The adaptive immune system and microbiota are required for the development of motor and sensory impairment in SNCA mice. To explore whether the development of motor impairment is dependent on the adaptive immunity in SNCA mice, we determined the hindlimb clasping reflex in SNCA mice deficient in the recombination-activating gene 1 (Rag1−/−), which are devoid of T- and B-cells [47]. The results show that SNCA mice display the onset of motor impairment between weeks 15 and 20 of age, and the severity increased progressively up to week 32 of age (Fig. 1A-B). Importantly, the deficiency of adaptive immunity abrogated the motor decline manifestation, as SNCA/Rag1−/− mice did not develop motor impairment at any age analysed (Fig. 1A-B, C-E). To address the question of whether T-lymphocytes, B-lymphocytes or both are required for the development of the motor decline in SNCA mice, we next evaluated the hindlimb clasping reflex in SNCA mice harbouring the deficiency of B-cells (SNCA/µMT). Interestingly, SNCA/µMT mice presented a hindlimb clasping reflex score similar to that obtained by SNCA mice (Fig. 1A-B, C-E), indicating that B-cell deficiency does not affect the development of motor impairment in SNCA mice.
Previous evidence has shown that motor impairment manifestation in SNCA mice is dependent on the microbiota [24]. To confirm this in our hands, we treated SNCA mice with a cocktail of broad-spectrum antibiotics (ABX), which was proven to eliminate most bacteria from faeces (Fig. S1). Our analysis show that, indeed, the lack of microbiota abolished the development of motor decline in SNCA mice (Fig. 1F).
Since sensory hypersensitivity is a common symptom in PD patients [1, 2], and pain perception might be regulated by microbiota and adaptive immunity [48] we wondered whether SNCA mice involved sensory disturbances. To this end, we determined the threshold of mechanical sensitivity using the Von Frey test [29]. Interestingly, we observed that SNCA mice presented a marked hypersensitivity as early as at 15 weeks of age (Fig. 2A), and it was extended until week 20 (Fig. 2B) and 32 of age (Fig. S2). Importantly, this mechanical hypersensitivity is not developed in SNCA/Rag1−/− mice but in SNCA/µMT mice (Fig. 2A-B and Fig. S2), indicating that T-cells, but not B-cells, are required for mechanical hypersensitivity manifestation in SNCA mice. To evaluate whether the sensory disturbance observed in SNCA mice was only associated with mechanical hypersensitivity, or it was also expanded to thermal sensitivity, we next determined the threshold for thermal stimuli of these mice using the Hargreaves test [49]. The results show that SNCA mice also develop a thermal hypersensitivity, which was already present at 15 weeks of age and extended up to week 20 of age (Fig. 2C-D). This thermal hypersensitivity was dependent on the adaptive immunity at 15 and 20 weeks of age (Fig. 2C-D). To address whether these sensory disturbances developed in SNCA mice were dependent or not in the microbiota, we compared thermal and mechanical sensitivity of mice treated or not with ABX. Interestingly, we observed that mechanical hypersensitivity was no affected, whilst thermal hypersensitivity was abrogated by ABX treatment (Fig. 2E-H), indicating that only the development of thermal sensory disturbance had a clear dependence on the microbiota in SNCA mice. To gain a deeper insight in this issue, we analysed the density of sensory intraepidermal fibres using a pan-neuronal marker (PGP 9.5) [50]. According to the nociceptive disturbances observed in SNCA mice (Fig. 2A-H), we observed a significant reduction in the density of intraepidermal fibres in these mice (Fig. 2I-J). Altogether, these results indicate that the development of motor impairment and thermal sensory disturbances in SNCA mice are dependent on both adaptive immunity and microbiota.
Both microbiota and adaptive immunity play important roles promoting neuroinflammation in SNCA mice. Previous studies using another strain of transgenic SNCA mice (line 61) have shown that microbiota [24] and adaptive immunity [51, 52] favour the development of neuroinflammation. To evaluate whether the mouse strain used in this study (SNCA mice, line 15) develops neuroinflammation with similar requirements, we next determined the extent of microgliosis and astrogliosis in the striatum of SNCA mice devoid of microbiota or adaptive immunity. For this purpose we determined the intensity and distribution of Iba1 and GFAP expression by immunofluorescence analysis along the striatal anteroposterior axis (Fig. 3A-C). Reactive microglia was defined as cells expressing high intensity of Iba1 (Iba1high) with ameboid shape (Fig. 3D). Compared with WT mice, SNCA mice displayed increased microgliosis, which was evidenced by an enhanced number of Iba1high cells per area (Fig. 3G and I, left panel) or higher percentage of Iba1high cells among the total Iba1+ cells (Fig. 3H and I, right panel). This microgliosis was not homogeneous across the striatal anteroposterior axis (Fig. 3G, H), but was especially evident at the level of section 3 (Fig. 3A, G, H). Interestingly, there was different extent of microgliosis in striatal zones associated with the ventricles and motor cortex (Fig. S3). Importantly, these differences in microgliosis observed between SNCA and WT mice were abrogated upon ABX treatment (Fig. 3G-I, S3). The microgliosis was also affected heterogeneously along the striatal anteroposterior axis by the lack of adaptive immunity (Fig. S4A-B). Importantly, this astrogliosis was abolished in the absence of adaptive immunity in particular areas af the striatum (section 4; Fig. S4C). Astrogliosis was quantified as the mean fluorescence intensity associated to GFAP immunostaining in GFAP+ cells (Fig. 3B). Similar to microgliosis, astrogliosis was not homogeneous along the striatal anteroposterior axis (Fig. 3E), but was especially evident at sections 5 and 6 (Fig. 3F). The differences in astrogliosis observed between WT and SNCA mice disappeared upon ABX treatment (Fig. 3E-F). Together, these results indicate that SNCA mice develop a significant neuroinflammatory process in the striatum, which is dependent on the microbiota and adaptive immunity.
