Cambium activity and weather conditions
The seasons of 2001 and 1999 years were considerably differed by temperature and precipitations from the average data for region weather conditions and, in particularly, by summer-weather conditions. In 2001 year the high temperature was noted in June (daytime was up to 30°C) and low temperature in July. The average monthly temperature in June 2001 was higher by 4ºС and in July was less than by 1.5º C in comparison with 1999 year. Furthermore, abundant precipitation was observed in July (247 mm) and August (80 mm) of 2001 year against 146 mm (July) and 49 mm (August) in 1999 year, while average monthly precipitations in June were practically equal (59 and 61). Fig.1 shows the differences in temperature and precipitation in the periods of 1999 and 2001 years.
Fig 1 The changes in temperature and precipitation in separate periods of 1999 (A) and 2001 (B) years
The cambial activity, assessed by the number of cambial initial cell division into the side of xylem and/or phloem, and biomass accumulation, evaluated by the increment of cell wall cross-section area, in 2001 year are shown in Fig. 2.
Fig. 2 The dynamics of cambial activity as the number of cambium initial cell division into the side of xylem and/or phloem and of the increment of cell wall cross-section area (S increment) in the separate periods of 2001 year
On the Fig. 2 (and further) the production of xylem and phloem cells by cambium are shown with the first decade of June. However, obviously, that the cambium reactivation occurred in the first/second decade of May. At this time mean daytime temperature changed from 8 to 14°C. Daily temperature above a threshold value of 5°C is enough to the outset of cambial activity in P. sylvestris (Seo et al. 2008). In conifers such as Larix decidua, Pinus cembra and P. abies, cambial activity and xylem differentiation occurred above a certain threshold value of mean daily temperature, which ranged from 5.6◦ to 8.5°C (Rossi et al. 2007, 2008). Threshold temperatures appear to differ among species even when trees grow under the same climatic conditions (Begum et al. 2013). According to our observations the optimal day temperature for cambial cell division in Scots pine stem is 18◦-20◦C (Antonova and Stasova 1993, 2015). The favorable temperature at the beginning-June in 2001 year (17◦-18◦C) and the sufficiency of soil moisture, accumulated within the winter-spring period, leaded to the intensive divisions of cambial initials both into the side of xylem and phloem (Fig. 2). The increase in mean daily air temperature up to T=21.7◦C and day temperature to 30◦C in the second decade of June (Fig. 1) provoked the sharp reduction in the activity of the cambium (Fig. 2). The increase in temperature influences especially negatively on the production of phloem cells. The temperature higher 15ºC suppresses the division of cambium cells into the side of phloem (Antonova and Stasova 2015; Antonova et al. 2017). The increasing in maximum daytime temperature to 27◦-29◦C and significant reduction in precipitation in the last decade of June decreased sharply the production of phloem and xylem cells produced by cambium (Fig. 2). Great number of precipitation at the beginning of July (Fig. 1) stimulated the divisions of initials to the phloem side. The last phloem derivatives of cambium appeared in the middle of August.
Especially active divisions of cambium into the side of xylem occurred in the beginning- June, in July and at the beginning-August in 2001 year, whereas in 1999 year this was observed in June and August. The significant activity of cambium at the beginning-June of 2001 year was due to moderate temperature and moisture sufficiency in the soil, accumulated within the winter-spring period. At the beginning-July, the activity of cambium increased because of the heavy precipitation and the favorable temperature, when daily temperature was not more then 21◦-22◦C. It is important because the temperature 20◦-25°C is optimal for plasmatic transport (Carr 1976; Gamalei et al. 1996). The favorable combination of the moisture (heavy precipitation of previous and subsequent periods) and optimal temperature in the end-July - the beginning-August of 2001 year leaded to the increase in xylem cells produced by the cambium.
The combination of the factors had the decisive influence on the division of cambial initials into xylem side in the different seasonal periods. On entire season of 2001 year the production of xylem cells by cambium showed the weak positive connection with the temperature (R2=0.25, P<0.05), while in July and August the dependence was rather strong (R2= 0.84, P<0.001). In July, this occurred because of very large precipitation, in August due to lower temperature. In balsam fir in the Québec boreal forest (Canada) the influence of temperature on tracheid production was recorded mainly from the end of May to mid-July during earlywood production (Deslauriers and Morin 2005).
