The net carbon transport between the meadow, the sand banks, and other ecosystems could not be considered in this research but has been extensively explored in literature. Akhand et al. (2021) found that mangroves can act as a net exporter of AT, CT, and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) to adjacent ecosystems when they share a continuous space with seagrasses and coral reefs. In this scenario, seagrass meadows behaved as a net source of carbon in the form of CT, dissolved OC and particulate OC, and the remineralization of allochthonous organic matter (OM) was an important source of CT, especially when freshwater runoff is available. Other studies have reported that seagrass meadows are particularly efficient at capturing exogenous organic matter which can enhance remineralization processes in both the canopy and the sediment (Bouillon et al., 2004, 2007; Chen et al., 2017). Those studies were carried out on continental coasts or big islands, where the amount of freshwater from inland is considerable, while San Andrés Island is a small insular system without permanent freshwater currents, so these conclusions cannot be directly extrapolated into this research. However, our results suggest a strong process of remineralization of OM in the meadow during rainfall maximum, which was not present in the dry season. Monitoring carried out in the mangrove area of Hooker Bay, less than 1 km from this study, have found historical salinity averages lower than the mean oceanic values with sporadic extremes in the range of estuarine waters, accompanied with the highest average total OC averages on the island (Ibarra et al., 2023), and low levels of water quality for a multivariate indicator composed by fecal coliforms, total suspended solids, BDO, ammonium, nitrate, and phosphorus (Abdul azis et al., 2018) during the rainy season. In contrast, Gavio et al. (2010) found nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations to be lower during this season, which was attributed to a greater dilution by runoff from land, the uptake of nutrients by other primary producers, and a shorter water residence time within the reef lagoon. Under these circumstances, accumulation of remineralizable carbon from mangroves in seagrass meadow is feasible. A scenario with a higher concentration of organic carbon (OC) coupled with a Gross Primary Productivity (GPP) partially limited by nutrients available for the seagrass bed would be consistent with a diminishing NPP in the meadow. A plausible mechanism for this flux between ecosystems is the carbon transport through Suspended Solids, which have been reported to reach concentrations up to 10x during the rainy season in relation with the dry season (Bernal Glen, 2024).
Photosynthesizing organisms can take up nitrogen in different oxidation states, while decomposition releases ammonium compounds Middelburg et al. (2020). Although this consideration introduces uncertainties in our calculations for the fraction of ΔAT corresponding to NPP, our results suggest that the contribution of Net Calcification (NC) on the carbonate system variation is low, considerably less than NPP contribution. Van Dam et al. (2021) have demonstrated that magnitude of calcification may mask or exceed photosynthetic carbon capture when calcification takes autochthonous material as substrate. We did not find this behavior during the study, although meadows at San Andrés Island have abundant epiphytic photosynthetic calcifiers, such as Hydrolithon farinosum and Pneophyllum fragile (Albis-Salas & Gavio, 2015). NC and NPP influence each other: the seagrass canopies provide structural complexity and shelter for a wide variety of calcifying organisms that modify the flows of matter and energy within the meadow (Heck et al., 2008). Estimated NC was higher in the seagrass than in the point devoid of seagrass during June 2022. This scenario is compatible with a higher presence of calcifiers in the seagrass meadow when compared to adjacent sand banks. The pHT values in the samples did not show significant differences between those points, but there are other mechanisms, different from direct influence on pH in the water column, capable of enhance the presence of calcifiers in the seagrass. Hurd (2015) explored the conditions provided by submerged canopies (both macroalgae and seagrass) and found the following protective elements against ocean acidification: 1. The own metabolism of seagrass or macroalgae could exert a modulation of ions such as OH−, NH4+, NO3−, Ca2+ or molecules such as NH3; 2. A boundary layer of variable thickness could be formed within and over the canopy can sustain a microcosm with chemical properties and concentration gradients different from the surrounding water. 3. Higher pH fluctuations between day and night could lead to metabolic adaptations of living organisms. Further studies need to be carried to know the extent and diversity of calcifiers in San Andrés Island meadows and the role of the seagrass on its shelter.
