OS stimulates the lncRNome of sGCs in a FoxO1-dependent manner.
To understand whether FoxO1 participates as a TF in OS-stimulated lncRNome dynamics of sGCs, we predicted the FRE motifs in the promoters of 432 OS-stimulated DELs [12]. A total of 2283 putative FRE motifs were identified, and 394 DELs were detected with at least one FRE motif, accounting for 91.20% (394/432) of the DELs stimulated by OS (Fig. 1A, and Table S6). GO and KEGG analysis showed that 909 potential cis-target mRNAs of 394 DELs are markedly enriched in pyruvate metabolism, fatty acid degradation, and regulation of actin cytoskeleton (Fig. 1B, S1, Table S7, and S8). Additionally, 101 potential cis-target mRNAs were differentially expressed in OS-stimulated sGCs, with 24.62% (97/394) of DELs having at least one cis-target mRNAs regulated by OS (Fig. 1C, Table S9). Together, these data suggest that OS stimulates lncRNome of sGCs, which may be mainly related to the TF activity of its effector FoxO1.
OS and its effector FoxO1 have been shown to be related to the sow follicular atresia [10, 13]. Therefore, we conducted a joint analysis of the lncRNAome of sGCs stimulated by OS and the lncRNAome of sow follicular atresia [17], and found that out of 19 DELs during follicular atresia, two (i.e, LOC100512907 and LOC102164325) were stimulated by OS (Fig. 1D). Interestingly, the promoters of these two DELs all contain two FRE motifs, respectively (Fig. 1E). We next investigated whether FoxO1 mediates OS regulation of target lncRNAs in sGCs through direct interacting with their promoters. As expected, TF FoxO1 physically interacts with the promoters of these two DELs, and this interaction was stimulated by OS (Fig. 1F). Furthermore, reporter assays showed thatFoxO1 increases the promoter activities of these two DELs (Fig. 1G-H). Additionally, depleting FoxO1 can restrain the increase in the promoter activities of these four DELs caused by OS (Fig. 1I), indicating that FoxO1 can mediate OS regulation of the promoter activities of these two DELs. Taken together, our results support that OS controls the transcriptional activity of lncRNAs in sGCs in a FoxO1-dependent manner.
FoxO1 mediates OS induction of NORSF transcription and cell apoptosis.
We noticed that LOC102164325 (also known as non-coding RNA involved in sow fertility or NORSF) was intensely engaged in sow follicular atresia [17]. Thus, NORSF was selected as a target for FoxO1 mediated the role of OS for subsequent investigation. As expected, a remarkable rise in NORSF transcript was observed in sGCs under OS triggered by H2O2 exposure (Fig. 2A). Furthermore, depleting FoxO1 in sGCs resulted in a remarkable decrease in NORSF levels, while OS triggered by H2O2 exposure can reverse this process (Fig. 2B). The above results suggest that the effector FoxO1 mediates OS induction of lncRNA NORSF transcription in sGCs.
OS is well-known to be an essential factor in inducing cell apoptosis in sGCs [10, 13]. We herein first confirmed that OS triggered by H2O2 exposure could indeed induce sGC apoptosis (Fig. 2C). However, this process was reversed by depleting FoxO1 (Fig. 2C), confirming that OS induces cell apoptosis via its effector FoxO1 in sGCs. Similarly, depleting FoxO1 in sGCs resulted in a remarkable decrease in apoptosis rate. At the same time, overexpression of NORSF transcript can partially increase apoptosis rate (Fig. 2D). Furthermore, under OS triggered by H2O2 exposure, the same results were observed (Fig. 2C). Additionally, depleting NORSF transcript can restrain the decrease in apoptosis rate caused by overexpression of FoxO1 (Fig. 2E). These data support the conclusion that OS and its effector FoxO1 control sGC apoptosis through inducing NORSF transcription.
FoxO1 controls NORSF transcriptional activity via the FRE1 motif in its core promoter.
We first predicted the potential TFBSs in the core promoter of NORSF and identified 149 TFBSs of 79 TFs with a relative score ≥ 0.90 (Fig. 3A; Table S10). These TFs were significantly enriched in endometrial cancer, acute myeloid leukemia, and FoxO signaling pathway (Fig. S2). Electronic tissue expression profiling showed that 9 TFs, such as GATA4, FoxO1, and NFIX, have relatively high abundance in sow ovarian tissue (Fig. 3B; Table S11). Additionally, 4 TFs including FoxO1, NFIX, TCF7L1, and FoxO3 were observed to be stimulated by OS triggered by H2O2 exposure (Fig. 3C), using our previous transcriptome data from OS-stimulated sGCs [7]. Combined with previous ChIP assays, these data suggest that FoxO1 is a critical TF of NORSF in sGCs.
We have previously confirmed that TF FoxO1 directly interacts with the promoter of NORSF gene to enhance its transcriptional activity (Fig. 1). Furthermore, two FRE motifs are located at -121/-117 nt (FRE1 motif) and − 18/-11 nt (FRE2) (Fig. 3D). Therefore, we next sought to investigate that FoxO1 induces NORSF transcriptional activity via which motifs, and generated the reporter constructs of the NORSF core promoter harboring FRE motifs (Fig. 3D). Compared with empty vector, transfection of FoxO1 overexpression vector gave a remarkable induction in the activity of NORSF core promoter (Fig. 3E). Furthermore, FoxO1 induces the activity of NORSF promoter via the FRE1 motif in its core promoter (Fig. 3F). Together, combined with previous ChIP assay, our data suggest that FoxO1 is an inducer of NORSF in sGCs by physically interacting with the FRE1 motif of NORSF core promoter.
FoxO1 is a transcription activator of NORSF in sGCs.
