3.1 Preparation of graphene@MXene composite hydrogels
Figure 1(a) schematically shows the graphene@MXene composite hydrogels. First, GO solution (2 mg/ml) and MXene solution (5 mg/mL) were poured into a beaker according to a certain ratio and the solutions were mixed homogeneously. Then, the beaker was left to stand for 15 h in a constant-temperature drying oven at 100 ℃ after sealing the beaker with a polyvinyl chloride film. Finally, the obtained graphene@MXene composite hydrogels were cleaned with ultrapure water for three times, as shown in Fig. 1 (b). The graphene@MXene aerogel obtained after the freeze-drying method is shown in Fig. 1(c). It should be noted that when only GO or MXene was available, the molded hydrogels could not be obtained even if the heating time was further extended (Figure S1). According to a previous report [27], This may be because GO is reduced to RGO by MXene in this process, which increases the hydrophobicity as well as the π-conjugated structure of RGO, thus constituting a 3D graphene framework. Meanwhile, MXene is embedded into the framework by self-assembly in this process with the help of interfacial interactions with RGO, thus obtaining graphene@MXene hydrogels. The results of Figure S2 showed the volume of the obtained graphene@MXene composite hydrogels gradually became smaller as the MXene content increased, and this result also confirms to some extent that the framework of the composite hydrogels depends on the GO content. It is well known that GO is non-conductive, but we found that the GO-MXene composite film prepared by doping 20 wt% MXene showed conductivity, and the sheet resistance of the obtained GO-MXene film became smaller and smaller as the MXene content increased (table S1). These results could also confirm to some extent that MXene could reduce GO.
To investigate the changes in the functional groups on the surface of the composite aerogel, FT-IR was employed to characterize the samples. Figure 2 illustrated that the change in the absorption peaks of the composite aerogel after the introduction of MXene indicated the successful synthesis of the prepared material. The spectra of the graphene aerogel at 3348, 1711, 1580, 1389, 1231, and 1067 cm− 1 corresponded to -OH, -C = O, C = C, C-OH, -OH, and -C-O stretches, respectively[31]. This indicated the presence of hydroxyl, carboxyl, and epoxy groups in the graphene aerogel. The reduction in the intensity of the -C = O (1711 cm− 1) and -C-O (1067 cm− 1) peaks compared to that of graphene aerogel indicated that GO was reduced to RGO during the reaction process. The reduction in the intensity of the C-OH (1389 cm− 1) peak and the absence of the -OH (3348 cm− 1, 1231 cm− 1) peaks of the composite aerogel indicated that the surface of GO underwent a process during the reaction, resulting in the removal of some of the hydrophilic oxygen-containing functional groups. This process constituted the 3D RGO framework, which exhibits a hydrophilic-hydrophobic equilibrium. The decrease in the intensity of the -OH (3348 cm− 1, 1231 cm− 1) peaks of the composite aerogel indicated that the surface of GO underwent a reaction during which some of the hydrophilic oxygen-containing functional groups were removed. The resulting hydrophilic-hydrophobic equilibrium constituted the 3D RGO framework. This was consistent with the results reported in the literature[27]. Furthermore, the prominent peak at 449 cm− 1 corresponded to the -Ti-O of MXene, which demonstrated that the MXene nanosheets have been successfully embedded in the RGO framework.
SEM was used to observe the surface morphology of the prepared samples and the results were shown in Fig. 3. According to the results in Fig. 3(a)-Figure 3(d), the surface of the composite hydrogels was relatively smooth when the MXene content was low (20%). With the increase of MXene content, the lamellar fragments on the surface of the composite hydrogels increased significantly and the morphology became more and more complex, which could be attributed to the self-stacking of MXene[32]. The EDX mapping results in Fig. 3(e)-Figure 3(g) showed that C, O, and Ti existed in the hydrogels. These results also further confirmed that the prepared hydrogels were graphene@MXene composite hydrogels.
