Since the purpose of this study was to compare images taken while awake and during surgery and a state of general anesthesia results in virtually no body movement, the effects of the magnitude of body movement needed to be excluded. Corrections were therefore made based on the difference in mean frame displacement for each subject. FD represents the sum of the magnitude of linear motions of the head in the x, y, and z directions and rotational motion in the three directions, providing an indicator of overall head movements.
Previous reports have evaluated the effects of head movements in neonates15 and the elderly16 on rs-fMRI using FD. With this method, we were able to exclude the effects of body motion in the FC and fALFF analyses. In the present study, spatial artifacts caused by the intraoperative condition were observed, resulting in signal loss from functional brain images.
To minimize the effects of artifacts while maintaining detection power, a mask was created and adapted to exclude areas in which artifacts were seen in four or more subjects.
EEG monitoring is currently used in clinical practice to monitor the depth of intraoperative anesthesia. However, many problems remain with the widely used EEG monitors, such as the fact that evaluations differ depending on the type of general anesthetic.3 In addition, since general anesthesia in actual surgery is performed not only with general anesthetics, but also with narcotics and muscle relaxants, the effects of those additional drugs must also be taken into consideration. In particular, the EEG monitor uses an EEG database, and the widely used bispectral index (BIS) is not actually measured, but is instead estimated.2
The EEG represents a summation of local postsynaptic potentials of pyramidal cells in the cerebral cortex,17 and the thalamus plays a major role in the formation of the electroencephalographic rhythm. In particular, the rhythms of sleep spindle waves with a frequency of around 10 Hz and delta waves with a lower frequency, which are predominantly observed during anesthesia, are formed in the thalamic ciliary nucleus.18,19 Elucidation of the changes in thalamic activity during anesthesia is thus important to understand the background of the BIS score.
The present study found a decrease in fALFF values in the thalamus and a decrease in FC within and between the thalamus during anesthesia. These results indicate that sevoflurane anesthesia reduces both neural activity in the thalamus and interthalamic synchrony. Previous studies on the thalamus and anesthesia have reported that loss of consciousness during anesthesia is associated with hypometabolism in the thalamus, decreased interthalamic FC or decreased thalamocortical interactions.11, 12,20,21 The results of the present study demonstrate that those findings from previous studies of reduced activity and FC of the thalamus itself in association with anesthesia-induced loss of consciousness are also observed during balanced anesthesia with sevoflurane.
The present study found that fALFF values in the precuneus and PCC decreased during anesthesia. The PCC and precuneus are components of the DMN, which is thought to play an important role in the formation of consciousness. Previous studies on the DMN and anesthesia have shown that anesthesia is related to impaired FC within the DMN,22–24 decreases local synchronicity in the DMN25 and decreases neural activity in the DMN.26,27 The results of the present study and the findings from those previous studies support the association of reduced activity and FC of the DMN with anesthesia-induced loss of consciousness in humans under anesthesia with sevoflurane.
Decreased FC between the thalamus, caudate nucleus and globus pallidus was observed during anesthesia. Previous studies on anesthesia and thalamic-basal ganglia connectivity have reported that sevoflurane anesthesia decreases FC between the thalamus and caudate nucleus,9 that isoflurane decreases glucose metabolism in the thalamus and basal ganglia,28 and that propofol decreases neural activity of the basal ganglia.29 However, no previous studies have mentioned the significance of changes in neural activity in the thalamus and basal ganglia during anesthesia. The present results suggest that the cortico-basal ganglia loop through the thalamus may be inhibited under balanced anesthesia with sevoflurane.
Despite the same eye closure condition, decreases in fALFF values were seen in the lingual gyrus, occipital pole, and lateral occipital cortex during anesthesia. Previous studies on anesthesia and activity in visual areas suggest that isoflurane decreases neural activity in the visual cortex,26 that desflurane interferes with visual sensory processing,30 and that volatile anesthetics suppress visual evoked potentials.31–33
As with findings from previous studies, the present results suggest that anesthesia with sevoflurane results in decreased neural activity in the visual area.
Various limitations to this study need to be kept in mind. Although we chose transsphenoidal surgery, which is relatively less invasive to brain parenchyma, we could not exclude the effects of surgical invasion. We therefore cannot conclude that the results were exclusive to the effects of anesthesia. In particular, we could not perform network analysis using the whole brain, because we excluded areas in which spatial susceptibility artifacts were observed. In addition, the results may vary depending on the dose of inhaled anesthetics and narcotics used, and the generalizability of results from this study need to be verified in the future.
In this study, we performed rs-fMRI during neurosurgery and showed results consistent with previous findings indicating the feasibility of intraoperative rs-fMRI during deep anesthesia. We believe that further findings will help to clarify the characteristics of changes in brain function during intraoperative anesthesia in the context of EEG monitoring.
Data Availability
The datasets generated during the current study are available from the corresponding author on reasonable request.