It has been suggested in paleoanthropology that there exists an internal correlation between head flexure and brain dilation [1, 2]. This would explain why the hominins skulls become less prognathous, as the brain expands. Numerical modelling predicts such an internal correlation [3]. Recent experiments of electrical stimulation also show that there exists a correlation between brain dilation and head flexure [3]. It has also been shown that there is a correlation between heart development and head flexure [7, 11]. In Ref. 11, it has been shown that if head flexure is hindered, the heart does not form properly. In Ref. 3 it was shown that if heart tone is decreased or increased, the head development either winds back or forth while it shrinks or dilates correlatively. However, there was no direct in vivo quantitative data supporting the existence of a dynamic internal correlation between head flexure and brain dilation during physiological vertebrate embryo development. We have presented here such dynamic data. It is found that there indeed exists a dynamic correlation between head flexure and brain dilation, after the closure of the neural tube. In Ref. 6 we have shown that brain dilation starts as soon as the neural tube is closed. This would suggest that brain dilation is primarily driven by the internal pressure in the closed neural tube (the ectoderm produces constantly a fluid which accumulates inside the tube as cephalic fluid; conversely, it is a common knowledge that the brain deflates when it is poked during dissection). However, the brain does not simply balloon out, it also flexes, firstly because a series of vesicles in contact tends to flex (Fig. 8). The component of the stress along the Antero-Posterior axis causes a progressive curvature of the head, as it dilates, because the vesicles push against each other while they fight the tension in the vesicle walls, and along the ventral and dorsal lines (Fig. 8). Secondly, there is an increased tension in the tissue which pulls the head and participates to flexure. This pull is associated to heart texture, for the orientation of the pull, and to heart contractile activity, for the magnitude of the effect. But heart activity correlates with brain dilation, since increased blood flow accelerates brain dilation by relieving tensile stress in the brain shell. This explains why there exists a correlation between brain dilation and head flexure. Both the texture and heart activity correlate dilation and flexure. It is classical in condensed material science that textured materials have original mechanical properties, here the property is an internal correlation between dilation and flexure.
However, we also find that there exists an anomaly in the allometric curve, which is related to eye ectoderm invagination. The tension forces in the surface of the brain shell are active, and they are stimulated by the event of eye invagination (and also ear and nose pits invagination). During eye formation, the eye ectoderm flips inwardly and invaginates, much like a buoy valve, which causes a pressure increase by conservation of volume. This may explain naturally the transient small excess of brain dilation (Fig. 5A, arrow), and the twitch in flexure. However, the contraction of the eye invagination triggers a transient contraction in the surrounding tissues, especially the brain shell (Videos 19, 20). A similar behavior was observed during nasal pit formation [6]. By the Laplace relation between surface tension, shell radius and pressure, an increased brain shell contraction amounts to an additional pressure which pushes on the eye outwardly. During eye invagination the behavior of the tissue is therefore complex, with antagonist effects (eye invagination causes an inwards movement, followed by an outwards movement by surface shell contraction and pressure increase) which result in an oscillatory spasm (Fig. 5C) correlated with the transient anomaly in the allometric curve. After this transient event, the data return to an allometric straight line. This movement extends previous knowledge of the effect of surface ectoderm on eye morphogenesis [19].
The electric stimulation of the nare presented above, shows that organogenesis is a latent excitable event, which can be triggered, and that it is indeed associated to a transient contractile twitch of the tissue. The exposure of the ear to osmotic shocks shows that the mechanism of invagination implies a tension of the ridge of the organ, which is antagonist to the tension in the surrounding tissue. The proper invagination of the eye ball, of the otic or nasal pits require a well-tuned fight between the line tension along the round edge of the organ, which attempts to invaginate, and the surface tension in the surrounding cranial surface which hinders invagination. A similar effect was evidenced in brain wound healing experiments in Ref. 3: when a hole is made in the brain, it closes spontaneously by formation of a contractile ring or cable along the edge of the wound. But when tension is increased in the surrounding tissue by electric stimulation, the wound instead opens more [3]. Here we have observed that increasing tension in the forming pit or decreasing tension in the surrounding brain, induce a stronger invagination.
It is also confirmed here that hemodynamics plays an important role in head dilation and flexure. This is particularly visible in the fact that the head is twisted ventrally towards the right side, which correlates with the chiral twist of the heart, and the presence of a bigger aorta along that side. We have shown above that the brain dilation and head twist correlate with percolation of the circulation. However, we have also shown that the pattern of blood vessels mirrors the early embryonic texture. Blood vessels play a role at two stages. During formation of the heart and around the moment of the establishment of the circulation, there is a direct pull by the aortas on the head primordia, which twists and flexes them. The aortas follow the initial boundaries of the cardiac crescent so that the pattern of vessels and force is deterministic. At later stages the blood vessels still mirror the texture of the embryo, as shown by in vivo detailed imaging (Fig. 3). The main vessels follow the valleys in between brain vesicles, and the brain vesicles are covered with a plexus of small capillaries. Flow conservation correlates the tension and shear force exerted along the blood vessels to the pressure in the capillary bed, which contributes to dilating the brain. This creates a torque effect: increase in blood flow causes simultaneous brain dilation by reduction of tensile stress, and also head flexure by increase of tensile stress in larger vessels, inside a general model of vesicle development. Why the tensile stress is reduced in the brain vesicle, while it is increased in the main vessels is related to the differentiation of muscle cells. Figure 3C shows that the capillaries contain much less if any α-actin, while differentiated blood vessels contain much more smooth muscle α-actin. Larger vessels are stronger than smaller ones, also by the presence of more smooth muscle cells. The tensile response of the main vessels to a step in pressure is therefore higher than that of capillaries.