Table 1
Effect of MXene content on specific surface area and pore width
Surface area (m2/g)
Average pore width (nm)
3.2 Adsorption of MB based on graphene@MXene composite hydrogels
Considering the variation in morphology of graphene@MXene hydrogels and the excellent dye adsorption properties of graphene and MXene reported previously in the literature[24, 33, 34], we investigated the removal of MB by composite hydrogels with different MXene contents, and the results are shown in Fig. 4(a). It could be seen from Fig. 4(a) that the removal effect of graphene@MXene hydrogels on MB deteriorates with the increase of MXene content. When the MXene content reached 80%, the removal effect of graphene@MXene hydrogels on MB decreased dramatically. It may be attributed to two factors. On the one hand, it may be because the framework of the prepared 3D hydrogels became smaller with the decrease in GO content. Self-stacking caused by the increased MXene content embedded in the 3D graphene framework further reduces the specific surface area and reaction sites of the 3D hydrogels, which in turn reduced the MB scavenging effect of the graphene@MXene composite hydrogels. On the other hand, considering that MB was a cationic dye, the MB removal effect of GO was superior to that of RGO and graphene. Therefore, we speculated that the deterioration of the MB removal effect of graphene@MXene composite hydrogels may also be related to the degree of GO reduction: as the content of MXene increased, GO was reduced more effectively. Table 1 showed the results of specific surface area measurements (nitrogen adsorption method) of composite hydrogels with 20% and 60% MXene content. According to the results of Table 1, the composite hydrogels with high MXene content exhibited a smaller specific surface area. Table S2 showed the measurement results of the sheet resistance of different graphene@MXene aerogels, and the results indicated that the sheet resistance of the aerogels became smaller with increasing MXene content, implying better conductivity and better GO reduction. These results suggested that the variation in the MB removal effect of graphene@MXene composite hydrogels may be a result of the combined effect of these two factors.
Considering that pure graphene hydrogels could not be obtained by this method, we prepared pure graphene hydrogels (Figure S3) with a hydrothermal reactor and investigated its removal effect on MB, and the results are shown in Figure S4. It can be seen from Figure S6 that the removal effect of MB by pure graphene hydrogels was weaker than that of graphene@MXene hydrogels with 20% MXene content under the same conditions. These results also further indicated that the introduction of MXene can not only achieve the simple preparation of graphene@MXene hydrogels but also enhance the MB removal effect of graphene@MXene hydrogels.
Further, we found that the introduction of Ca2+ as a cross-linking agent during the preparation of the composite hydrogels not only promoted the forming of graphene@MXene composite hydrogels and shortened the preparation time of hydrogels from 15h to 5h, but also adjusted the specific surface area and pore size distribution of the composite hydrogels, thereby improving the MB adsorption rate. Figure S5 shows graphene@MXene composite hydrogels prepared by calcium ion modulation, and the results showed that the calcium ion-modulated hydrogels had a smoother and flatter morphology than the graphene@MXene hydrogels, we deduced that it may be due to the fact that the cross-linking of calcium ions provides more space for the embedding of MXene. The SEM results of graphene@MXene aerogel modulated by calcium ions were shown in Figure S6, and the results indicated that the samples prepared after the introduction of calcium ions had significantly smaller surface fragments than graphene@MXene aerogels, indicating that the self-stacked MXene became less.
Figure 4(b) showed the MB removal results of graphene@MXene hydrogels regulated by calcium ions, and its MB removal effect gradually deteriorates with the increase of MXene content, which is consistent with graphene@MXene. However, it can be seen from Fig. 4 that the introduction of Ca2+could also effectively improve the adsorption rate and the removal effect of MB, which enabled the MB removal rate to be enhanced by ~ 30%. In addition, the enhancement of the removal rate of MB by Ca2+modulated graphene@MXene hydrogels gradually decreased with the increase of MXene content. We speculated that it may be due to the fact that the molding process of the hydrogels after the introduction of Ca2+ was the result of a combination of MXene reduction and Ca2+cross-linking, which led to a change in the structure of the hydrogels, increasing the number of reactive sites, which in turn enhanced the removal of MB. It could be seen from Table 1 that compared to the graphene@MXene hydrogels with 20% MXene content, the introduction of calcium ions not only increased the pore size but also improved the specific surface area, which can provide more reaction sites and thus enhanced the MB removal rate. Figure S7 showed the results of the elasticity test of the aerogel prepared with or without Ca2+introduction at 20% MXene content, the results showed that the Ca2+ modulated graphene@MXene aerogel had a more fluffy structure, which was consistent with the change in pore size in Table 1, and to a certain extent, it also showed that the introduction of calcium ions did change the structure of the graphene@MXene hydrogels. However, when the MXene content was 60%, the specific surface area of the hydrogels obtained after the introduction of calcium ions became slightly smaller compared to that without the introduction of Ca2+. This result suggested that for composite hydrogels with high MXene content, the enhancement of the MB adsorption rate after calcium ion introduction was not caused by the change in the specific surface area.
