A typical fabricated HGFET infrared detector (Fig. 2a) was characterized under preoptimized bias conditions (Vbg= -0.6 V, Vds= -0.1 V) to achieve high gains and low dark currents (Fig. S4). As shown in Fig. 2b, the dynamic photocurrent responses were determined by increasing the irradiation power density (Plight) from 0 to 15.4 W/cm2 at 1300 nm. An obvious increase of 75.9 pA at background current (2.8 nA) indicates that the HGFET detector can respond to weak infrared radiation with a Plight as low as 0.46 nW/cm2, corresponding to an irradiance of approximately 3007 photons/second. With increasing irradiation power density Plight, the photocurrent Iph monotonically increases but follows a positive power function in the low Plight region and a logarithmic function in the high Plight region (Fig. 2c and Supplementary Section 4). Notably, Iph does not show obvious saturation even at Plight values as high as 15 W/cm2, which leads to a wide dynamic range (210 dB) in our HGFETs.
For a photovoltage-gated HGFET (Fig. S5), the relationship between the open-circuit voltage (\(\:{V}_{oc}\)) of the p-i-n heterojunction and Plight is expressed as follows:
\(\:{V}_{oc}=\frac{{k}_{B}T}{q}ln\left(\frac{\eta\:qA{P}_{light}}{hv{I}_{0}}+1\right)\) (1),
where \(\:{k}_{B}\) is the Boltzmann constant, \(\:T\) is the temperature, \(\:A\) is the optical area, \(\:{I}_{0}\) is the reverse saturation current, \(\:\eta\:\:\)is the external quantum efficiency, \(\:q\) is the elementary charge, and hν is the energy of one photon. Then, the photocurrent \(\:{I}_{ph}\) of the HGFET can be determined as follows:
\(\:\:{I}_{ph}=\frac{{g}_{m}\alpha\:{k}_{B}T}{q}ln\left(\frac{\eta\:qA{P}_{light}}{hv{I}_{0}}+1\right)\) (2),
where α is the gate coupling coefficient between the HG and FET, and gm is the transconductance of the FET. Based on equations (1) and (2), a photoelectric response model of the HGFET was built and verified (see details in Section 4 of the supplementary information), which was also used to fit the measured photoresponse data for retrieving key parameters. Typically, we extracted HG parameters, such as η of 10%, from an ohmic contacted ZnO/CQD p-i-n photodiode with identical geometrical dimensions and structures (Fig. S7). The inherent gain (\(\:G\)) of the HGFET can be expressed as follows:
\(\:G=Rhv/q\eta\:\) (3),
where \(\:R=\frac{{I}_{ph}}{A{P}_{light}}\) is the photoresponsivity. Considering an R of up to 1.6×105 A/W with a Vds bias of -0.1 V under 1300 nm irradiation at Plight of 0.46 nW/cm2 (Fig. 2c), the corresponding \(\:G\) is calculated to be ~ 1.5×106.
The response time of the HGFET detector is strongly dependent on the Vds applied to the CNT FET, as shown in Fig. 2d, which demonstrates that increasing Vds from − 0.1 to -5 V results in a continuous decrease in the rise and decay times. The lowest rise time tRise (95 µs) and fall time tFall (415 µs) are achieved with a Vds bias of -5 V. According to the full photoelectric process of the HGFET shown in Fig. 1d, the response time is dominated by two main processes, namely, the drift of photocarriers in the p-i-n heterojunction and the propagation delay in the CNT channel. The drift of photocarriers in the p-i-n heterojunction will occur at sub-microseconds, comparable to that of reported photodiodes with similar dimensions28, and CNT network FETs with a channel length of 10 µm typically exhibit a propagation delay of ~ 100 µs31. Therefore, the speed of the detector is mainly constrained by carrier transport in long-channel CNT FETs. The photocurrent decay is much slower than the photocurrent rise because the detrapping process of charged trap states is slower than the trapping process32, 33. To enable high-speed detection, the photocurrent rise and fall time should be further reduced through other strategies, such as adopting aligned CNTs, reducing the channel length, and applying an electric pulse at the gate to facilitate the escape of trapped carriers12.
