Knockout of the KanR cassette in JS0135ΔnanH::KanR
Considering the potential resistance to the knockout of endogenous genes, we first attempted to knock out the exogenous KanR gene in JS0135. Compared to the parent strain JS0135ΔnanH::KanR, the KanR knockout strain did not exhibit growth defects and was more suitable for subsequent mutant screening. Therefore, we used a more efficient natural transformation method, as described above, to replace the nanH gene with KanR in the G. parasuis strain JS0135, and we obtained the marked mutant JS0135ΔnanH::KanR.
To knock out the KanR gene, the donor plasmid pSHG5-ΔnanH carrying the homologous arms of nanH was electroporated into JS0135ΔnanH::KanR. However, JS0135 has strong resistance to electroporation due to its abundant restriction-modification systems, which results in the generation of only one transformant without recombination after multiple attempts (Fig. 1a and b). Notably, the colonies grew better at 37°C, but the temperature-sensitive plasmid pSHG5-ΔnanH was fully functional below 31°C. To meet different temperatures, after being incubated for 2 days on gentamicin TSA plates at 37°C, the transformants were streaked on fresh gentamicin TSA plates and cultured alternately at 37°C and 30°C for one passage (24–48 h). Newly grown single colonies were picked and cultured in the same way for another generation; after five generations, we found that most of the colonies exhibited multiple genotypes (Fig. 1c). The bands seen in the gel can be interpreted as four genotypes of JS0135 mutants: the 3239 bp band corresponded to the genotype of the parent strain (ΔnanH::KanR) without recombination; the 2330 bp band corresponded to the genotype of the knockout mutant (ΔnanH) resulting from double crossover with the parent strain; and the 6650/10061 bp bands corresponded to the single/twice crossover genotype where the plasmid could integrate into the parent strain genome via the upstream or downstream homologous arms (Fig. 1a and c). Interestingly, a faint band near the single crossover band (6650 bp) was found after inverting the image colors, which was speculated to correspond to plasmid integration into the knockout mutant genome (Fig. S2).
To further screen for the knockout mutant, we selected colony No. 4, which showed a relatively bright band for the double-crossover genotype. Following inoculation into gentamicin-free TSB and culture to the logarithmic growth phase, the cells were spread on gentamicin-free TSA plates at 42°C. Finally, we successfully isolated KanR knockout colonies as the only genotype; 90% of the colonies exhibited the KanR cassette knockout genotype (Fig. 1d). The double and single crossover PCR fragments were purified and identified through Sanger sequencing (Fig. 1e and Fig. S3).
Figure 1. Knockout of the KanR cassette from the marked mutant JS0135ΔnanH::KanR. (a) Schematic diagram illustrated the process for generating the marker-free mutant JS0135ΔnanH from the marked mutant JS0135ΔnanH::KanR. SCO, the single crossover genotype with one entire plasmid integrated into the genome. (b) Only one transformant grew, and PCR analysis using primers nanH-F1/R1 flanking the upstream and downstream homologous arms of nanH (3239 bp) showed that this transformant had no genotype change compared to JS0135ΔnanH::KanR. The nanH knockout mutant, CF7066ΔnanH-N, was generated by the NgAgo gene deletion system and served as the positive control. C, negative control. (c) Multiple genotypes (2330, 3239, 6650, and 10061 bp) were observed in progeny colonies after culturing alternately at 30°C and 37°C for five generations and were then screened by colony PCR analysis. Colony No. 4 was selected to culture at 42°C for two passages using the process described above. (d) The marker-free nanH knockout mutants (2330 bp) were detected in 90.0% (18/20) of colonies. (e) Sanger sequencing was conducted to confirm the antibiotic-resistance marker had been eliminated.
Knockout of the nanH gene in wild-type CF7066
A previous study by our laboratory failed to screen mutants at 30°C based on a traditional temperature-sensitive plasmid method (unpublished). However, this time, we successfully screened the mutants and observed many recombinant genotypes. We speculated that the key to the success of this method was the alternate culture temperature of the transformants. To further confirm that alternating culture temperatures at 37°C and 30°C contributed to the accumulation of recombinants, we electroporated CF7066 with the pSHG5-ΔnanH plasmid and cultured it on gentamicin plates at 37°C/30°C, with alternating temperatures every 12 hours. Among 21 transformants picked randomly, colonies No. 1 and 14 had a single crossover genotype (5929 bp), and the other transformants were wild type (2518 bp) (Fig. 2a and b).
As expected, colony No. 1 (Fig. 2b), which was subjected to alternating streaking at 37°C and 30°C, gave rise to the nanH knockout genotype (1610 bp) eight passages later (Fig. 2c). Colony No. 21 (Fig. 2c) showed that the brightest band corresponding to the ΔnanH genotype was further cultured, and the nanH knockout colonies were successfully isolated using the method described above (Fig. 2d). As a result, the nanH knockout genotype was found in 7.6% (8/105) of the colonies (Fig. 2d and Fig. S4). Sanger sequencing confirmed the knockout of nanH (Fig. 2e).