The phloem in comparison with the xylem had negative correlation with temperature. In drought conditions of 1999 year the influence of temperature on the division of cambial initials into phloem side was negative with R2=0.48 at P<0,05 (Suvorova et al. 2015; Antonova et al. 2017), whereas in the season of 2001 year that was obscure because of the precipitation, especially in July. Smaller dependence of phloem formation on environmental factors and mostly influence by endogenous factors were remarked (Gričar and Čufar 2008; Fajstavr et al. 2020). According to (Fajstavr et al., 2020) the phloem tissue is less sensitive to exogenous factors. In pine stems the initiation of phloem production by cambium occurs at lower temperature compared with xylem cells (Astrakhantseva and Antonova 2011; Swidrak et al. 2014).
The daytime and nighttime temperatures in separate seasonal periods influence the cambial cell division into xylem or phloem sides also differently. According to the correlation coefficients the cambial cells in June were divided mainly into phloem side in nighttime (R2=0.37, P<0.05), while xylem cell production was practically absent (R2=0.015, P<0.05). In July it was daytime temperature that affects mainly the cambial cells division towards xylem (R2=0.91 against R2= 0.64 for phloem cell production). In August, the temperature of the day and especially of the night influenced xylem cell production positively. Obviously, such differences depend on the changes in water reserves within tree tissues, what in turn depends on the air temperature, transpiration and quantity of moisture in tree tissues and soil (Kaybijanen et al. 1981; Schulze et al. 1985; Oberhuber et al. 2015), i.e. from water potential gradient in tree tissues.
The water gradient potential in tree tissues has decisive significance for cambial cell division and, especially, for xylem cambial derivatives by expansion (Nonami and Bouer 1990; Cosgrove 1997). In the conditions of 2001 year, the division of cambium cells occurred up to mid-August (Fig. 2). The cells, formed by cambium in May and June developed secondary wall thickening in the middle-June and in July, forming early xylem layer (Antonova and Stasova 1993, 2015). The tracheids, produced by cambium during July, passed then the development as latewood tracheids. In Eastern Siberia, especially under the conditions of insufficient moisture, cambium activity is completed, as a rule, at the beginning-middle of August. The precipitation in August and favorable temperature can provoke a renewal of cambial activity and primary cell wall development, what leads to the formation of the cells with large radial diameters, i.e. an appearance of the false-rings in annual wood layer. For example, such earlywood-like tracheids were remarked in the latewood zone of Pinus pinea L. annual rings (Balzano et al. 2018).
In June of 2001 year the precipitation positively influenced the division of cambial initial cells into the xylem side (R2=0.34, P<0.05). In July this connection increased (R2=0.45, P<0.05) and in August reached yet more high level (R2=0.6, P<0.05). In last case, the connection was described more adequately by polynomial equation according to which the optimal daily temperature for xylem cell production by cambium is 14-15◦C with precipitation in 50-60 mm.
The drought leads to the changes in hydraulic properties of formed wood and the reduction annual ring increment (McDowell 2011; Deslauriers et al. 2014). Strong dependence of radial growth in Pinus sylvestris trees on summer drought was recorded in the forest-steppe ecotones in southern Siberia (Tabakova et al. 2020). Secondary growth in Mediterranean conifer (Pinus pinaster) along a continental-aridity gradient responded mainly to water availability and explained as much as 64.7% of variance for earlywood growth (Arzac et al., 2018). In dry areas such as the Mediterranean region the drought conditions may arise not only as result from a lack of rainfall but also from high temperature, what leads to vapor pressure deficit (Williams et al. 2012) and, consequently, to water potential change. The drought induces many physiological, biochemical processes in developing plant cells and, as consequence, their morphological changes. Meta-analysis of plant response on water stress showed the increasing in reactive oxygen species (ROS), changes in enzymatic and non-enzymatic antioxidants (Sun et al. 2020). The water availability influences the dynamics and structure of lignin during earlywood and latewood tracheid development (Antonova et al. 2019).