The current noise spectrum of the HGFET detector (see detailed measurements in the Supplementary Information and Fig. S8a) shows a typical 1/f frequency-dependent character, indicating that the total current noise is mainly contributed by the flicker noise. As evidence, the calculated lines of shot noise and thermal noise (Supplementary Sections 5 and 8) are far below the measured curve of the noise spectrum, while the simulated flicker noise is almost consistent with the measured noise curve. Considering the opto-electronic decoupling mechanism of HGFETs, electric noise can be categorized into two sources: noise originating from the heterojunction and noise stemming from the underlying CNT FET (the developed noise model is detailed in Supplementary Section 8). In the open-circuit state, only the preexisting thermal noise (VnT−HG) of the heterojunction can be amplified by gm and then coupled to the detector. Compared to the flicker noise of the CNT FET, this noise is negligible (Fig. 2e), which was determined by comparing the current noise of the device before and after depositing the p-i-n heterojunction on the high-κ layer of the CNT channel (Fig. S11). Based on the measured photoresponsivity R and electrical noise spectrum, the room-temperature specific detectivity (D*) of the HGFET detector is plotted as a function of Plight at 1300 nm (Fig. 2e). D* increases with decreasing Plight, and the peak value exceeds 1014 Jones under weak light, which is recorded in all reported SWIR detections with measured noise data3, 12, 13, 28.
Gate-tuneable operating mode of the HGFET
The gain of the FET relies on the gate voltage, which will provide a factor to tune the detectivity of the HGFET detector. Figure 3a displays the transfer curves of an HGFET under an infrared radiation power density ranging from 0 to 1.08 µW/cm² at 1300 nm. The threshold voltage (Vth) shifts by approximately 0.16 V due to the photovoltage-gated response. The photocurrent for the HGFETs has a positive power function dependent on the light intensity (Fig. 3b) when gated in the subthreshold region (Vbg =-0.05 to -0.15 V) but exhibits a logarithmic function (Fig. 3c) when gated in the linear region (Vbg =-1.2 to -1.3 V). Further analysis (Figs. S9 and S10) was conducted to determine the Vbg-dependent responsivity and gain (Fig. 3d). Both the responsivity and gain increase with a power-law dependence on Vbg in the subthreshold region and reach saturation at a Vbg of approximately 0.5 V (see the fitted gain detailed in Supplementary Section 7); this is because the values are directly proportional to transconductance gm, which increases with Vbg until the device enters the linear region. When operating in the linear region (Vbg ranging from − 1 to -2 V), a high inherent gain (~ 107) is achieved to amplify the photovoltage at the heterojunction of the HGFET in situ and provide a higher output current.
The measured current noise of the HGFET is also dependent on Vbg, which exhibits characteristics similar like the transfer characteristics of a CNT FET (Fig. 3e). The relation between D* and Vbg was extracted by combining the R-Vbg curve in Fig. 3d and the noise-Vbg curve in Fig. 3e, as shown in Fig. 3f; these results demonstrate that the D* of the HGFET strongly depends on the gate voltage with a similar behaviour to that of the simulation results (see details in Supplementary Section 9 and Fig. S12). Corresponding to the operating region of the FET tuned by Vbg, the HGFET can operate in two typical modes, i.e., high-gain mode (in the linear region) and high-detectivity mode (in the subthreshold region). In high-gain mode, the HGFET detector can provide a high output current, which is beneficial for simplifying the readout circuit design. In high detectivity mode, the HGFET detector can provide high sensitivity for weak light detection with low power dissipation.
Performance comparison and benchmarking
We compared the performance of the HGFET detector and a commercial InGaAs photodiode (FGA015)34 by directly testing the SWIR response characteristics under the same testing conditions (see details in Supplementary Section 10). Figure 4a illustrates the detailed measurement system, enabling precise photoelectric testing and laser beam analysis. The output beam spot can be adjusted using two different objective lenses with amplification factors of 10× and 50× to match the optical areas of the two devices. The output power was modulated using adjustable slots and neutral density filters, and it was meticulously calibrated using a germanium power metre and a standard InGaAs photodiode (Table S1). The time-resolved photoresponses under weak infrared irradiation at 1300 nm (Fig. 4b) show that the HGFET demonstrates a high SNR (Iph/In) (approximately 70) at a light intensity as low as 0.46 nW/cm2, at which the InGaAs photodiode exhibits no response. As the InGaAs photodiode begins to show a weak current response (with an SNR of approximately 7), the light intensity increases to 3.78 nW/cm2. The photocurrent in the HGFET device (in the subthreshold region) exhibited a clear power-law relationship with the incident light intensity (Fig. 4c), even when the power intensity was below 1 nW/cm2. However, the photocurrent in the InGaAs photodiode exhibits a linear relation with the light intensity and begins to deviate from the linear relation as the light intensity decreases below 100 nW/cm2; these results indicate that the responsivity is uncertain under weak light, mainly owing to the absence of inherent gain-induced low R (Fig. 4c and 4d).