Most colonies in the CF7066ΔnanH screen showed restoration of the wild-type genotype (Fig. 2d and Fig. S4), in contrast to those in the JS0135ΔnanH generation, in which most colonies exhibited the knockout genotype (Fig. 1d). This may be due to the growth advantage conferred by the dominant genotype: JS0135ΔnanH was the dominant growth strain compared to JS0135ΔnanH::KanR because the expression of KanR had no effect on its growth on nonselective plates but only increased the growth burden; similarly, due to the lack of nanH, which may play an essential role in strain metabolism, CF7066 was the dominant growth strain compared to CF7066ΔnanH. During the subculture process, this growth advantage continued to increase.
Open reading frame (ORF) knockout contributes to the screening of mutants
To further confirm our hypothesis, we attempted to knock out the apd gene of CF7066 using the same method. To avoid difficulties in screening knockout colonies due to growth disadvantages, we improved the design of the donor plasmid pSHG5-Δapd by placing the upstream and downstream homologous arms outside the ORF of apd. In this way, even if the transformant undergoes gene recombination resulting in the knockout of apd in the genome, the protein Apd can still be expressed from the plasmid.
The plasmid pSHG5-Δapd was then electroporated into CF7066 and cultured on gentamicin plates at 37°C. Among the 22 transformants tested by colony PCR analysis, 21 produced a band corresponding to the wild-type genome (3958 bp). However, colony No. 17 produced a band indicative of the knockout genotype (1448 bp; Fig. 3a and b). After streaking this transformant on gentamicin-free plates at 42°C for one passage, seven progeny colonies were identified as the apd knockout genotype (Fig. 3c). Subsequently, colony No. 8 was streaked on gentamicin-free plates at 42°C for a second passage, and the apd knockout genotype appeared in 100% of the progeny colonies tested (Fig. 3d and Fig. S5). Sanger sequencing was performed to further confirm the deletion of apd (Fig. 3e).
During the process, the plasmid genotypes of the transformants were also detected by PCR using primers targeting the plasmid backbone that flanked the upstream and downstream homologous arms of apd (Fig. 3a). Of the 22 transformants tested, 14 contained pSHG5-Δapd carrying the deleted apd allele (1130 bp), while six possessed the plasmid carrying the wild-type apd allele (3660 bp) (Fig. 3b). This result suggested that it might be necessary to examine the homology arms on the plasmid in the primary transformants to ensure that it has not been swapped with the genome. After colony No. 8 was cultured on gentamicin-free plates for one passage, 72.7% of the progeny colonies were cured (Fig. 3c and Fig. 3d). Compared to the previous two mutants JS0135ΔnanH and CF7066ΔnanH, the screening of CF7066Δapd required only two passages, which considerably reduced the time required for mutant construction.
Biological characteristics of the three mutants
Target gene knockout was confirmed through Western blotting. In the wild-type strains JS0135 and CF7066, NanH expression was detectable but absent in the JS0135ΔnanH and CF7066ΔnanH knockout mutants (Fig. 4a and b). Similarly, Apd was expressed in the wild-type CF7066 strain but not in the mutant CF7066Δapd strain (Fig. 4c). These results provided further evidence that the TS plasmid-based procedure generated marker-free deletion mutants of G. parasuis.
The phenotype, growth and adhesion of the strains were also detected. The growth curve presented in Fig. 4d shows that the deletion of apd had no significant effect on the growth of CF7066, but the deletion of nanH significantly inhibited the growth of CF7066 and JS0135. Furthermore, the deletion of apd led to a significant improvement in the bacterial adhesion rate of CF7066 compared to that of the wild-type strain, while the absence of nanH in CF7066 and JS0135 did not result in any obvious differences compared to that in their respective wild-type strains (Fig. 4e). This could be attributed to the diverse roles of nanH and apd in bacterial biological functions, which is worthy of further exploration. Moreover, the differences in growth trends among the mutants may be one of the reasons why apd could be knocked out more quickly and easily than nanH.
Plasmid copy number significantly affects the expression of recombination-related proteins
The optimal temperature for G. parasuis growth and DNA replication is approximately 37°C, rather than 30°C. Therefore, we speculated that 37°C may be more conducive to homologous DNA recombination. We first evaluated the expression of recombinant genes (recA, recB, recC, recD, and ruvA) in wild-type CF7066 at 30°C and 37°C by RT‒qPCR, and the results revealed minimal differences in the expression of each gene at different temperatures (Fig. 5a). However, in the transformant CF7066 (pSHG5-Δapd), the expression of each recombinant gene was significantly upregulated at 30°C (Fig. 5b). Specifically, the expression of recC was the most obviously upregulated, which was approximately 7 times greater than that at 37°C (Fig. 5b). Moreover, the RT‒qPCR results of the bacterial solution indicated that the plasmid copy number at 30°C was more than twice that at 37°C (Fig. 5c). This suggested that the plasmid copy number was greater at 30°C, resulting in greater expression of the recombinant genes. However, the slow growth of colonies at 30°C is not conducive to recombination, and our previous study had never successfully screened mutants at 30°C. In the window of temperature alternation, a high copy number of plasmids induces high expression of recombination-related genes, while bacterial chromosomes maintain efficient replication; therefore, DNA recombination is more likely to occur during temperature alternation.