In order to recover the correct distribution of vesicle sizes, we have invoked the reduction of tensile stress by a higher flow in the midbrain (a tensile stress equivalent to a 60% pressure is necessary to recover a realistic vesicle size), which acts as an equivalent increase in pressure working only in the midbrain. Indeed, one cannot obtain such an effect by increasing pressure inside the bulk of the neural tube, instead of the vesicle shell. Since the lumens of the vesicles communicate, by fluid incompressibility, all vesicles should dilate at a similar pace, if only the pressure inside the tube was increased, which is not observed. This shows that the general idea that the brain dilates under the bulk pressure in the cerebral liquid [20] is not completely correct. Something specific must occur inside the very surface of the midbrain, distinct from what occurs in the bulk, and driving dilation. We have shown here that the geometry of the heart position suffices to explain the specific dynamics of the midbrain, by creating a specific dilational effect in that segment of the brain shell.
The reduction of pressure inside the brain shell by Mannitol shows that a reduced tension makes the ear pit edge primordium collapse rapidly onto itself. This shows that the tensile force in the tube outer surface antagonizes ear pit movement. This suggests an explanation to the observation that, physiologically, the head flexes towards the side where ear formation is delayed: increased tension in the tissue causes a progressive contraction and shrinkage of the tissue which flexes and twists the head. But the increased tension tends also to stretch the dorsal surface where ear is forming, and hence, antagonizes the invagination of the ear pit. This delays the morphogenesis of the ear pit. This shows that the difference in time of formation of the left ear vs the right ear should be interpreted not as the ear to the left being ahead, but by the ear to the right being delayed with respect to the left, because of an asymmetric surface tension caused by the presence of the heart underneath. It is remarkable that this delay, which is quite conspicuous at early developmental stages, does not affect the final symmetry of the ears. As shown in Ref. 7, morphogenesis slows down spontaneously, and behaves as a scar. The slowing down of ear organogenesis, to the left, allows the ear to the right to catch it up.
This work confirms the existence of a developmental correlation between brain dilation and head flexure, but points to active actuation of tensions during development, both in tissues (surface shells vs rings) and blood vessels, which are not resolved in classical static stagings. As observed here, all morphogenetic events have an active mechanical component to them, which influences brain dilation and flexure. Especially, the formation of the sensory organs is a non-linear contraction, as confirmed by electric stimulation, which interferes with the otherwise monotonic expansion of the brain, and hemodynamics correlates dilation and flexure at long distance, with a discontinuity related to percolation of the flow, and the associated mechanotransduction.
In summary, there exists a radial and orthoradial texture of rays and wedges in the early blastodisc. This texture serves as cue for filaments or cables formation (contractile cells tend to recruit each other and condense, but along the pre-existing pattern). The pattern of rings and rays is projected onto collars and cables in the dilating neural tube, and ventrally onto forked blood vessels of the heart, which also form by ring contraction. The forked vessels pull directly on the head and flex it. The pattern of cell collars in the valleys constrains the development of the vesicles and causes an additional flexure in the brain. The rays and wedges are also at the origin of the sensory organs [7], of the mouth, and of such landmarks as the nasogenian grooves of the face [6]. There is a correspondence between the valleys in between brain vesicles and the organs seen on the head (including the mouth and jaws).
The neural tube is a dual object submitted to two different physics: the physics of brain shell expansion or contraction, which is a problem of (2D) shells ballooning under pressure, and a physics of (1D) belts or vessels which actively constrict and cause in-line forces.
While collars of cells induce an antagonism between dilation of a tube, and transverse line tension (the collars are around the tube), sensory organ formation corresponds also to an antagonism, but between tube dilation and longitudinal line tension (the rings of the otic pits, nasal pit, and ocular cup are not transverse to the tube axis but along the longitudinal surface of the tube). Hence there is a dual antagonist aspect opposing dilation and contraction, biaxially: longitudinally and transversally. One peculiar case is that of the closure of the neural tube in the anterior end of the neural tube (shutting down the notopore) which is also a matter of ring contraction, although the ring is not complete, and the ring is both transverse and longitudinal (Video 35 and Fig. 6 in Ref.7). Also, the ring around the notopore closes an open tube, so it does not have to fight intra cephalic fluid pressure.
The surface and line contraction duality is inherited from the very fact that cells divide by constriction of a ring of actin. Indeed, in a dividing single cell also, there is an antagonism between dilation of the surface of the cell vs contraction of the ring causing mitosis. The combination of these two physics, one of surface, one of line, is up-scaled in the process of hominization. The collective behavior of cells generates vesicles and rings quite similar to cells in contact. The upscaling of the cellular physics into brain vesicle development is apparent in the fact that the simulations presented in Figs. 8 and 9 could as well be interpreted, modulo a mere change in scale, as the roll up of an epithelium, under cell dilation and basal cortical constriction.
This work supports the idea that human origin is physically constrained ab initio by the texture of cell cleavage in the early embryo, and its mechanism of cleavage by actin-myosin rings. The fundamental competition between surface dilation and line tension is what canalizes evolution. The origin of humans is to be searched inside the embryos [1, 3]; this concept is known as Inside story.