The following sections first discuss the structural, morphological, optical, and sensing properties. Lastly, growth mechanism using m-LLPS is discussed.
3.1 X-ray Diffraction results
Fig. 1 shows a representative XRD diffractogram of CP-S2 sample. The synthesized CuO exhibits growth in the monoclinic crystalline system. Complete oxidation of copper occurred, and no impurities were detected within the instrument’s detection limit. Further, no peaks corresponding to Cu2O were detected. The results were found to be in close agreement with JCPDS database (file 00-045-0937) [31, 32]. The crystallite size estimated from (111) peak was found to be ~ 10.9 nm using Scherrer’s formula.
3.2 Optical properties
The optical bandgap was estimated by studying the absorption characteristics from UV-VIS absorption spectroscopy of the sample as shown in Fig. 2(a) and thereafter plotting Tauc’s plot shown in Fig. 2(b). Tauc’s plot showed a direct band gap of 1.25 eV, which is in close agreement with the reported band gap of 1.3 eV [33, 34]. The micro-Raman spectrum shown in Fig. 2(c) shows peaks at 136, 255, and 429 cm-1 that represent various modes of CuO. PEG also contributes to vibrations at 253 cm-1 peak which in the present study appear as a broad band at 255 cm-1 [35]. Vibrations of oxygen atoms appear as Ag and Bg modes which can be seen as minute peaks. The 282 cm-1 vibration is attributed to Ag [36] and 301 cm-1 and 316 cm-1 are due to Bg modes. Similarly, the peak observed at 149 cm-1 is attributed to the Eg mode [35, 37]. FTIR investigations were used to identify the molecular species present over the surface [38]. Fig. 2(c) shows a representative FTIR spectrum of CP-E while the peak origins are tabulated in Table 2. The dominance of transmission dip at 3390 cm-1 indicates the presence of PEG or asymmetric O-H stretching vibration due to water molecules adsorbed on surface [3, 39]. Generally, all the metal-oxygen bonding vibrations occur below 1000 cm-1. Here, Cu-O vibrations were observed at 506 cm-1 indicating the formation of CuO [40] [41]. Bending type of CuO vibrations were observed at 598 cm-1 [39] and traces of CO2 were detected by the bend at 1124 cm-1 [3]. The origin of carbon dioxide is attributed to oxidation of PEG. The skeletal C-C vibrations were observed at 1089 cm-1 and can arise from the ethylene chain of PEG [32]. In view of Raman and FTIR analysis, the presence of PEG over the surface of copper oxide structures can be confirmed.
Table 2: Peak positions and their origin as observed by FTIR spectrum
Peak No.
Peak position (cm-1)
Cu-O bending vibrations
Skeletal C-C bonds attributed to PEG
PEG attributed traces of CO2
O-H stretching and PEG
3.3 FESEM and TEM analysis
In this section, the morphological growth of CuO structures is discussed. Fig. 3 shows the FESEM micrograph of CP-W, CP-E, CP-S1 and CP-S2. In Fig. 3(a), the agglomerated structures of 2-dimensional CP-W sheets can be seen. The feather-like tapered tips of the structures are below 20 nm. Thus, thin sheets of CuO have formed which extend in length to about more than 1 µm long yielding an aspect ratio of about 50. Therefore, these structures may exhibit nanoscale properties and at the same time alleviate any toxicity concerns as these are long enough to be filtered and hence contamination of the environment can be easily checked. Fig. 3(b) shows the FESEM micrograph of CP-E. Here, the sheets formed are thicker as compared to CP-W. This is possibly due to the dissolution of PEG in ethanol. PEG is a hydrophilic polymer and serves as surfactant too that helps in keeping the sheets from stacking. However, upon its dissolution in ethanol, the sheets have a probability of stacking together and thus are thicker as compared to CP-W. In case of CP-S1 and CP-S2, the FESEM micrographs are shown in Fig. 3 (c) and (d), respectively. The small and uniform growth in case of CP-S2 is clearly visible as compared to CP-S1. Fig. 3(e) shows the high magnification micrograph of CP-S2. The aspect ratio of such structures has been estimated to be about 3. Fig. 3(f) shows the EDS spectrum confirming the presence of Cu, O and C while the inset depicts the elemental mapping where all the elements are uniformly distrusted overall.
Fig. 4(a) shows the TEM micrograph of CP-S2. Interestingly, the TEM shows the presence of flat 2-dimensional flakes with some slender rod-like structures. Fig. 4(b) shows the selected area electron diffraction (SAED) pattern with faint concentric rings and few bright spots. The faint rings indicate the presence of a polycrystalline sample while bright spots show the presence of crystal planes present in abundance. The SAED pattern, however, has a unique feature of streaks emerging with the bright spots. Though the presence of streaks is interpreted as presence of dislocations or stacking faults in crystals, here these are interpreted to be due to the random pile-up of 2-dimensional CuO sheets on one another on TEM grid while sample preparation. For the electron beam of the TEM this random pile-up appears as stacking faults giving rise to streaks in the SAED pattern. For this reason, the presence of streaks is visible even in the faint concentric rings and is attributed to the sheets’ artefact.
