The current systematic review was conducted to determine the most common exercise characteristics used in CR programmes and investigate the effect of exercise-based and multicomponent CR programmes in patients with AF while considering the influence of possible moderating variables such as AF type and exercise characteristics (e.g., modality and intensity). Most of the studies performed aerobic exercise as training modality and used MIE as the aerobic exercise method, while the effect of combined exercise has been poorly investigated. In addition, none of the included studies performed resistance exercise. The results showed that aerobic exercise, performed alone or combined with other interventions (i.e., multicomponent programmes), is suitable for improving VO2 peak in patients with permanent and non-permanent AF. Interestingly, we also found that MIE reduces resting HR in patients with permanent AF, while no differences were found, regardless of the aerobic exercise intensity (i.e., MIE and HIIE), in patients with non-permanent AF. By contrast, it appears that CR programmes do not increase the distance covered in the 6MWT or the QoL to a greater extent than usual care in patients with AF. Our findings also elucidated that very few studies have investigated the effect of CR programmes on AF burden and symptoms, and their results are controversial. In addition, only one study investigated the influence of exercise modality and two the influence of aerobic exercise intensity. The results showed no influence of these variables on the exercise-induced effect in patients with AF.
The finding that aerobic exercise increases VO2 peak in patients with AF is consistent with previous reviews and meta-analyses [23, 26–28, 54, 55]. Additionally, the improvement of 4.55 and 1.60 ml/kg/min found in patients with permanent and non-permanent AF, respectively, exceed the clinically meaningful change for patients with cardiovascular disease (1 ml/kg/min or 10%) Kitzman et al. [56]. This is particularly relevant considering that patients with AF experience reduced physical capacity compared to the general population and undergo a more rapid physical decline with age [57]. For every 1 ml/min/kg increase in VO2 there is a relative risk reduction of 9% of all-cause mortality (HR 0.91; [95% CI, 0.87–0.95]) [58]. The results of our meta-analysis would imply a mortality risk reduction of 40.95% and 14.4% in patients with permanent and non-permanent AF, respectively. Regarding the mechanisms of VO2 peak increase, there is evidence showing that aerobic exercise ameliorates both central (e.g., cardiac function) and peripheral (e.g., endothelial function) impairments which, in turn, improves VO2 peak. We hypothesise that the higher improvement found in patients with permanent AF could be explained by differences in the mechanisms underlying the improvement in VO2 peak and by the fact that patients with permanent AF, generally, have lower baseline VO2 compared to those with non-permanent AF, providing them with a larger margin for improvement [59]. We expected the opposite results, in which patients with non-permanent AF have greater exercise modifications. The intermittent nature of paroxysmal AF, might allow better cardiovascular adaptation during periods of sinus rhythm. In contrast, patients with permanent AF have a persistently irregular heart rate and more pronounced hemodynamic consequences, such as reduced stroke volume and altered ventricular filling, potentially limiting their ability to achieve exercise capacity improvements [60]. Nonetheless, only one study that evaluated the effect of exercise on VO2 peak in patients with permanent AF was included in the present review [31]. Future experimental studies are needed to confirm our preliminary findings.
Contrary to the improved VO2 peak, we observed no exercise-induced effect on exercise capacity when measured by the distance covered in the 6MWT, which is unexpected given previous systematic reviews and meta-analyses [23, 26–28, 54, 55, 61]. In the pooled analysis, Smart et al. [28] found a significant improvement in the 6MWT of 46.93 m in the exercise versus control group (95% CI 26.44 to 67.42; p < 0.001, I2 = 66%). This finding exceeded the minimal clinically important difference of 41.8 m for patient with AF [62]. These differences could be attributed to the fact that Smart et al. [28] included a broader range of physical activities in their definition of exercise-based CR, which encompassed yoga, Pilates, Tai Chi, hydrotherapy, functional electrical stimulation, and inspiratory muscle training. Additionally, the most recent Cochrane review on the topic provided evidence indicating that exercise-based CR increased the 6MWT, albeit with high heterogeneity [55]. The significant heterogeneity observed among the studies included in our review may account for the absence of improvement in 6MWT. Nonetheless, although the 6MWT did not show significant differences, VO2 peak remains the standard method for measuring functional capacity in the clinical setting [63].
