The main findings of this study are as follows: 1) COP-Velocity and PIFM activity level were higher in the STS than BTS task, and 2) significant correlations were found between COP and EMG variables only in the STS task. These results partially support our hypothesis and suggest that foot loading and postural demands are increased during STS compared to BTS, and that PIFM activity is particularly associated with postural sway during STS in dancers.
In the present study, only COP-Velocity of the four COP variables was significantly higher in the STS than BTS task by 2.6-fold on average. This was consistent for all dancers, as shown by the individual plots in Fig. 3C. COP-Velocity represents the average distance traveled by the COP per second, regardless of the directions, and a higher value is interpreted as greater postural sway24,25. Postural stability is primarily biomechanically constrained by three conditions where: 1) the base of support is wide, 2) the line of gravity is in the center of the base of support, and 3) the center of gravity is low28,29. Compared to BTS, STS is particularly disadvantaged in conditions 1 and 2, resulting in generally higher postural demands. The results of this study suggest that this is no exception for dancers accustomed to STS. In contrast, the other three COP variables did not significantly differ between tasks. This is apparently due to inconsistent responses/patterns among dancers during STS compared to BTS, and these inter-individual variabilities suggest that there are large individual differences in their postural control strategies during the tiptoe standing tasks. More specifically, some dancers were higher but others were lower during STS than BTS in COP-SDAP (Fig. 3A), COP-SDML (Fig. 3B), and COP-Area (Fig. 3D), which are all influenced by the directions and degree of variability of the COP trajectory. Overall, these results suggest that COP-Velocity can serve as a representative variable for postural sway, and the other variables can supplement directional information, in studies adopting tiptoe standing in dancers.
PIFM activity level (% MVC) in the STS task was significantly higher than in the BTS task by 2.2-fold on average, and this was also consistent for all dancers (Fig. 4A). Since the body mass load on the foot is simply twice as heavy with the single-legged compared to bipedal support, it makes sense to assume that most of this increase in PIFM activity level is due to the increased foot loading. Furthermore, the correlation analysis showed that PIFM activity level was positively correlated with COP-Velocity (r = 0.666) only in the STS task, indicating that activity level was indeed associated with postural sway particularly during STS. A study examining PIFM activity level in non-dancers reported that it was 1.5 to 1.7-fold higher in STS compared to BTS13. However, the tasks in that study were not compared robustly because the participants (all participants during STS and half during BTS) lightly touched a wall or other objects during postural control, and the ankle joint PF angle was not specified13. Taken together, the results of this study suggest that PIFM activity, particularly during STS, is dependent on foot loading and postural demands, ensuring the methodological validity of the present study that matched the PF angle during both tasks.
Contrary to our expectations, EMG-CVtime did not significantly differ between tasks (p = 0.142), although STS on average had a 1.2-fold higher value with a borderline small/moderate effect size (d = 0.49) (Fig. 4B). Higher and lower values of EMG-CVtime reflect greater neuromuscular fluctuation and greater steadiness22,23, respectively, and therefore we expected it to be higher for STS than BTS. However, it is worth mentioning that our previous study16 also found no significant differences in EMG-CVtime during BTS performed at 20°, 40°, and 60° in dancers, while PIFM activity level was significantly higher for 60° than 20°, which is in line with the EMG findings of this study (i.e. different activity level, similar steadiness). In other words, these results suggest that in dancers, although PIFM activity is higher during STS than BTS, its activity is similarly steady during both STS and BTS at their respective levels. This is likely due to adaptations to dancers’ daily training where they perform STS as steady as possible.
Also, EMG-CVtime showed a strong positive correlation with COP-SDAP and COP-SDML only in the STS task (r = 0.846 and 0.738, Table 1). These suggest that PIFM activity is associated with postural sway in both directions during STS in dancers, and that these indices representing the variability of the EMG and directional COP data are sensitive to each other in the STS condition. A previous study has shown that PIFM activity during single-legged standing (with the heel on the floor) in non-dancers is synchronized with COP sway only in the mediolateral direction6. The reason for this discrepancy may be partly attributed to the participants being dancers vs non-dancers, but may also be explained by the combined motion of foot joints and the function of windlass mechanism due to the difference in the limb position. The foot joints have a flexibly shape-changing structure5,30, and in single-legged standing, each joint responds in a coordinated manner to postural sway, primarily in the frontal plane (i.e., mediolateral direction). For example, eversion of the subtalar joint in the hindfoot causes the combined motion such as inversion of the Chopart's and Lisfranc's joint in the mid/forefoot (and vice versa), resulting in a lowering/collapse of the medial longitudinal arch12,31,32. In tiptoe standing, on the other hand, the plantar fascia covering the calcaneus to the toes is tensed as the metatarsophalangeal joint is extended, resulting in the windlass mechanism that raises the medial longitudinal arch and increases joint stiffness of the foot; when this mechanism functions, the joints of the foot are unified, thus the aforementioned combined motion is reduced33. The present findings support recent suggestions that PIFMs are more actively involved in the windlass mechanism than previously considered10,34–36, and add that their less variable (i.e., steadier) activity is associated with less postural sway during STS in dancers.