Limbal stem cell deficiency (LSCD) is a rare corneal disorder caused by dysfunction and/or insufficient amount of corneal limbal stem cells, affecting 1–5/10 000 people worldwide. It can be genetic, idiopathic, or acquired - certain conditions, i.e., ocular surface disorders, such as Stevens-Johnson syndrome, ocular cicatricial pemphigoid, and chemical or thermal burns, can contribute to developing LSCD and, consequently, to impaired vision or blindness. Efficient and widely available treatment options for LSCD are limited and challenging. Corneal transplantation remains the golden standard of treatment. However, the number of donors, compared to the needs, is insufficient. Moreover, some patients have contraindications for full-thickness keratoplasty1,2.
Transplanting a cultured corneal epithelial cell equivalent containing potential adult stem cells and corneal epithelium constitutes today an alternative enabling the restoration of the ocular surface3. The most commonly performed procedure in unilateral LSCD is the conjunctival limbal autograft (CLAU), in which an opposing pair of two clock-hour-long conjunctival-limbal biopsies are harvested from the healthy eye to be grafted to the affected eye. This technique, however, is associated with the risk of inducing iatrogenic LSCD in the healthy donor eye4,5. Therefore, other therapeutic methods have been introduced. One is cultivated limbal epithelial transplant (CLET) – a technique in which a small biopsy (approximately 2–3 mm2) is harvested in a healthy eye. Cells are then expanded ex vivo on a human amniotic membrane or a fibrin carrier scaffold and grafted onto the affected eye. CLET provides a long-term solution to LSCDs by transplanting a self-renewing limbal stem cell population that can maintain a clear corneal epithelium6,7. This method, however, also has its limitations.
The finding that human limbal cell cultures contain holoclones8 led to the first therapeutic use of such cultures propagated with a feeder layer in the regeneration of corneal epithelium9. Similar therapy, with some modifications, was successfully reproduced by Ivan Schwab in the USA10, Ray Tsai in Taiwan11, and later by V Sangwan in India12. In the above-mentioned treatment, the culture protocol required the use of lethally irradiated 3T3 feeder cells in co-culture with the LESCs.
In recent years, numerous protocols for culturing LESCs have been developed; they differ significantly from each other. They assume either the use of limbal explants (explant technique) or single cell culture (suspension technique), the presence or absence of feeder-layer (FL) usage (e.g. murine 3T3- J2 FL), as well as the application of different LESCs markers, and various culture media compositions8,13–15. Standard complex culturing media therefore contain fetal bovine serum (FBS) in addition to various growth hormones and cholera toxin16. Moreover, isolated LESCs are seeded on different carriers for cell expansion and transplantation in each method. The most frequently used scaffolds are human amniotic membrane (AM) and fibrin matrix gels17,18. What is common for all those protocols is that LESCs are applied using traditional – manual, cell seeding method, i.e., pipetting.
Fibrin is considered a versatile substrate for cell growth, with great potential to be used in tissue regeneration and wound healing19. Next to the amniotic membrane, it is the most frequently used material in CLET procedures, and fibrin glue has been used to secure the amniotic membrane in those therapies20. Fibrin can also be used as a temporary basal membrane for the epithelium to grow on its surface. It is also considered far superior in enhancing the epithelial cells’ survival, growth, and migration compared to collagen I and puramatrix21. Due to its ability to mimic extracellular matrix (ECM), fibrin is considered today the most optimal material for stem cell seeding: it forms a favorable ground for cell implantation and a supportive environment for engraftment or accelerating stem cell differentiation. Thanks to its unique features, it reduces the number of stem cells required for final tissue reconstruction and stimulates stem cell self-renewal22. Moreover, use of the fibrin may also result in obtaining holoclone formation on the scaffold23.
The density of cell deposition on the materials to be implanted is essential due to the paracrine exchange of chemical signals between epithelial cells and stem cells. Too high cell density in the preparation may result in a limited growth surface for the transplanted cells. In turn, too low cell density may lead to loss of cell-cell or cell-ECM adhesion-related survival signals and, as a consequence, to cell death called anoikis, form of apoptosis22. The mechanisms responsible for acute donor cell death after transplantation are complex and result from many factors, including disruption of interaction between cells and loss of survival signals from matrix attachment. Stem cells require a strictly controlled environment to maintain high viability throughout the process, until transplantation22. The use of a 3D printer can provide such accurate monitoring of the cell seeding and growing procedure24.
Cell density can be controlled by extrusion volumes. Moreover, a typical printing pattern consisting of lines separated by empty spaces can result in an epithelial regeneration model, allowing for faster in vitro expansion and reducing the number of cells required. Pramotton at al. 25 tested this approach using PDMS magnetic stencil. In their research, seeding epithelial cells at high density in a confined channel led to three times faster complete epithelization of the target surface. However, to the best of our knowledge this approach has not been applied to LESCs yet, and 3D printing of the epithelium has so far been carried out only in such a way that the cells are distributed evenly over the entire surface26,27.
We assume that simple extrusion-based 3D printing of cell suspension combined with well-defined fibrin material (with flat surface) can constitute a faster and more efficient method to obtain epithelium scaffolds for cornea regeneration. In our opinion numerous advantages of this method may contribute to a better standardization of the process, and its wider implementation.
Printing cells, especially epithelial ones, at the appropriate seeding density provides an optimal growth niche for cells transplanted on fibrin. Such a microenvironment creates a favorable condition for cells to communicate – exchange signals with stem cells to induce the cellular activity, and avoid anoikis process. Such effect cannot be achieved to such an extent by traditional method of cell seeding – pipetting.
The primary objective of this study was to compare LESC cultivation at in vitro conditions using 3D printing and pipetting (droplet seeding) method. LESCs were isolated from porcine eyes, and after the in vitro propagation process, they were seeded on fibrin either by 3D printing or manually, by droplet method. First, the extrusion-based printing process was characterized in terms of (1) initial cell viability during printing, (2) cell density control, (3) printed line diameter, (4) cell distribution on material, (5) print reproducibility and (6) cells viability on the material. The results were compared to those obtained through droplet seeding. Then, flat fibrin scaffolds were seeded with cells using 3D printing and droplet method. The cell coverage area was analyzed for different initial seeding densities over time to assess the rate of epithelialization. Additionally, morphology and phenotype differences were analyzed for both methods to confirm LESCs presence on the fibrin scaffold.
In our opinion, using 3D cell printing to prepare scaffolds in the Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) regime could significantly improve the quality of Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products (ATMP)28 and hence, increase their presence in the clinical trials. Until now, the cell banks’ quality control of ATMPs preparations has concentrated mostly on the type and number of cells, their origin and viability. Since the density of epithelial cell seeding largely determines the transplantation’s success, optimizing this parameter in scaffold preparation is crucial.
The 3D printing method guarantees a highly repeatable process: not only does it allow to seed cells in a controlled, very precise manner, maintaining appropriate even distances between the patterns, but it also enables the achievement of repeatability of appropriate growth niches for transplanted cells. Such features can contribute to replacing the traditional method of pipetting cell suspensions in the production of cell grafts (ATMP).