Chronometric intervals, particularly seconds, are crucial in modern life due to the prevalence of analog and digital clocks. In the past, 1-s was defined as 1/(24×60×60) of a day. However, in 1967, the International Committee of Weights and Measures redefined a second as the duration of 9,192,631,770 cycles of radiation produced by the transition between two energy levels of a Cesium-133 atom 1. Despite its exact definition in physics, people often perceive and understand seconds through everyday experiences. For example, microwave ovens produce 1-s auditory sounds, and intersections use visual 1-s countdowns to prioritize pedestrians 2. People retrieve the stored representation of 1-s from long-term memory to measure or produce supra-second intervals, commonly through second-based counting 3. The counting strategy alleviates the impact of memory on the overall variability in timing processes because individuals remember the specific counted number instead of relying on an interval representation 4–6. As the 1-s serves as a fundamental unit for supra-second intervals, assessing the human capacity to gauge this subjective interval is advantageous.
We name the subjective representation of a 1-s interval the “Long-term representation of 1-Second (L1S).” “Long-term” in L1S indicates that there exists within an individual’s mind a representation of 1 second even without having reexperienced it for a long period. In contrast, we use the term “Short-term representation of 1-Second (S1S)” to refer to the representation of the recently experienced 1-s interval through the presentation, during the encoding phase of a temporal task, of a 1-sec interval. Hence, individuals retrieve the L1S from the long-term memory while the S1S from the short-term memory 7. They bring the retrieved L1S or S1S to the working memory as a 1-s interval to be used in ongoing time measurement procedures.
Psychophysical 8–11, psychopharmacological 12–14, neuroimaging 15–19, and patient studies 9,15,20–24 categorize intervals into sub- and supra-second. Sub-second intervals rely more on automatic and sensory-based processes, whereas supra-second intervals benefit more from higher-level cognitive functions 3,25. However, there is still some ambiguity when it comes to defining intervals around 1-s, with studies introducing a range between one and two seconds as the intersection point 3,26–28. For example, discriminating brief auditory intervals may require adopting an explicit counting strategy for intervals longer than 1.2 seconds, as discrimination becomes more challenging beyond this point. This suggests that long intervals may exceed a critical cognitive capacity 25,26,28–30.
Only a few studies address the cue question of the representation of 1-s. Grondin et al. (2020) 4 endeavored to estimate the duration of the L1S by adjusting the duration of a sound to match the L1S and producing intervals of 10 seconds by counting from 1 to 11. However, estimations did not consistently align with a 1-s duration and exhibited considerable variability, challenging the assumption of a precise representation of 1-s. Moreover, Rioux et al. (2023) 31 investigated the L1S using a time production task, exploring the influence of kinesthetic and auditory factors on interval production. Their findings underscored the instability of the representation of the L1S. While the variability and inconsistency observed in these studies suggest that humans may lack a precise perception of 1-s, noteworthy results emerged in our previous study 32; there are significant correlations between the L1S (as the reference interval) and alpha peak characteristics through a time generalization task. This raises the question of why, although the peak alpha frequency qualifies as a stable neurophysiological trait marker 33 linked to L1S 32, previous studies disagreed with the L1S reliability. Is this because the L1S is unstable in nature, or is it because of task conditions? This apparent paradox motivated the present investigation of the human L1S.
We can find in the literature addressing time perception in pathologies estimates of 1-s. Perbal et al. (2003) 34 and Mioni et al. (2013) 35 compared 1-s in TBI and control groups. The former authors used a 1-s finger-tapping task and found that the TBI group overproduced the L1S (1,039 ms) while the control group underproduced the L1S (863 ms). Nonetheless, this 176 ms discrepancy did not differ significantly between patients and controls; the authors attributed this nonsignificant result to the great variability in L1S productions. However, the relative variability of the 1-s tempo rate did not differ across the two groups. TBI patients did not produce more variable L1Ss than control subjects. In the Mioni et al. (2013) study, the TBI cohort showed lower accuracy rates on the time reproduction and time discrimination tasks than the control cohort, but both groups showed equivalent performance on the time production task. For the time reproduction and production tasks, the TBI and control cohorts equally underproduce 1000 ms durations, with an average absolute error of 403 ms across both groups. Although the TBI patients were less accurate than controls, the direction of their errors was similar.
In a somewhat related investigation, Mioni et al. (2016) 36 compared clinical samples, including individuals with anxiety and depression, to a control cohort in 1-s reproduction and production tasks (45 trials involving holding the spacebar). Results revealed that production was less accurate and precise than reproduction, where participants underproduced the 1-s interval. Another study rather compared different age groups. Using a finger-tapping task to produce 30 s, Turgeon and Wing (2012) 37 found that both older and younger healthy participants overproduced a 1-s interval (1,318 and 1,028 ms, respectively).
In this study, we aimed to measure the accuracy and precision (the criterion variables) of the human representation of 1-s in several temporal generalization tasks with varying task demands (Fig. 1A). Firstly, we examined the impact of stimulus repetitions on the L1S (the long-term representation of 1-s). Indeed, it is known that presenting a sequence of intervals instead of a single interval improves duration discrimination 38. Secondly, we investigated the stability of the L1S over one day. If L1S is stable, variability and accuracy should remain the same. Lastly, we will directly compare an L1S condition, which involves retrieving 1-s from long-term memory, with an S1S condition, which involves retrieving 1-s from short-term memory.