Microbiota-primed lymphocytes rescue the disease manifestation in SNCA mice. Since neuroinflammation, motor decline, and sensory disturbances depend on both microbiota and lymphocytes, we next addressed the question of whether the dependence on microbiota was functionally connected with the dependence on adaptive immunity. To this end, we conducted adoptive transfer experiments in which ABX-treated recipient mice received lymphocytes obtained from donors treated or not with ABX (Fig. 4A), and the disease manifestation was determined. The results show that the transfer of splenocytes isolated from non-treated SNCA mice, containing microbiota-primed lymphocytes, into ABX-treated SNCA mice induced a motor decline, although it was not statistically significant (Fig. 4B). Interestingly, the transfer of microbiota-primed lymphocytes into ABX-treated SNCA mice did not affect the mechanical hypersensitiviy (Fig. 4C), but it significantly rescued thermal hypersensitivity (Fig. 4D). These results agree with the fact that only thermal, but not mechanical hypersensitivity, was dependent on the microbiota (Fig. 2E-H). To gain more robustness in these findings, we performed a complementary set of adoptive transfer experiments where SNCA/Rag1−/− recipient mice received the transfer of microbiota-primed (SNCAABX−) or non-primed (SNCAABX+) splenocytes and the disease manifestation was evaluated at 15 and 20 weeks of age (Fig. S5A). The results show that only microbiota-primed lymphocytes, but not non-primed lymphocytes were able to rescue the disease manifestation at the level of thermal hypersensitivity (Fig. S5D), although no clear effects were observed at the level of mechanical hypersensitivity and motor impairment (Fig. S5B-C). Taken together these results indicate that microbiota-primed lymphocytes are required to induce thermal hypersensitivity in this animal model.
SNCAmice develop a lymphocyte- and microbiota- dependent colonic inflammation. Since the above results indicate that the lymphocyte dependence and the microbiota dependence are connected in the pathophysiology of parkinsonism development in SNCA mice, we wondered how was the mechanism underlying. Several lines of evidence have proposed that PD begins in the gut, an organ of high interaction between lymphocytes and microbiota [8]. Thereby, we next evaluated whether SNCA mice involve gut inflammation. For this purpose, we determined the extent of colon shortening, a macroscopic parameter highly associated with colonic inflammation [53, 54]. The results show that, indeed, SNCA mice present a significant colon shortening at 20 weeks of age. Furthermore, this colon shortening was not observed in SNCA mice deficient on adaptive immunity (Fig. 5A-B) or depleted of microbiota (Fig. 5C-D). Thus, these findings indicate that SNCA mice involve the development of a colonic inflammation that is dependent on lymphocytes and the microbiota. Interestingly, the transfer of splenocytes isolated from non-treated SNCA mice, containing microbiota-primed lymphocytes, into ABX-treated SNCA mice did not rescue the colon shortening (Fig. 5E-F), suggesting that gut inflammation occurs prior to sensory disturbances (Fig. 4D). Gut inflammation in PD has been proposed to be triggered as a consequence of increased epithelial permeability [8]. Accordingly, we next quantified the degree of permeability of the intestinal barrier in SNCA mice by evaluating the luminal accessibility of the adherent junctions protein E-cadherin using confocal microscopy. Luminal accessibility of E-cadherin denotes a loss of intestinal polarity [55]. The results revealed a strong increased permeability of the intestinal barrier in SNCA mice compared to WT controls (Fig. S6). Previous evidence has suggested that the disruption of the integrity of the epithelial layer of the intestinal mucosa might trigger mucosal inflammation, accompanied by reactive oxygen species (ROS), and the consequent development of synuclein pathology [8, 48]. For these reasons, we next evaluated whether SNCA mice display pathogenic forms of the αSyn in the colonic mucosa. Indeed, we found high degree of both nitrated (NY-hαSyn; Fig. 6A, C) and phosphorylated (pSer129 hαSyn; Fig. 6B, D) forms of αSyn in 20 weeks old SNCA mice. Taken together, these results suggest that, due to an increased permeability of the gut barrier, the generation of pathogenic forms of αSyn is induced in the colonic mucosa of SNCA mice, which trigger gut inflammation.
