The degeneration of DAergic neurons in the SNpc of the human brain is the characteristic pathological feature associated with PD. PD is a multifactorial disease involving many biochemical pathways, such as oxidative injury/oxidative stress, mitochondrial dysfunction, ER stress, alteration in dopamine catabolism, inactivation of tyrosine hydroxylase (TH), and decrease in the neurotrophic factor BDNF, ultimately resulting in apoptosis of the DAergic neurons in the SNpc (5, 68). Fly models of PD also exhibit progressive age-dependent mobility defects, loss of DAergic neurons, and diminished brain DA level in PD condition (41, 60, 61). The distinctive pathological hallmark of PD is the demise of DAergic neurons. Therefore, utilizing fluorescence microscopy, DAergic neurons in the entire fly brain were quantified before characterizing DA "neuronal dysfunction". After DAergic neuronal number quantification, "neuronal dysfunction"(62) if any was deciphered by measuring the FI of fluorescently labelled secondary antibody, which targets the primary anti-TH antibody. The emanating FI can be correlated to the TH protein abundance and synthesis. This was done in order to determine the extent of DAergic neurodegeneration/dysfunction under induced PD conditions and possible neuroprotection with CU intervention. The finding shows that in both the adult health and transition stages of Drosophila, the number of DAergic neurons in the control and PD brains does not differ (Fig. 1B,C & Fig. 2B,C). This observation is in line with earlier findings from other studies (41, 62–65). All these studies make sense in the light of the “dying back” phenomenon which states that neurodegeneration starts from the axonal terminus (66). The “dying back” of DA neurons further explains the reason behind the failure of time-tested L-DOPA supplementation therapy, where chronic L-DOPA supplementation will lead to its irregular uptake (Due to axonal degeneration) by DAergic neuronal terminals and irregular activation of DA receptors, leading to dyskinesia and toxicity from the plasma L-DOPA (67).
Here, it must be emphasized that there has been a debate in the field of Drosophila neurobiology on the loss of DAergic neuronal cell body (loss in number of DAergic neurons) in fly PD models. The adult-onset loss of DAergic neurons was initially demonstrated by Feany and Bender (61) in a Drosophila model of PD. Then, several researchers have utilized that model to study and demonstrate the variable degree of DAergic cell death in different DA clusters (68,37,96,93,87,71–74). Auluck and Bonini, (75); Auluck et al., (69); Yang et al., (76 ) reported a 50% loss of DAergic neurons using the same flies. Similarly, in flies with loss-of-function mutations in PD associated genes like PARKIN, PINK1, only two to four neurons from a particular DAergic neuronal cluster (PPM1/2 or PPL1) were found to be degenerated (77, 78, 73, 79, 80). On the other hand, Pesah et al., (81) found no loss of neurons in the PPM1/2 cluster which suggests that in PARKIN mutants, only a specific DAergic cluster might be vulnerable to degeneration. Studies in PINK1 Drosophila model of PD has shown dramatic discrepancies ranging from a discrete loss of two to four neurons in the PPL1 clusters in a null mutant (82) to a significant decrease in neurons in several DAergic clusters in RNAi knockdown flies (83, 76). In addition to the genetic models, toxin-induced PD models viz., PQ based models demonstrated that 5 mM PQ exposure for 12–48 Hrs leads to significant DAergic neuronal loss in PPM and PPL1 cluster (84, 37, 85, 86). Another independent study by Shukla et al., (87) demonstrated that 10 mM, 20 mM PQ exposure for 12 and 24 Hrs leads to cluster-wise selective loss of DAergic neurons which is countered with HSP70 overexpression. Similarly, reduced Aux expression in a fly model shows an alteration in the number of neurons in PPM1/2 cluster which is similar to α-synuclein toxicity (70). Further, flies with reduced expression of Aux are sensitive to PQ and α-synuclein overexpression suggesting genetic and environmental factors work together in influencing the DAergic neurodegeneration in late HP (33 days old fly) (70). In PQ induced fly PD model, specific loss of DAergic neurons was found with different concentrations of the toxin (84, 37, 85, 86, 60, 88) or no change in the number of neurons (62). As such, it can be put forward that there exists a contradiction among researchers in the past and current scenario on the event of DAergic neuronal loss in the Drosophila model of PD. Previously, this matter had been carefully examined in numerous fly models of PD (Both genetic and sporadic), and it has been determined that there is no structural loss of DAergic neurons, rather a decrease in GFP (TH-specific GFP reporter) level/FI, suggesting diminished TH production in DA neurons (52, 51, 62).
