Our results firstly reveal that the risk of drought is an important factor in oviposition site choice, shared by all four species; all species selectively laid eggs in pools where the risk of pool desiccation was lower. This is reflected in the patterns where all species avoided laying eggs in small-sized pools and in those that had experienced more frequent drought conditions. These results firmly demonstrate that avoiding desiccation is a universal selective pressure that shared by all studied species. The results also align well with accumulated evidence that many animals evolved to lay eggs in places with lower risk of desiccation in ephemeral environments (Rudolf and Rödel 2005; Goldberg et al. 2006; Kern et al. 2013; Baek et al. 2021). We additionally explored the alternative possibility that the observed smaller pool avoidance arose simply because smaller pools, which have a higher risk of desiccation, were less available than larger pools due to being dry for more days. To examine this possibility, we generated another pool-level dataset using a subset of the original data, but only including the dates when more than 95% of all pools contained water. We then conducted the same analyses for all four species. The results and trends generally aligned well with the main results for all four species (Fig. S2); pool size remained an important attribute of oviposition site selection. This suggests that the observed trends in the main results are not merely due to the availability of the pools, but rather to the females’ evaluation of future desiccation risk.
The results that B. orientalis laid more eggs in intermediate-sized pools corroborates a previous study, even though larger pools are less likely to experience drought (Baek et al. 2021). One potential reason is that the water temperature in large pools remains cooler even in summer, thus delaying the development time of juveniles (Álvarez and Nicieza 2002). Ephemeral streams are not a favourable environment juveniles of some species due to the high risk of desiccation, flooding, scarcity of food sources, and limited space for movement (Gould et al. 2022). Thus, faster development time is often preferred in ephemeral streams (Richter-Boix et al. 2011; Oh et al. 2021). In this context, the avoidance of larger pools can be adaptive because juvenile development is more rapid in smaller-sized pools where the water temperature can easily warm during the daytime (see Fig. S3 showing that large pools were cooler than small pools in our study site). However, it is still uncertain why the other species do not exhibit similar large-pool avoidance behaviours. The breeding seasons of R. uenoi and H. quelpaertensis are before summer, thus they may be adapted to lower temperatures. Also, D. japonicus lays a substantially larger number eggs at once than B. orientalis; thus, D. japonicus may require more space for their progeny, which could also lead to the absence of large-pool avoidance.
For the rest of the abiotic factors, we found that oviposition choice was either species-specific or not present at all. Firstly, the amount of leaf litter was correlated with oviposition choice in two species: H. quelpaertensis and B. orientalis. Leaf litter is one of the main food sources for tadpoles (McDiarmid and Altig 1999), so it is not surprising that these two species avoided pools with less leaf litter. The reason for the avoidance of pools with a large amount of leaf litter in B. orientalis may be that those with the highest level of leaf litter at our study site were almost filled with it, thus being highly turbid, leaving less space for tadpole movement and probably having a low amount of oxygen. In contrast, during the breeding season of H. quelpaertensis (early spring when new leaves had not yet proliferated), most of the leaf litter was the remnants of the previous year, so no pools were fully filled with leaf litter. This phenological difference may affect the differences between the two species. The reasons why the other two species, R. uenoi and D. japonicus, did not show any preference for leaf litter is puzzling. Ecological and behavioural differences may be a potential explanation; R. uenoi and D. japonicus lay substantially more eggs in a single pool than the other two species (several hundreds versus 10–100 eggs). Therefore, R. uenoi and D. japonicus may be better equipped to alleviate the costs of cannibalism and utilise alternative food sources (e.g., through cannibalism) compared to the other two species. This may explain the species-specific responses to the amount of leaf litter.
Both canopy coverage and the presence of stones were hardly correlated with oviposition choice, except for D. japonicus, which preferentially laid eggs in pools with open canopies. We had two competing predictions for canopy coverage, and D. japonicus females were more likely to lay eggs in pools that were at a higher risk of desiccation but warmer. As D. japonicus selectively lay eggs in larger-sized pools, this may alleviate the risk of desiccation. The lack of correlation between the amount of stone and oviposition preference suggests that the presence of potential refuges is not a strong driver of oviposition site selection. In our study sites, predation pressures from the predators that refuges could benefit (e.g., terrestrial predators) may not be strong.