Our meta-analysis revealed a reduction in resting HR in patients with AF. Notably, this reduction was statistically significant only in patients with permanent AF, where it could hold a greater significance given that rate control stands as the primary treatment approach for this subgroup. Therefore, CR programs could serve as an effective tool for rate control in patients with AF, reducing the dependency on medical treatment [5, 64]. Such a decrease in resting HR could also translate into enhanced QoL and reduced mortality [65]. Past studies have demonstrated a J-shaped relationship between HR and mortality in AF patients, with elevated HR correlating with increased mortality rates [66]. These results are in line with previous reviews [26, 28, 54]. Ortega-Moral et al. [26] also found a significant reduction in resting HR only in patients with permanent AF. However, the magnitude of the effect found in our study (reduction of up to 12 beats per minute), is higher than previous evidence. The meta-analysis of Smart et al. [28] found a reduction in resting HR of 4.61 beats per minute (95% CI − 7.42 to − 1.80; p = 0.001). The mechanisms contributing to improved ventricular rate control through exercise are likely associated with increased cardiac parasympathetic activity by enhancing vagus nerve stimulation [67, 68]. Most patients with AF have relatively high sympathetic tone, which makes the atrium more susceptible to AF. Regular physical exercise on a non-elite level reverses the autonomic balance towards a stronger parasympathetic tone, improving rhythm regulation and reducing the burden of AF. We were unable to analyse other pertinent outcomes such as HR reserve (difference between resting and maximum HR) [31, 42] or the HR recovery at 1 min [31], due to the limited number of studies reporting these variables. A reduced HR reserve in patients with permanent AF, managed with a strict rate-control strategy, is associated with an increased risk of hospitalisation for HF [69].
The majority of studies included in our review did not find a significant reduction in AF burden in the exercise group [70, 71]. This contrasts with previous research [55]. A recent study found that a 1-hour reduction in daily physical activity over the past week increased the likelihood of AF onset the next day by 24%, indicating a potential acute protective effect of regular activity against AF [72]. Reducing AF burden could impact patients’ symptoms, but also, reduce the risk of stroke, HF and mortality [73]. A possible explanation for these conflicting findings may be the lack of consensus on the definition and measurement of AF burden. AF burden has been defined in many different ways, such as the duration of the longest AF episode, the number of AF episodes or beats during a certain monitoring period or the percentage of time an individual is in AF during a monitoring period and can be measured by single electrocardiograms, Holter monitoring or continuous loop recorders [73]. Longer monitoring systems increase the likelihood of AF detection. Out of the three controlled studies that measure AF burden in our review, only one used an implantable loop recorder [43], the others utilised 48 h-Holter monitoring [43, 52]. Exercise training did reduce AF burden in the study that used continuous ambulatory monitoring [43]. These results are consistent with a recent systematic review and meta-analysis [25]. Notably, one study even reported an increase in AF burden with exercise compared to the non-exercise group, as assessed by Holter monitoring and AFSS score [52]. Despite this, the same study observed a reduction in AF burden when using the physician-reported CCS-SAF score. The authors hypothesise that the lack of improvement in AF burden may be attributable to the absence of significant weight loss among participants. Despite these results, we found no substantial evidence supporting the concern that exercise might increases AF burden, based on the increased incidence of AF among elite athletes [74].
Only one study included in our review evaluated the effects of exercise after catheter ablation and showed no statistically significant differences in AF recurrence between the CR and usual care group (RR 0.83; 95% CI, 0.33 to 2.10) [47]. These results contrast with recent clinical trials suggesting that physical activity could increase the success rate of ablation, which continues to have a high recurrence rate of up to 20–30%. The ARREST-AF trial demonstrated that exercise, accompanied by weight loss and aggressive risk factor management before initial catheter ablation, improved the long-term maintenance of sinus rhythm over a 3- to 4-year follow-up period in patients with AF who underwent radiofrequency ablation [75]. In addition, the LEGACY trial showed that long-term sustained weight loss, combining exercise and a nutritional program, was also associated with maintenance of sinus rhythm [71].
Unlike the previous literature, we found no significant effect of exercise for enhancing QoL [23, 26–28, 54, 55, 61]. Improving the QoL for patients with AF is vital, considering the significant impact this condition has on morbidity. Individuals with AF experience a lower QoL compared to healthy individuals and, in some cases, may even have a worse QoL than those recovering from myocardial infarction. A possible explanation for the results of the present study could be attributed to the use of various QoL questionnaires among the included studies. The optimal tool for assessing QoL in patients with AF remains uncertain. The use of generic QoL questionnaires like the SF-36 has drawn criticism because they may lack the sensitivity needed to capture AF-specific symptoms and the unique barriers faced by these individuals [76].