In the present study flies treated with PQ alone caused a significant reduction in FI in different clusters, which could be significantly rescued upon co-feeding with CU during the HP (Fig. 1D), but not during the TP (Fig. 2D). Additionally, an effort was made to evaluate the findings by quantifying the total FI of all the DAergic neurons in the fly brains of various experimental groups (Fig. 1E & Fig. 2E). Analyzing these groups separately yields similar results. Reduced levels of FI reflect lower amounts of TH protein (TH signals) because the neuronal cell body's fluorescence is directly correlated with the pace at which the rate-limiting enzyme TH is synthesized. Further, the findings and validity of the novel fluorescent microcopy-based technique developed in our lab was put to test through a well designed traditional immunoblot technique. We found similar trends where the onset of PD diminishes brain TH translate level signifying reduced TH synthesis that could be rescued with CU intervention only during HP but not during TP (Fig. 1F & Fig. 2F). Reduction of TH synthesis but no loss of neuronal cell body is coined as “neuronal dysfunction” which could be the underlying cause of the onset of PD in the current early and late-onset PD model. By quantifying the TH signals, it is possible to quantify incipient neurodegeneration in the PQ-induced fly model and to precisely determine the extent of DAergic neuroprotection through CU intervention. These results validate the observation of Phom et al., (8) and suggest that CU rescues the mobility defects and protects DA neuronal dysfunction only during HP of adult Drosophila, but fails to do so during the TP. As the FI of the secondary antibodies is co-related to the level of TH protein synthesis, diminished FI hints at a possible reduction in DA synthesis, which is substantiated by quantifying the brain-specific DA and its metabolites (DOPAC and HVA) through HPLC-ECD.
Results demonstrated that neurotoxicant exposure leads to the depletion of DA level in the brain of both phases (Fig. 5). The depletion of DA level in the brain of HP is accompanied by the moderate depletion of DOPAC and increment of HVA levels, resulting in increased DA turnover in the PD brain of HP (Fig. 5). On the other hand depletion of the DA pool in the TP brain was accompanied by the relatively lesser depletion of DOPAC and HVA, resulting in a moderate increase in DA turnover (Fig. 5). In the young mice (6–7 weeks old) extra nigrostriatal DA in nuclear accumbens depletes under PQ-mediated stress. In the same region of the brain, depleted DOPAC level and enhanced HVA level was observed with increased DA turnover when PQ-intoxicated mice were further subjected to psychological stress (89). Motor and non-motor symptoms of PD patients are further aggravated by the psychological stress resulting in depression. The study by Rudyk et al., (89) in a mice model demonstrated that enhanced HVA level with decreased DA, DOPAC level and enhanced DA turnover in some extra nigral brain regions is associated with PD mice having psychological impairment. In the current study in Drosophila with PQ intoxication alone, the HP PD brain shows similar changes in the monoamine pools with increased DA turnover, whereas the TP PD brain shows higher DA turnover (Resulting from higher DOPAC, HVA synthesis) (Fig. 5). Further insight is needed to conclude if such change is associated with the onset of psychological disorder in the fly model along with observed PD motor symptoms. In fly models, it was observed that 10 mM or 20 mM PQ exposure on filter paper for 24 hrs reduces DA level and enhances DOPAC level in the brains of adult young flies (2–4 days old) belonging to CS and white eye strains {y W1118, Df(1)w,y} (90, 60). The enhanced DOPAC level and lower DA level with the neurotoxicant exposure were postulated to be the enhanced oxidation and degradation DA. In the current study also significant depletion of the DA pool is observed and degradation is manifested in the HP PD brain, owing to a higher HVA pool and a lower depletion of DOPAC compared to DA. The differences in the observation between the current study and Inamdar et al (90)., in regards to DOPAC level modulation in PD brain, although apparent, a closer look suggests otherwise. As observed by Inamdar et al., a similar concentration (to the current study) of the neurotoxicant exposure enhances DOPAC levels in adult young fly brains (2–4 days old). On the other hand, in the current study in HP PD brain depletion of DA level is higher than that of DOPAC level (Fig. 5). This observation in the present study suggests higher DOPAC synthesis from DA oxidation (Therefore lesser DOPAC depletion and higher DA depletion) which corroborates with the hypothesis of Inamdar et al., (90). Further, from the current observation it can be postulated that during HP there is a relatively lower level of DOPAC degradation to HVA. Instead, it is possible the HVA is more likely to be synthesized from DA through an alternate route i.e., DA > 3-MT > HVA (Fig. 5). Although to a different degree, the synchronous depletion of DA and DOPAC (Fig. 5), during the HP PD condition can be explained by the fact that DOPAC is the primary metabolite of DA and as such changes in the DA pool may immediately be reflected on DOPAC pool. In fact, it has been reported that deficiency of DOPAC in the nigrostriatal region and CSF highlights DA deficiency in the central brain and therefore DOPAC pool in CSF is also used as a reliable marker of DA deficiency in the case of human PD (91, 53).
In the TP brain, it is also observed that the level of DA depletion is at a higher degree compared to DOPAC and HVA (Fig. 5). This may, in turn, suggest that there is a higher level of DA oxidative breakdown which may also contribute to PD progression in the aging brain. Although there is no detailed study on DA metabolism in the late-onset fly model of PD, the insight from the current study suggests that PQ-induced sporadic PD condition not only contributes to DA depletion during HP and TP but also enhances DA oxidative breakdown to the downstream catabolites. Owing to the neurotoxic natures of the DA catabolites and the generation of ROS/peroxides due to the catabolic process (56, 57) neurodegeneration ensues.
