The dynamic view of HtpG in its nucleotide-free, open state
We have recently achieved NMR assignment of the full-length HtpG and established that the dimeric chaperone in solution adopts an open conformation in absence of nucleotide, with a single set of NMR signals34. To explore the dynamic properties of HtpG in its nucleotide-free state, we first investigated its fast-exchange (pico- to nanosecond, ps-ns) side-chain dynamics using the triple-quantum based NMR experiments35, and obtained the relaxation-derived order parameter S2, which quantifies the amplitude of motion (S2 = 0: no restriction; S2 = 1: complete restriction). These data reveal that the mobile residues are clustered at (sub)domain junctions and peripheral regions (Fig. 1c). Notably, the N-helix (residues 15 to 25 in HtpG), which undergoes critical position shifting for HtpG dimer closure (Fig. 1c)36, displayed significant structural fluctuations. Elements critical for ATP catalysis, including the nucleotide-binding site, the “lid” segment that swings substantially to ensure nucleotide docking, and the so-called catalytic loop (residues 327–342 in HtpG) comprising the absolutely conserved Arg residue (Arg336) in the middle domain, whose significant structure remodeling and subsequent reaching to ATP enable catalysis (Fig. 1c) 37, demonstrate moderate to high mobility in absence of nucleotide. The significant dynamics at these regions may contribute to moderating nucleotide affinity by providing an entropic barrier. The amphipathic helix in CTD (CTDamp, residues 543–565), known as the “client discriminator helix”14, demonstrated somewhat structural rigidity at the ps-ns timescale. Interestingly, the C-terminal dimer interface showed conformational mobility, suggesting a breathing motion 38.
We next investigated the slow-exchange (micro- to millisecond, µs-ms) timescale dynamics in the full-length HtpG using Carr–Purcell–Meiboom–Gill (CPMG) relaxation dispersion experiments, and measured 1H-13C multiple-quantum methyl-TROSY dispersion profiles39. The presence of multiple interconverting states of a protein result in line broadening of the NMR signal, and this effect can be modulated by applying of a series of 180° radiofrequency (RF) pulses in the CPMG pulse sequence40. We observed a significant number of non-flat relaxation dispersions for methyl groups throughout the structure, underscoring the dynamic nature of HtpG (Fig. 1c). In particular, regions crucial for ATPase catalysis, including the N-helix, lid segment, nucleotide binding pocket, and the catalytic loop, exhibited apparent conformational plasticity on the µs‐ms timescale. Other regions undergoing slow conformational exchanges were predominantly distributed at the (sub)domain interfaces, as well as in the vicinity of CTDamp. All dispersion curves could be fit well to a simple two-site exchange process, whereas in most cases the fast-exchanging rates (kex > 3000 S− 1) preclude accurate estimation of populations of exchanging states or chemical shift differences. Notably, the conformational exchange rates of lid segment, as well as other regions involved in nucleotide binding and catalysis, appear significantly higher than that of the nucleotide association/disassociation19, suggesting the nucleotide binding process is largely thermally driven, as previously proposed19.
Taken together, these results the mobility profile of HtpG over a broad spectrum of time scales. The highly dynamic nature of HtpG may contribute for its remarkable capacity to accommodate structurally diverse client proteins, and facilitate its functional structure reorientation.
ATP binding shifts HtpG’s conformational equilibrium along the sequential open-to-closed transition pathway
As the functional roles of Hsp90 rely on in its unique, nucleotide-dependent conformational plasticity, we next assessed the conformation of HtpG across various nucleotide states. First, we acquired NMR spectra of HtpG in presence of AMP-PNP, a “nonhydrolysable” ATP analogue that has been shown to exert effects identical to ATP36. Remarkably, upon binding to AMP-PNP, a significant number of methyl resonances throughout the entire HtpG molecule displayed signal splitting, accompanied by extensive chemical shift perturbations (Fig. 2a,b). Additional sets of NMR signals often indicate the presence of multiple conformational states undergoing slow exchange (kex < 1000 s− 1). This signal splitting cannot be attributed to insufficient AMP-PNP supply, as the residues around the nucleotide binding site (e.g. L94, V133 and V137) shift completely from their original positions (Fig. 2a). Moreover, the evaluation of NMR signal integration revealed that different residues displayed varied splitting profiles concerning the number of split resonances and populations of conformational states (Fig. 2d). These observations ruled out the possibility that the NMR resonance multiplet was caused by an asymmetric configuration for each Hsp90 protomer, which would otherwise exhibit a uniformly distributed population profile. For instance, while the residues of L76, V83, L233 and L278 exhibit characteristic of triplet splitting, the population distribution ratio for the three states along the conformation transition pathway (states a, b and c, respectively) ranges from 5:1:4 to 2:1:1 (Fig. 2d). Residues displaying a doublet splitting profile, such as M20, I222, I306 and T548, exhibited populations ratio of states a and b ranges from 8:1 to 1:1 (Fig. 2d). These results thus provide a multifaceted and highly polymorphic perspective of HtpG in its AMP-PNP-bound state.