In recent years, there has been a growing interest in the potential advantages of HIIE compared to MIE in AF, owing to its promising outcomes in other cardiovascular conditions [77, 78]. However, we encountered a scarcity of studies assessing the impact of exercise intensity in AF patients, leading to inconclusive findings. Both studies included in our review found no differences in functional capacity, resting HR or QoL between the HIIE and MIE groups [30, 45]. Favouring HIIE, Reed et al. [54] reported a significant improvement in QoL, specifically in the "mental health" subscale of the SF-36, in the HIIE group, consistent with prior evidence. Martland et al. [24] in their meta-review of HIIE outcomes, observed similar trends, with around 25% of patients with cardiometabolic disorders experiencing enhancements in general and disease-specific QoL following HIIE compared to controls [79]. Nonetheless, Reed et al. [30], also observed a significant increase in AF burden and symptoms in the HIIE group. Concerns about the potential of HIIE to increase AF risk have persisted over the years and are rooted in research demonstrating elevated AF rates among athletes [74]. However, this result was not supported by Skielboe et al. [45], who reported no significant differences in AF burden between the HIIE and LIE group. It is worth noting that Skielboe et al. [45]'s definition of HIIE deviates from the standard protocol, as their exercise prescription began with MIE and only progressed to HIIE towards the end of the intervention. Additionally, due to a potential selection bias favouring participants interested in physical activity, the authors encountered challenges in controlling the amount and intensity of exercise in the LIE group, possibly resulting in smaller differences between the two aerobic exercise protocols than anticipated. In fact, both groups achieved the same physiological effect from the exercise intervention (VO2 peak). In summary, to date, there is no evidence either supporting or opposing HIIE over MIE. With comparable enhancements in functional capacity and resting HR, HIIE offers the added benefit of being more time-efficient. Lack of time continues to be one of the most common obstacles to regular exercise adherence [80].
Only two studies performed combined exercise training programs [47, 53]. Of which, one study, investigated the influence of the exercise modality on outcomes [53]. Borland et al. [53] compared CE with aerobic MIE training in 80 patients with permanent AF. They found no differences in QoL between the two exercise modalities, except for a significant improvement in the “role physical” subscale of the SF-36 questionnaire in the CE group. This contrasts with Shi et al. [27] who demonstrated that aerobic exercise significantly improved QoL compared to CE. Contrary to Borland et al. [53], Shi et al. [27] included yoga and Qigong as part of the aerobic exercise interventions, which incorporate meditation, consciousness and breathing exercises as part of the practice. These components alone, have shown to enhance QoL, potentially accounting for the differences observed [81]. Although Borland et al. [53] found no differences in QoL between CE and aerobic exercise, they did observe greater muscle strength and improvement in exercise capacity measured with the maximum workload achieved in a cycloergometer in the CE compared to the MIE aerobic exercise (18% vs -3% W; p < .0001). Although these variables were not included as outcomes in our review, we find it interesting to mention them because they suggest CE could be a complementary tool for patients with AF. Clinically relevant and significant increases in muscle strength and power are important to maintain physical independence and consequently improve QoL [82].
Finally, our findings align with the most recent 2023 ACC guidelines for the management of AF, which recommend moderate-to-vigorous aerobic exercise training to a target of 210 minutes per week to reduce AF symptoms and burden, increase maintenance of sinus rhythm, increase functional capacity, and improve QoL [64]. However, only one study in our review meets this 210-minute-per-week target Borland et al. [53], indicating that even shorter weekly exercise durations may still offer benefits for these patients.
4.4. Strengths and limitations
To the best of our knowledge, this is the first systematic review and meta-analysis that address the effect of exercise on AF burden and symptoms. Additionally, the effect of exercise has been studied considering the influence of training variables, such as the aerobic exercise method or exercise modality. In this regard, studies were carefully classified based on the exercise intervention characteristics, regardless of the definition given by the authors in the study. Besides, studies conducting other type of physical therapies (e.g., yoga and inspiratory muscle training) were excluded to diminish intervention heterogeneity. Finally, we have also taken into account the influence of the type of AF on the exercise-induced effect, which had not been addressed previously. On the other hand, some limitations need to be highlighted. Firstly, the number of studies included was low, which prevented us from conducting meta-analysis of variables such as AF burden and symptoms. Secondly, the results of subgroup analyses should be interpreted with caution due to the low number of included studies. Thirdly, there is inconsistency in the definition of training programmes across the studies included in our review; for instance, some studies describe their interventions as HIIE but do not conform to the standard HIIE protocols. Finally, the influence of other potential moderator variables was not tested.