Cambium activity and gas exchange
Cambium activity and photosynthesis
The relationship between photosynthesis, total respiration and the production of xylem and phloem cells by cambium in separate seasonal periods in 2001 year are shown in Fig. 3.
Fig. 3 The dynamics of cambial activity as the number of initial cell divisions into the sides of phloem and/or xylem and the changes in photosynthesis and total respiration in separate periods of 2001 year
During the whole season the production of xylem derivatives by the cambium had rather weak positive connection with photosynthesis (R2=0.21, P<0.05). However, in separate months the relations were different. In June and July it was implicit or negative, while in August the dependence was strengthened significantly (R2=0.42, P<0.05). Evidently, the connection between photosynthesis and cambial cell division into xylem side depended on both internal and external factors. In June and July, the negative correlation can be because of high daytime temperature, which suppresses photosynthesis. In August the temperature was favorable for photosynthesis but there was other center, requiring assimilates. In that period, the active synthesis of the substances into latewood tracheid secondary walls occurred and there was a tension in the consumption of photoassimilates.
The connection between the division of cambial cells into phloem side and photosynthesis must be positive since phloem cells ensure the transport of the products of photosynthesis. However, straight connection between these indices for whole season was practically absent, although reliable nonlinear dependence was observed (R2=0.32, P<0.05). As mentioned above the optimal temperature for cambium activity to the side of phloem cells is 15oC (Antonova and Stasova 2015). In June of 2001 year, especially in the third decade, the connection between photosynthesis and cambial activity into phloem side was negative (R2=0.24, P<0.01) because of high temperature (Fig. 1B). The same negative connection (R2=0.48, P<0.05) was observed also in the weather conditions of 1999 year, what depended on moisture accessibility and especially of temperature (Antonova et al. 2017). At the beginning-July in 2001 year, the large precipitation and daytime temperature decrease provided favorable conditions for photosynthesis and accordingly for the division of cambial initials into phloem side (Fig. 3). This leaded to the increase of the number of cells in the transport network and, as consequences, to intensification of the flow of photosynthesis products. In this time the straight reliable positive dependence (R2=0.96, P<0.001) was between the division of the cambial initials into the phloem side and photosynthesis. Cell division and the growth by expansion require a certain level of water potential (Nonami and Bouer 1990; Cosgrove 1997; Antonova and Stasova 1993, 2015). The direct effect of water potential on turgor-driven cell expansion has recently been showed (Cabon et al. 2020).
All data show the relationship between photosynthesis and xylem/phloem cell production by cambium depends on the combination of temperature and precipitation.
Cambium activity and Respiration
The data on the respiratory activity in Scots pine tree stem and the dynamics of cambial cell divisions into the side of xylem and/or phloem are shown in Fig. 3.
The total respiration throughout the growing season 2001 year had rather low positive connection (R2=0.12, P<0.05) with initial cambium cell division into xylem side. Positive linear relationship between mean monthly growth respiration in the growing season and diameter growth rate (i.e. cell production by cambium and cell expansion) has been found in Scots pine trees in boreal conditions (Zabuga and Zabuga 1985; Zagirova and Kuzin 1998; Zha et al. 2004). There are different correlation levels between the respiration and cambium activity in the separate seasonal periods, as and in the case with photosynthesis. In June and in July the correlation was negative (R2=0.48, P<0.05), whereas in August it was positive with R2=0.78 (P<0.001). Very strong dependence between the number of living xylem cells and CO2 efflux in August existed in Pinus cembra L. in the Central Austrian Alps although the cambium activity stopped (Gruber et al. 2009). In Eastern Siberia conditions, the cambium divisions continued to the end of August (Fig. 2). In this period, secondary wall thickening of latewood tracheids occurred and it lasted until second decade of September. This process in Eastern Siberia usually is completed to this time. The biomass deposition in cell walls of annual wood rings requires significant energy for synthesis of cell wall components. Evidently, that the high level of CO2-efflux in August (Fig. 3) reflects not only respiratory expenditures for xylem cell production by cambium (and radial growth) but mainly for the synthesis of components within late tracheid secondary walls, the thickness of which considerably more than that of earlywood cells.