SNCA mice develop a T-cell response specific to αSyn-derived antigens. Since the intestine has been proposed to play an important role in triggering the synuclein pathology [8], and a T-cell response to αSyn-derived antigens has been observed in PD patients [12], we hypothesised that colonic inflammation observed in SNCA mice would be mediated by T-cells specific to αSyn-derived antigens. To address this hypothesis, we conducted experiments in which DCs loaded with antigens derived from unmodified hαSyn or from pathogenic forms of hαSyn (containing the pSer129, or three nitro-tyrosines in the C-terminal; 3NY-hαSyn) [56–58], were co-cultured with T-cells obtained from the mesenteric lymph nodes (MLN; Fig. S7) or from the cervical lymph nodes (CLN; Fig. S8), which drain antigens coming from the colonic mucosa or from the CNS, respectively. In these experiments we determined the generation of IFN-γ-producing and IL-17-producing effector T-cells in response to hαSyn-derived antigens, and the ability of hαSyn-derived antigens to induce T-cell activation, as determined by the surface expression of CD69 (Fig. S9 and S10). We detected a clear effector T-cell response to pSer129-hαSyn in CLN of SNCA mice, characterised by Th1, Th17 and IL-17-producing CD8+ T-cells (Fig. 7), although we did not observe a significant T-cell response to 3NY-hαSyn or unmodified hαSyn in these lymph nodes (Fig. 7). Nevertheless, we observed a significant CD4+ and CD8+ T-cell activation in reponse to 3NY-hαSyn in CLN from those ABX-treated SNCA mice receiving the transfer of microbiota-primed splenocytes (Fig. S10C). Importantly, we detected a significant effector CD4+ (Th1 and Th17) and CD8+ (IL-17-producing) T-cell response to pSer129-hαSyn in the MLN of SNCA mice (Fig. 7). In addition, we detected the generation of effector CD8+ T-cells producing IFN-γ in response to unmodified and 3NY-hαSyn in the MLN (Fig. 7). Strikingly, we observed a strong and selective activation of CD4+ and CD8+ T-cells specific to 3NY-hαSyn but not to unmodified hαSyn in MLN in those ABX-treated recipient mice receiving microbiota-primed lymphocytes (Fig. S10D), indicating that the T-cell response generated to hαSyn-derived antigens in SNCA mice is dependent on the microbiota. Supporting this idea, T-cells from the MLN increased the secretion of IL-2, another parameter associated with T-cell activation, in response to hαSyn-derived antigens, an effect that was abrogated when mice were exposed to ABX (Fig. S11). A similar effect was observed with T-cells isolated from the CLN, although it was not statistically significant (Fig. S11). Moreover, we observed a significant increase in the production of IL-2 in colonic explants from SNCA mice compared with those obtained from WT mice, an effect abolished by the ABX treatment (Fig. S12). Altogether, these results indicate that SNCA mice develop an inflammatory T-cell response specific to hαSyn-derived antigens in the colon, which is dependent on the microbiota.
SNCA mice harbour a dysbiosis involving the selective reduction of beneficial bacteria. The above results indicate that microbiota is required to trigger a T-cell response, gut inflammation, sensory disturbances, neuroinflammation and motor decline in SNCA mice. Accordingly, we hypothesised that SNCA mice harbour a dysbiosis involving increased inflammatory bacteria, decreased anti-inflammatory bacteria, or both. To address this possibility, we compared the microbiome of SNCA mice and WT littermates obtained from faecal samples. Beta-diversity analysis revealed that SNCA mice display a significantly different bacterial composition compared to WT littermates (Fig. 8A). As controls for principal components analyses, we also used samples obtained from ABX-treated mice from both genotypes. As expected, ABX-treatment abrogated differences observed between genotypes (Fig. 8A). The analysis of microbial composition at the phylum level shows a significant and selective reduction of the representation of the Verrucomicrobiota in SNCA mice (Fig. 8B), with no differences in other phyla (Fig. S13B). Interestingly, at the level of genera, the analysis revealed a selective reduction of Faecalibaculum and Akkermansia, but not other genera (Fig. 8C). This was confirmed by linear discriminant analysis (LDA) score of effect size (Lefse) at different taxonomic levels (Fig. 8D), including order, family, genus and specie. Of note, species from Akkermansia spp., have been reported to exert anti-inflammatory and beneficial effects in PD [59]. Moreover, Faecalibaculum genus is considered a beneficial SCFA producer which reduces inflammation by stimulating the development of Tregs in the colon [60], thus promoting immune tolerance and maintaining intestinal homeostasis. Finally, we performed a differential abundance analysis using “edgeR” for data transformation on MetaCyc pathways and observed that SNCA mice are enriched in bacteria assotiated with metabolic pathways related to acetate (Fig. 8D). This is congruent with previous reports of bacterial SCFA producers unbalance along with the dysbiosis [24]. These analyses also revealed a reduction of bacterial populations related to the superpathway of L-tryptophan biosynthesis in SNCA mice (Fig. 8D), which is known by its anti-inflammatory and anti-nociceptive actions in experimental models of colitis or migraine [61–63]. Thereby, our results indicate that SNCA mice harbour a dysbiosis involving the reduction of bacterial populations with beneficial properties, which might be the trigger for gut barrier disruption, inflammation and synuclein pathology.