Thermogravimetric studies
The DTGA thermograms of pure and different concentrations (1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 mol%) of Fe3+ ions doped PVA/MAA:EA polymer blend films are shown in Fig. 1. Analysis of DTGA curves reveals that there are three distinct steps of degradation (Siddaiah et al. 2018). The first degradation is observed from 35 to 144 0C with a weight loss of 8% which is due to the desorption of adsorbed water molecules in the samples (Tokizaki et al. 1991). The second weight loss is observed in the temperature range 260–390 0C, which includes the melting points and degradation temperatures of the polymer host (Madhava Kumar et al. 2017). The third stage of weight loss is observed in the range of 390–480 0C, which may be attributed to the structural decomposition of the polymeric backbone (Guirguis et al. 2012). The thermal decompositions of all samples as well as percentages of weight loss were shown in the Table 1. It is observed that the value of weight loss was irregular for the second and third decomposition steps for all doped films with increasing dopant concentration. It is also observed that the peak temperature of the final decomposition step of pure and all doped samples is around 420 0C. The value of total weight loss found to be decreasing with increase in dopant concentration from 1 to 5 mol%. Thus it could be concluded that the thermal stability of PVA/MAA:EA polymer blend system increases with Fe3+ doping.
Table 1
The decomposition steps and percentage of weight loss for pure and different concentrations (1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0 and 5.0 mol%) of Fe3+ ions doped PVA/MAA:EA.
Concentration in mol% Fe3+:PVA/MAA:EA | Regions of decomposition | Temperature (0C ) | Weight loss(%) |
Start | End | Tp | Partial | Total |
Pure(50–50) | 1st 2nd 3rd | 35 262 392 | 135 390 480 | 85 343 420 | 8 37 45 | 90 |
1.0 mol% | 1st 2nd 3rd | 35 262 392 | 144 391 480 | 93 342 420 | 8 36 40 | 84 |
2.0 mol% | 1st 2nd 3rd | 37 262 392 | 142 391 480 | 87 342 420 | 8 35 37 | 80 |
3.0 mol% | 1st 2nd 3rd | 38 262 392 | 144 392 480 | 88 344 420 | 8 34 36 | 78 |
4.0 mol % | 1st 2nd 3rd 4th | 35 236 305 392 | 134 305 392 480 | 88 275 368 420 | 8 15 20 32 | 75 |
5.0 mol% | 1st 2nd 3rd 4th | 33 265 306 392 | 139 306 392 480 | 85 294 348 420 | 8 19 11 33 | 71 |
Studies on X-ray diffraction
The polymer matrix's complexation and crystallization can be determined through the utilization of X-Ray diffraction analysis. Figure 2 displays the X-ray diffraction patterns of PVA/MAA:EA polymer blend films doped with pure Fe3+ and various concentrations of Fe3+
From the above Figure shows, a single broad peak at 2θ ≈ 200 is observed for pure and doped polymer blend films. This broad peak is known as the amorphous hump and is a typical characteristic of amorphous materials (Bhagyasree et al. 2016). In the present work, the broadening of the peak is observed for films containing Fe3+ ions which indicates there is a decrease in the crystallinity with increasing dopant concentration and may be attributed to the interaction of Fe3+cations with the end chain of the polymer blend (Ramesh et al. 2001).
Morphological studies
SEM measurements were performed to examine fully the effect of Fe3+content and the dispersion of Fe3+particles in the polymeric matrix and the micrographs are shown in Fig. 3. As shown in Fig. 3(a), the growth of the dendritic-like shape, which represents the gathering of the branched aggregate clusters, clearly indicates the formation of condensed aggregated dendrites shape. This suggests the presence of structural reorganizations of polymer chains (Sim et al. 2012). The surface morphology of the pure and Fe3+ (1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0 and 5.0 mol%) doped PVA/MAA:EA polymer blend films is uniform, but with differing degrees of roughness (Fig. 3a–f). SEM micrographs suggest that the PVA/MAA:EA polymer blend molecules may disperse in the soft-segment phase with little influence on the micro phase separation and mixing of the hard and soft segments as shown in Fig. 3(a). After the addition of Fe3+ ions to pure PVA/MAA:EA polymer blend, it is observed that, there is an increase in the degree of roughness indicating the segregation of dopant in PVA/MAA:EA polymer blend film. This arises from random distribution and dissociation of dopant material which may introduce topological disorder in polymer blend film, which produces moreamorphous phase in the system and makes the polymer film more flexible (Okerberg et al. 2008). The observed uniform surface morphology may be suitable for better conductivity of the doped polymer blend films (Noor et al. 2010).