During HP DA and DOPAC levels are decreased, while HVA level is increased under PQ-mediated PD condition. The relatively higher DA depletion compared to DOPAC and enhanced HVA suggests, higher DA oxidation in the PD condition in the fly brain. CU intervention rescued diminished DA level and altered DA turnover during HP. In TP PD brain DA, DOPAC and HVA were depleted, although DA depletion was higher compared to DOPAC and HVA. This implied higher DA turnover, but CU intervention failed to rescue diminished DA level and altered DA turnover during TP. Also with natural aging DA, DOPAC and HVA decreased in healthy TP brains.
Insight on the CU intervention, suggests that only during HP depleted DA level is rescued with further inhibition of DOPAC level and normalization of enhanced HVA pool, resulting in lesser DA turnover (Fig. 5). During TP, however, the DA level is not rescued in the PD brain, DOPAC level remains unaffected and HVA level is further suppressed. As only HVA synthesis is inhibited, but not DOPAC synthesis, CU intervention fails to inhibit the DA turnover in the TP PD brain (Fig. 5). CU has been demonstrated to inhibit mitochondrial MAO activity isolated from rat brains (92). MAO is the primary enzyme necessary for the oxidative turnover of DA to DOPAC and is one of the enzymes necessary for the oxidative turnover of DA to HVA (Fig. 5). MAO inhibition is of considerable interest in drug discovery where variants of MAO inhibitors can be used as a potent therapy for neurodegenerative disorders like PD (92). Although flies do not have the orthologue coding for MAO and COMT enzymes, it is apparent that the fly brain possesses analogous enzymatic pathways for DA catabolism (54). Therefore, it is possible that during HP, CU intervention not only resuscitates the DA pool in the brain but also inhibits MAO analogous activity, thereby preventing oxidative turnover of DA to its downstream metabolites (Fig. 5). Thus, the preservation of DA also prevents ROS generation and promotes neuroprotection during HP, but the same is not possible during TP. Further insights revealed that in healthy aging fly brains, there exists a natural deficiency of DA, DOPAC and HVA pool by 40%, 75% and 66% respectively (Fig. 5). This suggests with aging there is an absence and/or deficiency and/or faults in the necessary regulatory players of the catecholamine metabolic pathway. These players may be necessary through which CU might promote neuroprotection at the level of DA metabolism dynamics. Overall, this observation clearly reflects the limitation of CU to promote neuroprotection considering neurochemical pathway modulation during the later phases of adult life (Fig. 5). Also, it highlights the possible mode of action of CU in neuroprotection during HP i.e., neuroprotection during HP is brought about by promoting DA synthesis and preventing DA breakdown possibly through MAO inhibition (Fig. 5).
This is the first report to decipher the neurophysiological and neurochemical aspect of ALSS neuroprotective efficacy of CU (Fig. 6). The further study provides insights into the underlying reasons for the neuroprotective efficacy of CU during the health phase and inefficacy during the transition phase.
Cartoon summarizes the ALSS- DAergic neuroprotective efficacy of curcumin in Drosophila model of sporadic PD. Paraquat induced fly PD model demonstrate a reduced survivability, mobility defects, neuronal dysfunction and reduced DA and its metabolites, and enhanced levels of DA turnover. Curcumin rescues reduced protein levels of tyrosine hydroxylase, mobility defects, DAergic neuronal dysfunction, DA and its metabolites, and DA turnover rate only during health phase, but fails to rescue during transition phase of adult life during which PD sets in. Curcumin’s life phase specific differential modulation of DA metabolism explains its health phase specific DAergic neuroprotective efficacy. By taking advantage of this knowledge it is possible to develop novel therapeutic strategies and also to modify the existing strategies so that it is feasible to confer protection of DA neurons during later phases of life knowledge of which can be applied to human condition, that will be of great assistance in reducing the burden of disease in PD subjects.
The present study explains that curcumin’s ability to modulate perturbed DA metabolism in a PD brain is constrained to the adult health phase. Curcumin-mediated health phase-specific rescue of PD motor deficits underlie rescue of diminished TH synthesis, resulting in rescue of diminished DA level. Further, prevention of DA oxidative turnover by curcumin intervention leads to inhibition of ROS and peroxide generation. In the transition phase similar modulation was not observed with the curcumin intervention which can be attributed to the presence of genetic targets of genotropic nutraceutical curcumin in an adult life phase-specific fashion. Hence, it confers DAergic neuroprotection in the adult health phase but not in the transition phase. The present knowledge relating to life phase-specific modulation of DA metabolism will provide an opportunity to modify the existing therapeutic strategies of PD and will assist to figure-out novel therapeutic strategies to sustain the CU efficacy during late life phases that can be great help to promote the health of aging brain in general and also in different neurodegenerative conditions like PD in particular.