Enhancing crop yield has been the primary imperative of agronomists; however, it is increasingly recognised that this must be balanced against the harms caused to the environment and human health, particularly those associated with nitrogen (N) losses (Fowler et al., 2023). Recent years have seen a rapid expansion in the use of plastic film mulches (PFM) within agricultural production due to their ability to increase crop yields (Nachimuthu et al., 2017; Sun et al., 2020). These increases have been attributed to increased water and nutrient use efficiency, protection against soil erosion, the suppression of weeds and pests and thermal insulation of the soil (Gao et al., 2019; Kasirajan & Ngouajio, 2012a; Lamont, 2005). They can act as a barrier to rainfall infiltration and gas exchange at the soil surface and affect the system's energy balance by regulating radiation, convection, and evaporation, which can influence soil moisture, temperature, and gas exchange. These, in turn, may affect crop growth, soil biological processes and soil carbon (C) and N cycling in numerous ways (Fig. S1).
However, the legacy of plastic left in the soil at the end of the cropping season and its potential to generate nano- and micro-plastics has led to significant concerns about the sustainability of plastic mulch film use in agriculture (Salama & Geyer, 2023; Steinmetz et al., 2016). One potential solution to this has been the adoption of biodegradable mulch films, which rapidly biodegrade in the soil at the end of the growing season (Kasirajan & Ngouajio, 2012b). Recently, mesocosm-based experiments have suggested that biodegradable plastic mulch films may, however, negatively alter soil functioning and N dynamics, while others have shown minimal effect (Brown et al., 2023; Rauscher et al., 2023; Reay et al., 2023). The potential effect of residual micro-plastics is in contrast to the positive impact of using the films as a mulch in field experiments (Lee et al., 2021; Samphire et al., 2023). The relative importance of positive effects on N cycling and yield and the adverse effects of biodegradable PFM in long-term use are poorly explored. This has led to the call for more research to better understand how PFMs alter soil and plant functioning when used in the field, particularly with biodegradable mulch films (Qi et al., 2020; Salama & Geyer, 2023; Serrano-Ruiz et al., 2021)
Most previous studies have indicated that conventional LDPE-based PFMs can reduce NH3 emissions despite the increases in soil temperature and NH4+ concentration under the film (Chae et al., 2022; Fang et al., 2022; Li et al., 2022; Mo et al., 2020). This has been ascribed to the PFM reducing gas exchange, increasing the partial pressure of NH3 in the air under the mulch, preventing soil drying and tipping the equilibrium towards the retention of dissolved NH4+. In contrast, there is no consensus on the effect of PFM on N2O fluxes. Fang et al. (2022) found that PFM reduced N2O emissions, while Nan et al. (2016) found the opposite effect. Three meta-analyses in China have also reported different results: (i) PFM reduces N2O emissions under moderate N fertilisation rates but increases emissions at high N application rates (Mo et al., 2020); (ii) PFM use increases N2O emissions (Yu et al., 2021), but only in paddy fields or with non-biodegradable PFM; or (iii) PFM has no significant effect on N2O emissions (Wei et al., 2022). The differences in these analyses were probably due to the inclusion of different crops, management practices and climate regimes, but all involved major staple crops under continental conditions.
PFM often leads to increased microbial activity and, hence, respiration and breakdown of soil organic matter (SOM). This can lead to increased CO2 emissions (Li et al., 2022) and a net loss of soil C. However, increased crop growth and C returns (e.g., rhizodeposition and crop residues) can mitigate this (Wang et al., 2016). A meta-analysis found that although PFM increased CO2 emissions, it resulted in net C sequestration in dry upland areas (Mo et al., 2020). Several studies have also shown that PFM can increase CH4 emissions which has been attributed to higher soil water contents under the PFM (Cuello et al., 2015; Wang H. et al., 2021; Yu et al., 2021), although occasionally, the opposite trend is found (Nan et al., 2016). As the use of PFM usually results in increased crop yields, it is important, however, to yield-scale greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions (Islam Bhuiyan et al., 2021) For example, the higher GHG emissions under PFM management were shown to be lower than the unmulched control when crop yield was taken into account (Li et al., 2022; Zhang et al., 2022).
Most previous studies on the effects of biodegradable PFM on GHG emissions have focussed on major commodity crops, conventional farming using mineral fertilisers, and regions with drier or warmer climates. In contrast, there is very little information regarding their performance under organic management regimes, in vegetable crops, or in moist temperate climates, contexts which present particular challenges with yield-scaled environmental impacts from gaseous N emission (Hergoualc’h et al., 2021; Skinner et al., 2014; Tei et al., 2020). However, PFM may play a significant role in these conditions: it may speed up the breakdown of organic matter (Jin et al., 2018), reduce the impacts of high rainfall, such as leaching (Quemada & Gabriel, 2016) and waterlogging (Snyder et al., 2015), and increase nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) in vegetable crops, some of which are known to be poor in this respect (Samphire et al., 2023). While the effects of PFM on the soil microclimate, crop yield and N availability are relatively well studied, little is known about the effect of biodegradable PFMs on gaseous emissions, particularly with horticultural crops, in wetter climates, and the interaction with organic amendments.
To address this knowledge gap, we investigated the effect of biodegradable PFM on gaseous N fluxes in field-grown organic vegetables (N efficient cabbages vs. N inefficient leeks) under two contrasting organic fertiliser regimes (poultry manure vs. green waste compost). We hypothesised that (i) PFM would increase crop growth and yield due to more consistent soil moisture availability and higher soil temperature; (ii) PFM would result in higher NH4+ and NO3− concentrations due to greater rates of SOM turnover and reduced leaching; (iii) the increases in mineral N would result in higher gaseous losses of NH3 and N2O, but (iv) net GHG losses would be lower when expressed on a yield-scaled basis.