To preliminarily demonstrate the array ability of the HGFET detectors for passive night vision imaging, we fabricated an image sensor featuring 64×64 pixels of HGFETs, and the pixel array was connected to the readout circuits on the printed circuit board (PCB, see details in Supplementary Section 11). Without an image lens, we displayed the “PKU” images acquired at different irradiation power densities using an assembled test system (Fig. 4e). Despite far from optimizing device structure (lack of a gate switch transistor for each pixel and non-ideal electrical cross-talk within each row of the 64 pixels), the HGFET imager successfully captured the “PKU” pattern (Fig. 4f) at a low power density (100 nW/cm²), demonstrating the potential of HGFET for high sensitivity.
We performed benchmarking tests for our HGFET detector using commercial photodiodes and other thin-film-based infrared photodetectors, focusing on important metrics such as specific detectivity and speed. In Fig. 5a, the wavelength-dependent D* characteristics of our HGFET device are compared with those of InGaAs photodiodes (from Thorlabs and Hamamatsu) and Ge photodiodes (from Thorlabs) measured under identical setup and conditions. The HGFET achieved a peak D* that exceeded 1014 Jones, which is nearly two orders of magnitude greater than that of InGaAs photodiodes. This is the highest reported peak D* for thin-film-based photodetectors in the SWIR range, facilitating detection under moonlight and even starlight conditions, as depicted in Fig. 5b and detailed in Table S234, 35. Moreover, the sensitivity of HGFETs can be substantially improved by optimizing the EQE of the CQD heterojunction and enhancing the gate efficiency of the FET; thus, it is possible to approach the fundamental limits defined by the signal fluctuation limit (SFL) and background limited infrared photodetection (BLIP) of approximately 1018 Jones at 1300 nm5.
Similar to all reported electrical devices with internal gain17, a trade-off occurs between the gain (G) and bandwidth in photodetectors, including the HGFET, and the gain-bandwidth (GBW) product is the key metric for characterizing the comprehensive performance in terms of the sensitivity and speed of a photodetector with gain. Figure 5c presents the GBWs of five typical detectors with different architectures, including photoconductors36, photodiodes18, 34, APDs26, 27, photogating devices12, and HGFETs. A maximum GBW of 15.5 GHz was achieved in the HGFET with randomly oriented CNT films, which outperforms all reported thin-film-based infrared detectors and InGaAs PIN diodes13, 18, 25, 28 (Fig. S20). With the much higher carrier mobility than randomly oriented CNT film, aligned semiconducting CNT films have been considered as a superior semiconducting channel in constructing FETs with high gm and speed38. Thus, the HGFET based on aligned CNTs exhibits a GBW of up to 69.2 THz alongside a D* of 6.7×1013 Jones (Figs. S20 and S21) and far exceeds that of all existing infrared detectors, including the latest advanced APD devices13, 26, 27. This outstanding GBW performance of the HGFET primarily results from the physical mechanism of opto-electric decoupling, specifically rapid photocarrier separation facilitated by the built-in potential, ultrafast electrostatic coupling, swift charge transport within the CNT channel, and excellent signal amplification capability of the CNT FET.
Opto-electrical decoupling enables HGFETs provide greater controllability and can help alleviate trade-offs between photon absorption and electrical noise, as well as between gain and response speed. Excellent optical and electrical properties can be achieved simultaneously in one device by employing two solution-processed semiconductors rather than relying on single-crystalline materials that necessitate precise lattice matching; this process may promote the monolithic integration of HGFET detector arrays with silicon ROICs through a back end of line (BEOL)-compatible process. Furthermore, HGFETs can replace the light absorber and serve as a versatile platform for photodetection across various wavelength bands; thus, the detector can be adapted to different optical applications.