Figure S8 showed the change in pore size of the prepared hydrogels before and after calcium ion introduction. From the results in Figure S8, it could be seen that the graphene@MXene hydrogels obtained with or without Ca2+ introduction contain both microporous (< 2 nm) and mesoporous (2–50 nm) structures. When the MXene content was low (20%), the cross-linking of Ca2+ with MXene and graphene was able to further alleviate the stacking of MXene, increasing both the specific surface area and the average pore size, which led to an increase in both the reaction sites and enhanced the removal effect of MB. When the content of MXene was higher, the introduction of Ca2+ changed the ratio of micropores and mesopores, which led to an increase in the number of mesopores, thus making the specific surface area smaller. However, the increase of mesopore structure could provide more transient reaction sites during the MB removal process, thus enhancing the MB removal rate. The adsorption of MB by the microporous structure occurred more at the later stage of the reaction. From the results in Fig. 4, it could be seen that the graphene@MXene hydrogels prepared with or without Ca2+ introduction were able to achieve complete removal of MB. However, with Ca2+ introduction, the reaction was faster and the removal rate varied significantly in the pre and post-periods, whereas without Ca2+ introduction, the removal rate varied more slowly throughout the process. These results also suggested that the pore structure in the hydrogels can be modulated by regulating the amount of MXene under the condition of calcium ion introduction.
3.3 Adsorption kinetics
The adsorption kinetic measurements were used to further investigate graphene@MXene and graphene@MXene regulated by CaCl2. In this study, the pseudo-first-order kinetic model (Eq. 3) and pseudo-second-order kinetic model (Eq. 4) were used to analyze and simulate the adsorption process, and the results were shown in Fig. 5(a), Fig. 5(c) and Table 2.
where Qt (mg·g− 1) and Qe (mg·g− 1) are the adsorption capacity of MB at time t(h) and at adsorption equilibrium, respectively, and k1 (h− 1) and k2 (mg·g− 1·h− 1) are the rate constants for the pseudo-first-order and pseudo-second-order models,respectively.
Table 2
Kinetics parameters for adsorption of MB.
Pseudo-first-order model
Pseudo-second-order model
Qe (mg/g)
k1(h− 1)
Qe (mg/g)
k2(h− 1)
According to the results in Fig. 5(a), Fig. 5(c), and Table 2, it can be seen that the pseudo-second-order kinetic model has a better fitting result for both graphene@MXene hydrogels and Ca2+ cross-linked graphene@MXene hydrogels. According to previous reports, the pseudo-second-order model was more suitable for adsorption processes with low initial concentrations or adsorbents with abundant active sites. In this study, the initial MB concentration was 100 mg/L, which is a high concentration compared to previous studies [33]. Therefore, it can be inferred that both graphene@MXene as well as Ca2+ modulated graphene@MXene composite hydrogels have abundant adsorption sites. In addition, since the pseudo-second-order model was also more suitable for fitting adsorption processes with chemisorption as the rate-limiting phase, there was electron sharing or transfer between MB and graphene@MXene as well as Ca2+ modulated graphene@MXene composite hydrogels adsorbents [26, 33].
The intraparticle diffusion model (Eq. 5) was used to investigate to further explain the adsorption mechanism and the results are shown in Fig. 5(b), (d) and Table 3.
where Qt (mg·g− 1) is the adsorption capacity at time t (h); ki (mg·g− 1·h− 0.5) is the rate constant of intraparticle diffusion; and Ci (mg·g− 1) is the intercept, which is related to the thickness of the adsorption boundary layer.
