Traditionally, the pit method is implemented diversely
All 130 processors interviewed were women. Most used a single round pit (1.8 m³ ± 0.7 SD, n=34), but some used up to four pits. Pits, owned individually (75%, n=24) or shared (25%, n=8), were used for several years. Filling a pit took around 1.5 months on average (± 0.8 SD, n=33), sometimes extending to two or four months. Processors deposited whole fruits in the pits, occasionally adding plastic, sacks, or leaves at the pit's bottom while filling it. Pits were gradually filled and compacted with no added water. Materials used to cover the pits varied: soil and leaves (34%, n=23), only leaves (30%, n=20), tarpaulin (25%, n=17), a combination of those (6%, n=4), or other materials (3%, n=3). Nuts were typically not stirred in the pit (94%, n=32). Pit location was influenced by proximity to homes or farmhouses for theft deterrence and ease of nut transportation. Most processors stated their method mirrored practices of their elders (82%, n=30), others were unsure about historical practices.
Burial periods for nuts varied: some for less than two weeks, others for one to four months, and a few for up to six months (Figure 2a). When immediate cash was needed, kernels were retrieved and sold (73% of processors, n=27), while a third kept a reserve at home to boil for quick sales (30%, n=11). Pits were used only when processors had sufficient nuts and were not constrained financially.
After the pit process, 73% of processors boiled the nuts (n=64), considering it crucial for high-quality butter and marketability. Another 23% sun-dried and deshelled the nuts without further treatment (n=20), due to factors like wood scarcity, time constraints, or because the nuts were deemed market-ready post pit-extraction (after sun-drying and deshelling). A minority roasted the nuts for butter (4%, n=4).
Despite its benefits for shea processors, new adoption of the pit method relies on financial considerations
Experienced processors highlighted benefits of the pit method (Figure 2b): 1) Prevents nut germination, crucial for quality. 2) Speeds up pulp putrefaction, aiding depulping. 3) Offers flexibility in processing times, e.g. the nuts are safe during the rainy season and can be dried during the dry season. 4) Allows processing close to gathering sites. 5) Protects nuts from animals. 6) Produces quality kernels, heavy and bright, for butter-making or selling. 7) Provides storage space, especially for processors lacking warehouses.
New processors valued the pit method differently from experienced ones (Figure 2b): 1) Required less effort. 2) Convenient for multitasking and choosing processing times. 3) Used less wood and water. They also appreciated 4) resulting kernel weight and quality, 5) avoiding fruit transportation, requiring less strength, and 6) no need to sort nuts. Some mentioned 7) storing nuts for future use. New processors, having not engaged in pit digging and emptying, were unable to assess the overall effort involved compared to other methods. With this caveat in mind, the majority of both experienced and new pit-processors did not mention any disadvantages with the pit method. A few experienced processors mentioned the unpleasant odor emitted by the kernels as the sole drawback, but most did not mind it, noting it dissipates after sun exposure. Some new processors cited challenges such as emptying the pits coinciding with animals roaming freely and difficulties monitoring the condition of the pits, including concerns about rain washing away the covering soil.
Most of the processors who started using the pit method in 2022 also continued their usual methods with other nuts, primarily smoking (65%, n=24) or boiling (51%, n=19). They did this to meet buyer demands, make butter, and address financial needs. Smoking or boiling the nuts post-extraction was deemed crucial for transforming them into shea butter for consumption and sale. Some respondents (24%, n=9) did not smoke or boil nuts because they were all in the pit experiment.
Encouraging future use of this method requires considering the following points: 1) Price incentive: Higher prices for pit-processed kernels motivate processors to continue using this method and compensates for the time during which kernels are fermenting in pits and cannot be sold. 2) Savings and financial planning: Fermenting kernels in pits allows effective work and financial management, acting as a form of savings. 3) Positive experience and ease of practice: Processors find the pit method simpler and less cumbersome, excluding considerations of pit digging and emptying.
Pit kernels exhibit a distinct chemical composition compared to fresh and boiled kernels
Chemical compositions of boiled, fresh and pit kernels were analyzed to determine the characteristic chemical profiles, and to assess variability. The investigated compound classes included FFAs, mono-, di- and triglycerides (MGs, DGs, TGs), fatty acid methyl esters (FAMEs) and polar lipids, as they were all expected to impact kernel and butter quality, with implications for the shea industry. Quality control plots for individual compounds are given in Supplementary Information, Figure SI-1.
High FFA levels indicate poor quality in locally produced butter and the industrially extracted TG fraction. A significantly systematic difference between boiled and pit kernels is observed for FFA, which are primarily oleic and stearic acids. FFA levels in pit kernels are at least three times lower and less variable than those in boiled kernels (Table 1).
Table 1: Total peak heights and RSDs of FFAs measured by LC-HRMS in boiled kernels and pit kernels stored for three and six months.