FTIR studies
FT-IR spectra of pure and doped PVA:MAA-EA films shown in Fig. 4 exhibit several bands characteristic of stretching and bending vibrations of O–H, C–H, C = C and C–O groups. For pure sample, the band observed at 3622 cm− 1 is attributed to O–H stretching vibration. For doped samples, due to the presence of impurity ions, this peak shows shift in its position towards lower wavenumber and the shift is more prominent for the sample with 3mol% Fe. The change in the band position indicates the coordination between –OH and Fe3+(Reddeppa et al. 2013). Other vibrational bands do not show much variation in their position. The band observed at 2942 cm− 1 indicates an asymmetry in stretching mode of CH2 group. A weak band observed at 2157 cm− 1 is assigned to C = O group (Sreekanth et al. 2019). The band observed at 1741 cm− 1 is assigned to stretching vibration of C = O group. A band observed at 1454 cm− 1 corresponds to bending mode of vibration of CH2 group. The band observed at 1144 cm− 1 corresponds to C–O stretching acetyl group present on the PVA backbone (Sweeting et al. 1968). The band observed at 918 cm− 1 corresponds to stretching vibration C = C and a band at 856 cm− 1 corresponds stretching vibration of CH2 group (Vijaya Kumar et al. 2009). However, O–H stretching frequency observed at 3505 cm− 1 for pure shows appreciable shift towards low frequency region on doping Fe3+ions, which indicates the considerable interaction between O–H group of PVA and Fe3+ ions of FeSO4. The FTIR band positions and their assignments are given in the Table 2.
Table 2
Assignment of peak positions in FTIR spectrum of Fe3+ doped PVA/MAA:EA.
Vibrational frequency (cm− 1) | Band assignment |
856 | CH2(st) |
918 | CC(st) |
1144 | C-O |
1454 | CH2(b) |
1741 | C = O(st) |
2157 | (C = O) |
2942 | CH2(st) |
3505 | OH(st) |
UV-Visible studies
The optical absorption spectra of pure and Fe3+ (1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0. and 5.0 mol%) doped PVA/MAA:EA polymer blend films recorded at room temperature in the wavelength range 300–1100 nm are shown in Fig. 5. The fundamental absorption observed in the spectra is used to determine the value of absorption edges and band gaps of the films to provide useful information about the band structure in both crystalline and non-crystalline state. The spectral changes observed can be interpreted in terms of the removal of an electron from the valance band and formation of polaron or bipolar on states upon doping (Abdelrazek et al. 2012). The peaks are considered to be due to the transitions from the valance band to the bipolar on states. The absorption spectrum for pure film is shown in the inset of Fig. 5.
The absorption bands observed at 402 and 460 nm have been assigned to d–d transitions 6A1g→4A1g and 6A1g→4T2g of Fe3+ ions respectively. In addition to these, a broad and intense band is also observed at 654 nm which may be attributed to the intervalence charge transfer (Fe2+– Fe3+) band (Sharma et al. 1991). However, it should be noted that the intervalence band transition peak does not change appreciably with increasing dopant concentration. The position of this peak is related to the degree of conjugation between the –CH3 groups in the polymer chain (Davis et al. 1960). In the optical absorption spectrum of Fe3+ ions doped PVA/MAA:EA polymer blend films, two broad bands observed at 861and 1063 nm have been assigned to the spin-allowed d–d transitions 5Eg→5B1g and 5Eg→5A1g of Fe2+ ions in D4h symmetry (Sharma et al. 1991).
where ‘A’ indicates absorbance and ‘d’ thickness of the film. Figure 6 shows the variation in the absorption coefficient with incident photon energy for pure as well as Fe3+ doped PVA/MAA:EA polymer blend films. From the figure, it is clear that the absorption edge for pure film lies at 5.11 eV (shown in inset of Fig. 6) and for doped films the values are found to vary from 1.49 eV to 1.45 eV.