The relation between the respiration and cambial cell divisions into the phloem side throughout the growing season was slightly positive (R2=0.16, P<0.05). According to the data of Ryan (1990), the living phloem cells in P. contorta and P. cembra consisted only 7% of whole stem and did not have significant contribution in CO2 efflux during the growing season. However, in the conditions of cold climate, when the number of phloem cells in annual increment increased as it observed in north territories (Stockfors and Linder 1998; Gričar and Čufar 2008; Astrakhantseva and Antonova 2011) the connection between respiration and phloem cell production by cambium was strengthened.
Biomass deposition of and gas exchange
Deposition of biomass and photosynthesis
The basic biomass of annual wood increment is accumulated in secondary walls of tracheids. Primary walls of tracheids, produced by cambium, contain 7-8% of total biomass accumulated in annual layer of wood during vegetation (Grozdits and Ifju 1984). In the conditions of Eastern Siberia the annual wood ring formation in Scots pine stem lasted from the beginning/middle of May to the end/middle of September with variation of the beginning and finishing in the dependence on air temperature. The deposition of substances in earlywood tracheid walls lasted usually during June to the end-July, while that in latewood tracheid walls lasted from the outset of July to the middle/end-September (Antonova and Stasova 1993, 1997). In the walls of earlywood tracheids, the biomass is less than in the latewood cells that directly depends on the duration of cell development in the zone of cell maturation (Antonova and Stasova 1992, 2015).
In the season of 2001 year the development of early tracheids (growth expansion and secondary wall thickening) occurred from the last decade-May to the end-July, while latewood tracheids from the end-June to the middle-September. The dynamics of biomass accumulation, expressed by increment in tracheids walls cross-section area, and the changes in photosynthesis and respiration in separate growth season periods in 1999 year and 2001 year are shown in Fig. 4.
Fig. 4 Seasonal dynamics of biomass accumulation in tracheid walls (Increment of S cell wall), of photosynthesis activity and total respiration in separate periods of 1999 (A) and 2001 (B) years
The dynamics of biomass accumulation in tracheid walls of the annual layers in Scots pine stem was bimodal with maxima in June and August of 1999 and 2001 years (Fig. 4) in spite of the differences in temperature and humidity conditions in July (Fig. 1). The bimodal biomass deposition was observed during annual wood formation in the stem of Larix sibirica Ldb. (Antonova and Stasova 1997) and it has also been noted by (Qaderi et al. 2019). This is the consequence in the temporary differences in cell wall growth processes during wood formation of conifers in the course of the vegetation (Antonova and Stasova 2015).
The average-monthly indices of photosynthesis for June, July and August in 2001 year were higher in 1.6, 1.5 and 1.1 than in 1999 year. In spite of increased photosynthesis in June of 2001 year S-increment composed only 0.89 from that in 1999 year that was resulted from suppressing growth processes because of very high temperature. In July, the cell wall area increment in annual rings of 2001 year was in 1.82 more than in the same month of 1999 year (8110 μm2 versus 4456 μm2). The increase in precipitation and, as the result, reduced temperature ensured higher level of synthetic processes during secondary walls development of early tracheids in 2001 year compared with July of 1999 year. In August the biomass deposition in 2001 year consisted of 0.75 from that in 1999 year because of significant precipitation (80.7 and 29.3, correspondingly).
The connection between the biomass increment and photosynthesis in 2001 was negative in June (R2=0.38, P<0.05) and in July (R2=0.86, P<0.001) but positive in August (R2=0.93, P<0.001). In August-September the connection was described more adequate by polynomial curve (R2=0.98, P< 0.05). This point to there is optimal level of photosynthesis, higher of which its products are used probably on other process. In 1999 year the connection of biomass increment with photosynthesis was positive in May-June (R2=0.89, P<0.05) and in August (R2=0.94, P<0.001) and negative in July (R2=0.12, P< 0.01).
Although obviously that synthetic processes in the cells depends on the substrates supplied from photosynthesis the relationships between biomass deposition and photosynthesis in different periods of the season are not always clear. This indicates it there is the competition for utilization of photoassimilates in growth processes with the changing in the ambient conditions. In addition, the biomass accumulation depends on a respiration and its constituting as energy components of cellular processes.
