Field survey
A coastal survey was conducted from 2000 to 2020 in the northern hemisphere between 1.4°(Singapore) and 61.2° (Anchorage/USA) north latitude. The author collected and analyzed 5,000 coastal seawater and sands samples from more than 25 countries in the Atlantic, Indian, and Pacific oceans. Figure 1 (a) shows these countries that range from the United Kingdom/UK (1) to Mexico (26), from which be samples were obtained: the North Pacific Gyre current (arrows), and Pacific garbage patch (circles). The details are presented in s. Table 1. Figure 1 (b) shows survey sites, administrative areas, cruise lines (cruise-A, C), currents [Kuroshio (up), Oyashio (down)] and Fig. 1 (c) is diffusion of monomers around Japan.
The details are presented in s. Table 2. Three cruises (-A,-B,-C) were conducted in the northwest Pacific Ocean (5°to 55°N, 130°to 160°E, 30% of the northwest Pacific Ocean), with Cruise A sailing only on surface water from sample correction (s. Table 3) and Cruise B (s. Table 4), Cruise C (s. Table 5) to obtain water samples (Niskin bottle with CTD) from the surface to vertical target depths of (10m, 50m, 100m etc.) and up to 5,000m below the seafloor.
On-site visual surveys in each country confirmed the presence of polyethylene (PE), polypropylene (PP), PS, and polyethylene terephthalate (PET) plastics in all beaches. Virtually, no polycarbonate (PC), epoxy resin (EPX), or polyurethane (PU) debris could be found. Target plastic monomers in the samples were extracted with dichloromethane (JIS K0450-10) and analyzed by GC/MS.10 The results have been presented in s.Table 1–5. All samples were found to contain monomers: SO derived from PS, BPA derived from PC and EPX, PAE from polyethylene terephthalate (PET) or plasticized polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and other plastics additives were also detected. 11–15No isocyanate derived from polyurethane (PU) could be found. Aaverage monomer levels tended to be high in low latitude countries (Malaysia, Sri Lanka) and low in high latitude countries (UK, Alaska/USA). Monomer content was low in open ocean areas (Pacific, Atlantic) and high in closed ocean areas (Mediterranean, Gulf of Mexico/Texas, Louisiana, Missouri, Alabama/USA), indicating regional characteristics. This content was higher in areas surrounding densely populated large cities (Massachusetts, Maryland, California/USA), and lower in island areas isolated in oceans of Hawaii, Micronesia (Pacific), San Miguel, and Bermuda (Atlantic). (s. Table 1).15Hotspots (Greece, Malaysia, Costa Rica, Florida/USA) could also be found.13 s. Table 1, shows average SO values for world coasts to be 3,500 µg kg− 1 sand and 6.0 µg L− 1 in water, and the average value of BPA1,500 µg kg− 1 for sand and 30.0 µg L− 1 for water. SO in sand was twice that of BPA, and in water BPA was five times that of SO.
The coasts of Japan were examined to determine the causes of monomer generation. Total Japan coastline length is 35,000 km and that of the seashore, approximately 5,000 km. The Japanese government has divided the coasts into nine districts for its administration [Fig. 1(b) and s.Table 2].14Along coasts, drifting plastics mainly moves from south to north due to the Kuroshio (east) and branched Tsushima Current (west) from the south, and the Oyashio (east) and Liman Current (west) from the north [Fig. 1 (b), arrow]. The mean SO value of sand was found to be 390 µg kg− 1 and mean BPA value to be 450 µg kg− 1. SO in water was 5 µgkg− 1 and BPA 4 µgL− 1 as shown s. Table 2, both of which are present throughout the world. Seasonal change in SO and the influence of weather were investigated at Sanbanze Beach Park, the deepest in the Tokyo Bay area. The SO results are shown in s. Figure 2. SO levels were high in summer and found to be influenced by temperature. The survey site being close to the Edo River, a correlation was evident between SO increase and rainfall.12
A simulation study (s. Scheme 1) was made of the diffusion of SO and BPA from the coast of Japan. The results are shown in Fig. 1(c), (-2010 and 2050 year) and indicated monomer to be dispersed by currents (Kuroshio, Geostrophic and Ekman. s. Table 3–5,
Surface and s.Scheme 1)). The high values of monomer in the pelagic survey and simulation results were found in good agreement (s. Table 4,5. 30°N and160°E. line). TIM-GC/MS chromatograms of the Seiho Sea Mt. sediment and beach sand10are shown in s. Figure 1(a, Haemida. b, Seiho). Common monomers SO* (SM, SD, ST), BPA and PAE (DBP, DHP, DEHP) were detected in extracts s. Figure 1(a, b), and benzoate was separately detected only in sediment [s. Figure 1(b)]. In open ocean, average pelagic monomer values were 0.2 µg L− 1 for SO and 2 µg L− 1 for BPA at upside. At a depth of 2,000 m or less, SO was 0.1 µg L− 1 and BPA was 0.2 µg L− 1, indicating monomers to be present in deep sea water (s. Tables 4, 5).
Acute and chronic toxicity of monomer (SO, BPA, PAE) metabolites screening test was confirmed in Algae [[(OECD TG 201:2006)] 16and Daphnia copepod [ASTM (2004)]17. The inhibition capacity of algae growth is shown in Fig. 2 (a) and acute toxicity due to the inhibition of daphnia mobility is shown in Fig. 2 (b). The details are shown in (s. Table 6). Figure 2(b), indicates decrease in mobility for SM, SD, and MHP from 1 µg L− 1 to 10 µg L− 1, and for other chemicals from 100 µg L− 1, the values of toxicity were within the range of those for SO and BPA as measured in the field (s.Table 1,2). Monomer metabolites were found to be highly toxic even when present at low concentrations (s.Table 6: red and yellow flame), thus proving their greater toxicity. Intraperitoneal administration of ST, a type of SO, has been shown to inhibit osteoblast formation in fish.18 SO, BPA, PAE and its metabolites may possibly have a direct negative impact on marine ecosystems.