3.1 Performance analysis of proposed DNN Model
Model performance in dataset
Figure 5 and Fig. 6a shows MAPE of the BV and Ronsp prediction for the training and test sets during the model training process. The train loss and test loss represent the model performance of different epoch. Especially, test error can be applied to assess the application quality of the trained model. The prediction error gradually decreases with the training epoch until convergence. Besides, the DNN model prediction performance of BV and Ronsp is illustrated in Fig. 6 (a) and (b). The x-axis represents the BV or Ronsp obtained by TCAD simulation, and the y-axis represents the BV or Ronsp value predicted by the model. The distance of the dots from the diagonal line illustrates the accuracy of the prediction results. As shown in the figure clearly, most of the dots are focused on the diagonal attachment. In fact, there is only an average prediction error of 2.21% on BV and 0.43% on Ronsp, which means an average performance prediction error of 1.32%. Compared to the previous work [21], the proposed DNN model use less than 20% of their neuron count, and the performance prediction error decreased from 3.81–1.32%. The results indicate the proposed DNN model for device predication owns higher accuracy with less computational cost.
Table 2
Experimental results comparison about DNN with different ML algorithms (Corresponding Calculation Equations listed in Eq. (15) and Eq. (16))
Algorithm | DNN | Linear Regression | Gradient Boosting | SVR | Random Forest |
MAPE | 1.32 | 10.83 | 6.36 | 7.89 | 7.62 |
PA | 98.68 | 89.17 | 93.64 | 92.11 | 92.38 |
Performance comparisons: proposed DNN vs. traditional ML algorithms
As shown in Table 2 and Fig. 7, other ML algorithms for BV and Ronsp prediction and the comparison of these algorithms are illustrated. It is obvious that the error of the proposed DNN algorithm (with an error of 1.32%) is significantly lower than that of other traditional ML algorithms. The DNN algorithm has an excellent ability to predict BV and Ronsp precisely.
Performance comparisons: proposed DNN vs. TCAD
Our proposed model is implemented in Python on a Linux server with 3.5GHz CPU. We use Pytorch library for the DNN model. TCAD simulation also run in this server. The contrast of TCAD simulation and DNN calculation results using randomly selected structure parameters are illustrated in Fig. 8.The comparison of the executed time for performance prediction between DNN model and TCAD is listed in Table 3. The DNN model only takes 0.0039 seconds to execute, while the TCAD tool requires 1500 seconds. The DNN model runs several hundred thousand times faster than TCAD simulation. Therefore, for the development of STI LDMOS devices, using DNN model instead of TCAD simulation can significantly enhance research efficiency and greatly reduce development costs.
Table 3
Executed time comparison between DNN model and TCAD
Algorithm | DNN | Linear Regression |
MAPE | 1.32 | 10.83 |
PA | 98.68 | 89.17 |
3.2 Performance analysis of proposed design framework
In this section, the automatic design framework is constructed to automatically design device structure of STI LDMOS, which significantly accelerates the development process. The framework focuses on optimizing device structures using an optimal objective function. BO algorithm is utilized to iteratively generate new structures, which are used by DNN model to evaluate the optimal FOM, BV and Ronsp values. In all, the automatic design framework is used to search for the optimal device structure.
Table 4
Executed time comparison of different frameworks
Method | BO + DNN | BO + TCAD |
Time | 190s | At least 750000s |
Different operation modes of proposed automatic design framework
Figure 9 illustrates different automatic design frameworks. In Fig. 9 (a), the proposed automatic design framework that integrates BO with DNN model, while in Fig. 9 (b), it’s traditional BO coupled with TCAD simulation tool [22]. The central advantage of proposed framework lies in the speed improvement. As shown in Table 4, after iterating 500 times, the former takes only 190 seconds, whereas the latter requires at least 750,000 seconds. The automatic design speed of the former is nearly 4,000 times faster. Therefore, there is a significant advantage in ultra-fast speed for our proposed automatic design framework. This advantage mainly comes from using ML algorithms with DNN performance prediction model to replace TCAD Simulation Tool. It allows for much faster exploration of the device structure parameter space and optimization of STI LDMOS devices.
The effectivity of target function with TF(x)
The target value of BV is specified to be 50V, while the target value of Ronsp is specified to be 25 \(\:m{\Omega\:}\bullet\:{mm}^{2}\), the optimal FOM, BV and Ronsp with the correspond structure parameters are eventually generated by the proposed framework. In Table 5, the results with the optimal objective function integrating both OF(x) and TF(x) are compared to those with only OF(x). It’s illustrated that the desired results are better obtained through the proposed automatic design framework with optimal objective function integrated OF(x) and TF(x) in Fig. 10. Although the automatic design framework is 2x slower after adding target term TF(x), it still cost only 190 seconds. This framework can also output optimal FOM, BV, and Ronsp when the objective function only integrates OF(x). Nonetheless, the BV and Ronsp with optimal FOM of this case cannot satisfy the target requirement of STI LDMOS. Hence, when the objective function integrated not only optimal term OF(x) but also target term TF(x), the automatic design framework will get another constraint to drive it to optimize device structures. As shown in Fig. 9. a), the space below the two yellow dotted lines is constrained space defined by OF(x). And the automatic design framework will spare no effort to construct device performance located in this space. Therefore, device design requirements can only be met if the objective function integrates target term TF(x).