Biomass deposition and Respiration
The dynamics of the general respiration, calculated by the periods of the seasons (Fig. 4), shows specific connection of the growth processes in Scots pine stem.
The biomass accumulation in tracheid secondary walls was associated weakly positively with the respiration (R2=0.14, P<0.05) for whole season of 2001 year. The same was observed in June (R2=0.13, P<0.05), whereas in July the relation increased (R2=0.66, P<0.05). The latter might be because of the differences in the activities of physiological processes and their requirements to energy costs. Occurring in July secondary wall thickening of earlywood tracheids requires the energy to synthesize of secondary cell wall substances. On the other hand, earlywood tracheids have lesser cell wall thickness compared with latewood tracheids and the increase in respiration can be the result of another biochemical processes. In August-September, when secondary wall thickening of latewood tracheids occurred the dependence between biomass accumulation and respiration was positive (R2=0.40, P<0.05). Slightly reduction in the connection between seasonal course of stem growth, measured by the radial stem diameter, and GPP in Scots pine in the southern boreal zone in late summer compared with the early summer was recorded (Chan et al., 2018). Evidently, the energetic costs were determined not only by cell wall component synthesis within late tracheid walls but also by other processes in tree.
In the season of 1999 year, the relations between the biomass deposition and respiration were others because of the external factors, mainly of the moisture accessibility (Fig. 1A). The connection between the indices for whole season was straight positive with R2=0.25 (P<0.05), very high in May-June (R2=0.92, P<0.001), noticeably decreased in July (R2=0.38, P<0.05) and again amplified in August-September (R2=0.60, P<0.05). Especially the strong connection between cell wall substance deposition and respiration in May was probably due to favorable moisture and temperature that ensured all growth processes by photosynthesis products.
The comparison the data of 1999 and 2001 years showed that common respiration in June-1999 year consisted 0.94 from that in June of 2001 year, whereas the secondary cell wall area increment was in 1.12 times more than in that month of 2001 year. The productivity of photosynthesis in this month was in 1.6 times more in 2001 year than in 1999 year. In July of 2001 year the respiration was only in 1.08 higher than in 1999 year, whereas the biomass increment in 2001year was in 1.82 more than in 1999. The productivity of photosynthesis was in 1.46 more than in 1999 year. In August of 1999 year the increment of secondary cell wall area was in 1.3 times more than in that month of 2001 year although productivity of photosynthesis was lower (0.89 from photosynthesis in 2001 year) and the respiration was also lower (0.9 from the value of respiration in 2001 year). Significant increasing in cell wall biomass in August of 1999 year as compared with 2001 year means that the photosynthesis products were consumed mainly on this process. The decrease in biomass deposition in August of 2001 year was the result of low activity biochemical processes because of large amount of precipitation (Fig 1). It should expect that growth respiration and maintenance respiration must also change in dependence on variations of external factors in these months.
The data received show the biomass deposition in wood ring cells during the season depends on the fluctuations of photosynthesis (Ph) and respiration (R) relying on the changes in temperature and moisture availability. The changes in the ratio of Ph/R in dependence on temperature are shown in Fig. 5.
Fig. 5 Effect of temperature (average on the period) on the ratio of photosynthesis/respiration (Ph/R) in separate periods of 1999 (A) and 2001 (B) years
The high ratio Ph/R at rather low temperature shows considerable excess of photosynthetic products in comparison with respiration cost at the beginning of the seasonal growth processes (Fig. 5). The increase in the temperature caused the decrease in the ratio, i.e. the expenditure of assimilates for respiration exceeded their receipt from photosynthesis. In contrary, the decline in temperature increased an inflow of photoassimilates and relatively diminished their expenditure for growth processes, as this was at the beginning of June of 1999 year. As the result, the biomass accumulation in cell walls increased (Fig. 4A). In the season of 2001 year due to precipitation in July (see Fig. 1) the effect of temperature on the ratio Ph/R was not considerably pronounced as and during whole season excluding September (Fig. 5B).
The relationship between the biomass accumulation, the substrates for which supplied by photosynthesis, and the expenditure on respiration, as energetic cost of this process, can also be expressed by the ratio of CO2, absorbed during photosynthesis, and CO2, allocated in the course of respiration. The changes in the ratio of photosynthesis/respiration (Ph/R) and biomass increment in tracheid cell walls during the seasons of 1999 and 2001 years are shown in Fig. 6.