Next, we investigate the effect of TF FoxO1 on endogenous NORSF transcription in sGCs. Compared with empty vector, transfection of FoxO1 expression construct gave a remarkable induction in the levels NORSF transcript in sGCs (Fig. 4A). By contrast, silencing of FoxO1 gave a noteworthy reduction in the levels of NORSF transcript in sGCs (Fig. 4B). Combined with reporter assay and ChIP experiment, these data support that FoxO1 is a vital transcription activator of lncRNA NORSF in sGCs.
Our previous report showed that NORSF is a nuclear lncRNA in sGCs [17]. Nuclear lncRNAs usually control the transcription of targets by forming a DNA:dsRNA triplex with their promoters [19, 20]. Interestingly, five putative triplex target sites (TTSs) of the NORSF transcript were detected in the porcine FoxO1 promoter, and five putative triplex-forming oligonucleotides (TFOs) were detected in the NORSF transcript (Fig. 4C), suggesting that nuclear NORSF may potentially bind to the FoxO1 promoter. However, we did not observe significant changes in FoxO1 mRNA levels in sGCs overexpressing NORSF transcript (Fig. 4D-E), indicating that NORSF has no feedback regulatory effect on its transcription activator FoxO1 transcription in sGCs.
The FoxO1 and NORSF axis mediates OS reduction of E2 release.
NORSF is a vital modulator of E2 release by sGCs [17]. We next investigated whether its transcription activator FoxO1 regulates E2 release by sGCs. Compared with empty vector, transfection of FoxO1 expression construct gave a remarkable reduction in E2 concentration in the culture medium of sGCs (Fig. 5A). In contrast, silencing of FoxO1 gave a remarkable induction in E2 concentration (Fig. 5B), indicating that FoxO1 restrains E2 release by sGCs. Furthermore, depleting NORSF transcript can restrain the decrease in E2 release caused by FoxO1 (Fig. 5A), while overexpressing NORSF transcript can restrain the increase in E2 release caused by depleting FoxO1 (Fig. 5B). These data suggest that NORSF mediates FoxO1 reduction of E2 release in sGCs.
NORSF has been shown to suppress E2 release in sGCs by inhibiting the transcription of CYP19A1, a gene that encodes an essential enzyme for estrogen synthesis [17]. We therefore investigated whether FoxO1 regulates CYP19A1 transcription in sGCs. Compared with empty vector, transfection of FoxO1 expression construct gave a remarkable reduction in CYP19A1 transcription in sGCs (Fig. 5C), whereas silencing of FoxO1 gave a remarkable induction in CYP19A1 transcription (Fig. 5D), indicating that FoxO1 reduces CYP19A1 transcription in sGCs. Furthermore, depleting NORSF transcript can restrain the decrease in CYP19A1 transcription caused by FoxO1 (Fig. 5C), while overexpressing NORSF transcript can restrain the increase in CYP19A1 transcription caused by depleting FoxO1 (Fig. 5D). These data suggest that NORSF and CYP19A1 axis mediates FoxO1 reduction of E2 release in sGCs.
Similarly, we also showed that, like its effector FoxO1, OS induces the decrease in CYP19A1 transcription, while inactivation of FoxO1 can reverse this process (Fig. 5E), indicating that OS restrains CYP19A1 transcription via FoxO1. Meanwhile, under OS triggered by H2O2 exposure, overexpressing NORSF can restrain the increase in CYP19A1 transcription caused by depleting FoxO1 (Fig. 5E). These data suggest that OS restrains CYP19A1 transcription via the FoxO1 and NORSF axis.
NORSF is a candidate gene for sow fertility.
Notably, two adjacent SNVs (C to T and G to A) were observed at -360/-359 nt in the promoter, not the core promoter of Yorkshire sow NORSF gene (Fig. 6A). In this Yorkshire sow population (n = 310), three genotypes were detected for both SNVs, with the genotype AA at SNV g.-360C > T being a rare genotype with a genotype frequency of less than 1% (2/310) (Fig. 6B-G). Furthermore, these two SNVs are low to moderate polymorphic loci, with PICs of 0.108 and 0.271, respectively (Table S12). However, neither of these two SNVs was remarkably associated with sow fertility traits such as TNB, NBA, and LW (Fig. S3, and S4).
Interestingly, two adjacent SNVs g.-360C > T and g.-359G > A exhibit a linkage disequilibrium, and form four haplotypes H1 (C-G), H2 (C-A), H3 (T-G), and H4 (T-A) in the Yorkshire sow population. Haplotypes H1 and H2 are major haplotypes with 74.84% and 19.03% frequency, while H4 is a rare genotype with a frequency of 1.29% (Fig. 6F-G). Furthermore, compared with sows with the haplotype combination H1H3, a remarkable increase in the average litter size of TNB, NBA, and NSP traits was found in sows with H1H2. The average litter size of the NSP trait was observed in sows with H1H1 (Fig. 6J-N), suggesting that NORSF is a candidate gene for sow fertility traits, and H3 is an unfavorable haplotype of sow fertility.
Functional SNVs in the promoter mainly control the transcriptional activity of targets [10, 21]. To understand the impact of the g.-360C > T and g.-359G > A on transcriptional activity, the reporters of the NORSF promoter with four haplotypes were generated, respectively (Fig. 6O). Reporter assay showed that these two SNVs significantly alter the activity of the NORSF promoter, with lower haplotype H2 activity and higher haplotype H3 activity (Fig. 6P). This is consistent with the function of NORSF in sGCs and the fertility phenotype of haplotype combination. These data support that NORSF is a functional candidate gene for sow fertility traits, as its two SNVs synergistically influence transcriptional activity and sow fertility.