In the sequential transition model, Hsp90’s conformational change from open to closed involves two principal stages: (1) a ~ 90° rotation of the NTD accompanied by local structural alterations and MD association; and (2) arm-arm approximation (Fig. 2c)14,17. Our NMR data of HtpG-AMPPNP provide an allosteric fingerprint of these essential conformational stages, thus strongly supporting the sequential model. We propose that ATP-bound HtpG exists in an equilibrium of multiple conformational states, spanning all three on-path transitional states: the open state (state a), the intermediate NTD-rotated state (state b), and the closed state (state c). This is evidenced by multiple lines of evidence. Firstly, NMR spectra of the AMPPNP-bound HtpGNM, capable of NTD-rotation but not arm closure due to lacking the dimerization-pivoting CTD, showed conformation transition halting at state b, the NTD-rotated intermediate state (Fig. 2e and Extended Data Fig. 1). Additionally, signal splitting in residues I306 and M314, corresponding to residues I350 and I358 in yeast Hsp82, has been shown to reflect the conformational transition to the NTD-rotated phase14. The linear progression of triplet-split signals provides further support for a sequential transition process (Fig. 2d,e). The inability of residues to transition beyond state b suggests a unique chemical environment preserved across these states, resulting in unchanged chemical shifts or signal degeneration due to rapid averaging. Notably, the arm closure-impaired HtpGNM construct in its AMPPNP-bound state shows an increased relative population of state b, aligning with expectations for a system where progression to state c is obstructed (Fig. 2f). Lastly, negative-staining EM analysis confirm that, even in the presence of AMPPNP, a substantial portion of HtpG retains the V-shaped open state (Fig. 2h), in alignment with previous SAXS studies that have shown the co-existence of open and closed Hsp90 conformations with ATP bound15.
These findings affirm the sequential nature of HtpG’s conformational transitions upon ATP binding and highlight the sophisticated regulation of these transitions at the molecular level. Further comprehensive spectral analysis through signal integration has quantified the populations of the AMPPNP-bound HtpG conformations: 48 ± 7% in the open state (state a), 23 ± 11% in the intermediate NTD-rotated state (state b), and 29 ± 10% in the closed state (state c). These findings suggest that the conformations of AMPPNP-bound HtpG are best represented by a rugged energy landscape, as illustrated in Fig. 2i.
Conformational Closure of HtpG is Not Required for ATP hydrolysis
Prior research has established the conserved arginine residue in the α2 (R33 in HtpG) as a critical conformational switch within the interaction network between the NTD and MD of Hsp90 and ATP14,41 (Fig. 2i). Supporting the transition scenario mentioned above (Fig. 2c), mutation of R33 impedes the transition from the open to the closed state, as evidenced by the absence of resonance splitting in the NMR spectra of the HtpGR33A mutant bound to AMP-PNP (Fig. 2j and Extended Data Fig. 2), which indicates a halt at the open state and an inability to progress along the transition pathway. Furthermore, the R33 mutation induces extensive chemical shift perturbations beyond the NTD, underscoring its central role in the conformational modulation of Hsp90 (Extended Data Fig. 2).
The necessity of conformational closure for ATP hydrolysis by Hsp90 has remained uncertain. To address this, we measured the ATPase activity of the conformation-transition impaired mutant, HtpGR33A, finding it to exhibit substantial catalytic activity—approximately 80% greater than that of the wild-type protein (Extended Data Fig. 3a). This mutant, despite its inability to achieve dimer closure, efficiently catalyzes ATP hydrolysis. Further enzymatic kinetics analysis revealed that the mutation leads to an approximately 2.7-fold increase in turnover rates, while the Michaelis-Menten constant (Km) remains largely unchanged (Fig. 2k and Extended Data Fig. 3b,c). These findings align with hybrid quantum/classical (QM/MM) free-energy calculations41, which suggest that mutation of the conserved arginine residue significantly lowers the reaction energy barrier, thereby enhancing the catalysis rate.