According to the fitting results, the adsorption process of MB by graphene@MXene hydrogels prepared before and after the introduction of Ca2+ could be divided into three stages. Since the linear relationships of all three stages do not exceed the origin and the linear coefficients are greater than 0.9, that indicates that intra-particle diffusion was not the only rate-limiting step. In addition, compared to graphene@MXene hydrogels, calcium ion-modulated graphene@MXene hydrogels had a larger slope at Stage I, indicating a faster adsorption rate, implying more adsorption sites. This was because the adsorption of MB at this stage is spreading transient adsorption, which mainly occurred on the outer surface or larger pores with a faster adsorption rate. At Stage II, the adsorption rate of Ca2+ modulated graphene@MXene hydrogels decreased sharply, mainly because the decrease in concentration gradient made it taked a longer time for the dye molecules to diffuse in the adsorbent micropore. This also explained why graphene@MXene modulated by Ca2+ with high MXene content could have better MB removal even though the specific surface area becomes smaller. These changes also indirectly indicated that the introduction of Ca2+ does lead to changes in the structure and properties of graphene@MXene hydrogels.
Table 3
Parameters of the intraparticle diffusion model
Adsorption Materials
Stage I
Stage II
Stage III
3.4 Microwave irradiation spectroscopy of RGO-MXene modulated by MB adsorption
In addition, we found that the adsorption of MB leads to changes in the microwave irradiation spectra of graphene@MXene aerogels. Figure 6 showed the luminescence spectra of graphene@MXene aerogels and graphene@MXene aerogels-CaCl2 before and after MB adsorption when subjected to microwave irradiation.
Figure 6(a) showed the luminescence spectra of graphene@MXene aerogels before and after MB adsorption. Comparing the results in Fig. 6(a) with the luminescence spectra of pure MXene in Figure S9, it could be found that the luminescence spectra of graphene@MXene aerogel before adsorption of MB exhibit the spectral characteristics of graphene. However, the luminescence spectrum of graphene@MXene aerogel after adsorption of MB exhibits the spectral characteristics of MXene when exposed to microwave radiation, and the features became more and more obvious with the increase of MXene content. We also collected the luminescence spectra of graphene aerogel with MB adsorbed, which did not change significantly compared to the luminescence spectra of graphene aerogel before MB adsorption. We speculated that it may be related to the absorption of microwaves by RGO and MXene. Although MXene had better electrical conductivity, our previous study on the microwave reduction effect of RGO prepared by thermal annealing at different temperatures showed that it was not the case that the higher the heat treatment temperature, the better the electrical conductivity, and the better the microwave absorption effect of RGO [35]. Therefore, we speculate that when MB is not adsorbed, RGO had better microwave absorption properties than MXene, and the aerogel as a whole showed the luminescence spectral characteristics of graphene. After adsorption of MB, the electrical conductivity of both RGO and MXene would be reduced to a certain extent, which inhibited the microwave absorption of RGO and enhanced the microwave absorption of MXene, thus making the aerogel as a whole present the spectral characteristics of MXene externally when subjected to microwave radiation. The changes in the luminescence spectra of graphene@MXene aerogels also provided a new method for the identification of MB.
Similar results were seen in the microwave radiation spectra of Ca2+ modulated graphene@MXene aerogels, as shown in Fig. 6(b). According to previous studies, the introduction of different ions led to changes in the luminescence spectra of graphene when subjected to microwave irradiation, and the luminescence spectra in Fig. 6(b) had the spectral characteristics of calcium ions introduced [36]. Comparing the results in Fig. 6(b), it could be found that the luminescence spectra of graphene@MXene aerogels modulated by calcium ions also undergo two very obvious changes after MB adsorption: one was the appearance of the spectral line at 670.16 nm, which may be related to Ti, according to the results of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)[35]. The other was the disappearance of the spectral line at 553.19 nm. The change in the luminescence spectra of MB adsorption also indirectly confirmed MB adsorption, which also provided a new method for the detection of MB.