3.1. soil moisture variation analysis
Data from all three sizes of structures were analyzed at three soil depths. Catchment Treatments included: natural (N) and plastic cover (P). Infiltration pit treatments included: natural infiltration pit (N), seedling(S), rock cover(R), no rock cover (F), no irrigation (D), and irrigation (W). each treatment was compared and analyzed in accordance with other treatments’ possible influences. Due to the abundance of the collective data, only a sample of the three graphs is shown in Figs. 4, 5 and 6.
An overall soil depth of 30cm showed the greatest capability of conserving soil moisture in all sizes of structures. during both fall seasons, with intervals between each rainfall occurrence, all sizes of structures with natural covered catchment (N) and natural treatment for infiltration pit (N), depth of 30 cm showed the greatest capability in conserving soil moisture with a mean of 5% more than soil depth of 20 and 10 cm, the other two had retained nearly the same amount of soil moisture.
Figure 4. Selective soil moisture variation analysis of all three sizes of structures at three soil depths under natural and plastic covered catchment and natural infiltration pit treatments
In the case of moisture loss, depths of 20 and 10 cm lost moisture at the same rate of 5–10% more across all sizes of structures in comparison to the depth of 30. During both rainfall seasons, due to over-saturation of the soil, a steady amount of moisture was observed at all depths; however, the depth of 30 cm retained 3–5% more soil moisture across all sizes. As expected, over both dry seasons, a large drop in soil moisture occurred. However, the soil moisture content of all three depths became steady after the first drop. the depth of 30 cm showed a higher ability to retain soil moisture than the other two depths. The recorded soil moisture content was: 23–25% for the largest sized, 19–20% for the medium-sized and 17–18% for the smallest sized structures. while soil moisture content for the depth of 20 cm was at around 13–15% for the biggest sized structures, 13% for the medium-sized structures, and 11% for the smallest sized structures. The soil moisture content for the depth of 10 cm was at 10–11% for all three sizes of structures.
In comparison, the same-sized structures with UV plastic-covered catchments (P) and natural infiltration pits (N), while nearly identical in performance, showed that the general soil moisture conserving rate was significantly higher by a 10% margin in the largest structures and 5% for both medium-sized and small-sized structures. This is more significant during both dry seasons, as the stability rate for the depth of 30 cm for the largest structure is approximately 29–30% while the other two depths had significantly less soil moisture content with the depth of 20 cm at 20% and the depth of 10 cm at around 15%. As for the medium-sized structure, a depth of 30 cm is the most significant with a mean of 26%, whereas the depths of 20 and 10 cm are 20% and 15%, respectively. The same can be said about the smallest-sized structures (SS), with a depth of 30 being the most efficient with a mean of 20%, and depths of 20 and 10 cm with 14% and 13%, respectively.
Figure 5. Selective soil moisture variation analysis of all three sizes of structures at three soil depths under natural and plastic covered catchment and non-irrigated infiltration pit treatments
In all three sizes of structures, the performances of structures with plastic-covered catchments (P) were better compared to those with natural catchments (N). All plastic-covered structures performed better by a margin of 10% for the biggest-sized structures, 7% for medium-sized structures, and 5% for smallest-sized structures. in all structures, a soil depth of 30 cm had the most moisture retention. during the fall season, on both catchment treatments, a depth of 30 cm conserved soil moisture by a margin of 5% more than both 10 and 20 cm in the biggest structures and 3% in medium-sized and smallest-sized structures. in both catchment treatments for the biggest-sized structures during the intervals between rainfall occurrences, for a depth of 30 cm, the moisture loss rate was 10% less than depths 20 and 10 cm. while for the medium-sized and smallest-sized structures, the rate was 15%.
During the rainy seasons. During the dry seasons, half of the infiltration pits were not under irrigation treatment; therefore, a loss of moisture was expected. However, after the initial loss, the soil moisture content was steady across all structures.
For the biggest sized structures, on a depth of 30 cm, soil moisture content was 22% for natural catchment (N) and 25% for plastic-covered catchments (P). on the depth of 20 cm 15% for natural catchment (N) and 20% for plastic covered catchments (P) and 11% soil moisture content for natural catchment (N) and 15% for plastic covered catchments (P) on the depth of 10 cm was monitored. for medium sized structures, on a depth of 30 cm, soil moisture content for natural catchment (N) was 20% and 22% for plastic-covered catchments (P). also, 15% for natural catchment (N) and 20% for plastic covered catchments (P) on the depth of 20 cm and on the depth of 10 cm, 10% soil moisture content for natural catchment (N) and 14% for plastic covered catchments (P) was observed. for the smallest sized structures, on a depth of 30 cm, soil moisture content was 18% for natural catchment (N) and 20% for plastic-covered catchments (P). for the depth of 20 cm 11% for natural catchment (N) and 13% for plastic covered catchments (P) and 10% soil moisture content for natural catchment (N) and 13% for plastic covered catchments (P) on the depth of 10 cm.
Figure 6. Selective soil moisture variation analysis of all three sizes of structures at three soil depths under natural and plastic covered catchment and irrigated infiltration pit treatments
The other half of the infiltration pits were under irrigation treatment; therefore, during dry seasons, after the initial loss of moisture, a steady trend of increase in soil moisture content occurred due to the two-week interval of irrigation.
For the biggest sized structures, the performances on a depth of 30 cm were 20–28% for natural catchment (N) and 23–35% for plastic-covered catchments (P). while depth of 20 cm performed 20–25% for natural catchment (N) and 18–27% for plastic covered catchments (P). the depth of 10 cm had the performance of 10–18% for natural catchment (N) and 15–21% for plastic covered catchments (P). for the medium-sized structures the performances on a depth of 30 cm were 20–22% for natural catchment (N) and 21–23% for plastic-covered catchments (P). while depth of 20 cm performed 15–17% for natural catchment (N) and 20–21% for plastic covered catchments (P). the depth of 10 cm had the performance of 10–13% for natural catchment (N) and 15–16% for plastic covered catchments (P). for the smallest sized structures, the performances on a depth of 30 cm were 20–21% for natural catchment (N) and 21–23% for plastic-covered catchments (P). while depth of 20 cm performed 12–15% for natural catchment (N) and 18–21% for plastic covered catchments (P). the depth of 10 cm had the performance of 10–13% for natural catchment (N) and 14–15% for plastic covered catchments (P).
No significant difference was observed between the performance of rock cover treatment (R) and non-rock cover treatment (F) for infiltration pits of any size and depth.