Table 5
Outcome of different objective function
Objective Function | OF(x) + TF(x) | OF(x) |
Time(s) | 190 | 82 |
FOM (kW/mm2) | 145.8 | 145.08 |
BV(V) | 59.88 | 75.95 |
Ronsp (\(\:m{\Omega\:}\bullet\:{mm}^{2}\)) | 24.60 | 39.76 |
Table 6
Outcome of different objective function.
Objective Function | OF(x) + TF(x) | Eq. (17) |
Time(s) | 190 | 82 |
FOM (kW/mm2) | 145.8 | 145.08 |
BV(V) | 59.88 | 75.95 |
Ronsp (\(\:m{\Omega\:}\bullet\:{mm}^{2}\)) | 24.60 | 39.76 |
The effectivity of objective function with OF(x)
Uniformly, the target value of BV is specified to be 50V, while the target value of Ronsp is specified to be 25 \(\:m{\Omega\:}\bullet\:{mm}^{2}\). In Table 6 and Fig. 11, the results are compared between proposed optimal objective function and Eq. (17) in previous research [18]. The devices constructed by the automatic design framework that integrates the proposed optimal objective function demonstrate superior performance. Not only do they achieve the target performance values, but they consistently surpass these targets. Furthermore, the overall performance of constructed devices, considering FOM, is optimal. The automatic design framework integrating Eq. (17) can only generate approximately approach target performance.
In the objective function of Eq. (17), this function also specifies the target values of BV and Ronsp, similar to the target term TF(x) in the proposed optimal objective function, which aims to drive the automatic design framework to construct devices that meet the target performance values. However, for Eq. (17), its gradients in the BV and Ronsp directions are shown in Eqs. (18) and (19). As illustrated in Fig. 11.b), when BV is greater than \(\:{\text{B}\text{V}}^{\text{t}}\), Eq. (18) is negative, its gradient direction is the arrow direction of the yellow dashed line 2. This direction is the iterative update direction of the automatic design framework, indicating that the automatic design framework needs to iteratively construct devices with smaller BV performance values. When BV is less than \(\:{\text{B}\text{V}}^{\text{t}}\), i.e., Eq. (18) is positive, its gradient direction is the direction of the yellow dashed line 4. This direction is the iterative update direction of the automatic design framework, indicating that the automatic design framework needs to iteratively construct devices with larger BV performance values. The same applies to Ronsp. In summary, from the perspective of gradient direction, Eq. (17) will cause the automatic design framework to iteratively move towards the point (50, 25), and the best outcome it can iterate out can only meet the target performance values.
The gradient of the proposed optimal objective function, as shown in Eq. (20) and Fig. 10a), is always positive in the BV direction, corresponding to the yellow dashed line 1, and always negative in the Ronsp direction, corresponding to the yellow dashed line 2. As shown in Eq. (22), it is the sum of the gradient vectors of Eq. (20) and Eq. (21), which is also the same direction as the yellow dashed line 3. And it also represents the overall iterative optimization direction of the automatic design framework. Hence, the proposed objective function will drive the automatic design framework to iteratively optimize the device structure to achieve BV higher than the target value and Ronsp lower than the target value. When the performance of the constructed device reaches the target performance, the optimization does not stop. The optimal term OF(x) will drive the automatic design framework to continue iterating, optimizing the device structure towards the direction of obtaining larger FOM values.
TCAD-based Verification of design results using the proposed framework
Firstly, the boundary of BV was specified to be greater than 50V and the boundary of Ronsp was specified to be less than 25 \(\:m{\Omega\:}\bullet\:{mm}^{2}\). The framework output optimal FOM, BV and Ronsp listed in Table 8 with corresponding structure parameters listed in Table 7. And the correspond structure parameters are input back to TCAD simulation tool. Figure 12 and Fig. 13 is illustrated the STI LDMOS device simulation diagram in TCAD using the correspond structure parameters generated by automatic design framework. Table 8 also compare the results between automatic design framework and TCAD simulation tool. It is obvious that the results of the framework are extremely close to TCAD simulation tool, which are only 0.002% error of FOM, 1.98% error of BV and 3.68% error of Ronsp. Therefore, the device designed by proposed automatic design framework is extremely precise.
Table 7
The optimal device structure parameters.
Structure parameters |
Npbody.p(cm− 3) | Npbody.s(cm− 3) | Lpog(um) | Nndrift.p(cm− 3) | Nndrift.s(cm− 3) | Lnes(um) | Lsti.w(um) | Lsti.d(um) | Lsog(um) |
2.314e17 | 7.838e14 | 7.606e-1 | 7.412e16 | 2.459e16 | 3.886e-1 | 1.856 | 1.829e-1 | 9.962e-1 |
Table 8
The comparison of Automatic Design Framework and TCAD.
Method | Automatic Design Framework | TCAD | Error |
FOM | 145.8 | 146.12 | 0.002% |
BV | 59.88 | 61.09 | 1.98% |
Ronsp | 24.60 | 25.54 | 3.68% |