In terms of biotic factors, the presence of conspecific eggs remained significant for all species except in B. orientalis but with contrasting trends; both R. uenoi and D. japonicus preferred to lay eggs in pools with conspecific eggs, while H. quelpaertensis avoided the pools with conspecific eggs. The response of H. quelpaertensis females corroborates the prediction that females would lay eggs where the risk of cannibalism is low (Spieler and Linsenmair 1997; Iwai et al. 2007). While ovipositing in pools where conspecific eggs are already present does not seem intuitive, it has been reported various insect and amphibian species (Hoffmann and Resh 2003; Rudolf and Rödel 2005; Raitanen et al. 2014). The Rana genus (including R. ueonoi) is a renowned group with explosive breeding and synchronised hatchings. A few days intervals in egg laying may not increase the degree of cannibalism in R. uenoi but could benefit juveniles through dilution effects (Petranka and Thomas 1995; Watt et al. 1997). D. japonicus also preferred to lay eggs in pools with conspecific eggs. Possibly, during the breeding seasons of R. uenoi and H. quelpaertensis, pools were mostly empty, leaving a variety of options for females on where to lay eggs after avoiding the filled ones. However, during the breeding seasons of B. orientalis and D. japonicus, a greater number of pools (that were probably preferred) were already filled on many days, thus the costs of choosing empty and likely less-preferred pools may not outweigh the benefits of choosing filled but more-preferred pools. Additionally, the preference to oviposit in pools that already occupied might have adaptive advantage in ephemeral pools because it can supply additional nutrient via cannibalism or decrease predatory risk through dilution effects (Hoffmann and Resh 2003; Doody et al. 2009; Buxton and Sperry 2017; Gould et al. 2021). This may also explain the preference of B. orientalis to oviposit in pools with heterospecific eggs. However, the cost of cannibalism should be greater when confronted with tadpoles, which in consequence resulted in no preference or avoidance of pools with only tadpoles present.
Unexpectedly, B. orientalis did not show any avoidance of pools with conspecific juveniles. This contrasts with a previous finding that showed conspecific avoidance (Baek et al. 2021). The discrepancy between Baek et al.’s study (2021) and ours may be due to the sampling interval; Baek et al. sampled twice per week, while we conducted the survey on a daily basis. Thus, it is possible that, in Baek et al.’s study, those that laid eggs in pools with others’ juveniles were quickly cannibalised, so that an intermittent survey would not reveal the true oviposition patterns. Indeed, in their own study, most of the newly spawned eggs were cannibalised under the presence of conspecific tadpoles within 24 hours. Considering that (i) egg cannibalism commonly occurs in this population (Baek et al. 2021; Oh et al. 2021), and (ii) there were always some available pools without conspecifics throughout the seasons, it is unclear why B. orientalis did not show any avoidance of conspecific juveniles.
While our initial prediction was the avoidance of both predators and mosquito larvae, our results show the opposing evidence; both B. orientalis and D. japonicus were more likely to lay eggs in pools with mosquito larvae, and D. japonicus even laid more eggs in pools with predators. One potential reason behind this observed pattern may be that the pool preference of predators and mosquitoes matches that of frogs. Indeed, desiccation risk has been reported to drive oviposition site selection in predatory species (Lambret et al. 2018). In our data, there were positive correlations between the number of days new eggs were found and the number of days predators were present for each pool (Fig. S3). The same correlations were found with mosquito larvae, some of which have also been demonstrated to prefer larger-sized pools (Saward-Arav et al. 2016) (Fig. S3). Therefore, there may be conflicting pressures in the wild; while avoiding organisms with any negative interactions may benefit individuals, the choice is not simple in reality because the competitors or predators can share similar preferences for certain abiotic conditions (Giao and Godoy 2007), such as those with a low risk of desiccation. The oviposition patterns in D. japonicus could be observed if their preference for abiotic factors overrides predator/competitor avoidance. This contrasts a previous finding that the risk of predators was prioritised over desiccation risk in the pantless treefrog which lay both aquatic and arboreal eggs (Touchon and Worley 2015). Whether D. japonicus and B. orientalis indeed show preference for, or an aversion to, pools with predators or mosquito larvae requires experimental work in manipulative environments. However, our results imply that such preference/avoidance may conflict with abiotic condition preference if predators or competitors share similar preferences.
Will the observed selective oviposition have fitness consequences? Although our data cannot confirm this due to the inability to track individuals, most of the eggs and juveniles were flushed out during occasional heavy rain before they become froglets. We observed only a few individuals that became froglets at our study site, but even it was unclear whether they had grown in the same pool or been flushed down from upstream. Therefore, we consider that the oviposition choice of females may have limited consequences only during the eggs and early juvenile stages before subsequent heavy rain events. Nevertheless, natural selection would favour an aversion to pools with a higher risk of desiccation, as this could lead to the complete death of the progeny at any time. After accounting for avoiding desiccation, the impact of other abiotic/biotic factors may become not straightforward because pools with a low risk of desiccation are fewer, making the choice multifaceted. This assumes that female amphibians prioritise the risk of desiccation over other factors when selecting an egg-laying site, which remains to be tested.
Ephemeral environments are complex systems with many biotic and abiotic factors interacting. In these circumstances, females may not decide where to lay eggs based on individual factors but rather use a holistic evaluation of the overall adequacy of the sites (Stahlschmidt and Adamo 2013; Gould et al. 2021). Although our study is observational and therefore does not reveal the causality of the relationship, the important insights that can be drawn from our study include (i) avoiding drought appears to be a universal driver shared by all species in the ephemeral streams, (ii) both abiotic and biotic factors correlate with the oviposition choice of females, showing species-specific patterns, and (iii) factors that apparently have negative consequences for juveniles, such as predators/competitors, are not always avoided. This could be because predators or competitors share similar pool preferences; thus, avoiding these organisms could lead to laying eggs in less profitable pools from other perspectives (Marsh and Borrell 2001; Gould et al. 2021). We consider that employing cost-benefit approaches, which account for the interplay of multiple factors, would advance our understanding of female oviposition behaviour in natural systems.