In indirect transitions, interaction occurs with lattice vibrations (phonons) takes; so wave vector of the electron can change in the optical transition and momentum change will be taken or given by phonons. It means, when minimum of the conduction band lies in a different part of K-space from the maximum of the valence band, a direct optical transition from the top of the valence band to the bottom of the conduction band is forbidden. For indirect transition which requires phonon assistance, absorption coefficient has the following dependence on the photon energy (Madhava Kumar et al. 2017) and (Davis et al. 1960).
αhν = A(hν–Eg+ Ep)2+ B(hν–Eg–Ep)2 (2)
where ‘Ep represents phonon energy associated with transition and A, B are constants depending on the band structure. The indirect band gaps were obtained from the plots of (αhν)1/2 vs hν (Fig. 7). For pure (PVA/MAA:EA) polymer blend film, the indirect band gap lies at 5.09 eV (shown in inset of Fig. 7), while for doped films the values vary from 1.49 to 1.44 eV (Table 3). From Table 3, it is clear that the band edge and indirect band gap values decrease with the increase in dopant concentration. The decrease in optical band gap on doping may be explained on the basis of the fact that incorporation of small amount of dopants form charge transfer complexes in the host lattice. The band edge and indirect band gap values shifted to lower energies on doping with Fe3+ ions, this is due to the inter band transitions (Thutupalli et al. 1976).
Table 3
Absorption edge and optical band gap values of pure and different concentrations of Fe3+ ions doped PVA/MAA:EA polymer blend films.
Concentration in mol% Fe3+ :PVA/MAA:EA | Absorption edge (eV) | Indirect band gap Energy (eV) |
1.0 mol% | 1.49 | 1.49 |
2.0 mol% | 1.49 | 1.49 |
3.0 mol% | 1.48 | 1.48 |
4.0 mol% | 1.47 | 1.47 |
5.0 mol% | 1.45 | 1.44 |
EPR studies
Electron Paramagnetic Resonance spectroscopy exposes the magnetic traits and spin dynamics, giving us a glimpse into the magnetic properties of materials and the interparticle dipolar interactions and super exchange interactions at play (Daruka Prasad et al. 2016) and (Ojha Pravakar et al. 2019). The spectra of the pure PVA/MAA:EA polymer blend film did not show any EPR signal, suggesting that thestarting materials used in the present work were free from transition metal impurities or other paramagnetic centers. When various amounts of Fe3+ ions were doped to PVA/MAA:EA polymer blend, EPR spectra of all the investigated samples at room temperature exhibited resonance signal as shown in Fig. 8. EPR spectra of all doped samples exhibit two resonance signals around g = 2.12 and 6.8. The resonance signal at g = 6.8 is attributed to Fe3+ ions in an environment close to an octahedral symmetry. The resonance signal around g = 2.12 has been attributed to the Fe3+ ions in the tetrahedral environment (Daruka Prasad et al. 2016) and (Singh et al. 2011). When the concentration of Fe3+ ions is increased beyond 1 mol%, the signals around g = 6.8 has been disappeared and a broad signal has been observed at g = 2.12. This may due to the spin-spin interaction caused by the agglomeration of Fe3+ ions.
This variation suggests that the dopant affected the magnetic properties of the polymeric matrix. The evaluation of the EPR spectrum with 5 mol% depicts a decrease in the intensity of the deformed signal with respect to the 1mol% spectrum. The broad signal can be attributed to the high concentration of Fe3+ ions. Moreover, the broad signal can be explained by the absence of isolated Fe3+ and the presence of Fe3+- Fe3+ exchange interaction leading to the existence of aggregated Fe3+ due to the proximity of iron ions. Consequently, the EPR demonstrations imply the formation of Fe3+ cluster in the polymeric matrix.
Conductivity studies
Impedance spectroscopy is a tool for ionic conductivity study of polymer blend films. Figure 9 shows the impedance plots for pure and different concentration of Fe3+ doped PVA/MAA:EA polymer blend films at room temperatures in the frequency range of 1Hz – 5MHz. It is clear from Fig. 9 that, impedance plots of Z׀׀ as a function of Z׀, i.e. Cole – Cole plots of the films (Z׀ and Z׀׀ denote the real and imaginary parts of the complex impedance Z*) contain a semicircular arc, which is characteristic behavior of ionic conductivity of solids with blocking electrodes (Zidan et al. 2003).