ATP Hydrolysis Induces a Transition from Structural Heterogeneity to a 'Compact' Conformation in HtpG
We next sought to use NMR to elucidate the conformational state of the ADP-bound HtpG in solution. In sharp contrast to the split spectra observed for AMPPNP-HtpG, the ADP-bound chaperone displays a singular methyl-TROSY resonance set (Fig. 3a), suggesting both HtpG protomers are uniformly sampling the same conformational space within the fast-exchange NMR timescale, specifically under 1 ms, without slow conformation exchanging events occurring. This observation precludes slow conformational exchange events and indicates a homogenous conformation as opposed to a heterogeneous mixture, challenging previous assertions based on negative stain EM and SAXS studies10. Furthermore, ADP binding induced substantial chemical shift perturbations (CSPs), mapping not only to the NTD containing the nucleotide pocket, but throughout all three HtpG domains and the inter-domain linkers (Fig. 3b). These widespread CSPs suggest ADP binding triggers global conformational rearrangements in HtpG. The controversy surrounding whether ADP-bound HtpG assumes a parallel9 or a more 'compact' conformation10, with the NTD bending toward the MD, persists (Fig. 3c). However, NMR's high conformational sensitivity enabled the distinction between these two disparate structures. Specifically, the 'compact' conformation, characterized by the NTD's extensive interaction with the MD, was evidenced by significant CSPs at the interface, notably at residues I30, V193, I196, A254, A283, and M288 (Fig. 3d). These perturbations are consistent with the 'compact' model and cannot be readily explained by a parallel orientation. Thus, our NMR findings support the conclusion that HtpG predominantly adopts a 'compact' conformation in solution, which is further corroborated by our negative staining data (Fig. 3e and Extended Data Fig. 4).
Transitions in the Dynamics of HtpG Throughout Its ATPase-Driven Chaperone Cycle
To ascertain whether the dynamics of HtpG, in addition to its conformations, are modulated during its chaperone cycle, we further employed NMR to characterize the protein’s dynamics in complex with AMP-PNP or ADP. For AMP-PNP-bound HtpG, in most cases, our dynamic analysis primarily centered on the strongest signals, those corresponding to the open conformation (state a). Both nucleotides were found to significantly influence the order parameters (S2) across the entire HtpG molecule, including critical regions such as the nucleotide binding pocket (e.g., residue L32), the lid segment (e.g., residue L119), NTD-MD interface (e.g., residues L339 and L352), MD inter-subdomain interface (e.g., residue A397), and MD-CTD joint region (e.g., residue V539), with each nucleotide state displaying unique dynamic signatures (Fig. 4a). This data indicates that nucleotide engagement at the NTD has a far-reaching effect, allosterically modulating HtpG’s movements across the ps-ns timescale. In particular, regions proximal to the nucleotide-binding site exhibited decreased mobility, suggesting an entropically favorable environment for nucleotide accommodation (Extended Data Fig. 5a). Of note, AMP-PNP binding, compared to the apo or ADP-bound state, increases the order parameter for the catalytic loop residue L339 from ~ 0.2 to 0.4 (Fig. 4a). This change implies that ATP's gamma-phosphate rigidified the catalytic loop "breathing motion," corroborating its role in reinforcing the NTD-MD contacts 42.
We recently elucidated solution complex structure of HtpG with a disordered client (Δ131Δ)34. Here we explored the dynamic transitions in the client-engagement regions during the chaperone cycle. Our results reveal a complex dynamic transition profile, with residues proximal to or within the client-binding grooves displaying stage-specific mobility patterns (Fig. 4b). These subtly refined dynamic environments may exert distinct chaperoning influences on client at each stage of the cycle, potentially facilitating their processing.