Fig. 6 The changes in the ratio of photosynthesis/respiration (Ph/R) and in the increment of tracheid cell wall area (S increment) during separate periods of 1999 (A) and 2001 (B) years
Average monthly (June, July, August) values of Ph/R were above in 2001, than in 1999 year and were equal 0.60, 0.51 and 0.46 respectively. The relation of biomass increment in 2001/1999 years in these months comprised accordingly 0.89, 1.82 and 0.75. This means that the accumulation of cell wall biomass doesn't always follow the ratio Ph/R (Fig. 6, B) and there are other processes in the tree influencing stem respiration and utilizing of photoassimilates.
The maximum biomass deposition occurred in August of both seasons, when major growth processes in the tree was completed, and the basic process requiring substrates in this time was the substance accumulation within secondary walls of late tracheids. Unexpectedly high ratio of Ph/R in July 1999 and rather high level in 2001 in the absence of significant consumption on biomass synthesis indicate that there are other physiological processes, utilizing of photoassimilates. The increasing in Ph/R was also at the beginning of September in 2001 year, when all basic growth processes in trees were completed.
The one of the process may be the synthesis/disintegration of starch in the phloem (rays and parenchyma cells) and xylem (cells of rays and resin duct). The starch, earlier accumulated in xylem ray cells due to the activation of photosynthesis with the beginning of growth season, disintegrated to the end-May – the onset-June. Starch granules in xylem cells can again be appeared in the middle-the end of August, when the main growth process in the trees was completed and photoassimilates can be used not only on secondary thickening of latewood tracheids but also on synthesis of starch as the reserve of substance.
The starch in the structural components of phloem is more mobile. The dynamics in starch content (in the cores) in the cells of the rays and axial parenchyma in phloem during the seasons of 1999 and 2001 years is shown in Fig. 7.
Fig. 7 Changes in starch content (cores) in the rays and axial parenchyma of phloem during separate periods of 1999 (A) and 2001 (B) years
The comparison of starch depletion in phloem rays in July of 1999 year (Fig. 7A) and unusual increase common respiration at the same time (Fig. 4A) showed that the last might be result of aerobic respiration during complete oxidation of the starch, deposited not only in the cells of the rays but and in axial parenchyma of phloem. The changes in the starch of phloem cells in 2001 year had another character (Fig. 7B) because of the weather conditions. The disappearance of starch granules occurred in axial parenchyma cells and the increase in ray cells to the beginning-July. Because of significant precipitation and the improvement in the conditions for photosynthesis in July, the size of starch granules and their quantity in the ray cells at first decreased, insignificantly increased subsequently, while in axial parenchyma cells gradually increased. This coincides with the decreasing in respiration at the beginning and then increasing in July (Fig. 4). The ratio Ph/R in August of 1999 year was only a little less than in 2001 year (0.043 and 0.046 correspondingly), whereas biomass, deposited in cell walls in August of 2001 year, composed 0.75 from the data in 1999 year. Average-month temperature in August in both seasons was practically equal (15◦ C), that was close to the optimal for visible photosynthesis of pine (Shcherbatyuk et al. 1990). However, the deposited biomass in this month of 2001 year was less than that in 1999 year. This can be resulted from elevated precipitation (almost in 2.5 times) because the biomass deposition within wall tracheids of both pine and larch decreases if the precipitation is bigger than their optimal amount for that (Antonova and Stasova 1993; 1997). Because of the decrease in biomass accumulation the excess of assimilates were deposited in the form of starch in both phloem cells (Fig. 7B) and in xylem rays. The variations in storage starch granules before the cambium reactivation and during cell differentiation/xylem formation and the increasing in starch toward the end-growth season were noted (Sauter and van Cleve 1994; Sudachkova et al. 2001; Begum et al. 2010, 2013).
Thus, the external factors control the balance between the incoming of photoassimilates and the energy cost. This influences in turn the mass accumulation in xylem cell walls of pine tree and the reserves of carbon in the form of starch as the source of the energy.