazole is also a P-gp substrate and inhibitor. MPA may accumulate when administered with Posaconazole[21].For the first time, we conducted a more detailed analysis of the blood concentrations of these three drugs when used in combination. The combination of posaconazole and cyclosporine does not cause significantly decrease the concentration of MMF. Instead, it slightly increases the concentration indicating that there is no need to adjust the dose of MMF. This reduces the complexity of medication management and lower risk of adverse reactions associated with MMF, such as neutropenia. Therefore, the addition of posaconazole ensures relatively stable blood concentrations of all three drugs. This treatment regimen greatly benefits patients and improves medication safety.
Our study has several limitations. Firstly, our study is a single-center study with small a sample size, which limits the generalizability of our findings. Our study was non-controlled and did not include a comparison with other drugs utilized for SAP. Secondly, the monitoring of drug concentrations was limited to 1 month after transplantation, and further investigation is necessary to understand the subsequent DDI and their specific mechanisms.