In salivary gland carcinoma, it is critical to accurately assess preoperative biopsy specimens morphologically, immunohistologically, and genomically to determine histologic type. We performed a retrospective analysis of 41 patients with salivary gland carcinoma treated at a single institution with a uniform treatment strategy and diagnostic method. We found the following: 1) detailed analysis of CNB specimens can determine the histologic type with high accuracy; and 2) it is challenging to determine the histologic type of heterogeneous tumors such as CXPA from small CNB specimens.
Most studies of histologic typing with CNB have focused on benign tumors; few studies have evaluated malignant tumors. In general, malignant tumors are more difficult to classify histologically than benign tumors. Walsh et al. reported a 69% histologic typing rate for 29 malignant lesions based on needle biopsy (13). Novoa et al. performed CNB on 22 malignant salivary gland tumors and successfully histologically classified 17 (77%) of them (14). In this study, we established an efficient preoperative histologic typing platform for salivary gland carcinoma based on CNB. This platform consists of six immunohistologic markers: SOX10, EMA/MUC1, c-kit, p63, AR, and HER2. First, SOX10 clearly differentiated between tumors originating from the acini or intercalated ducts and tumors originating from the striated or excretory ducts (7). Second, c-kit and p63 allow for the evaluation of luminal and abluminal cells of biphasic glandular structures, respectively. Third, AR and HER2 are available to evaluate the expression of hormone receptors. Fourth, EMA/MUC1 enables evaluation of glandular differentiation, which is useful for validation of SOX10 status, due to the mutually exclusive relationship between EMA/MUC1 and SOX10. In addition, molecular biology evaluations of gene fusions and amplifications can be performed with FISH and DISH. Due to reliable tumor sampling using US, detailed immunohistologic analysis, and incorporation of genetic information from FISH and DISH, we successfully achieved a favorable histologic typing rate of 75%. This result is consistent with previous reports. It is remarkable that immunohistological and genomic evaluations were possible with a 20-gauge needle.
Sample quality and intratumoral heterogeneity affect histologic typing based on CNB. There were two specimens of inadequate quality in this study: a cystic tumor with a predominantly cystic fluid component and a very clinically firm tumor. Histologically, firm tumor had abundant fibrotic tissue with sclerosis. It is difficult to obtain sufficient tumor samples from such cystic or firm tumors.
Another factor that interferes with histologic typing is intratumoral heterogeneity (15). In this study, CXPA, which is histologically highly heterogenous, had a low concordance rate for HER2 immunostaining and histologic type between CNB and surgical specimens. The impact of intratumor heterogeneity on concordance of biomarker profiles between CNB and surgical specimens has been well examined in the field of breast cancer (15–17). Concordance between CNB and surgical specimen for estrogen receptor, progesterone receptor, HER2, and Ki67 immunostaining was reported to be 94.1%, 88.1%, 84.5%, and 88.1%, respectively (16, 17). Repeated HER2 testing with immunohistochemical staining or FISH of surgical specimens is considered reasonable, especially when the surgical specimens has tumor characteristics and morphology that differ from those found in CNB specimens (18). In salivary gland carcinoma, HER2 assessment is also considered appropriate for both CNB and surgical specimens in highly histologically heterogeneous tumors such as CXPA (15–17).
There are concerns that CNB poses a higher risk of complications than FNAC because it is more invasive. Hematoma is uncommon with both: 0.03% for cytology and 0.6% for CNB. Facial nerve palsy occurred in 0.075% of patients who underwent CNB, but was reported to be temporary due to local anesthesia (5, 19). CNB might pose a greater risk of tumor seeding due to the larger gauge of the needle used(20, 21). Previous reports showed that tumor seeding occurred in 0.01–0.00012% of FNACs and 0.1–0.001% of CNBs (21). An increased risk of tumor displacement has been reported with the use of 18-gauge or larger needles (5, 21). In this study, we used a 20-gauge needle to minimize the risk of tumor seeding. We did not see tumor seeding after CNB in our limited number of cases. However, long-term safety for low-grade carcinoma was not fully evaluated. We made every effort to reduce dissemination, including excision of the biopsy scar at the time of surgery or multiple biopsies from the same skin puncture wound.
The main limitation of this study is selection bias due to its retrospective nature. Moreover, due to the relatively rarity of salivary gland carcinoma, a large cohort study was not possible. However, the exclusion criteria and treatment strategy were consistent and pathologic information on biopsy or surgical specimens was well annotated with clinical information. All patients with salivary gland carcinoma treated during the study period at a single institution were examined without exception. Notwithstanding, further research is warranted to verify the findings of this study.