Growth mechanism
The 2-dimensional CuO nanosheets have been grown via various methods in this work. The modified-liquid liquid phase separation (modified-LLPS) employed in this work gives a very easy route to grow materials in 2-dimensions whose native growth structure is not 2-dimensional like MoS2, WS2, etc. PEG is used as a common polymer in forming the two binary phases i.e. C&P and N&P binary phases. At the outset it is mentioned that the phase boundaries are influenced by temperature, concentration, etc. parameters [29, 30, 42, 43]. Hence, in all the experiments carried out, the precursor concentrations were fixed and experiments were carried out at room temperature (25 ± 3 °C). The reaction was completed in three fundamentally different ways. In the first method (CP-W and CP-E), the C&P solution was maintained in the single phase and dropwise addition of NaOH was carried out. This ensured reduction of the copper sulphate to CuO was carried out in a single-phase system from initial reaction time T1 to final reaction time T2. Here, the single to bi-phasic boundary was not crossed. In modified-LLPS method of set S1, the C&P binary system’s concentration was maintained in the ratio of 1:3. The phase diagrams of C&P system predicts the phase to be single and homogeneous [43, 44]. To check if the phase separation takes place in C&P system when PEG concentration is increased, a small reaction volume was taken in a vial and PEG was introduced at the base of the vial using a syringe. It could be seen that as the PEG concentration increased, a dense phase formed and is a complex of Cu(OH)2. Fig. 5(a) shows the phase separation in C&P system on addition of PEG in the vial. For CP-S1, the N&P binary system was gradually added to the single-phase C&P system. This ensures that the concentration of PEG gradually keeps on increasing until the phase separation results. Till this stage, the CuSO4 is continually reduced to CuO with the help of NaOH. This resulted in CP-S1 morphology where it was observed that thinner but agglomerated CuO sheet-like bundles have formed. These structures had more of a linear growth as the sheets seem to be aligned linearly. In this methodology, the PEG concentration was gradually increased and the system was made to cross the single to bi-phasic line reaction towards the end of the reaction time T2. Lastly, the C&P and N&P binary phases were made to react in a way where overall concentrations of the C&P and N&P remained almost constant. Here, the nature of sulphate and sodium ions plays the role of kosmotropes i.e. these ions promote stronger interaction with H-OH bonds of water. This in turn reduces 2the effect of hydrogen bonding of water itself. The concentrations of C&P and N&P were maintained so that the kosmotrope effect of Na+ and SO4- ions interacted stongly with H-OH bond of water. In this process, the H-OH bonds weaken allowing the PEG, which is a hydrophilic polymer attaches self to water molecules. This promotes quick and local formation of Cu(OH)2 that eventually converts to CuO in the presence of N&P system. This is why the flat sheets formed via the modified-LLPS method exhibit a uniform structure. This type of synthesis methodology ensured that the reaction progressed in the bi-phasic region right from initial time T1 to final time T2. Phase separation could be visibly seen as the black CuO remain suspended towards the top of the reaction mixture and is shown in Fig. 5(b). Therefore, the manner in which the binary phases are made to interact influence reaction pathway and in turn the final morphology. This is depicted in the schematic of Fig. 6. The process pathway for the methodologies adopted for the synthesis are depicted for CP-W, CP-E, CP-S1 and CP-S2, respectively showing how the reaction progresses from single to bi-phasic regions.
In basic chemical reduction, the black precipitate settles at the base of the reaction container, while in this case it is the lighter phase and stays suspended at the top. On the phase diagram, the reaction pathway stays in the bi-phasic region throughout. Finally, in case of CP-S2, the C&P and N&P binary phases are added dropwise. Thus, at all stages of the reaction, the PEG concentration proportionately increases. This results in an environment that remains bi-phasic throughout the reaction and the growth takes place in these small pockets. As the two phases remain separated, the dimensions of the sheets also remain uniform as confirmed by the TEM micrograph. Thus, the m-LLPS technique employed in this work is a very simple and novel way of obtaining 2-dimensional structures.
Electrochemical glucose detector
To check the application of CP-S2 (i.e. 2-dimensional sheets) towards glucose sensing, the material was coated on the glassy carbon electrode (GCE) as described under the experimental section. The working potential for the ampereometric study was selected by checking the CP-S2 and glucose interaction at different applied voltages of 0.40, 0.45, 0.50, and 0.55 V. The experiments revealed at 0.40 V, the sensor gives the linear potential-current signature. Hence, 0.40 V was selected as the set potential for ampereometric study. The ampereometric studies were carried out at 0.40 V and addition of requisite amount of glucose was carried out at fixed time intervals. Different concentrations of the glucose ranging from 0 to 10 mM were then tested. A monotonic rise in the reduction current is observed with respect to the increase in the glucose concentrations. Fig. 7(a) shows the current-potential relationship with the addition of glucose. With the first addition of glucose amounting to 0.05 mM, the sensor current shows a drastic change. Addition of further 0.05 mM of glucose is also detected distinctly by the sensor. As glucose concentration is increased, the current signal gradually shows a lesser response. The limit of detection and limit of quantitation (or quantification) have been estimated as 0.2 mM and 0.6 mM, respectively for glucose concentration less than 0.5 mM. However, the fabricated sensor showed linear response in the range to 1-10 mM. The LoD and LoQ walues in this range have been estimated as 4 mM and 13 mM. This possibly is due to reduction in the active available sites as the sheets could get agglomerated in aqueous media. As glucose gets oxidized, the current response gradually increases from a high negative to a low positive value. This is because when the glucose gets oxidizes, the CuO catalyst gets reduced and transfer of electrons to the sensor takes place. Fig. 7(b) shows the stability of the sensor when 2 µM glucose is added progressively. The response of the sensor can be considered as reasonably stable barring the 4th and the 5th additions. Thus, the 2- dimensional CuO sheets show a promising application in glucose detection.