Boiled kernels (n=12)
3- & 6-month pit kernels (n=11)
Oleic acid, stearic acid, linoleic acid, icosanoic acid measured by LC-HRMS
Average total peak height
6.7 × 104
1.9 × 104
2.1 × 10-3
Total peak heights correlated well with measured FFA levels (in oleic acid equivalents) in the industrial crude extract. FFA levels in pit kernels were typically less than 3.5 %, except for one 6-month sample reaching 6.4 %. Some boiled samples, like one from site 3, had FFA levels as high as 10.9 % (Figure SI-2).
The relative abundances of chemical components in boiled kernels, fresh kernels, and 3- and 6-month pit kernels are summarized in a heatmap (Figure 3).
For statistical testing, samples were grouped into fresh kernels (n=5) and pit-kernels (n=11), as well as well-preserved boiled kernels (Boiled_2-1, 3 and 4 and Boiled_3-2, n=4) and poorly preserved boiled kernels (Boiled_1-1 to 4, Boiled_2-2, Boiled_3-1, 3 and 4, n=8) based on their FFA content.
FFA levels increase as kernels are stored in pits, with levels in pit kernels comparable to well-preserved boiled kernels, but significantly lower than levels in poorly-preserved boiled kernels (p-value < 10-9 from Table SI-1; Figure 3a and Figure 4a).
Formation of MGs and DGs indicates early degradation and is not desirable, although they do not decrease the quality of the extracted TG fraction as much as FFAs. Figure 3c and Figure 4c-d show that MG and DG levels are low in fresh and well-preserved boiled kernels (p-values < 0.023, Tables SI-2 and SI-3). The levels are not significantly different for the pit kernels and poorly preserved boiled kernels, but are higher than for the fresh and well-preserved kernels, and exhibit higher variation. Thus, early degradation of TGs to MGs and DGs occurs to the same extent in poorly preserved boiled kernels and in pit kernels.
Despite increasing levels of degradation products, TG levels did not significantly vary between processing methods. However, well-preserved boiled kernels had slightly higher mean TG levels (9-16% higher) compared to fresh and poorly preserved kernels (Figure 3d, Table SI-4).
FAMEs are transformation products derived from e.g. FFAs. Their impact on kernel quality remains uncertain. FAMEs are more abundant in pit kernels, with the lowest levels observed in well-preserved boiled kernels (p-values < 2.0×10-4, Table SI-5, Figure 3b and 4b). This suggests that FAME abundance does not necessarily reflect FFA levels; in boiled kernels FFAs and FAMEs are positively correlated. In contrast, fresh and pit kernels show low FFA but relatively high FAME levels. Thus, the proportion of FAMEs is significantly lower in boiled kernels compared to fresh and pit kernels (approximately 8 times lower).
Polar lipids are integral to plant membranes, and their composition likely varies with shea-processing methods. However, their influence on kernel properties remains poorly understood. Relative peak heights of 38 polar lipids [39] representing various classes were examined (Figure 3e-g). Pit kernels consistently showed lower levels of most polar lipid classes compared to boiled and fresh kernels (p-values from 0.039 to < 10-9). Poorly-preserved boiled kernels also exhibited lower levels compared to well-preserved boiled kernels and fresh kernels (Figure 3g, Table SI-6 to Table SI-12). However, glycosphingolipids (HexCer) lipids showed consistent abundance across all samples (Figure 3f, Table SI-13). While sulfoquinovosyldiacylglycerols (SQDGs) followed a similar trend as other polar lipids, the difference magnitude was lesser (Figure 3e, Table SI-14).
In summary, the various processing methods yielded kernels that fell into four distinct categories based on their chemical characteristics: 1) fresh kernels; 2) poorly-preserved boiled kernels; 3) well-preserved boiled kernels; and 4) pit kernels (Figure 4).
Cluster analysis (see sample-clustered heatmap in Figure SI-3) and principal component analysis (Figure SI-5) further validate the distribution of kernel samples into the described categories. An exception is the second boiled sample from site 3 (Boiled_3-2), classified as well-preserved due to its low FFA content but which also exhibits low levels of polar lipids. Additionally, two fresh samples (Fresh_4-2 and 4) show slightly more polar lipid degradation compared to the other fresh kernel samples.
The pit method increases total extractables compared to boiling
The total extractables, indicative of industrial processability of the kernels, increases with the pit method compared to boiling. In Figure 5, polar lipid levels for selected fresh, boiled and pit kernels are plotted against total extractables. Polar lipid levels are typically higher in fresh kernels but decrease to below 20% of the maximum level for the 3- and 6-month pit kernels. Fresh kernels have less than 56% total extractables (average 52 ± 2% SD, n=5), while 3- and 6-month have more than 53% total extractables (3-month average 59 ± 4% SD, maximum 63%, n=5 and 6-month average 63 ± 5% SD, maximum 68%, n=5). Boiled samples have total extractables average of 56 ± 2% (SD, n=4). Despite large variability within each class and a low number of boiled kernel samples, the p-value of 0.16 suggests a potential positive effect of pit processes on total extractable (Table SI-15). For two pits (denoted by ● and ■ symbols), total extractables increase dramatically (by 12-13 %) between 3-month and 6-month pit kernels. For the other three pits, total extractables are highest for 3-month pit kernels but decrease slightly (by 0-4%) for 6-month pit kernels despite a small decrease in polar lipid levels.