CPMG experiments have provided further insights into the µs-ms timescale dynamics of HtpG during the distinct stages of the chaperone cycle. In particular, residues M85, I91, L109, V125, and V164 near the nucleotide pocket and A254 at the NTD-MD interface exhibited individualized relaxation dispersion profiles according to the nucleotide state (Fig. 4c). While AMP-PNP binding appears to stabilize the nucleotide-binding pocket and surrounding residues—evidenced by the decreased conformational exchange rates for residues such as I91, V125, and V164—this is not uniform across all residues (Extended Data Fig. 5b, c). Conversely, the ADP state revealed a varied response, with some residues displaying increased exchange rates and others showing decreased or unchanged rates. These differences in the conformational exchange rates, notably higher in the ADP-bound state compared to AMP-PNP, align with the more rapid kinetics of ADP binding and release, shedding light on nucleotide turnover rates. Notably, the µs-ms dynamics of the catalytic loop residue L339 remained largely unchanged (Extended Data Fig. 5b), exhibiting an exchange rate (kex ≈ 3000 s⁻¹) that greatly surpasses the catalytic rate (kcat≈0.005 s⁻¹). This suggests that movements of the catalytic loop are not the rate-limiting step for ATP hydrolysis, in agreement with prior observations42.
Furthermore, each conformational state of AMPPNP-bound HtpG, as illustrated by residue M20, presented distinct CPMG profiles within the intermediate to slow exchange time regime (Fig. 4d). This observation introduces an additional dimension of dynamic intricacy, underscoring the complex conformational landscape that HtpG navigates during its functional cycle.
Collectively, our findings assemble a detailed picture of the dynamic reconfiguration of HtpG throughout its chaperone cycle, underscoring the nuanced allosteric regulation and conformational adaptability essential to its function.
The dynamic response of HtpG to client binding
The modulation of Hsp90 ATPase activity by client binding has been proposed as a general mechanism of the action for the chaperone, however, the underlying mechanism remains unclear. To investigate this aspect in terms of protein dynamics, we conducted NMR analyses on the 13CH3 methyl moieties of the HtpG-Δ131Δ complex. Surprisingly, we observed an overall increase in ps-ns timescale motion (ΔS2 < 0) in HtpG upon client binding, particularly around the nucleotide binding pocket in the NTD (Fig. 5a). Notably, A114 and A551, situated in the lid and "client discriminator helix", respectively, gained a large amplitude of structural mobility in response to Δ131Δ binding, with marked decrease in S2 values of ∼0.5 and ∼0.9, respectively (Fig. Extended Data Fig. 6a). However, the effects of client binding on HtpG’s internal motions are non-uniform; certain residues, like L339 that at the NTD-MD interface, displayed decreased conformational entropy (Extended Data Fig. 6a).
Consistent with these findings, relaxation dispersion experiments indicated that client binding to the MD caused an overall increase in the fluctuation rates of HtpG at the µs-ms timescale, with many of these residues being remotely located in the NTD, indicating a reduced activation energy barrier at the catalysis center (Fig. 5b). Additionally, while some residues, such as L360, A550 and M550, exhibited distinct conformation transition profiles in the client-free form, Δ131Δ binding eliminated any alternative conformational states occurring on the µs-ms timescale (the detection limit of the relaxation dispersion experiments is ∼0.5%) (Extended Data Fig. 6b).
Subsequently, we acquired methyl-TROSY NMR spectra of the HtpG-Δ131Δ complex in presence of AMP-PNP, displaying resonance patterns akin to the client-free state (Extended Data Fig. 7). These data indicate that in the AMP-PNP state, the HtpG-Δ131Δ complex, resembling client-free HtpG, adopts multiple conformations in equilibrium. Nevertheless, conformational populations of HtpG-Δ131Δ complex in the AMP-PNP state differ significantly from those of client-free Hsp90 (Fig. 5c). For instance, residues M20 and M314 exhibited increased populations of state b, corresponding to the transitioned state upon AMP-PNP binding, by 2- and 3-fold, respectively (Fig. 5d). Furthermore, residues L76 and L233 displayed a substantial decrease in the intermediate state (state b) due to Δ131Δ binding, shifting the conformation equilibrium towards the closed state (state c) by around 10% and 15%, respectively (Fig. 5e).
Taken together, our results reveal that despite the spatial separation of ATP hydrolysis and client binding sites in the NTD and MD, respectively, these distinct functional processes are dynamically communicated across the full-length HtpG. In this scenario, client binding reconfigures the global internal motions, effectively lowering the rate-limiting conformational barrier and shifting the conformational equilibrium of Hsp90 during the chaperone cycle, in line with recent yeast Hsp90 studies14.