Values of 1.47 ± 0.80% for OC have been found in seagrass meadow sediments in San Andrés Island, and isotopic analysis of δ13C estimated that up to 47% of the OC deposited in the sediment originated in blooms of the macroalgae Halimeda tuna, with the remaining percentage being divided equally between the seagrass and the seston (Serrano et al., 2021). This supports the hypothesis that allochthonous carbon fluxes have significant effect over the carbon cycles in the meadow, although the contribution of mangrove forests was not evaluated. Halimeda sp. species are also calcifying algae, and high NPP have been reported for those species when grow in the coral reefs of the island (Serrano et al., 2021). Therefore, they could have a significant influence on the organic and inorganic carbon cycles in the Caribbean shallow waters, which is yet to be determined. The content of aboveground biomass and belowground biomass in this meadow was considerably lower than those reported for mature meadows in the island. Values reported for this meadow were 0.59 MgC/Ha aboveground and 0.52 MgC/Ha belowground (Bernal Glen, 2024). In contrast,Guerra-Vargas et al. (2020) have found average contents of up to 1.0 MgC/Ha aboveground and up to 5.3 MgC/Ha belowground. They also found that total seagrass biomass and Thalassia testudinum biomass, both aboveground and belowground, were consistently higher during the dry season. Those findings support our hypothesis that uptake of CT could be impaired during rainy season, which reflects on the growth rate of seagrass, the ability of the meadow for the accumulation of OC, and the higher remineralization rates at the peak of the rainy season.Vega Rojas (2020) found that Thalassia testudinum meadows growing in estuarine conditions (high turbidity in water and high OM concentration in the substrate) had lower rhizoidal biomass than their counterparts growing in "insular" conditions (high transparency, calcareous sediments), and leaf growth of the “insular” meadows was also higher during the dry season, although both data should be used with caution due to the differences between both locations.
Cultural eutrophication could also have an impact on the observed behavior.Jaax et al. (2024) estimated that a mean of 1,000 kg/day of nitrogen are injected into the sea and other 750 kg/day into the soil of San Andrés Island (with potential affectations over groundwater) only due to sewage discharge. Our own results did not detect high concentration of nutrients in most of the samples, so it is very probable that a rapid uptake by photosynthetic organisms is occurring, as was reported by Gavio et al. (2010). Increment in nutrient loads in coastal shallow waters can result in a shift in the ecosystem state towards the dominance of phytoplankton and macroalgae biomass in detriment of seagrasses(McGlathery et al., 2007) that could be irreversible beyond certain limit (Scheffer et al., 2001). The effects of eutrophication on OC storage in seagrasses have different manifestations. For example,Luo et al. (2024) reported that nitrogen loads are capable of impair the formation of refractory organic compounds in seagrass, andGillis et al. (2019) have found that effluent from shrimp farms can reduce root growth and fine roots biomass in other blue carbon ecosystems such as mangroves, where fine roots have higher carbon contents and are generally associated with higher amounts of accumulated sedimentary OM (Huxham et al., 2010). As a result, carbon fluxes could be reconducted from the seagrass meadow to more labile, remineralizable organic compounds characteristic of phytoplankton and fleshly algae (Basu & Mackey, 2018; Krause-Jensen et al., 2021). Both alternatives are compatible with a diminishing CT uptake and OC sequestration during the rainy season. Loss of calcification capacity in the meadow during the rainy season (compared with dry season) could be an early sign of loss of capacity to provide ecosystem services – shelter for calcifying organisms, in this case – in presence of eutrophication and low pH, as described by Zunino et al. (2019). Implicitly, we could hypothesize that control of eutrophication and improvement of sewage systems in San Andrés and other Caribbean islands could exert a protective effect over the seagrass and mitigate the loss of OC during the rainy season. This consideration should be afforded in blue carbon and ecological restoration programs.
Further studies are required to clarify whether other factors are contributing to this drop in NPP rates and OC accumulation during rainy season. Although we estimated the bulk inorganic fluxes, the relative contribution of gross primary production, respiration, calcification and carbonate dissolution still need to be evaluated for each one of the components of the meadow ecosystem: seagrass, phytoplankton and macroalgae. It is expected that differential response to climate variability, seasonality and nutrient fluxes can be found in each of these components. Additionally, fluxes between adjacent ecosystems – such as the mangrove forests and the coral reefs – still need to be quantified to assess the entire panorama of carbon exchange in the seagrass meadows of San Andrés Island.