The semicircle shows the parallel combination between bulk resistance (due to the migration of ions) and bulk capacitance (due to the immobile polymer chains). Therefore frequency response of the sample could be represented by an equivalent circuit consisting of a parallel combination of the circuit elements R (resistance) and C (capacitance). The presence of the depressed semi circle reveals the non-Debye nature of the sample (Tawansi et al. 2004), due to the potential well for each site, through which the ion transport occurs. The inclined spike indicates a formation of double layer capacitance at the electrode–electrolyte interface as a result of migration of ions at low frequency. The capacitance values are in the range of PF, which represents the bulk response of the sample (Lanfredi et al. 2002). At each interface, electrode double layer possesses increasing impedance against ion transfer with the decrease in frequency, which, in the Nyquist plot of impedance spectra, was showed by an inclined spike. In addition, inclination of the spike at an angle less than 900 to the real axis is due to the roughness of the electrode–electrolyte interface (Ramya et al. 2008). The ionic conductivity of pure and Fe3+ doped PVA/MAA:EA polymer blend films is calculated from the relation;
where ‘l’ is the thickness of the film, ‘A’ area of the film and ‘Rb’ bulk resistance of the film material which is obtained from the intercept on the real axis at the high frequency end of the Nyquist plot of complex impedance (Macdonald et al. 1992). Figure 10 shows the variation of AC electrical conductivity of the doped samples with frequency at room temperature. Figure 10 shows existence of mobile charge carriers, which can be transported by hopping through defect sites along polymer blend chain (Saravanan et al. 2006). Also, there is an enhancement in the ionic conductivity of polymer blend films by adding Fe3+ ions, which is due to the increase in mobile charge carriers and charge carrier mobility, as well as due to an increase of amorphicity. This phenomena can be explained by a general conductivity relation;
where is the number of charge carriers, is the charge of mobile charge carrier and is the mobility of charge carriers. According to this relation, the improvement in the ionic conductivity of polymer blend films can be achieved by increasing and because is
the same for all charge carriers in the polymer blend system.
Composition dependence of conductivity:
The variation of conductivity (σ) with Fe3+ concentration at room temperature is shown in Fig. 11. From the figure, it is noticed that the conductivity of pure film is about 2.4 X 10− 8 Scm− 1 at room temperature and increases to 1.03 X 10− 7 Scm− 1 for 5 mol% of Fe3+ ions doped films. The increase in ionic conductivity with increase in Fe3+ concentration is attributed to a reduction in crystallinity of polymer blend films and also to an increase in number of mobile charge carriers. The coordination interactions of ether oxygen atoms of PVA/MAA:EA polymer blend with Fe3+ cations, which result in a reduction in crystallinity of PVA/MAA:EA polymer blend, are responsible for the increase in ionic conductivity. The maximum conductivity shows the maximum and effective interaction between oxygen atoms and Fe3+ cations. A decrease in crystallinity of PVA/MAA:EA polymer blend is seen from the XRD analysis, whch indicates a reduction in the intensity of sharp crystalline peaks with the addition of Fe3+ ions, which results in a dominant amorphous phase in the polymer blend. A polymer chain in the amorphous phase is more flexible, which results in an increase in segmental motion of the polymer, which facilitates higher ionic mobility (Park et al. 2003). The increment in conductivity with increase in dopant concentration is due to the rise in the number of charge carriers as shown in Fig. 11. The conductivity data of pure and Fe3+ doped PVA/MAA:EA polymer blend at room temperature is presented in Table 4.
Table 4
Conductivity values of pure and different concentrations of Fe3+ doped PVA/MAA:EA polymer blend films at room temperature.
Concentration in mol% of Fe3+:PVA/MAA:EA
Conductivity at 303 K (S cm− 1)
2.46 x 10− 8
3.11 x 10− 8
4.47 x 10− 8
6.1 x 10− 8
8.2 x 10− 8
1.03 x 10− 7